sábado, marzo 22, 2025
lunes, mayo 27, 2024
viernes, enero 19, 2024
Alcyon Pleiades 166: UFOs Ancient paintings UFO cases politicians-celebrities, Portals Dangers of AI

In this new episode of Stargates and Time Travellers, we will analyse sightings of UFOs in antiquity, which were known as flying shields, chariots of the gods, lights and flying rays. In fact, numerous painters of the Italian Renaissance included them in their artworks, as if they were a perfectly normal occurrence, thereby attesting to the existence of beings from the stars, or cosmonauts, who have visited us since ancient times… and continue to do so, in the present day.
Enoch’s mysterious teleportation experience is recounted in the Bible and worthy of note, including his contact with two celestial beings of great height, whose faces shone like the sun, just like their voices and magnificent clothes and, according to the description therein, they sat in seats made of crystal.
On a related topic, what can be said about the stories of flying carpets, which King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had in their possession? What about the flying shield that accompanied Alexander the Great during his campaigns? A plethora of incidents have been recorded in Japan, Europe and the United States, in addition to well-known cases of politicians, ministers, presidents, princes, and famous singers and actors who acknowledge having had contact with beings from the stars. The same is true of other proven experiences that happen in the present day.
We will explore teleportation cases and discuss how portals are not only used by beings of Light, which is why we have to remain alert and watch out for the forces of darkness, represented by controversial Artificial Intelligence. What are its origins? What dangers are involved? Why do we need to be aware of our Sun’s ever-increasing activity?
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 166: Ovnis, Pinturas Antiguas, Casos OVNI Políticos-Famosos, Portales, Peligros IA

Incluso ha quedado narrado en la Biblia sobre la enigmática teletransportación de Enoc, y su contacto con los seres celestiales de gran estatura y con unos rostros que brillaban como el Sol, junto a sus voces y ropas magníficas que se sentaban en asientos de cristal.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

miércoles, julio 19, 2023
Alcyon Pleiades 157: Greece, Inner Earth, Olympus, Hybrids-robots, Medicine, Music, Hermes, Athena
Ancient Greece, as part of Atlantis, achieved a plethora of advances on a human, technological and spiritual level that we find inconceivable today. The vast and wonderful history of the ancient Greek culture is not founded upon mere mythology or fairy-tales, rather, it is rooted in the life and feats of gods, demigods and heroes, whose origins are extremely ancient. These deities came into contact with human beings in order to teach them and to help foster their development, since the earliest of ages.
Many renowned historians, thinkers and philosophers – such as Homer, Hesiod, Plato, Aristotle and Socrates – have discussed the grandeur of this civilisation, and the events they describe are real. Therein lie the foundations of our Western culture, a great legacy that continues to form part of our present-day reality.
Within this context, a variety of myths and ancient stories refer to various realms and mysterious places that interconnect with the Hollow Earth. Olympus, the Garden of the Hesperides and the World of Hades are among these magical locations that continue to exist to this very day, in the vast subterranean kingdom of Agharti and elsewhere.
The teachings left to us by gods like Hermes are associated with the Inner Earth and, in turn, related to symbols like his caduceus and the field of Medicine itself. Also worthy of note are lessons imparted by the Goddess of Wisdom Athena, who always strived to help women.
Greek temples, theatre and medicine are part of our inheritance, and the same is true of the Elysian festivals – which celebrated mysteries linked to the Inner Earth. Sporting competitions and processions, like the Panathenaea, are significant, as is the legacy of Hermes Trismegistus and countless myths that teach us about the struggle between good and evil, and how the gods have always supported humankind; now, it is time for us to take part in the fight.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 157: Grecia-Tierra Interna, Olimpo, Híbridos-robots, Medicina-Música, Hermes, Atenea
La Antigua Grecia, como parte de la Atlántida, fue poseedora de unos avances para nosotros inimaginables, tanto a nivel humano, tecnológico y espiritual. La extensa y maravillosa historia de la milenaria cultura griega no está basada en una mitología o fábula, sino se encuentra cimentada en la vida y hazañas de los dioses, semidioses y héroes, que tienen unos orígenes muy antiguos. Divinidades que han estado en contacto con los seres humanos para enseñarles y ayudarles en su desarrollo desde edades muy antiguas.
Los hechos narrados por muchos historiadores, pensadores y filósofos muy reconocidos, como Homero, Hesíodo, Platón, Aristóteles, Sócrates, que han hablado sobre la grandeza de este pueblo, son reales y son la base de nuestra cultura occidental, un gran legado que forma parte de nuestra actualidad.
Tanto en los mitos y narraciones antiguos se hace referencia a diversos reinos y lugares misteriosos que conectan con la Tierra Hueca, lugares como el Olimpo, el Jardín de las Hespérides o el mundo de Hades son parte de esos lugares mágicos que existen hasta ahora en el extenso reino subterráneo del Agharti y otros lugares.
Las enseñanzas que dejaron dioses como Hermes, en relación con el mundo del interior, su caduceo y la medicina, la diosa de la Sabiduría Atenea, que siempre quiso ayudar a las mujeres, los templos, el teatro, la medicina, las festividades Eleusianas, donde se celebraban los misterios relacionados con los mundos del interior de la Tierra… los juegos deportivos, procesiones como las Panateneas, el legado de Hermes Trismegisto, y un sinfín de mitos que nos enseñan la lucha del bien contra el mal y cómo los dioses siempre han estado apoyando a la humanidad y ahora nos toca a nosotros lugar.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

lunes, julio 03, 2023
Alcyon Pleiades 156: Greece Hollow Earth Myths, Gods Olympus, Heroes Ulysses Jason Theseus, Oracles
Greece is the Western culture that inherited characteristics closest to those of Atlantis, and the entire stage of ancient Greece was established in antediluvian times. In these eras of magic, beauty and splendour, humans were in contact with the Inner Earth, which was home to the gods of Olympus – a divine family headed by Zeus and Hera. Its members included Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Ares and all twelve of mythology’s sovereign gods and goddesses. The gods lived alongside human beings, in those early epochs, and during the Golden Age of Atlantis, they helped found cities, whilst imparting teachings and providing guidance that would support mankind’s evolution and development.
Heroes also came to the fore in those days, as valiant men fulfilled the various tasks commissioned to them by the gods, who provided them with help and guidance, as they carried out their feats. Some striking examples include Ulysses and the nymph Calypso, and Jason and the Argonauts. On their quest for the Golden Fleece, the Argonauts travelled to Colchis, a place that makes reference to the depths of the Inner Earth.
The same is true of other myths, like those of Orpheus and Eurydice, or Demeter and Persephone, which include teachings linked to mythical places, which are actually real. It should also be noted that the protagonists of Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad are the eternal gods, such as Hermes, Athena, Ares, Poseidon… There are heroes, nymphs, muses, oracles… Hercules and his twelve labours, winged sphinxes, giants and Cyclopes. They all form part of a different world, which is not bound by material laws. In fact, they belong to a far more subtle world, found in the Earth’s interior.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 156: Grecia Tierra Hueca Mitos, Dioses Olimpo, Héroes, Ulises, Jasón, Teseo Oráculos
Grecia ha sido en Occidente la cultura que ha heredado las características más cercanas de lo que era la Atlántida, todo el escenario de la Grecia antigua, estuvo asentado en épocas antediluvianas. Aquellas fueron edades de magia, belleza y esplendor en contacto con la Tierra interna, donde los dioses del Olimpo: una familia divina encabezada por Zeus y Hera, con Apolo, Poseidón, Atenea, Hermes, Ares, hasta 12 dioses y diosas soberanos de la mitología, convivían con los hombres en aquellas primeras edades y épocas doradas de la Atlántida, les ayudaron fundando ciudades, enseñándoles y guiándoles en su desarrollo y evolución.
En esas épocas estaban también los héroes,
hombres valerosos que cumplieron diversas tareas encomendadas por los
dioses, y estos les ayudaban guiándoles en sus hazañas, entre ellos
destacan, Ulises y la ninfa Calipso, Jasón y los Argonautas en busca del
vellocino de oro, que viajó a la Cólquide, lugar que hace referencia a
la Tierra del interior del planeta. Lo mismo otros mitos como el de
Orfeo y Eurídice, Deméter y Perséfone nos dejan enseñanzas de esos
lugares míticos que son reales.
Los protagonistas de las obras de
Homero, la Odisea y la Ilíada, dioses eternos como Hermes y Atenea,
Ares, Poseidón… héroes, ninfas, musas, oráculos… Hércules y sus 12
trabajos, esfinges aladas… gigantes y cíclopes… Son todos ellos parte de
un mundo diferente que no estaba atado a las leyes materiales, sino que
forman parte del mundo más sutil del interior de la Tierra.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

domingo, junio 04, 2023
Ancient Aliens Documentary | Anunnaki | Däniken & Sitchin

miércoles, mayo 31, 2023
domingo, mayo 21, 2023
Alcyon Pleiades 153: Explorers, Arctic-Antarctica, Polar openings, Fridtjof Nansen, Inner-earth life
In this new video documentary, we will embark on an in-depth journey to discover the great explorers who set out on a quest to conquer the poles – in the world’s northernmost region and Antarctica alike. These great adventurers stood out for their courage and followed their restless aspirations to discover the unexplored regions of our planet. They led major expeditions to these faraway, inhospitable lands and accomplished notable feats during their stay there. Some of them managed to go even further and were able to find and access the wonderful inner-Earth, located in the very depths of our planet.Many legends mention ice-free seas and large green expanses, where the climate is mild and the vegetation lush. Birds are plentiful in these lands and other beings live there as well. Famous writers, over the course of several different eras, have alluded to these Paradise-like lands, and the explorers who stayed in the vicinity, returned with evidence of the Hollow Earth, the greatest geographical discovery in history.
Furthermore, what can be said of the origins of the Eskimo, who claim they came from the Northern lands, and what mystery surrounds the stories of beings who visited the Earth’s surface, from these interior worlds?
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 153: Exploradores Ártico-Antártida Apertura Polar Fridtjof Nansen, Vida Intraterrena
En este nuevo video documental profundizaremos en los grandes exploradores que se adentraron en la conquista de los Polos, tanto en el Norte como en la zona Antártica, grandes y valientes aventureros, que inquietos por descubrir zonas inexploradas del Planeta, hicieron grandes expediciones a esos lugares remotos e inhóspitos, con grandes logros y que incluso algunos llegaron más allá, y lograron descubrir e ingresar a esa maravillosa Tierra desconocida en el interior del Planeta.
Existen muchas leyendas que mencionan mares libres de hielo, zonas verdes y con clima templado, zonas verdes exuberantes, aves e incluso seres que viven en el mundo interior.
Escritores famosos a lo largo de diferentes épocas han hecho alusión a esas tierras paradisíacas, y los exploradores que estuvieron cerca han regresado con evidencias de la Tierra Hueca, el mayor descubrimiento geográfico de la historia.
¿Y qué decir del origen de los esquimales que dicen que es en las tierras del norte, y cuál es el misterio de relatos de seres que vinieron a la Tierra de esos mundos interiores?
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

Lisa Renee - Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida - May 2023
May 2023
Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
For many years, Guardian Christos teams have been preparing the necessary architectural support for the impending Cosmic Elohei Emerald Founder showdown during the final conflict events in which they regain complete control over the Albion Lightbody and its 11D Stargate Network located in the United Kingdom. For now, it appears that the final conflict which completes this monumental task coincides with the global awakening event that catalyzes the organic ascension time wave that opens into the planetary disclosure events. Finally revealing to the asleep human population that anti-human forces that worship Luciferian and Satanic blood cult ideologies had invaded our planet, infiltrated our global governmental systems, genetically modified and cloned original human DNA, and have been stealing resources, mind controlling and enslaving humans all while rewriting history over the last 5,500 years.

sábado, mayo 06, 2023
Alcyon Pleiades 152: Richard Byrd, Aviator-Polar Explorer, Inner-Earth beings, Honors-Awards, Legacy
This new documentary on the Hollow Earth is a tribute devoted to a great man who, with boundless courage and altruism, dedicated his life to his country. We are referring to explorer, aviator and discoverer Admiral Richard Byrd, a great hero. Dedicated to exploration since his youth, Byrd conducted research in the polar region and made many far-reaching discoveries, without neglecting his more human side and family life.
Among his achievements, he was the first to fly over the North Pole, in 1926, with his colleague Floyd Bennett, in a Fokker F-7 Trimotor. Upon returning home, after having accomplished a feat of this magnitude, the two men received many accolades. Byrd was awarded the ‘US Congressional Medal of Honor’. Over the course of his life, he continued to be extremely successful, receiving a plethora of medals and awards, as he promoted aviation and exploration throughout his country, whilst overcoming any obstacle that presented itself. Byrd’s courage and skill was often put to the test, as he was called to overcome multiple challenges and difficulties. Despite this fact, his numerous accomplishments made him famous and afforded him the aura of a great explorer and discoverer. His expeditions to Greenland, the North Pole, and Antarctica are worthy of note, as are his intercontinental flights, and operations like Highjump and Deep Freeze, among other missions.
Yet, in his diary, the admiral recounts the most amazing of all his stories, namely, his 1947 discovery of the ‘Land beyond the Poles’. He discovered an area filled with green valleys, mountains and forests, and a city inhabited by extra-terrestrial beings, who invited him to disembark from his aircraft, so that they could give him a message. However, despite the importance of Byrd’s Hollow Earth discovery – which he communicated to the authorities –he was ordered to keep quiet about it. For many years, he was continuously threatened and ended up being forgotten, which is why he decided to write of his vast experience, leaving a legacy for humankind.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 152: Richard Byrd, Aviador-Explorador Polos, Seres Interior, Honores-Hazañas, Legado
Este nuevo documental sobre la Tierra Hueca, está dedicado como homenaje a un gran hombre que con gran valor y altruismo, dedicó su vida a su país, el explorador, aviador y descubridor, el almirante Richard Byrd, un gran héroe, que desde joven, se dedicó a la exploración, investigación de la zona polar, con grandes descubrimientos sin dejar de lado su parte más humana y familiar.
Entre sus logros se encuentra ser el primero en sobrevolar el Polo Norte en 1926, con su compañero Floyd Bennett, en un trimotor Fokker F-7, al regresar de tal hazaña fueron recibidos con honores y le fue entregada la Medalla de Honor por el Congreso de Estados Unidos, sus logros se fueron sucediendo a lo largo de la vida, recibiendo muchas medallas y reconocimientos siempre promoviendo la aviación y la exploración por su país, con retos de superación donde se puso a prueba su valentía, destreza, no sin tener que superar contratiempos y dificultades, pero todos sus logros le reportaron fama y aureola de gran explorador y descubridor. Expediciones a Groenlandia, al Polo Norte, a la Antártida, vuelos intercontinentales, y operaciones como Highjump, o Deep Freeze y otras misiones.
Pero la más increíble historia narrada por el almirante en su diario, fue el descubrimiento en 1947 de la Tierra más allá de los Polos, el descubrimiento de una zona con valles verdes, montes, bosques, y una ciudad habitada con seres intraterrenos, que le invitaron a descender de su avión para transmitirle un mensaje. Sin embargo a pesar del gran descubrimiento de la Tierra Hueca, después de comunicarlo a las autoridades, le ordenaron guardar silencio, permaneciendo amenazado y olvidado por muchos años, por ello decidió dejar por escrito su gran experiencia como legado a la humanidad.
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

jueves, abril 27, 2023
sábado, abril 22, 2023
La historia del Titanic y su tragedia nos muestran hasta qué punto vivimos sumergidos en un fabuloso engaño mundial que abarca todo lo que nos rodea: historia, ciencia, medicina... Casi todo depositado en nuestro pensamiento a través de la TV y los medios de comunicación.Cada vez más van saliendo a la luz todo tipo de informaciones, es por eso que actualizamos y ampliamos nuestro anterior documental Extra 18 que cuestionan la tesis oficial del hundimiento del Titanic y apuntan hacia un atentado diseñado, entre otros, por el banquero JP Morgan, los Rockefeller, los Rothschild todo con el objetivo de crear la Reserva Federal de EE.UU, y para ello tenían que eliminar las personas más influyentes y ricas del momento que se oponían a esa idea. Pero para ello no les importó asesinar a 1514 víctimas inocentes que habían embarcado en “el barco de los sueños” rumbo a América.
Comprender los intereses de la banca detrás del hundimiento, nos permite entender en la actualidad los hilos que manejan el mundo, los planes que tienen en contra de la humanidad también en la actualidad, que beneficia solo a los más ricos.
Gracias a toda nuevas información que salen a la luz, hoy podemos observar la tragedia del Titanic desde otros puntos de vista: las causas, el incendio en las calderas, el impacto de un torpedo, uso de remaches baratos, el fraude del seguro... los testimonios de los supervivientes y otros sucesos inexplicables que se dieron en esos momentos.
Todo esto nos permite cuestionar no solamente lo que nos dicen que sucedió en ese momento, sino todo lo que estamos viviendo actualmente.

An ever-increasing amount of information is coming to light about the sinking of the Titanic, which is why we are updating and expanding our previous documentary, Video Special 18, calling mainstream theories on this topic into question. Information surfacing suggests a staged attack, orchestrated by J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, among others, with the aim of creating the U.S. Federal Reserve. In order to achieve their objective, they had to eliminate the wealthiest and most influential people of the day, who stood in opposition to this idea. To reach their goal, they had no qualms about murdering 1,514 innocent victims who had boarded the ‘ship of dreams’ headed for America.
Understanding the banking interests behind the shipwreck enables us to comprehend the strings being pulled today, in the quest to manipulate our own world. It also provides insight into the plans being hatched at present, to the detriment of humanity, as they solely benefit the wealthiest of individuals.
Thanks to the plethora of new information that is being disclosed, we can now observe the Titanic tragedy from alternative viewpoints: its causes, its boiler room fire, the impact of a torpedo, the use of cheap rivets and insurance fraud. Survivors’ accounts and other inexplicable events occurring at that time are also worthy of note. Indeed, each of these elements enables us to question, not only what we have been told about this past incident, but to begin asking questions about the circumstances we face today.

domingo, marzo 26, 2023
domingo, julio 24, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Golden Age Of Gaia Is Returning Now -

The Golden Age of Gaia was a time when humans lived in harmony with nature and animals, and it will return again.
But first, we must learn to live in harmony with each other.
The Golden Age of Gaia is a term that refers to a period of time in Earth's history during which the planet was more stable and healthy. The term was coined by the French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) and was first used in his 1921 book "The Future of Man."