Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Carla Thompson. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Carla Thompson. Mostrar todas las entradas
sábado, junio 27, 2020
Carla Thompson - Astraea et Amora - Dreams and Messages From the Arcturians and Elohim - June 27, 2020
The Arcturians brought images to me this morning (June 26th) as I was awakening in bed and in that theta-wave state. I was aware the visions were directed by them as this is how they connect with me, through the visual fields. My “lucid dream” held impressions about two important issues that I feel must be brought forward.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson,
domingo, junio 21, 2020
Carla Thompson - Astraea et Amora - Saint Germain On Alchemy - June 21, 2020
Today’s communion with Ascended Master Saint Germain led to a discussion about the forces who have controlled humanity for so long through their imposed shackles on the collective spirit of humanity while removing in many cases our birthright to “intelligent and creative power”, and how they are finally succumbing to the power of the light that is now over-lighting our entire reality and the life experiences, first personally as well as those as a collective.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson,
St. Germain
sábado, abril 27, 2019
Carla Thompson - Astraea et Amora - Our Galactic Sun Aligns with the Great Central Sun and Plasma Reigns - April 26, 2019
Plasma is the essence of the Unity Field ~ Magnetic, Superconductive and Superconscious
We are at a very expansive time in the Ascension where the presence of photonic light has been replaced with a new kind of light – Plasma Light. This unique and very delicate plasma light has been with us in minute quantities for a few years, but now new galactic alignments have recently caused a plasma burst to flood the Earth and each living being on the planet.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson
martes, abril 09, 2019
Carla Thompson - Astraea et Amora - La Gran Unificación – ¡ Observen al Mundo Florecer! - Diciembre 30, 2019
Credit: Abby
Un Mensaje de Astraea et Amora a Todos los Portadores de la Luz Por la gracia de Dios — ¡Ustedes son un elegido! Por la gracia de Dios – ¡Ustedes son considerados perfectos en la forma humana!
Este alineamiento de profundas fuerzas cósmicas está creando una puerta al campo de la Conciencia Unitaria que está entrando en flujo, una puerta a la fuente de Luz infinita, una frecuencia de Luz
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, diciembre 30, 2018
Carla Thompson - Astraea and Amora - The Great Unification – Watch the World Bloom! - December 30, 2018
Credit: Abby
By the grace of God – You are a chosen one! By the grace of God – You are deemed perfection in human form!
This alignment of deep cosmic forces creates a gateway to the field of Unity Consciousness that is in-flowing, a gateway to the source of infinite light, a light-frequency that moves aside all energy founded in separation, where thought has created judgement and emotional separation. The gift of this alignment comes in the form of great beauty, love, and harmony for All in this expression of Creation.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson
lunes, noviembre 12, 2018
Carla Thompson - Astraea y Amora - Magnífico Cambio Magnético de Gaia el 29 de octubre del 2018 - Oct 31, 2018
Un Mensaje De Astraea y Amora
Carla Thompson, 31/Octubre/2018
Durante la meditación, tras lo que es sin duda la experiencia del cambio más profundo (most profound shift experience), se me mostró un flash de luz blanca dorada proviniendo del núcleo, pero luego ví una luz blanca originando de justo debajo de la superficie del planeta que estallaba hacia arriba y hacia fuera a través de la superficie de la tierra, las rocas, el agua y el aire rodeando nuestra hermosa Tierra. Los Elohim vinieron a ofrecerme una explicación:
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Ángeles de Crystal

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lunes, noviembre 05, 2018
Carla Thompson - Astrae et Amora - Los Agartanos - La Ascensión es el Alineamiento Energético con la Conciencia Unitaria - Oct 28, 2018

Una plática sobre cómo la Conciencia de la Separación debe ser procesada por medio de la completación del Trabajo Interno a fin de alinearse con la Conciencia Unitaria, y por lo tanto, la Ascensión
Carla Thompson, 29 de octubre del 2018
Ėste es un mensaje de los Agartanos quienes vinieron a nosotros cuando fuimos guiados a conectarnos con Shamballa, la Ciudad Capital de la Tierra Interna. Este mensaje deja en claro que ellos desean enfatizar la necesidad absoluta de esclarecer nuestros roles en la ascensión a partir de una perspectiva de reflexión interna. Aclarando nuestros propios roles (y esto significa de hecho cómo concebimos nuestro involucramiento en este proceso de expansión a una frecuencia más elevada), tendremos que haber reflexionado
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson
jueves, noviembre 01, 2018
Carla Thompson - Astraea and Amora -Gaia’s Magnificent Magnetic Shift on October 29th, 2018 - Oct 31, 2018
In meditation following undoubtedly the most profound shift experience, I am shown a flash of golden-white light from the core, but then I see white light originating just below the surface of the planet blasting upwards and out through the surface soil, rock, water and into the air surrounding our beautiful Earth. The Elohim come forward to offer an explanation:
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson,
El Gran Cambio,
lunes, octubre 29, 2018
Carla Thompson - The Agarthans The Ascension is the Energetic Alignment with Unity Consciousness - October 28, 2018
A discussion about how Separation Consciousness must be processed through the completion of the Inner Work in order to align with Unity Consciousness, and therefore, the Ascension.
This is a message from the Agarthans who have come forward to us as we were recently guided to connect with Shamballa, the Inner Earth Capital City. It is clear from this message that they wish to emphasize the absolute necessity of clarifying our roles in the
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson
jueves, octubre 18, 2018
Astrae et Amora - Las Ruedas De La Conciencia Del Rayo Arco Iris — Revisadas - Oct 15, 2018
Esta foto fue tomada por Csilla, nuestro miembro PAT, hace dos días en una aldea Húngara
El Rayo Arco Iris es el Rayo plenamente integrado de la Quinta Dimensión. Es un reflejo de la Creación Unificada donde todo está unido en una base de amor, gracia, armonía y paz perpetua. Los principios de la Presencia Unificada..
Somos los Seres Cristalinos del Rayo Arco Iris, y los saludamos hoy con un gran gozo — ¡un gozo infinito!. ¡Ustedes han dado el salto a la Plenitud! Han regresado a la Plenitud y ahora está ante ustedes la prueba del tiempo — ¿pueden aceptar la plenitud?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson
lunes, julio 30, 2018
Carla Thompson - The Rainbow Gateway - July 30, 2018
Carla Thompson in Meditation with Julia King, July 30, 2018
Georgi Stankov, July 30, 2018
The moon eclipse portal on July 27th, called the Rainbow Gateway by Astraea et Amora, was the biggest stargate in the ascension process only comparable in its intensity for us, the light warriors of the first and the last hour and incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia, to the stargates 11.11.11 and 12.12.12 through 21.12.12, which we, the PAT opened under great sacrifice and initiated the final most successful phase of the planetary ascension. I have been experiencing for 2 weeks in a row incessant cc-waves with excruciating headaches, stabbing pain alternately in the left and the right eye socket and this pain continues unabated even now while writing this foreword. Hence if you are also reeling from these energies you now know why. The bad news is that it will continue like that or the intensity of the incoming waves will even increase throughout the Lion’s gate until August 11th. After that anything can happen, and I strongly hope it will happen, as this life in service of humanity has become a real drudgery with no palpable reward in sight.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson,
martes, mayo 29, 2018
Carla Thompson - A Message From Astraea et Amora - The Return to Eden! - May 28, 2018
A Message From Astraea et Amora
Carla Thompson, May 28, 2018
Foreword – The Dragons Reclaim the Earth
Georgi Stankov
When I first read this message from Astraea and Amora I stumbled over the following statement:
“Moment to moment, this new light from the Red Sun rejoices and bursts forth frequencies that are not only beyond the spectrum seen by your physical eyes, the frequency of this light has new properties: This light is tonal and it is adaptive.”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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domingo, mayo 06, 2018
Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Demarcation Line of Ascension Is Here and Now to Cross Over. How Will You Decide? - May 6, 2018
Carla Thompson, May 6, 2018
How My Dream Led to the Elohim Message
Georgi Stankov
On the day when Carla received this powerful message I woke up with a remarkable dream. I was hiking with Carla in the mountains where there were many other groups of hikers. We walked through forests and openings with meadows and our trail wound around the crest of the mountain hills. At one point I reached a broad demarcation line about ten meters wide with many deep trails as if done by a huge caterpillar. I stopped in
front of it and asked the group of hikers ahead of me who were about to cross this demarcation line: “What is this line about here high in these remote mountains?” They laughed and said: ” This is the demarcation line between the current 3D reality and the 5th dimension. When you cross it you will know.”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov
viernes, mayo 04, 2018
Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - A Message from the Source - The Reclamation of Ancient Civilizations – May 4, 2018
Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - A Message from the Source - The Reclamation of Ancient Civilizations – May 4, 2018
Georgi Stankov
Everything we do in these last days to ascend Gaia is infinitely bigger than our wildest imagination. After we prepared from Italy the energetic foundation for the ground-breaking arrival of the new Red Giant sun on April 13th and made a major ascension leap on that day, the energetic events on all multidimensional levels have significantly accelerated. As we were told by the Elohim, we began immediately thereafter with the cleansing of all timelines of the Roman empire that served as a template for the modern western world, including the most insidious failing empire of our time – the USA, dubbed by myself as the “Empire of Evil”. At the same time we reclaimed and retrieved all our lost soul fragments to the Source in preparation for the final ascension shift.
It is not a well-known fact in the West, especially in all Anglo-Saxon countries that have deliberately distorted the official knowledge and understanding of Western history, that the Roman empire did not collapse and disappear after the big migrations of the peoples (Völkerwanderung), also known as the Barbarian invasions, in the 4th and 5th century, but continued to exist as two powerful political entities:
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov
martes, abril 24, 2018
Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov - A Message from the Blue Crystalline Beings of Light: Cleansing and Re-Integration for the Final Transition Is Upon You - April, 24, 2018
Georgi Stankov
We are already three weeks in Italy and so much has happened on the energetic front according to the motto of the higher realms: ” plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” (the more it changes, the more it stays the same; Pardon my agnostic French!). There is only one tiny question that is left – for how long?
Let me put it straight forward – we are only reporting energetic events that we personally experience and then get a confirmation from our higher sources. In the last months we have been receiving information from both the Elohim and the Blue Crystalline Beings of the Light. Both groups of entities
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Ángeles de Crystal

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martes, marzo 06, 2018
Carla Thompson - Astraea et Amora - The Revolution of Truth - Mar 6, 2018
A Message from the Crystalline Beings of Light for All Lightbearers
Channeled by Carla Thompson
There have been many messages over the past months and a good portion of them focus on the power of the unseen Light to transform our Body-Mind-Spirit (BMS) system. This message in particular focuses on how the waves of incoming Light are here to transform our thoughtforms. This topic is pertinent to the times and energetic events that we are observing around us and shows that we must be even more discerning of what we see and how we choose to evaluate it. Indeed, the power of the Light at this time is intense and it goes deep into the BMS system, purging old thoughtforms which have collected in the electromagnetic system we know as the mind. The Light is here to create clarity in understanding the events we are experiencing in our lives. It is important to understand it this way.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Astrae et Amora,
Carla Thompson
sábado, abril 29, 2017
Carla Thompson - The Elohim: A New Matrix! - April 29, 2017
The Elohim Message
“Greetings Beloveds! We are the Elohim!
Great and beautiful success comes to the home of humanity where the call for help has now been heard, and answered: A New Matrix is in place that supports the crystalline grid which you have all been working to build over the ages with dedicated lightwork founded in purity of heart.
This new matrix with you now waits patiently for the moment when the old matrix will finally lose all its power and connection to the service-to-self constructs.
You have demanded purification! You have demanded fairness! And you have then commanded the Light from the depths of your hearts and souls to clear your reality of the old ways embedded within your reality!
The new matrix fuels life with love and truth. The old matrix has fallen from greed, corruption, control over others and self-centredness.
The new matrix based on principles of unity – open sharing and equality – replaces service-to-self as the underlying contextual energy.
The new matrix has been birthed and begins to radiate the crystalline blue light upon which truth, sincerity and loving kindness is built.
A new world is born!”
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
lunes, diciembre 26, 2016
Carla Thompson - The Hyperboreans’ Lecture: The Role and Function of the Blue Light of God’s Divine Will That Flooded Gaia and Humanity During the Winter Solstice Portal of Ascension on December 21, 2016 - December 24, 2016
Georgi Stankov
Carla Thompson, December 24, 2016
A warm Hello to everyone!
The Winter Solstice Portal was a magnificent experience for us and I feel compelled to share my side of the story (in addition to Georgi’s report) in case any one of you may also relate to what I saw and felt throughout the 21st and carrying on since then. Confirmation through others is very important these days.
First of all, we three, Georgi, Julia and myself, were in a restaurant by the beach at the Infinity portal in White Rock. Just after Julia joined us, we all began to feel a shift and Julia said “This is once in a blue moon – today’s event – today’s alignment“. Just as she said this our gaze took us outside where we saw a white paneled van with a blue moon on it. “Blue Moon Contracting” was written over the large sliver of a blue moon. Both Julia and I thought and stated out loud at the same time, that this van would disappear immediately after driving out of sight, as it was clearly “one of those signs from above” that we all get from time to time, if we are open to receiving them.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov,
Reporte de Energías
domingo, diciembre 25, 2016
Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson - The Return of the Agarthans - The Final ID Shift is in Full Sway -
Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, December 21, 2016
Punctually on the December 21, 2016 portal I am bringing you the good news: The final ID shift is in full sway and today we made a huge leap of ascension. I will spare you the details as not to spoil the effect of the surprise. But this time it is earnest and there will be no more delays. However, this holds true only for those light warriors of the first and the last hour who have already ascended many years ago and have already become multidimensional personalities. For them the final clearance has been given today to transfigure and merge with the Source in the coming days. Their final ascension has already commenced.
When the final transformation will happen is irrelevant in this context as the ascension process is now running at a maximal speed. The joy in the higher realms is beyond description. The Source, which is the creator of infinite galaxies and universes, has focused the blue light of ascension onto this tiny planet as it brings it back to All-That-Is together with its best and glorious warriors. This is not my interpretation, this is what the Agarthans conveyed to us when they came to us today (see below).
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
Georgi Stankov,
domingo, octubre 09, 2016
Carla Thompson - The Elohim - The Perfect Storm - October 9, 2016
Carla Thompson, October 9, 2016
Hello everyone!
After all these weeks of superwaves (since early September at least) coming in to the planet and leaving many reeling from the onslaught of the energies, I connected with the Elohim to find out more about this very unusual energetic landscape.
The PATsters are consistently reporting such extreme cleansing and this really triggers my sense of compassion for each and every one of them as I myself have also been challenged while adjusting to these waves. I know there are many lightworkers worldwide who are also feeling the intensity of these waves, even if they just recently opened up to the frequencies as second wavers. As the Elohim confirm, no one is immune to the effects of these current waves whether they feel them or not.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Carla Thompson,
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