Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Teri Wade. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Teri Wade. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 17, 2020

Teri Wade - Will it be okay? - July 17, 2020

Will it be okay?

There is no other option. Meaning, when frequencies rise it affects everything. The vibration of everything is being elevated. Meaning, the Universe, the planets and its inhabitants. When frequencies rise everything expands so everything that is not expanding with it falls away.

martes, diciembre 31, 2019

Teri Wade - Inevitable Changes...- Dec 30, 2019

Inevitable Changes...

From Dark to Light 🙌🏼

The expansion of consciousness is never ending because the Universe keeps experiencing and expresses itself into matter and form, to gather information before turning into non-matter this is what this game is all about. Return to light, non-matter, going full circle. EVOLUTION!

jueves, diciembre 26, 2019

Teri Wade - Letting go...- Dec 24, 2019

Letting go...

All thoughts, emotions and words that we use are emanating through the vibrations we are emitting. It's all coming and emitting from you vibrationally. When we let go of all attachment/belief systems etc. you are giving your higher self permission to clear your path for you. It's kind of like opening the floodgates.

sábado, diciembre 21, 2019

Teri Wade - The Earth Game...- Dec 21, 2019

The Earth Game...

These are extremely tough times for the people of Earth. We are going through an Ascension in a physical body with absolutely no context on how to pull this off. We are right in the middle of a massive conflict over control of the human consciousness and the territory of Earth by extremely tyrannical powers, warmongering humans, Archonic non-humans and demonic forces.

lunes, diciembre 16, 2019

Teri Wade - Human modification - Dec 16, 2019

Human modification

The war on human consciousness is bubbling to the surface like never before. If you are one of those that cannot see this yet you must be in a state of "necessary sedation" for some individual reason.

martes, diciembre 10, 2019

Teri Wade - Body changes... Part 1 and Part 2 - Dec 10, 2019

Body changes...
Part 1

In these times called the Great Tribulation Earth and the physical body are going through major changes. On a planetary scale a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of light are coming to the Earth plane. Meaning, the veil of separation and denial are lifting.

viernes, noviembre 29, 2019

Teri Wade - Earth's Chaos...- Nov 29, 2019

Earth's Chaos...

Major movements by the negative rulers towards the surface population for complete control of Earth is coming to a halt. This agenda has been reversed engineered shall we say and a push towards a more positive timeline is being activated.

sábado, noviembre 23, 2019

Teri Wade - The Day of Purification...

The Day of Purification...

When the Dimensional shift happens we'll experience the 3rd dimensional state of consciousnes recede away. When this happens we will start to see synthetic materials begin to disappear that are not of the natural world. In my opinion they will not disappear all at once it will depend on what they're made of.

domingo, noviembre 03, 2019

Teri Wade - The Fall of the Archons...- Nov 3, 2019

These dark forces with a very dark agenda took control of Earth and took humanity hostage.They created a virtual reality control system in which humanity could not escape which is the current system we’re in as of now.

miércoles, octubre 16, 2019

Teri Wade - The Reptilian Resistance - Oct 16, 2019

One of the biggest advantages the Reptilian race and occult have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in a different dimensional frequency. You need to ask yourself how effective would they be if this veil of illusion was lifted?

domingo, octubre 13, 2019

Teri Wade - Gaia’s 5D Shift...- Oct 13, 2019

Gaia’s 5D Shift...

As we all know the underlying field of intensity with these new frequencies are being felt and seen by many. We’re seeing it being played out on the world stage as if it were a playground controlled by controllers using bullying tactics. The ego does this when it senses a loss of power.

domingo, septiembre 15, 2019

Teri Wade - The History of Earth... Parts 1-10 - Sep 15, 2019

The History of Earth...
Parts 1-10

Part 1- The beginning of the Humanoid form.

First of all humanity needs to realize that time can be changed and modified by our own awareness therefore history is not written in stone but is an ongoing tapestry of events. But, remember each event is also happening in a different timeline and we as humans can jump those timelines individually and collectively. 😉

miércoles, septiembre 11, 2019

Teri Wade - Transformation - Sep 11, 2019


On the surface our planet seems to be operating on a constant state of fear and confusion with mass shootings, wars, arguments, riots and civil unrest. If you only listen to what the mass media portrays our world seems to be scary, a very threatening place to live. However, they only tell you what they want you to hear. Much of what happens in our world goes undocumented and unreported by the mass media and lots of these occurrences happen to be positive.

viernes, septiembre 06, 2019

Teri Wade - Leaving the Matrix…- Sep 6, 2019

Leaving the Matrix…

As the old Matrix slowly unravels before our eyes the human species has arrived at a pivotal point. It has become quite clear the separation between the evil agenda and the light agenda. From the very beginning since our controllers set up shop on Earth it’s been a Bread and Circus.

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2019

Teri Wade - Body changes.. Part 1 - Sep 3, 2019

Body changes...

Part 1

In these times called the Great Tribulation Earth and the physical body are going through major changes. On a planetary scale a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of light are coming to the Earth plane. Meaning, the veil of separation and denial are lifting.

martes, septiembre 03, 2019

Teri Wade - Souls and the incarnation process... - Sep 3, 2019

Souls and the incarnation process...

We are all souls but some of you are more in tune with your memories of that eternal life brought on by many incarnations.

A soul is the real you, your eternal self, your higher self. We’ve all heard the saying before…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are a spiritual being having a human experience.”

sábado, agosto 31, 2019

Teri Wade - The Greatest Show on Earth - August 31, 2019

Teri Wade

The Greatest Show on Earth

For every action there is an equal opposite reaction. The Dark forces are learning this lesson quite intensely in our current time. They have been relentless barraging the surface of Earth on many energetic fronts. But, both Mechanical and Conscious tech has been thrown into overdrive in response to massive operations that are happening on the surface and on the esoteric levels trying to dissolve a major portion of the malevolent consciousness. These operations are meant to remove the head of the snake.

miércoles, agosto 28, 2019

Teri Wade - New Earth - August 28, 2019

New Earth 🌎

The New Earth doesn’t just arrive it’s a new higher dimensional timeline, a new vibration... Heaven! This New Earth which is almost achieved all from within. It’s each and everyone of you who are dedicated to your soul and all souls who are walking this Earth now.

martes, agosto 27, 2019

Teri Wade - DNA activation, upgrade and Ascension...- August 27, 2019

DNA contains the instructions for a living organism to grow and function. It tells the cells what role they need to play in the body. It gives instructions to make your heart cells beat, for your limbs to form in the right place, your immune system to fight infection and your digestion system to digest your dinner.

viernes, agosto 16, 2019

Teri Wade - It’s time...- August 16, 2019

It’s time...

Starseeds are beings that heard the call from Earth from a council that oversees this planet. They are here to stop the lower consciousness from destroying itself and all its creation.

This consciousness was created by greed, lust, power and control. Many lessons will have been learned at the close of this 3rd dimensional consciousness. The current Starseeds on Earth right now inserted themselves into the great stories told by Earth's past Gods.