sábado, noviembre 09, 2013

~ LA DIVISIÓN DE LAS AGUAS ~ por Karen Bishop - Oct 16, 2013

Traducción: Margarita López
Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Sé el Faro - 31-10-13

madre divina dos


Mi hija(o). Te pido que estés ahí en las próximas semanas y meses por tus semejantes ligeramente despiertos.

Aún están a medio dormir y han olvidado quiénes son y dónde están.
Apóyalos cuando te lo pidan o necesiten ayuda, obviamente. No te impongan en ellos, sino sé accesible con ellos.
Sé el faro mostrándoles el camino hacia el cielo seguro. Tómalos de la mano cuando lo pidan y muéstrales el camino de regreso a mí.
Tú ya lo sabes, mi hija(o). Pasa por tu corazón. Te amo.
Tu Madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Arcángel Haniel via Heart Song Meditation ~ Hay Luz Al Final Del Túnel. - 02-11-2013

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Hay realmente Luz en todos lados.

Mientras que en estos momentos las cosas pudieran parecerles turbias a ustedes, necesitan saber que eso pasará.
Las transiciones en medio de las que se encuentran no son siempre agradables.
Y aunque no sirva de mucho desearímos poder hacerlo más fácil para ustedes, pero la transformación de su cuerpo y su mente no pueden suceder sin cierta incomodidad.
Al igual que no pueden esperar realísticamente incrementar la fuerza de su cuerpo sin soportar una cierta incomodidad regularmente, así también las energías de la ascensión están fluyendo a través de su sistema y son incómodas ahora . Verdaderamente es sólo una parte del proceso.

Elohim Lumina – Dénse A Sí Mismos Espacio Para Crecer. – Julie Miller - 02-11-2013

hombre-orando dos
Está bien establecido que a fin de que cualquier método, o inclusive meta, tenga éxito es indispensable que estén involucrados plenamente, asegurando que cada paso sea un éxito — enfrentándose a cualquier reto directamente, sin desviarse del resultado que han imaginado. 

El mantener un enfoque absoluto presenta sus propios retos, y sin embargo, cuando emprenden una nueva meta y desean lograr un grandioso resultado, ustedes demuestran no sólo su sinceridad sino que sus acciones están en unísono con toda su mente y cuerpo, plenamente concentrados, y cada onza de esfuerzo se deriva de su corazón y de su Ser.
Cuando ustedes son capaces de avanzar a cada paso sin desviarse por causa de distracciones externas y mantienen su enfoque sin flaquear, entonces el resultado que ustedes desean ver manifestado es, no sólo probable sino que está sucediendo en realidad.

Mensaje de Dios – La Unidad es la Verdad. por Heart Song Meditation - Oct 29, 2013

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Restaurando su fe no es realmente construir algo nuevo. Es restaurando algo muy viejo. 

Antes de que nacieran ustedes ya Me conocían. Entre vida y vida ustedes siempre van Conmigo.
Nosotros siempre hemos estado juntos. Siempre hemos sido como Uno.
Por eso les sigo diciendo que Me recuerden, no que Me descubran, aunque esto les suena ciertamente de esa manera ahora.
La ascensión no es realmente un proceso de descubrimiento. Ustedes no están encontrando nada nuevo.
Están redescubriendo aquello que ya tienen. Se está restaurando su conocimiento. 


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Imgage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
MIS QUERIDOS MÍOS: MI último comunicado latest communication para ustedes a través de esta canal requiere una actualización.

Ustedes deberían saber que estoy muy preocupada del bienestar de todos ustedes. 
Mi labor y servicio para la humanidad es asegurarse de que no pierdan la senda correcta en medio del denso bosque de información.
Hay más que suficiente información difundida acerca del proceso actual de cambio y ascensión en su mundo.
Pero necesitan saber que muchos mensajes que les parecen verdaderos no lo son, son fabricados para desviarlos de su senda.
Muchos de estos mensajes se refieren al crecimiento y desarrollo espiritual.

MADAD - SaLuSa -…es conveniente tratar de escuchar en lugar de comparar…05-11-2013

…es conveniente tratar de escuchar en lugar de comparar…
  Les recordamos que no hay dos seres que estén teniendo exactamente el mismo proceso, es conveniente tratar de escuchar en lugar de comparar
Escuchen lo que sus sentimientos les están diciendo con el idioma del Amor y de la Luz, por lo que ustedes saben exactamente lo que tienen que hacer y lo que ocurrirá próximamente en el proceso de su transformación.
Tu corazón está recibiendo infinidad de información, por lo que está muy ocupado en estos días y es posible que sientan algo de presión en esa área de su cuerpo.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - LA LLEGADA DE LA NUEVA LUZ - 04-11-2013

ute la llegada de la nueva luz  dos

Mientras las nuevas energías de Luz están llegando, portando una mayor consciencia expandida de proporciones cósmicas, es importante, abrirse a su magnificencia.
Porque sin nosotros recibirlas y utilizarlas, ellas no pueden impulsar hacia adelante la evolución planetaria y nuestra propia ascensión.
Al recibirlas, ellas están intoxicando nuestro físico y nuestro cuerpo de luz.
De hecho, ellas son una poderosa sustancia de la más clara luz y energía, y Pureza prístina, la cual infunde la información de transformar nuestro cuerpo de base de carbono en una estructura cristalina.

La Madre Divina a través de Isabel Henn – Lo que eres - 01-11-13

madre divina dos

Eres amor, eres amor incondicional, nacido de mi esencia. 

Eres parte de mi creación, una parte de mí Ser. Eres un hermoso ser inmortal.
Tu alma puede que sea joven o vieja, pero es inmortal y algún día remergerá conmigo.
En algún momento en la infinidad del Ser, ambos completamente seremos energéticamente y físicamente Uno de nuevo. No estás separado de mí.
Toda separación es solo una ilusión. En realidad como parte de mí, estás conectada(o) por un hilo invisible inseparable de mí.
Disfruta tu vida terrestre, mi hija(o). Realiza tus experiencias, deja que tu luz y tu amor iluminen bellamente la Tierra y después, en toda la eternidad, regresa a mí, mi amada(o).
Tu madre Divina.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Se asombrarán cuando todo esto termine - 04-11-13

Arcángel Miguel: – ¿Hay otros contigo, Miguel?

- Si, Yeshua, Maria, todos los arcángeles, todos sus guías… todos estamos involucrados en todos estos mensajes.
Siempre lo hemos estado y continuaremos estándolo. Hemos usado mi nombre porque más personas responden a estos mensajes cuando pueden identificar una fuente que conocen.
Y con esto, continuaremos siendo Miguel en la mayoría de estos. Sepan, sin embargo, que hablaré por todos.
- Gracias.
Pasemos al tema de hoy. Hablaremos del nuevo campo energético en el cual se encuentran ustedes y cómo evolucionará a partir de aquí en el futuro cercano. Algo de ésta información se ha dado, pero la retomaremos aquí para aclarar.
Ahora han emergido de un día significativo en el cual hubo otro eclipse solar.

Jesús - El Amor está haciendo un llamado - John Smallman - 24-10-2013


La humanidad ha llegado al final del camino ilusorio que ha estado siguiendo al parecer sin rumbo durante millones de años, pero lo que te espera no es el abismo! 

Es como si llegaras a tu salida de la autopista / interestatal / autovía ( tantas palabras que indican la misma cosa, y sin embargo, cuando realmente necesitas palabras para describir los aspectos espirituales de la vida, tienen tan pocas!), has llegado hasta el final de la congestión y las obras viales y estás a punto de entrar en una nueva y magnífica super autopista escénica.
Existe una nueva y asombrosa ruta que lleva a las más hermosas vistas y paisajes que conoces, porque los que han ido antes que tú, han enviado ( canalizado ) mensajes que indican lo que se encuentra allá, encantándote por adelantado.

Sheldan Nidle - Todos los planetas y las estrellas son huecos. …prepararos para los comienzos de vuestra nueva - 05-11-2013

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Todos los planetas y las estrellas son huecos. …prepararos para los comienzos de vuestra nueva vida como Seres galácticos de éxito.

8 Cauac, 2 Xul, 10 Caban
¡Selamat Balik! Venimos ahora para explicar cierto número de eventos que están ocurriendo por todo vuestro globo.
Los oscuros siguen en retirada. Sus agentes secretos están preparados para rendirse cuando se les pida.
Nuestros diversos aliados están finalizando una serie de discusiones privadas con los diferentes líderes de nuestros aliados terrestres.
Esas charlas han establecido varias fechas finales para concluir con todos los acontecimientos pre-aterrizajes que van a ser anunciados por el nuevo gobierno.
Las conversaciones también establecen la fecha para el final del encubrimiento OVNI y cuándo podremos transmitir oficialmente nuestro calendario a la humanidad de la superficie.

viernes, noviembre 08, 2013

Waking Times – Daniel Chamovitz: Plants Exhibit the Same Senses as Humans and See, Touch, Smell, Hear and Even Taste - November 9, 2013

Flickr - photosynthesis - rajasghDaniel Chamovitz, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times,http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/11/08/plants-exhibit-senses-humans-see-touch-smell-hear-even-taste/
Have you ever wondered what the grass under your feet feels, what an apple tree smells, or a marigold sees? Plants stimulate our senses constantly, but most of us never consider them as sensory beings too. In fact senses are extremely important to plants. Whatever life throws at them, they remain rooted to the spot – they cannot migrate in search of food, escape a swarm of locusts or find shelter from a storm. To grow and survive in unpredictable conditions, plants need to sense their environment and react accordingly. Some people may not be comfortable describing what plants do as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. They certainly lack noses, eyes, ears, mouths and skin, but in what follows, I hope to convince you that the sensory world of plants is not so very different from our own.

The Light Collective: On Being Radiance - Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima) - November 8, 2013


We are the Light Collective.  Welcome to our world.  You are a part of it, already, whether or not you acknowledge this as fact.
Beloved ones, we “see” your light bodies emanating radiance across the face of the planet.  If you could but see yourselves as we do, you would wonder, too, at the brightness with which you glow.  And this radiance will increase in the coming days, weeks and months, as you fully integrate into your bodies the energies of the recent solar eclipse and other celestial events.   We tell you that the present energies support rapid growth of your consciousness moving towards full Unity consciousness.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Choice Is Crucial – 8 November 2013

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. We have quite an interesting series of things going on. We have Jupiter going retrograde for eight or nine months. We have Mercury going direct and then we have Neptune also going direct, all in a one week time period.
We also have more solar activity and more planetary activity and then on the inner planes, quite a bit of contemplation about Armageddon, to go there or not go there.
So my reminder to you is that it is about choice and when we have so many things sort of stirring the heavens if you will, and stirring the emotional bodies of humanity, then it is important really to continue to cleanse yourself.

Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – Leading Edge Makes A Quantum Leap – 8 November 2013

(Channeling given as Daily Message, the morning of the Hybrid Solar Eclipse, Nov. 3, 2013 as part of the the Soar Fest.)
Hello You Love-Beacons!
Yes — you! YOU shining one, you bright and shiny, centered and increasingly contained in your own energies. In your energies, being! Welcome to the New Harmonics! Welcome to a new experience of Earth. Welcome to a new experience of YOU. We are heralding this, because this is what’s happening now! You are being refined. You are being refined in ways that lift you up high and in which you are becoming increasingly self-sustained as you are energized from within. You are becoming self-sustaining. You are tapping into the awareness of your eternalness as your consciousness. With this state of being, you tap into your own perpetuality as experience. You tap into your own knowing of your eternal-ness and you begin to realize and orient to the Source of you, within you, the source of your being, that’s within you. You are getting right to it, going direct. And it is all becoming a very luminous experience of present, and it’s a beautiful sight to behold.

Wes Annac - Our Universal Family: Sharing and Spreading the Love of Spirit - Nov 8, 2013

A Fall Day Walk - Photo by PocahontasBrandy.
A Fall Day Walk – Photo by PocahontasBrandy.
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
The evolution of humanity has been on a full course to manifest for centuries of your time, but has been accelerated in the last century as more souls are led to understand things they would’ve previously been closed-off to.
We note the deepening spiritual searches many of you find yourselves embarking on, and we can only encourage your quests and remind you that we’re forever here with you and that it’s only the extent to which you convince yourselves we’re not that determines your experience of us.
If you can allow yourselves to believe and know, truly know, that we’re real and with you, walking by your side in every moment, then you’ll experience a strong and constantly replenished connection with us.

“The Event” ~ From Suzanne Spooner & Ron Head of Speaking with Self- Transcription - November 8, 2013

http://www.channelcast.tv/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ron-head.jpghttp://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Suzanne-Spooner.jpgFrom Suzanne & Ron: We want to share with you something that happened this week in our 9th session for our Speaking with Self website; a wonderful, detailed understanding of what is being called “The Event”. We don’t want to delay getting this video out, although there is some text that needs to be added (found below). If you enjoy the video and share it and we thoroughly hope you do; please add the text so others can understand better what was occurring in this session.  
Please read prior to viewing the YouTube clip: 
This recording was part of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session. The subject is Ron Head and is deep in hypnosis. The practitioner is Suzanne Spooner. 

Karen Doonan: Love and How to Dissolve the Definition of Love - Nov 7, 2013

For many upon planet earth the words “I love you” are words that have been defined.  I recently completed an interview where I was asked to “define” my work, my response always one of not being able to define. Definition is a tool of the old 3d earth paradigms.  For many of you at this time the chaos that now unfolds within your waking outer reality will begin to trigger you. You may find yourself at odds with those whom you share your personal life and your outer waking life in general. This blog is written to help you understand that love is not the same frequency as LOVE and anchoring the one that has a definition may see you struggle to move out of the patterns that you are seeking desperately to dissolve.

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Book – Part 4 – Life Within New Earth – Part 3 – The Sinking Of Lemuria – 8 November 2013

Third dimensional communication is logical, sequential and focused on time-based past, present and future. On the other hand, multidimensional communication is based on imagination, perceptual images and emotional/bodily feelings within the timeless NOW. Something is blocking my ability to imagine, perceive and/or feel next segment of the multidimensional story of Lemuria. Therefore, I will call upon Ra and Ra Mu, the King and Queen of Inner Earth Lemuria.
Dear Ra and Ra Mu,
I come to you NOW via my fifth dimensional, imagistic communication. I ask you to assist me with the next segment of Mytrian’s journey through your vast Lemurian world in Inner Earth. I had the deep honor of being taken for a brief visit to your world and remember the feeling of unconditional love and joy to which you all resonate.

MADAD - SaLuSa - 8. 11. 2013

Your Sun is sending you very intense energy patterns that are about to finish your basic transformational process into the beings of Light. Once you have absorbed these energies within, your bodies will be ready to receive and accept all that your consciousness will experience. Sun is the gateway to other dimensions of reality and that what you see as sun flares are powerful energy transfers from higher frequencies sent to your planet and to all of her inhabitants. You can feel this pure energy of the Sun when you stand quietly without movement on the sunshine, it is warm and loving touch of the Love that is sent to you and helps your bodies to change to the ones that are able to receive all the higher frequencies that are being sent at this moment. Do feel the response of your own body to this Light, and welcome these higher energies as all necessary patterns are included within them for your successful transformation.

Judith Dagley – Heads Up– YOUR Frequencies Are Manifesting “Reality” Right Under Your Nose! – 8 November 2013

judithHi, this is Judith. The celestial team is right on my heels (so to say, ha), but they want me to start this one off in my own words. Which are, that I can feel throughout my whole human being how intensely we are moving into the thick of transformation right NOW (I mean, those of us who  have chosen to, of course)…into becoming the radiant Selves we know we are but have kept locked away before NOW…into facing all the illusions of helpless victimhood, and the ego-defenses of protection that have kept us enslaved in them…into choosing to move BEYOND them, finally, and receiving unprecedented–and very intense support– from Pluto in doing so. THIS is what our current Scorpio solar eclipse is offering us.

Karen Doonan - Perception and the use of it from an inner perspective - November 7, 2013

It may seem a rather strange subject to blog about, after all if perception is personal then why try to influence perception? well the intention of this blog is not to influence anything, rather to highlight how the old 3d earth paradigms and teachings can persuade you that a situation is other than it is in TRUTH.  TRUTH JUST IS and this is something that you are asked to work with at deeper and deeper levels at all times.  For many of you the ranting, frustration and anxiety that is being displayed within your waking outer reality may try to persuade you that your life is anything but TRUTH and this in itself is a distortion.  Whilst TRUTH JUST IS it should be remembered that anything that is not TRUTH will not be supported.  I would highlight at this moment personal relationships and how they interact with the outer waking reality in which you exist and within which you are attempting to create.

Archangel Raphael – “Maestros of your Melodies” – October 18, 2013 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

AA Raphael
Good night, dear and beloved angels ! I am your brother who love you so much, I am Raphael. I would like to ask each of you who read my words this time: what do you like to do most ? What kind of music you like to hear ? What have you done to have some fun after your weekly tiring routine? Oh, dear ones, there are plenty of attractions that can soften tensions acquired during the routine of your troubled days .
One of the beautiful ways you have is the music ! What is your musical taste ? This, put now the music you most like to listen while reading my message, because I want that to be a cheerful message to your hearts. I wish you smile while reading my words, this is what I wish you for : JOY. We listen to music, we listen to delicious music and also like to invite you to join us, listening to the music of the Universe.


Nosotros somos la suma total de muchas vidas y múltiples existencias en muchas dimensiones y vidas en diferentes escalas evolucionarias….. en consecuencia, no somos verdaderamente lo que vivimos aquí en este planeta porque nos hemos sumido en un profundo sueño del olvido, y luego, con frecuencia, permanecemos dormidos en nuestro camino a lo largo de la vida y creemos las mentiras que somos programados a creer.

En ningún lado es esto más cierto que en las esferas del Amor. Profundo en nuestro interior hay una añoranza de encontrar a alguien que nos ame – simplemente como somos.
Se desarrollan fantasías con frecuencia alrededor del concepto de lo que la vida nos está reflejando de regreso a nosotros.

jueves, noviembre 07, 2013

Aisha North – I See Wonderful Things – 7 November 2013

AishaNorth“As my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold – everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment – an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by – I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, ‘Can you see anything?,’ it was all I could do to get out the words, ‘Yes, wonderful things.” Howard Carter, Valley of the Kings, November 1922
Dear friends! I feel a little bit like Howard Carter did when he first set eyes on the wonders of Tutankhamun’s tomb, for what is coming in with all of these intense energies, is nothing short of wonderful. For I have started to see this new world we are creating, and it is becoming more and more detailed, so I have been guided to share what I see with you, for I think there are others out there who also have something to share about this.

Kryon September 1 2013 Boston

miércoles, noviembre 06, 2013

Wes Annac – Breaking Tradition In A Spiritual Revolution – 6 November 2013

wes-annac-300x229In the new era we’re rapidly entering and building, I think humanity will benefit from letting ourselves break tradition and go against the curve.
Our current ways of running our planet and interacting with each other haven’t worked, and I think that an aspect of changing our deeply rooted ways will be going against the established norm and expressing our unique perspectives instead of hiding them away.
Humanity has been entering an era of spiritual revolution for centuries, and concepts that could be seen as “out there” right now may very well be accepted and understood by the general public in our future.

~ LLEGA UN NUEVO ESPACIO ~ por Karen Bishop

.Traducción: Margarita López

.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Brenda Hoffman – You’re Evolving Into Infant And Parent – 6 November 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s November 3, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You’re creating your own parent/child being so you are able to nurture yourself, as well as express childlike joy and love.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Let’s Remove Global Inner-Power Fear”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Please take a moment to process your feelings about living from your heart. Do you believe it is possible? Listen to your inner-being and it will give you the answer – yes or no.
If your response is yes, you merely need to voice your intent to live from your heart to yourself. If your answer is no, please read on.

Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Currency vs Money - Mike Maloney

Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 2 - Seven Stages Of Empire - Mike Maloney

Silver & Gold - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 3 - Dollar Crisis To Golden Opportunity

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4 - Mike Maloney

Amazing Iguana On Mars Photographed by Rover!

You have reached your target – you still have to acknowledge it now – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 06.11.2013

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans, this is I, Archangel Michael speaking. Again some other vivid week has passed by and much has happened in the meantime. All of last weekend’s energies have not been digested by you entirely and your bodies are still kept busy with integration of them having reached you and Gaia in previous days.
However, we do not want look back but forward since everything which is upon you when looking forward – it is so powerful, wonderful and it will change everything. There will be matters to be manifested in your reality which finally will become visible too.

John Smallman – Saul – You Can Only Be Happy If You Express Your True Nature – 6 November 2013

Ascension is the event to focus on, as it is a major part of your awakening process, and you are very close to it.  Yes, you keep hearing that from numerous channels, but it is true, and you are bringing it into being by your collective intent, so do not allow disappointment with the apparent but unreal delays to cloud your vision, instead strengthen your intent and desire for its arrival, and make it happen, as indeed you are doing.  If you could see and feel the Love we have for you your anxieties and doubts would just fall away, so do not forget to ask for a loving hug whenever you go within to listen to us, then relax into it, and you will feel it because you intend to.  So often skepticism and doubt block the sense, the feeling, the knowing awareness that you could be experiencing of our Love for you if you would only open your hearts to receive It and bathe in the soothing balm in which we have enfolded you.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For the Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 6 November 2013

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/141/d/9/new_earth_by_farout49-d3gujqn.png8 Cauac, 2 Xul, 10 Caban
Selamat Balik! We come now to explain a number of events that are happening across your globe. The dark remains in retreat. Its secret officers are ready to surrender when so called on. Our various liaisons are concluding a series of private discussions with the diverse leadership of our earthly allies. These talks have set up a number of recent dates for concluding all the pre-landing events that are to be announced by new governance. The talks also set the date for the end to the UFO cover up and when we can formally broadcast our schedule to surface humanity. We are most anxious to conclude all that needs to be done before we can meet you. Our mentors are ready to begin a special interaction with each of you but this first requires that we give a few talks about what this mentorship is all about. Moreover, we need to briefly outline your history and how you fell into limited consciousness. We are your family and dearly wish to begin a way to return you to your former state of consciousness. In addition, we have technologies that can help you in this transition to a full consciousness lifestyle.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 367 - Nov 6, 2013

As you all know well by now, the age of creativity has begun, and with it, a whole new set of tasks will be made available to you all. We know that this will sound daunting for many of you, but again we remind you that you have much previous knowledge in these areas. And as such, you will not err on the next step on your journey. For you have all been well trained dear ones, and remember, you have been hand picked to perform these tasks that now lie before you, and as such, we have perhaps more confidence in you than you yourselves have at the moment. And that is indeed easy to understand, as the forgetfulness that was drawn like a heavy blanket over you all as you descended down to this earthly abode a long time ago has not been easy to penetrate. But now, it is as if someone has taken hold of one of the corners and started to ease it slowly and gently off you, and so, you can all see how the light is coming in and hitting your very soul for the very first time in this incarnation. For now, the old forgetfulness will serve you no more, and you will be asked to rub your eyes, sit up, and start to take stock of the situation.

martes, noviembre 05, 2013

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: November 5, 2013

Blossom: Ok. Here we go again! Hello! Your last communication brought some mixed FEELINGS into my inbox. Some were delighted with all the information you brought through. Others furious that you said The Event will take place by the end of 2014. Boy, do I cop some stick sometimes on your behalf, yet compensated completely by Loving words from those that ‘Get it’. So, I wonder what you choose to speak about today. Under the circumstances I FEEL the ball is in your court.
Federation of Light: Greetings Blossom to you and each one who participates in our endeavours to assist the rise of ALL. We understand of the mixture of emotions derived from our words chosen, for each one is traveling their own path and each one therefore, shall react to that which we offer according to where their footsteps are placed along their journey. We come only to assist … This we repeat over and over. Even for those who would prefer to throw the towel in … we are assisting their growth … though they certainly do not see it this way.

Miracles and the NOW - Karen Doonan - November 5, 2013

Many are unable to accept the miracles that are attempting to birth through, around and within them at this time.  Miracles are that which seems “impossible” and I would guide you strongly to understand that NOTHING is impossible, you have merely been taught over and over again to believe that something is impossible.  This blog may  trigger many of you, for many of you may also fall to the teachings of illusion that seek to teach you that someone writing a blog such as this has it all figured out. I am in human form and as such have work to do as ALL have work to do, that work is to clear the debris of the old 3d earth paradigms as it comes up for release within me.

MADAD - SaLuSa - 5.11. 2013


Listen to what your feelings are telling you in the language of Love and Light and you will exactly know what you have to do, what will happen as next in the process of your transformation. Your heart is receiving myriads of information, so it is quite busy these days and you might feel pressure in this area of your body. If you ask yourself something, the answer is already there, sometimes sooner than you are able to finish your question, because your heart is connected to the wisdom of All That Is and all the answers you might need for your transformation and movement into the higher reality is available to you. You just need to be aware of the new flow of knowing into your beings that is corresponding with your very own process of Ascension. We remind you that no two beings are having the exact same process, so it is wise to rather listen than trying to compare and doubt if you have made all the necessary steps towards your upliftment. Therefore focus on your inner wisdom, and you will surely not miss anything that is important in your evolution. It is always assured and you are guided to experience all that will help you to always raise yourselves.

Magartha via Kathy Vick: The New Land - Nov 5, 2013

http://starchildglobal.com/Cosmicsea.jpgIt is with deep honor and respect that we gather with you as one now. We are a group of entities, if you wish, who gave this channel our name thirty three years ago. We are Magartha, and we are your family.
We come from perhaps not so much outside time, as creators of it, aware, of course, of worlds upon worlds, wheel upon wheel.
The morphogenic field which is your living body, living Merkahbah, is its own galaxy, as the channel has just been shown. Creator Gods, each. Creator Gods. Each.

Huge objects near the Sun - November 4, 2013

I AM the EMANATION-excerpt - Andre Ferrella (Artist of the Spirit)

“It’s time to see the magnificence of yourself…It’s time to see you like we do” - KRYON
  I AM the EMANATION Comments 1
I AM the EMANATION is a multidimensional experience occurring on quantum levels.

The beginning of the DVD shows a unique, three dimensional life sized translucent Spirit Box, which is entitled The Emanation. The video portion entitled I AM is projected into the Spirit Box. The combination of these two elements comprise the name I AM the EMANATION which provides an experience of beautiful, esoteric colors of light that emanate from the being within, enhancing our Spiritual connection to our Higher Selves and Universal Oneness.
This DVD is an open eyed, visual meditation that enhances one's ability to access personal Divinity. I suggest you relax, take a deep breath and repeat three times, I AM the EMANATION, I AM the EMANATION, I AM the EMANATION. As a suggestion you may augment this statement by saying I AM the EMANATION of Love, I AM the EMANATION of Compassion, I AM the EMANATION of Healing, etc. You may decide to have a silent experience by turning off the sound or play your favorite music along with the video experience.
Andre Ferrella brings to his art a life time of spiritual study and exploration of the world's sacred traditions and iconography. With his indisputable technical virtuosity, Ferrella is able to reveal higher orders of reality and the inter-connection of existence that has been described by ageless enlightened teachers and mystics. Ferrella communicates these ineffable spiritual experiences and phenomena, at the same time that he enables our own explorations and awakenings.
“Andre Ferrella has combined genius and magic in the creation of his Spirit Box artistic works. Living breathing presentations take form that can transport the viewer in new worlds of perception and being. This may be the closest experience yet offered of a contact of intelligence and light from other dimensions.” Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
You may be interested to be one of "The Keepers" of the actual 72" high x 26" wide x 3" deep Spirit Box, those who would be willing to share with their community assisting others in their healing, comfort and Divinity. Please send us a message at andreferrella.com with your intent on the contact page. We will then contact you to discuss this wonderful opportunity.
Lee Carroll channels Kryon about I AM the EMANATION

Karen Bishop - Updates


Activation: Awakening Codes..By Dwaine Hartman

Suzanne Lie – Checking IN – 5 November 2013

Hello dear readers,
Many other expressions of my SELF have been speaking through my Sue Lie self. However, recently I have been feeling a need to speak through the very human I just wrote about releasing. I will call these messages “Checking In” because the best way for me to check in with my SELF is to write and share. Also, I feel a need to share my experience because I know that many of you are having similar experiences and may want to share them in the comments section.
It is important that we “come out” as our true SELF, at least with the people who can take it. I have found that my inner SELF lets me know if someone is a person who can handle that information. I am so happy that I took the Arcturian’s advice long ago to start a website.  Because of that I can hear from people all over the world, as I am not hearing from people in my area.

THE NEW FLUID REALITY - Ute Posegga-Rudel - November 5, 2013

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013
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The new light and energy has indeed brought a new level of reality into our world. This is a new experience since we had the game-changing solar eclipse on November 3. While the influx continues it needs our growing awareness so that it can become more and more a tangible reality, ultimately for everybody.

The density and 3dimensional solidity is being gently pushed into the background, to still be used only in the moments when we need to manage our daily life that is still grounded in the old ways.

Are Extraterrestrial Races living with us on Earth ?

lunes, noviembre 04, 2013

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of November - Las Energías de Noviembre 2013 por Jennifer Hoffman 3 de Noviembre de 2013

November is a month whose energies lend themselves to tying up loose ends, cleaning out our emotional, mental and spiritual closets, and taking a long look at what we want to change in our lives.
That doesn’t mean we can’t start new things, but the energy may not be there to support new beginnings in an easy or graceful way right now, partly because of a pesky Mercury retrograde which is going to keep us on the path of clearing out our stuff all month. We’ll be making lots of changes this month but they may not be outwardly visible until December.
Remember that density (3D) is the last place that changes become visible, not the first. By the time they trickle down to 3D so we can ‘see’ them, they have been propagated everywhere else energetically.

Karen Doonan - TRUTH and the new human reality - November 4, 2013

For many of you the last 3 linear days or even longer may have been a time when you felt at a loss of who you were and what was happening. The 3d overlay in place being the full moon and solar eclipse.  The influx of the higher dimensional energies will have seen many of you release lifetimes of pain and trauma and this may have been in various ways, from the very physical being sick to the emotional response of tears/ anger. No matter how you chose at a human conscious waking mind level to let go the letting go may have been intense. The reason for this release is to help you move fully into the new higher dimensional timeline of TRUTH. Unlike the timelines in which you have lived for aeons the NEW EARTH timeline is ONE timeline that exists in multiple dimensions.

Christine Meleriessee – Lord Adama Discourses: A New Portal of Light - Nov 4, 2013

Greetings! It is I Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.  Thank you so much for being here with us this evening.
The energies this week are preparing us for this Portal of Light which represents every individual upon the planet to step into a new part of their essence. It is an opportunity and the most essential part is that whatever element you are dealing with presently must be purged in order to have a much better experience of going through the portal as it will intensify energies within you that don’t align with the frequency of your higher self that has been deemed appropriate for you.

Owen K. Waters: The Dawn of Self-Empowerment - Nov 4, 2013

 Owen K Waters
In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.
One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects.

The guidance of your heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 04, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Surrender to the guidance of your heart, my child. It knows the way exactly and will not lead you astray. Your heart is the seat of your soul – likewise it surrounds your body – and your higher self will take his place of residence there before your ascension. That’s why we tell you all and again, go into your heart, listen to your heart and let your heart guide you. As long as you let youself be led by your ego, you can run into the void, but never with your heart. You know, there is a great knowledge and great wisdom available. The key is your heart, my child. Entrust yourself to it. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 4 November 2013

AishaNorthAs you have perhaps already ascertained, the aftermath of these sojourns into that collective field of energy will at times be rather burdensome as you may feel less than enthusiastic whenever this connection is severed. For as you sit down to connect to this grid in such a huge effort as was carried out yesterday, you all get a huge boost from the energies that accompanies this simultaneous journey into this vast field of energetic particles. And so, whenever you have become so deeply embedded within this grid that so many of you did during that collective event, it might become slightly difficult whenever you come out of this again.

AA Michael - You will amaze yourselves when this is all over. – Ron Head - November 4, 2013

Are there others with you, Michael?
Yes, Yeshua, Mary, all the Archangels, all of your guides… we are all involved in all of these messages.  We always have been and we will continue to be.  We have used my name because more people respond to the messages when they can identify a source that they know.  And so, we will remain Michael for most of these.  Know however that I speak for all.
Thank you.
Let us move on to today’s topic.  We will speak to the new energetic field in which you find yourselves and how it will evolve from here in the near future.  Some of this information has been given, but we will restate it here to clarify.

New Light Waves ~ The Silence and Pure Light for Pure Conduits