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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Arcontes. Mostrar todas las entradas
miércoles, enero 15, 2025
Natalia Alba - As a result of our transition into a new dimensional sphere - Jan 15, 2025
Beloved Ones,
As a result of our transition into a new dimensional sphere, our planet is undergoing massive changes. The Diamond/Rainbow Pillars have started to be anchored in many new locations. Planetary areas that many of you, as Light Pillars sustain, stabilize, and support with your daily efforts.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Aurora Boreal,
Líneas de Tiempo,
Natalia Alba,
Nueva Tierra,
Pilares de Luz,
Reporte de Energías,
Síntomas de Ascensión
martes, enero 24, 2023
Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Acuario el portador de agua y la activación del corazón Aqua: El portal 2/2 - Ene 24, 2023
Acuario el portador de agua y la activación del corazón Aqua: El portal 2/2
Queridas almas amadas, ahora están en el umbral de la nueva era acuariana de la Tierra. Están listos para completar y anclar su transición a la nueva Tierra multidimensional.
Cuando trabajamos con ustedes previamente, en diciembre de 2022, activamos el Corazón Solar Dorado (8va Dimensional) y el Corazón de Diamante Galáctico (9a Dimensional) para permitirles acceder y tierra esas Frecuencias Superiores. Ahora te invitamos a activar y energizar el aspecto Aqua Heart que te conecta con el flujo puro de Agua Cósmica Cristalina del “Trono de Dios” o Fuente.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA MIguel,
Celia Fenn,
Reporte de Energías
jueves, julio 02, 2020
Lisa Renee - Leviathan Races and Demon seed
Recently, with the powerful Summer Solstice activation that included the transmission of the Emerald Father Son coding which holds the power source for the return of the Solar King Christos archetype for the divine masculine, Guardian projects in the planetary field have included the review and release of blood covenants and bindings made to the Leviathan demon seed through satanic ritual abuse (SRA) methods. The Leviathan demon seed is the spiritual record held in the occult bloodline that is propagated throughout the main 13 Luciferian Cult families. As a result of these recent revelations with the main Luciferian bloodlines perpetuating SRA with the Leviathan races in these death cults, the following information about the Leviathan races is included for
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Fuerzas Oscuras,
Lisa Renee
domingo, noviembre 03, 2019
Teri Wade - The Fall of the Archons...- Nov 3, 2019
These dark forces with a very dark agenda took control of Earth and took humanity hostage.They created a virtual reality control system in which humanity could not escape which is the current system we’re in as of now.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, agosto 17, 2019
Lisa Renee - Baphomet Deception - August 17, 2019

August 2019
Baphomet Deception
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
In the world’s religions and practice based spiritual traditions, at the higher levels when a complete life commitment has been secured, a type of theological turnaround is often introduced. All the ascending aspirations toward cultivating virtue and purity are cast aside as naive beginner level beliefs for the masses, to be replaced by the highly secret and real accomplishment, which is to hold onto spirit while breaking all the rules and precepts of the tradition. This is often posed as a challenge for the spiritual adept, that to see God in goodness is only half the path, but to see God in darkness is believed to be where you gain real spiritual power. Of course, the true intent is to move someone from the ascending path to the descending path with their full consent and participation, to be
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Fuerzas Oscuras,
Lisa Renee
domingo, diciembre 02, 2018
James Gilliland - Lies Deceptions and the Archon Way - Dec 2, 2018
Lies Deceptions and the Archon Way
There has always been the slogan, Truth, Justice and the American way. Like a frog in a pot slowly things have degenerated into the opposite. Have you watched the lame stream news? Have you watched what is surfacing concerning the conduct of the agencies. The Justice Department has become the just us department. The Department of Defense was the department of offense doing the bidding as the brute squad of the Global Elite. Politicians represent foreign investors, America for sale many of which have dual citizenship. The Environmental Protection agency ignores the pollution in the air, water, and on land. Ask them about glyphosate,
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Gilliland
lunes, agosto 13, 2018
Jahn J Kassl - Master Jesus - LIBERATION FROM ARCHONS - July 31, 2018
1. August 2018
Message from Master Jesus
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
photo credit: Andrea Percht
Do not tempt me!
The planet of ascension is completing its last cycle, and the kings of darkness are returning to their true kingdoms.
„Do not tempt me…“
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Jahn J Kassl,
Maestros Ascendidos
lunes, septiembre 25, 2017
James Gilliland - Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul - September 21, 2017
Ancient History and Understandings To Free The Soul
by James Gilliland
September 21, 2017
We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution.
Well looks like the double speak is here. The masks are all coming down. No rock is being left unturned and all iniquities will be shouted from the roof tops. The days of tyranny and deception are coming to a close. We are in the Apocalypse defined as the great uncovering. We are going to realize almost everything we have been told is a lie, half-truths designed to steer humanity off course, hinder human evolution. Peoples true intentions are being made known despite the blatant futile attempts to maintain the status quo. If you want to know the truth just take the lame stream medias broadcast and reverse it. Know the agenda of the Cabal, the New World Order and you will see the reasons why there is so much pain, suffering, death and lack on the planet.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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5ta. Dimensión,
James Gilliland,
jueves, diciembre 03, 2015
Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - December 3, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as chivalry. This quality is the feeling that one has of inner value and worth from which one knows that they are noble of being. They have the desire to show respect for this quality when it is found in the world. It encourages an individual to maintain a reputation that is worthy of respect and admiration. Chivalry involves virtuous conduct, personal integrity and honorable acts by each individual. It is the estimation of the value of one’s worth in one’s family and community where their word is trusted and their advice is sought and respected by others. Chivalry is shown in one’s deeds and works that exemplify the glory of the divine essence that lives and moves within them. It is ensuring that their deeds and works show honor to their families through the generations. Their highly moral and generous spirit, greatness of mind, heart and soul always acts for noble purposes. Their actions are taken for the highest good of all, and show respect for all creation following the Creators rules that they live by. They always do what they have promised and can be relied upon to keep their word. They practice living and embodying the qualities of love every day. They always do the right thing and set a good example.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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AA Gabriel,
Marlene Swetlishoff
miércoles, marzo 11, 2015
~Gnostic Archon Parasite~ Removal And Prevention ~
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Ángeles de Crystal

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