Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Actividad Solar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Actividad Solar. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, febrero 23, 2024

Natalia Alba - Yesterday our Central Sun was very active again - Feb 23, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Yesterday our Central Sun was very active again, projecting two solar flares, one named X1.8-class flare and the second an X1.7-class flare. Sol emanations continue assisting us in embodying more plasma, and healing to reconnect our light bodies, burning, transmuting, all the reversals that are yet governing the collective's consciousness, as well as our planetary fabrics and grids.

sábado, febrero 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - Our Central Sun is very active these days - Feb 10, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Our Central Sun is very active these days, for it is supporting the massive planetary shift, in consciousness, that we are experiencing. Solar flares, precisely on the day we welcome the year of the Dragon, that as you know are assisting us in the process of lower chakras transfiguration, as well as our Aurora family, so we can transmute eons of survival fears, female repression, 

disempowerment, and many other galactic and human traumas that we carry within our DNA.

These energies are precisely the ones who are going to help us in the process of reconnecting our eight DNA strand, the one related to the monad that gives us access to our soul memories and soul mission. The more we grow in consciousness, the more sun transmission we will need, for it is through plasma that we build and reconnect our light bodies. There is nothing to be afraid of, as I have read today in a scientific article, for the ones who connect with All forms of Consciousness know what is really taking place. 

This is a passage that emphasizes the importance of consicous nutrition, mental and emotional clearing, and self-nurturance, to be able to give and assist from a replenished space. Pure water, understanding by pure water the one we buy, from the purest sources we can, or make at home, which is a natural conductor of the energies. 

Guides invite us to work with a clear quartz crystal, which is an amplifier for when we are under a phase of consicous integration, as well as a healer and purifier. Guides also offer us at this time majestic champagne aura quartz to protect and shield ourselves from geopathic stress, although everyone will have a different stone to work with, during these phases.

Guides also invite us to call upon the Ruby Ray to help us transform our lower chakras, and move into a heart space. This is a very important time, with the solar flares that we are receiving, for us to transmute lower energies, thoughts, and emotions, and emerge into the illumined being that we are, and to do so, we need to heal, reconfigure, and reconnect all our body portals.

We are under a very important portal in which the stellar and sun transmissions that are now bathing our planetary grids are generating a profound shift into our light bodies, and our consicous work to help shift what is lower in consciousness within ourselves is essential to continue upgrading our bodies.

At a planetary level, we all are witnessing the evidence of these changes as well in the weather conditions, in the crying of our trees for help, something we need to continue working with, as One Family, and in the desperate fight to keep controlling humanity.
There is no way back, for humanity has awakened to the Divine Call, and there is nothing that can impede us now from retrieving our authentic nature and power.

Resistance will not help, only staying centered on our Higher Heart will, for when we see, from a Divine Perspective what is truly taking place, from the micro to the macro, we know that our role within this game is to neutrally witness all, seeding, love, compassion, peace, and harmony, which is not denying reality, but flowing with it, rather than resisting to what we cannot change. 

Love is the only shifter after all, and when we remain within it, everything else vanishes and starts shifting, at divine timing. We just have to be patient, trusting, and knowing that in the end, all comes back to the same Source, and our role is to support others in their chosen path and personal evolutionary process. 

I wish you all a peaceful integration passage, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love and Compassion for All.

Natalia Alba

Celia Fenn - 10th February : The Mother of all Sunspots and an X Class Solar Flare - Fed 10, 2024

10th February : The Mother of all Sunspots and an X Class Solar Flare

The Sun is really active at the moment. I am sure you have felt it.
Firstly we have an enormous sunspot called AR3576 which is earth facing and considered to be the likely source of the big flare. This is the same sunspot that was photographed from Mars. It is huge (see photo from

viernes, enero 19, 2024

Alcyon Pleiades 166: UFOs Ancient paintings UFO cases politicians-celebrities, Portals Dangers of AI

In this new episode of Stargates and Time Travellers, we will analyse sightings of UFOs in antiquity, which were known as flying shields, chariots of the gods, lights and flying rays. In fact, numerous painters of the Italian Renaissance included them in their artworks, as if they were a perfectly normal occurrence, thereby attesting to the existence of beings from the stars, or cosmonauts, who have visited us since ancient times… and continue to do so, in the present day.

Enoch’s mysterious teleportation experience is recounted in the Bible and worthy of note, including his contact with two celestial beings of great height, whose faces shone like the sun, just like their voices and magnificent clothes and, according to the description therein, they sat in seats made of crystal. 

On a related topic, what can be said about the stories of flying carpets, which King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had in their possession? What about the flying shield that accompanied Alexander the Great during his campaigns? A plethora of incidents have been recorded in Japan, Europe and the United States, in addition to well-known cases of politicians, ministers, presidents, princes, and famous singers and actors who acknowledge having had contact with beings from the stars. The same is true of other proven experiences that happen in the present day. 

We will explore teleportation cases and discuss how portals are not only used by beings of Light, which is why we have to remain alert and watch out for the forces of darkness, represented by controversial Artificial Intelligence. What are its origins? What dangers are involved? Why do we need to be aware of our Sun’s ever-increasing activity?

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 166: Ovnis, Pinturas Antiguas, Casos OVNI Políticos-Famosos, Portales, Peligros IA

En este nuevo episodio de Portales Estelares y Viajeros en el Tiempo, analizaremos los avistamientos de OVNIS en la antigüedad, conocidos como escudos volantes, carros de los dioses, luces, rayos voladores, incluso muchos pintores del Renacimiento italiano los dejaron plasmados en sus obras con toda normalidad, evidenciando la presencia de seres de las estrellas o cosmonautas, que nos han visitado desde tiempos antiguos y que lo siguen haciendo en la actualidad.

Incluso ha quedado narrado en la Biblia sobre la enigmática teletransportación de Enoc, y su contacto con los seres celestiales de gran estatura y con unos rostros que brillaban como el Sol, junto a sus voces y ropas magníficas que se sentaban en asientos de cristal.
¿Y sobre los relatos de las alfombras voladoras que tenía el Rey Salomón y la reina de Saba? ¿O el escudo volador que acompañaba a Alejandro Magno en sus campañas? Diversos acontecimientos quedaron registrados en Japón, en Europa, en EE.UU., lo mismo hay casos conocidos de políticos, ministros, presidentes, príncipes, famosos cantantes, actores que reconocen haber tenido contacto con estos seres de las estrellas, y lo mismo otras experiencias probadas de la actualidad. Casos de teletransportación, portales que no solo son usados por seres de Luz, sino también hay que estar alerta a las fuerzas de las oscuridades representadas por la controvertida Inteligencia Artificial. ¿Cuál es su procedencia, qué peligros entraña? ¿Por qué tenemos que estar alerta a la actividad creciente de nuestro Sol?

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

jueves, agosto 31, 2023

Emmanuel Dagher - Solar Light Particles - September 2023

Hi my friend,

It’s always a gift for me to connect with you this way. We have a great deal to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
Heightened Solar Activity

For a good while now, and more so recently, the Sun has been highly active, and that heightened activity has been directly affecting the Earth’s magnetosphere.

miércoles, agosto 23, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 159: Active Sun, Myths, Health, Cold Sun, Van Allen, Anomaly, Carrington mega storm

The Sun has always been of paramount importance in different cultures throughout history, as the giver of life and energy, and this fact helps us understand the direct relationship it has with life on our planet.

Solar activity is an issue that scientists find deeply concerning, since we are on an upward journey towards the highest peak of solar cycle 25, in which we currently find ourselves. We are seeing an exaggerated increase in activity, as the solar flares reaching Earth become more intense and continuous... The electromagnetic fields generated by the Sun can cause the breakdown of technology as we know it, as was the case with the Carrington Event; if a similar event were to happen today, humankind would be transported back to the Stone Age.

However, the Sun’s radiation, in the form of solar rays, is charged with light photons that are highly beneficial. They can foster human beings’ development, whilst carrying out the purification of the human race. If our lives are rooted in base emotions, negative thinking and misguided actions, then there is no doubt that this intense solar energy will be very harmful to us, generating disastrous effects for the body and the psyche, as was the case with Atlantis, which was faced with a mass coronal ejection of destructive proportions.

On the other hand, we can strive to achieve a light frequency and base our lives upon humility and the heart’s simplicity, seeking harmony, honesty and ethical, moral and spiritual principles. If we do these things, in addition to practicing meditation and engaging in prayer, then we will be given protective energy-based support, and the Sun’s powerful energy will become a blessing, and be hugely advantageous for the advancement and development of our consciousness.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 159: Sol Activo Mitos, Salud, Sol Frío, Van Allen, Anomalía Mega Tormenta Carrington

El Sol siempre tuvo mucha importancia en las diferentes culturas de la historia como dador de vida y energía, y nos ayuda a comprender la relación directa que tiene con la vida en el planeta. 

La actividad solar es un tema que preocupa seriamente a los científicos, estamos camino del pico más alto dentro del ciclo solar n.º 25 en el que nos encontramos, y la actividad se ha incrementado exageradamente con llamaradas solares que llegan a la Tierra cada vez más intensas y continuadas… Los campos electromagnéticos generados por el Sol pueden dejar toda la tecnología que conocemos fuera servicio, como lo ocurrido en el Evento Carrington y si sucediera actualmente volvería a la humanidad a la edad de piedra.
Pero también su radiación, sus rayos solares cargados de fotones luz, son beneficiosos y puede favorecer el desarrollo del hombre, haciendo una depuración en la raza humana.

Si nuestra vida tiene como base las bajas emociones, los malos pensamientos, y las equivocadas acciones, entonces, no cabe duda que la intensa energía solar será muy dañina, con efectos funestos para el cuerpo y la psiquis, como sucedió en la Atlántida con una eyección de masa coronal de proporciones destructivas.

Si por el contrario, buscamos ser personas livianas, que basamos nuestra vida en la humildad y sencillez del corazón, en la armonía, la honestidad, los principios éticos, morales y espirituales, practicando la meditación y la oración, entonces esto nos dará un soporte energético protector y la potente energía del Sol será una bendición que nos aportará enormes beneficios para el avance y desarrollo de nuestra conciencia.

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

domingo, agosto 06, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are approaching the 8/8 Lions portal - Aug 6, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We are approaching the 8/8 Lions portal. As many of you are already feeling, this is a time for profound healing, stabilization, and light body activation, a message that is confirmed by the Sol/plasma emanations that we have been constantly receiving, and that yesterday increased with more X Solar Flares. Guides remark on the importance to focus on creating more balance, at all levels, for this is how we allow the process of conscious integration to occur, gradually, gracefully, and peacefully.

sábado, junio 03, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Intense energy today and more solar flares/ Energía intensa hoy y más erupciones solares - June 3, 2023

Intense energy today and more solar flares, they are daily events now. Full moon tomorrow too and this one is a call to action to get the energy moving. More in the June Energy Report.

June is the lucky month and if you want your luck to start moving start thinking about leaving your comfort zone.

miércoles, marzo 15, 2023

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Marzo 2023 será un mes de energías poderosas y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta - Mar 15, 2023

Del Arcángel Miguel:

Amada Familia, Marzo 2023 será un mes de energías poderosas y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta. Habrá muchos eventos potentes e inesperados tanto en la vida personal como pública alrededor del 15 de marzo y el Equinoccio el 20 de marzo. Además, tu Ciclo Solar 25 continuará produciendo múltiples erupciones solares y algunas bengalas de clase X que intensificarán aún más los códigos de plasma de agua en remolino que se introdujeron en febrero.

sábado, marzo 11, 2023

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Un mes de poderosas energías - Mar 11, 2023

Del Arcángel Miguel: Amada Familia, Marzo 2023 será un mes de poderosas energías y fuerzas creativas en el Planeta. Habrá muchos eventos potentes e inesperados tanto en la vida personal como pública alrededor del 15 de marzo y el Equinoccio del 20 de marzo. Además, su Ciclo Solar 25 continuará produciendo múltiples Llamaradas Solares y algunas llamaradas de Clase X que intensificarán aún más los Códigos de Plasma de Agua en remolino que se introdujeron en febrero.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - March 2023 will be a month of powerful energies - Mar 11, 2023


From Archangel Michael : Beloved Family, March 2023 will be a month of powerful energies and creative forces on the Planet. There will be many potent and unexpected events in both personal and public life around the 15th of March and the Equinox at the 20th March. Also, your Solar Cycle 25 will continue to produce multiple Solar Flares and some X Class flares that will further intensify the swirling Water Plasma Codes that were introduced in February.

lunes, enero 16, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Great Solar Flash: A Celebration Of Earth's Ascension - Jan 16, 2023

The Great Solar Flash: A Celebration Of Earth's Ascension

We've been watching the Sun for centuries.

We've seen it grow, and we've seen its beauty, but we never thought it could be something so powerful. The Sun is so much more than a star we usually look at in the sky. It is our life force, and without it… what would Earth Cauldron look like?

The Sun is the main provider of energy on our planet. Energy efficiency will be the key to ensuring that this is maintained and we continue to enjoy the benefits that it has provided to us over time.

viernes, enero 06, 2023

Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Cancer and X Class Solar Flare - Jan 6, 2023

Full Moon in Cancer and X Class Solar Flare

The first Full Moon of the year is accompanied by the first X Class Solar flare of the year.

That means that the energies are truly sizzling right now.

I have felt really spaced and a bit weird/wired today as the Solar Codes and Lunar Codes swirl around us.

martes, agosto 23, 2022

Dana Mrkich - Visiones Mensuales de Agosto: Erupciones Solares y Destellos - Aug 19, 2022

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

En realidad escribí las Visiones Mensuales de Agosto hace un par de semanas, pero se sentía inacabado. Abrí el documento varias veces desde entonces, pero no, no apareció nada nuevo, pero aún sentía que había más que agregar. No fue hasta esta noche cuando revisé la página de Llamaradas Solares del Clima Espacial, ya que parecía seguro que habíamos tenido algunas grandes en los últimos días, que vi claramente lo que este informe ha estado esperando: ¡Ha habido nueve Llamaradas Solares de Clase M esta semana, desde el lunes 15 de agosto hasta el viernes 19 de agosto! ¡¡¡NUEVE!!!*

martes, agosto 16, 2022

Diane Canfield - Intense Solar Flares Arrive Today Bringing In Uplifted Psychic Energy - Aug 16, 2022


Blessings Everyone,

Two High M Class flares just arrived with possible solar storms on the way. Solar wind in rising making storms possible.

I felt these flares kick in bringing in uplifting energy this morning. You may feel more at one with the universe and have more psychic senses heightened.

I had a RUSH of psychic knowing when I first got out of bed this morning !

viernes, mayo 20, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Solar energy continues to snap crackle and pop! - May 20, 2022


Whew! It's been such an intense time post the Lunar Eclipse that I just needed time to rest up a little.

The Solar energy continues to snap crackle and pop!

Right now there are 8 Sunspots Earth facing and one of these seems likely to deliver the Big One, an X Class Solar Flare. Meanwhile lots of minor Solar Flares popping off all the time!.

domingo, mayo 01, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - PARA COSECHAR LA ALEGRIA - Abr 30, 2022

Quería avisarte de que la luna nueva/eclipse solar de hoy (30.4)va a mover mucha energía, lo que significa que puedes estar moviendo muebles, organizando, encontrando cosas nuevas que ya no necesitas y despejando tu espacio vital. y posiblemente tu vida también (otra vez).

Moví los muebles de mi cocina hoy y realmente abrí la energía en ese espacio. Nunca había considerado mover mi estante de panadería al lugar donde está ahora, aunque nunca se sintió bien donde lo había puesto originalmente. De repente, hoy, trasladarlo al nuevo espacio tuvo sentido y se sintió perfecto.

jueves, marzo 31, 2022

James Gilliland - Heads Up Incoming Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound - Mar 31, 2022

Spring ECETI Events

Heads Up Incoming
Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound.

Personally I would stay out of the sun for the next few days, find a grounded metal roof to sleep under. While clearing some limbs at ECETI Hawaii and removing trash it felt as if I was getting cooked. Microwaved like some carbon based life form or dinner in a microwave oven. We have spoken often about the effects of Solar Flares and CMEs. It not only affects radios and communications, creates beautiful Aurora Borealis at the poles, it also creates severe weather, an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. One of the greatest effects are with the bioelectric fields around the physical body. Some will become lethargic, others may experience emotional outbursts, there are many physical problems especially with the heart that can also arise. It is best to stay out of the sun, drink lots of water,