Beloved Ones,
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Beloved Ones,
As our planet continues its transition into a new harmonic timeline, bifurcating from the old 3D Earth, many of you will feel the call by the White Elohim and your personal God Source to sustain the new Earth's illumined essence by acting as frequency holders and stabilizers. We are now entering into a phase of profound stabilization and amplification of the new Heart transmissions received. Through your essence, all of you participate in this expansion by holding unconditional love and peace for All.
Beloved Ones,
Our Aurora family is again very present at this time of our ascension journey. A time of planetary clearing, retrieval, unification, and above all transfiguration, a process that will last for many years and that is linked to the same one many of us are experiencing.
As we continue transcending our lower chakra membranes and embodying our illumine chakra system, we will connect more with the Auroras, for many of you have a mission of planetary restoration with them as well.
4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888
Just 4 days to go. The energy is visibly ramping up and I would just say to everyone stay grounded and be careful. Slow down.
I had an accident on Tuesday, I tripped over un uneven paving slab in our local Mall and smacked my head on the concrete. I was out for a moment and when I woke up there were all these people around me. Anyway, I cut myself above my eye and pulled muscles in my back. Very painful.
Dear and most Precious Souls
We are in a phase of intense activations which started on Thursday and will intensify during the next three weeks.
Many souls are now awakening, and the keys and codes now being released are indeed those of Creation, which the Elohim and Elohim Counsels hold. I mentioned this in an earlier post, yet wish to reiterate this, as the Elohim are the Aspect of the Divine Source, who create and oversee all creation.
The Keys and Codes of Soul Creation
We are in phase of intense activations which started on Thursday and will intensify during the next three weeks.
Many souls are now awakening, and the keys and codes now being released are indeed those of Creation, which the Elohim and Elohim Counsels hold.
I mentioned this in an earlier post, yet wish to reiterate this, as the Elohim are the Aspect of the Divine Source, who create and oversee all creation.