jueves, junio 20, 2024
The Arcturian Enigma: A Deep Dive into Their Advanced Consciousness Technology

domingo, mayo 05, 2024
The Extraterrestrial Link: India's Ancient Technologies

sábado, enero 20, 2024
jueves, enero 04, 2024
miércoles, diciembre 20, 2023
Galactic Federation Promise: A World Transformed by Advanced Technologies and Global Financial Reset

viernes, diciembre 15, 2023
sábado, noviembre 11, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Pleiadians' Gift: Enhancing Humanity's Evolution through DNA Upgrade and New Technologies! - Nov 11, 2023
The Pleiadians' Gift: Enhancing Humanity's Evolution through DNA Upgrade and New Technologies!
According to the Pleiadians, once human DNA has been upgraded to twelve helical strands, it will give us the opportunity for a far better understanding of who we really are as spiritual beings having a human experience.
With this DNA upgrade, our deep inner truth and soul essence will become clearer to us. We will gain profound insights into our true cosmic origins, soul mission, and purpose for being here.

martes, octubre 31, 2023
Aurora Ray - New Earth's Promise: Global Financial Reset and Advanced Technologies On the Horizon! - Oct 31, 2023
New Earth's Promise: Global Financial Reset and Advanced Technologies On the Horizon!
Global Financial Reset:
Get ready for a big change in how we handle money and resources!
A brand new financial system is on the way to our new Golden age, and it's all about making things fair, honest, and doing what's right.
This change is all about ensuring that everyone in the world gets a fair piece of the economic pie. So, get excited because a better financial system is just around the corner!

martes, octubre 24, 2023
Aurora Ray - Revolutionary Galactic Federation Technologies Transform Humanity! - Oct 24, 2023
Revolutionary Galactic Federation Technologies Transform Humanity!
The Galactic Federation is an interstellar federation of thousands of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations across the galaxy. Their mission is to serve as galactic guardians, bringing love, light, and peace.
Members of the Galactic Federation hail from star systems like the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, and Arcturus. They are benevolent beings of light committed to assisting humanity and protecting planet Earth during its ascension process.

lunes, octubre 02, 2023
Aurora Ray - A Quantum Leap Awaits: Galactic Technologies to Transform Earth - Oct 2, 2023
A Quantum Leap Awaits: Galactic Technologies to Transform Earth
It's the biggest news for humanity—a cosmic revelation that echoes across the vastness of space!
The Galactic Federation, once bound by telepathy alone, has chosen a new path. They will transmit their messages directly to our earthly communication devices.
A moment of awe awaits us, where life on Earth will undergo a transformation of unimaginable proportions!

sábado, julio 08, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Amazing Life of Atlanteans and Their Incredible Technologies! - July 8, 2023

The Atlanteans were highly technologically advanced beings and civilizations who inhabited an area stretching from Gibraltar to Iceland and were on par with early twentieth-century America.
The Atlanteans, being a civilization that existed thousands of years ago, have left behind some wonderful records.
According to Plato's account, Atlantis civilization existed approximately 9,000 years before his time (which would place it around 11,000 years ago, according to our current calendar).

sábado, junio 17, 2023
Aurora Ray - Exploring the Mystical World of the Arcturians: Unraveling the Secrets of Their Advanced Consciousness Technology - June 18, 2023

The universe is full of mysteries, and the Arcturians are one of them.
These extraterrestrial beings are believed to possess advanced consciousness technology that can help humans overcome their limitations and reach their full potential.
In this post, we will explore the mystical world of the Arcturians, their philosophy, their technology, and their impact on humanity.
Who are the Arcturians?
The Arcturians are a race of beings that reside in the fifth-dimensional and higher realms. They are believed to be one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, with a deep understanding of the universe and its mysteries.

sábado, abril 15, 2023
Aurora Ray - GF Transmission: Age Reversing Machine - Apr 15, 2023

Dear Beloved ones,
Greetings. We are the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation is a community of millions of civilizations from different galaxies that live in higher dimensions. The main purpose of this federation is to bring all humankind into the fifth dimension to live a happy and joyous life.
After centuries of living in a separated society, we have understood that there is only one way for all humankind to coexist in a happy and joyful place. We have decided to take the decision of communicating with each other in order to transform our ways and start living together in harmony despite our differences.

sábado, abril 08, 2023
miércoles, marzo 08, 2023
Aurora Ray - 5D Technologies Are Coming - Mar 8, 2023

Dear sisters and brothers of planet Earth,
We are here to thank you for your step into the manifestation of your wish for freedom from the control through mind programming by the negative forces.
We are here to guide you to ascension in the fifth dimension, because you are ready to co-create with us a new reality. After many incarnations on earth, you have manifested the capacity to see beyond illusion and see the bigger picture behind what has been made to appear real.

martes, septiembre 13, 2022
Aurora Ray - Q&A : The Galactic federation's Technologies - Part 2 - Sep 13, 2022

Dear ones,
In my last post, I answered a few questions about the Galactic Federation's technologies. Today I want to answer some of the questions I glossed over there, both because they're interesting in themselves and because I think they illustrate something about how the technology race between our civilization and the Galactic Federation plays out.

lunes, agosto 01, 2022
Aurora Ray - GF Transmission: Age Reversing Machine - Aug 1, 2022

Dear Beloved ones,
Greetings. We are the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation is a community of millions of civilizations from different galaxies that live in higher dimensions. The main purpose of this federation is to bring all humankind into the fifth dimension to live a happy and joyous life.
After centuries of living in a separated society, we have understood that there is only one way for all humankind to coexist in a happy and joyful place. We have decided to take the decision of communicating with each other in order to transform our ways and start living together in harmony despite our differences.

jueves, julio 21, 2022
Aurora Ray - MED BEDS: The Galactic Federation Invites You - July 21, 2022

We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are the wisdom behind the med beds that are already treating humans on your planet Earth during this fortunate time of transition. There will come a time when these med beds are available to the masses.
Many of you have been going through the ascension process for quite some time. Individual ascension moments or moments of bliss as you may perceive them come together to become the totality. Each instant in which you choose the light has a profound effect on your body, human awareness, and Gaia.

martes, julio 05, 2022
Aurora Ray - 5D Technologies Are Coming - July 5, 2022

Dear sisters and brothers of planet Earth,
We are here to thank you for your step into the manifestation of your wish for freedom from the control through mind programming by the negative forces.
We are here to guide you to ascension in the fifth dimension, because you are ready to co-create with us a new reality. After many incarnations on earth, you have manifested the capacity to see beyond illusion and see the bigger picture behind what has been made to appear real.

viernes, julio 01, 2022
Aurora Ray - Organ Regenerator -The Bio-Organic Machine - July 1, 2022

Dear sisters and brothers of planet earth, we have some fantastic news for you!
We are ready with our spaceships. We are excited about landing on your planet! We cannot predict a date but we want you to know that we are positioned and ready for it.
We are prepared to share our technologies that will help you evolve. Our first mission is to improve human health on earth with advanced technologies. Our goal is to make you healthier and happier.