Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal 8:8. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal 8:8. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, agosto 06, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are approaching the 8/8 Lions portal - Aug 6, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We are approaching the 8/8 Lions portal. As many of you are already feeling, this is a time for profound healing, stabilization, and light body activation, a message that is confirmed by the Sol/plasma emanations that we have been constantly receiving, and that yesterday increased with more X Solar Flares. Guides remark on the importance to focus on creating more balance, at all levels, for this is how we allow the process of conscious integration to occur, gradually, gracefully, and peacefully.

sábado, agosto 05, 2023

Tanaaz - Portal de la Puerta del León 88


¿Qué es la Puerta del León 88?

El Portal de la Puerta del León 88 es la apertura de una puerta galáctica que transmite energía de alta frecuencia a nuestro ser, permitiéndonos hacer renacer nuestra energía espiritual y la energía espiritual de la Madre Tierra. Esta energía de alta frecuencia puede utilizarse para abrir nuestros centros energéticos, inspirar nuevas ideas, elevar nuestra conciencia y realzar nuestra capacidad para recibir descargas psíquicas.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - AGOSTO 2023







Mientras me preparo para la 35ª edición del taller 8:8 del Portal del León, el Universo empuja y tira de mi cerebro tratando de abrirme a nuevas perspectivas como si fuera un caramelo de agua salada en un caluroso día de verano. Como una cartelera luminosa, surgen las palabras "profecía auto-cumplida". Una profecía auto-cumplida es una predicción que se hace realidad a sí misma debido al comportamiento del creyente. Auto-cumplida significa "producida como resultado de haber sido predicha o hablada hasta el punto de manifestarse", profecía se refiere a la predicción real. Otra definición de profecía auto-cumplida es que alguien "predice" o espera algo, y esta "predicción" o expectativa se hace realidad sencillamente porque la persona lo cree. En este mundo virtual en el que vivimos todos, las profecías auto-cumplidas están a solo un tuit de distancia.

Jennifer Hoffman - August 2023 Energy Report - Aug 5, 2023

August comes in with a huge burst of energy and it leaves that way too since August 1 and August 31 are both full moon dates and these full moons come with very powerful aspects. So we have that to look forward to, we have the 8-8 Lion’s Gate, and in spite of multiple retrogrades, including personal planets venus and Mercury, it’s an action packed month (again). It’s a month for setting things right and being open to new pathways because they may just happen in spite of your best efforts to stop, delay, or prevent them.

miércoles, agosto 02, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - August 2023


August 2023


▲From Your Hostess of Light

▲MERCURY RETROGRADE August 23 to September 14, 2023

▲Worm Holes of thought



From Your Hostess of Light As I prepare for the 35th 8:8 Lionsgate workshop the universe pushes and pulls at my brain trying to stretch me into new insights like salt water taffy on a hot summer’s day. Like a flashing billboard the words ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ float to the surface. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that causes itself to be true due to the behavior of the believer. Self-fulling means “brought about as a result of being foretold or talked about to the point of manifestation,” prophecy refers to the actual prediction. Another definition of self-fulfilling prophecy is someone “predicting” or expecting something, and this “prediction” or expectation coming true simply because the person believes it. In this virtual world we all live in, self-fulling prophecies are just a tweet away.

martes, agosto 01, 2023

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE MIRACULOUS VICTORY OF THE LION’S GATE - August 1, 2023



Patricia Cota-Robles

August 1, 2023

On July 22nd, we entered the Sun Cycle of Leo. This is the day celebrated by millions of people around the World as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day. Mary Magdalene is one of the exponents of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. On July 22nd every year she floods the Earth through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness with our Mother God’s wondrous Love. This enhances every particle and wave of Life on Earth and prepares Humanity for July 26th which is known through all time and space continuums as the Galactic New Year. Mary Magdalene’s service to the Light also prepares Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her for the pinnacle of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate which occurs on August 8th, 8/8, every year. During the opening of the Lion’s Gate the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo and a new cycle of Time and Space begins.

miércoles, julio 26, 2023

Natalia Alba - The Lions Gate - chakra transmogrofy & Diamond Heart Activation - July 26, 2023

The Lions Gate - chakra transmogrofy & Diamond Heart Activation

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the 8/8 portal, many of us are beginning to feel the exhaustion from this new passage, as well as from the many other portals we had since March. We are co-creating with all the previous energies that we have been consciously embodying, and that now collide within ourselves. Treating our bodies with utmost respect is pivotal to helping them regenerate, and stabilize, so they can continue with the ascension process.

viernes, julio 14, 2023

Natalia Alba - Lyran Planetary Grid/Netwprk Restoration - July 14, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the cusp of all the previous months' energies. A new passage whose main Lyran and Sirian frequencies are key to continue restoring the many damaged Earth structures. This Year the 8/8 Lions Portal is like nothing we have previously experienced, especially in planetary gridwork. From an individual perspective to a planetary one, everything is being transformed, and this year the focus is mainly on bringing restoration to the damaged planetary grid's structures that were massively distorted to keep us uncommunicated from other dimensions, between many other non-benevolent purposes, and that are now finally being rehabilitated.

miércoles, junio 21, 2023

Celia Fenn - Los Leones de la Estrella Real y los Leones del Fuego Solar - Junio 17, 2023

Los Leones de la Estrella Real y los Leones del Fuego Solar

La gente a menudo me pregunta quiénes son los Royal Star Lions.

Son Seres Angélicos de la Familia Elohim que llegaron a nuestra Galaxia desde la Galaxia de Andrómeda. Entraron a través del Portal Galáctico Lyra y luego se trasladaron a las ubicaciones galácticas donde fueron asignados.

sábado, junio 17, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Royal Star Lions and Solar Fire Lions - June 17, 2023


The Royal Star Lions and Solar Fire Lions

People often ask me who are the Royal Star Lions?

They are Angelic Beings of the Elohim Family who came to our Galaxy from the Andromeda Galaxy. They entered via the Lyra Galactic Portal and then moved to the Galactic locations where the were assigned.

These Angelic or Star Lions are white in color, and some of them have incarnated on the Earth.

lunes, agosto 08, 2022

Celia Fenn - 8th August 2022 : 8/8 Lions Gate - Aug 8, 2022


8th August 2022 : 8/8 Lions Gate

This day is the culmination of a long passageway into the new, and is a time of celebration.

It is a Celebration of Divine Love, of Creation and Manifestation and of Love and Abundance.

It is an opportunity to renew your commitment to the Path of Light and to creating a New Earth in your own life.

sábado, agosto 06, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Agosto 2022 - YO SOY, YO PUEDO, YO LO HARÉ - Ago 2, 2022

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe



Estoy tan contenta de haber terminado con julio y de entrar en un nuevo mes, ¿y tú? Agosto no es fácil de ninguna manera y es desafiante pero de una manera diferente. Si te dejaste influir por los auges kármicos de julio, puedes entonces alegrarte de ver el potencial de limpieza y mejora de agosto.

Hay muchos aspectos energéticos poderosos en agosto, incluido el Portal de la Puerta del León 8-8 y la histórica y rara conjunción entre Marte, Urano y el Nodo Norte con Venus sosteniendo el comodín y Mercurio de pie en el fondo.

Diana Cooper - August 2022 Ascension Report


Dear Friends,

The most significant spiritual happening this month is the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8th August. 8.8. The Lion’s Gate Portal opens between July 26th and August 12th but is at its optimum energy on 8th. It occurs when Sirius, Earth and the Sun, in the sign of Leo, align with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. The sign of Leo is about true positive power, courage, creativity, inspiration and love.

The Navel chakra is connected to the Sun and this is a special opportunity to expand the frequency of your navel, which is about oneness, warmth, community, equality and fairness. It brings in the friendly, warm, welcoming energy of the golden future. Celebration and ceremony enhance your Navel chakra and also light up the Lionsgate portal. Archangel Gabriel is in charge of the development of your Navel.

Celia Fenn - With just days to the 8/8 Lions Gate the energy is INTENSE! - Aug 6, 2022

With just days to the 8/8 Lions Gate the energy is INTENSE!

I have been down the rabbit hole with a bad head cold (it is winter here) and so have been forced to rest.

Rest was much needed!

The Star Lions are very present as Guardians of the Lions Gate Portals.

They remind us that the only way to transit the Lions Gate is to be present in the Now and to be Light of Heart and Soul.

Do not allow anxiety and fear to pull you down at this time.

miércoles, agosto 03, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - AGOSTO 2022




*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** Llegar al círculo multidimensional completo
*** Limpieza del karma colectivo
*** Caminar por el lado oscuro de uno mismo
*** Los nueve Señores del Tiempo
*** 8:8 Como es arriba es abajo
*** Declaración de limpieza kármica del ADN
*** 8:8 Taller del Portal del León Solar 2022



Completar el círculo multidimensional es como montar en su carrusel personal con todos sus otros yoes del tiempo presentes y contabilizados. Este es el lugar donde se reúnen todos los aspectos de su luz y de su vida, un lugar donde habita la sabiduría, un lugar donde reside la esperanza, un lugar donde duerme el conocimiento. Dentro de la caracola circular de la creación viven todas sus ubicaciones personales. Como Humpty Dumpty y el Hombre de Paja en su primera cita, faltan muchas piezas en esa relación. Estas piezas faltantes vuelan a través del tiempo y el espacio sujetándose fuertemente unas a otras como un remolino en un día ventoso en la granja.

Natalia Alba - We are already feeling the intensity of the Lion's Gate portal on 8/8 - Aug 4, 2022

Beloved Ones,

We are already feeling the intensity of the Lion's Gate portal on 8/8, as never before. A portal of expansion and conscious creation in which our intentional focus is pivotal to manifesting the desired outcomes.

A gateway that is supported by other planetary forces coming from the energies coming from the Sun in Leo, together with the New Moon, triple conjunction, Mercury, and Ceres in this same sign. Very potent energies that depending on where we are will help us to burn/dissolve the ego, or to show us where we are still governed by it.

martes, agosto 02, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - August brings relief and restarts, reboots, and release and rare energy aspects - Aug 2, 2022

If you were struggling in July you will get some relief in August and then some. We have had some very rare and historic aspects in the past few years but the one that opens August has not happened since 324 BC. This is a clean-up month which is good for clear outs and fresh starts and with the ongoing energy movements that have been building since January the changes that I have been saying would happen this summer are on the way. It’s a month to shore up our energy boundaries and maintain our energetic integrity because anything can happen.

lunes, agosto 01, 2022

Celia Fenn - Así que... el alboroto en este momento es acerca de la conjunción astrológica de Urano, Marte y Nodo Norte en Tauro - Julio 31, 2022

Así que... el alboroto en este momento es acerca de la conjunción astrológica de Urano, Marte y Nodo Norte en Tauro, ocurriendo hoy 31 de julio, al mismo tiempo que las energías de la Puerta de los Leones.

Lo que eso significa es que hay mucha energía poderosa alrededor de los temas del hogar (ya sea tu hogar o el planeta) y las finanzas que realmente se están volviendo intensas en este momento. El nodo norte significa el destino de tu alma en la Tierra, lo que significa que cualquier problema que se acerque ahora tiene un impacto muy profundo en quién y qué eres.

domingo, julio 31, 2022

Celia Fenn - So... the buzz right now is about the Uranus, Mars and North Node astrological conjunction in Taurus - July 31, 2022


So... the buzz right now is about the Uranus, Mars and North Node astrological conjunction in Taurus, happening today 31st July, at the same time as the Lions Gate energies.

What that means is that there is a lot of powerful energy around the issues of home (whether it be your home or the Planet) and finances that is really becoming intense right now. The North Node signifies the destiny of your soul on Earth, which means that whatever issues are coming up now have a very deep impact on who and what you are.