Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Seres de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Seres de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, mayo 14, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Secrets of Your Hidden Supernatural Powers and Their Connection to Your Starseed Origin! - May 14, 2024

The Secrets of Your Hidden Supernatural Powers and Their Connection to Your Starseed Origin!

As Starseeds explore their cosmic connections, some intriguing patterns emerge, such as the potential link between one's extrasensory abilities and their Starseed origin. Delving into this fascinating realm might unveil more about your celestial roots and provide insights into the cosmic journey you're on.

sábado, marzo 09, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are traversing a passage - Mar 9, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are traversing a passage in which our light body is being recalibrated, as we continue building our connection to our Divine God Self. During this process of consicous reconnection and recalibration, many souls are awakening to their mission. While others, are initiating themselves in further stages of their ascension journey.

All serve a higher purpose within our planetary realm, and it is now a time when many souls are meant to awake to their mission, serving our planet to retrieve its original blueprint and purity.

lunes, septiembre 12, 2022

Aurora Ray - Are You An Ascended Master Or Light Being? Tips On How To Make Sure That You Are Making The Most Of Your Gifts And Talents: - Sep 12, 2022

Are You An Ascended Master Or Light Being? Tips On How To Make Sure That You Are Making The Most Of Your Gifts And Talents:

Are you an ascended master or light being?

If you open your heart and clear your mind, you should be able to intuitively tell if you are an Ascended Master or a Light Being.

As the name implies, an ascended master is someone who has been raised from the Earth plane, usually by some force of good. They are often marked by special abilities that they can use to help those around them who are still on Earth.

domingo, mayo 08, 2022

Aurora Ray - Are You An Ascended Master Or Light Being? - May 8, 2022

Are You An Ascended Master Or Light Being? Tips On How To Make Sure That You Are Making The Most Of Your Gifts And Talents:

If you open your heart and clear your mind, you should be able to intuitively tell if you are an Ascended Master or a Light Being.

As the name implies, an ascended master is someone who has been raised from the Earth plane, usually by some force of good. They are often marked by special abilities that they can use to help those around them who are still on Earth.

miércoles, abril 14, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - It's Hard to See How Far Humanity Fell from Consciousness...- April 13, 2021

Everyday I get up to "see" what the rest of the world is "up to". Everyday I see more and more and more of how divided, how unkind, how deep asleep, how separated, how judgmental and how the old constricting, fixed, linear ways and perceptions are utilized/used to manipulate, dis-grace and control. Everyday I see all of the stories, conditioning and programming.... and all of the old beliefs and systems in place that continue to pit each other against each other.... both individually and through various collectives/groups. Every day I see horrific acts against .... Every day I see those who hold various positions NOT taking every chance to do the humane and just thing for all of humanity and instead do the opposite.... Every day I see mis-perceptions and mentalities/belief systems used against each.... Every day I see closed hearts where so many still live from their heads. Every day I see fear rampant and peeps emotions used to control them, creating scenarios to pit more against each other.... spreading narratives to incite more division, more fear, more separation... as a means to control and keep fear scenarios going. Every day I see every excuse known to man as the way to "excuse" unconscious behavior and "justify" that which is not aligned on a Pure Heart/Pure Soul Level....

domingo, marzo 14, 2021

L’Aura Pleiadian - STARLIGHT ACTIVATIONS ~ 3 OF 111- Mar 14, 2021



AS I met again last night with BEINGS from another Universe, yet here inter-dimensionally, they told me they have no Earth name. They told me I may call them the ILLUMINATED WAYSHOWERS.

Each one of this sacred group of Starlight Beings are unique. The first one that came forward was a crystal being made of a myriad of diamond like crystals. In a flash they revealed that they can change forms. As I watched the crystals vanish, a new form emerged. They loved showing me how easy it is, to change forms. Even as they appear as solid and as real as any form on Earth.

jueves, abril 09, 2020

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Codes of Resurrection, Renewal and Rebirth : April 2020 - April 9, 2020

Beloved Ones, at this time your Planet is in so much chaos and suffering. The Planetary energy is heavy and dark in many places. But yet, at the same time there is a process of deep Transformation and Change that is under way. The Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January set off this train of events, snd the more recent energetic “dance” of Pluto and Jupiter is amplifying the energies of very deep level change.

sábado, agosto 24, 2019

James Tyberonn - Naturaleza de la Luz - Angélicos y Seres de los Reinos de la Luz - Julio 27, 2019

La Naturaleza de la Luz
Angélicos y Seres de los Reinos de la Luz
Canalización del Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

¡Saludos! ¡Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz! En esta sesión se une a mí Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino.

Abarcamos a cada uno de ustedes en un vector y campo de Amor Incondicional dentro de la luz codificada. Los nutrimos, los honramos, a cada uno. Los conocemos por el corazón, por tono, por resonancia y por nombre. ¡Siempre ha sido así!

miércoles, julio 31, 2019


Patricia Cota-Robles

JULY 31, 2019

On July 14, 2019, while still being held in the peak transmission of one of the most powerful Solstices and Eclipse Series the Earth has ever experienced, we held our Free Seminar in Omaha, Nebraska. In all of the decades we have been offering Free Seminars, this was the first time we were guided to have a seminar in Nebraska. This is the state that is located logistically in the very center of the United States of America.

sábado, julio 27, 2019

James Tyberon - Archangel Metatron - The Nature of Light Angelics & Beings of the Light Realms - July 27, 2019


Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service.

We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by resonance and name. It has always been so!

Teri Wade - Bringers of the Light...- July 27, 2019

Bringers of the Light...

So much is shifting in our world that is not being reported on by our news media. But it’s not so much in an outwardly feeling as inward. And that ability to feel inwardly is a beautiful, profound and undeniable feeling of higher Universal consciousness.

domingo, mayo 26, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - RE-ENCARNACIÓN EN LA NUEVA TIERRA: RENACER A TRAVÉS DE LA FORMA DE TU CUERPO FÍSICO ACTUAL (y toda la Densidad/Linealidad que aún contiene) - Abril 23, 2019

por Lisa Transcendence Brown 
La NUEVA Tierra nace de nuevo desde dentro de cada uno de nosotros... en el silencio, en la paz y a través de la Presencia Pura. Son todas esas ideas creativas e inspiradoras... combinadas con nuestras capacidades y habilidades naturales, que son infinitas cuando estamos bien abiertos a esto...

domingo, marzo 24, 2019

Suzanne Lie - Dear Light being, A Message from our Children - March 24, 2019


A Message from our Children
through Sue Lie

“All right! All right!! I will write my story like the Golden One told me to do. But if I do write it, I will have to use another name so that no one will judge me—OOPS…

“I did not mean to say that. I mean, that it might not be a good way to look at my self. OOPS, again. I guess?