Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Atlántida. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Atlántida. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, marzo 05, 2025

Natalia Alba - The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing - Mar 5, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing at this time is a consequence of the planetary agreements you made before your present incarnation. Soul agreements meant to occur when planet Earth is ready to move into a new sphere of Creation, for it is then when your assistance is required to support our current planetary shift. We all have been waiting for this time, working incessantly to shift and liberate our minds, to be prepared for this unique moment in our galactic history.

domingo, septiembre 29, 2024

Judith Kusel - East coast USA connects to Atlantis - Sep 29, 2024

East coast USA connects to Atlantis, and with the intense flooding a lot of old soul memory banks of the Fall of Atlantis and the sinking of landmass, during the Great Floods, will surface.

jueves, julio 13, 2023

Aurora Ray - Atlantis Rising: An Extraterrestrial Awakening! - July 13, 2023

Atlantis Rising: An Extraterrestrial Awakening!

A new era for humanity has dawned. We have reached a point in our evolution where we can finally take control of our lives and destiny!

The Galactic Federation has long been waiting for the day when Atlantis would reappear on our planet's surface!

As per their request, I had to contact you and let you know about this event.

martes, junio 13, 2023

Aurora Ray - Atlantis: A Gateway to Other Realms—Unveiling the Enigmatic Portals - June 13, 2023

Atlantis: A Gateway to Other Realms—Unveiling the Enigmatic Portals

Atlantis is a lost city that has been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years.

Atlantis is a city of legend, and its origins are shrouded in mystery. The island continent was said to be the seat of civilization during the Bronze Age, but it was later swallowed by the sea. Today, only scattered ruins tell of its existence.

domingo, septiembre 05, 2021

Judith Kusel - Humanity is standing collectively ...- Sep 5, 2021

Humanity is standing collectively at a vast threshold where one path leads further into the old destructive ways and the other leads to totally new beginnings, unity, harmony Oneness in the New Earth.

They can either sink further in the quagmire of the Old Earth and end up robot like and remotely controlled like in Atlantis.

Or they can choose to leave the old behind forever, in all and every form and way, and thus into a totally new beginning in the New Earth, which is already here.

lunes, mayo 03, 2021

Diana Cooper - Cats have a feminine energy...- May 3, 2021

Puede ser un primer plano de gato

Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful, graceful and loving. Like all domestic animals they may choose to reincarnate into the same families and people often feel they have a deep connection with them. Cats look after their owners so, while most people think they are taking care of their felines, in fact the cat is protecting them and their home from entities and bad energies. Many of them are healers and offer you healing without you being aware of it. They are very psychic, much more so than most people realise.

sábado, abril 10, 2021

James McConnell - Ashtar and OWS - Atlantis and Lemuria Will Rise Again (within you) - March 28, 2021


ASHTAR (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Ashtar. I come at this time to continue to assist you and help you in understanding the perspective that we have. Perspective that we want all of you to have as well.

As we look down and we see the Earth, we see life here on the planet. But we see it as it is meant to be. Not necessarily how it is now. We see the higher consciousness all across the planet, not those pockets of lower consciousness. Yes, of course, we are aware of the darkness. We are aware of those dark ones that continue to do everything they can to hold back the ascension process, as they have known about this ascension process for thousands and thousands of years of this coming. And they have done everything they can to hold it back. But hold it back, no longer are they able to do.

lunes, marzo 08, 2021

Diana Cooper - Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful - March 8, 2021

Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful, graceful and loving. Like all domestic animals they may choose to reincarnate into the same families and people often feel they have a deep connection with them. Cats look after their owners so, while most people think they are taking care of their felines, in fact the cat is protecting them and their home from entities and bad energies. Many of them are healers and offer you healing without you being aware of it. They are very psychic, much more so than most people realise.

miércoles, febrero 10, 2021

Diana Cooper - There are currently unprecedented opportunities for ascension to the fifth dimension - Feb 10, 2021

There are currently unprecedented opportunities for ascension to the fifth dimension… Why?

Since the fall of Atlantis ten thousand years ago our planet has become very dense and dominated by masculine energy. The reason we fell into such a dark space was two-fold. First we were a plane of free will and no one anticipated we would use it to cause such destruction. Secondly Earth is the solar plexus chakra of the universe and so we have taken in and transmuted the fear of this entire universe.

miércoles, enero 13, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Fall of Atlantis - January 13, 2021


"The Fall of Atlantis" was the ending of one civilization and, eventually, the beginning of another civilization. It is important that we call remember that every civilization has a beginning, a peak, and a fall.

It is the "fall of a civilization" or at least any great changes that occur in a civilization that forces the inhabitants of that reality to leave where they are or adapt to the new reality that is beginning.

jueves, septiembre 03, 2020

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Atlantis & The Orion Wars Are Back - Sep 3, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel humanity making at this time. This is not an easy time for you all to be there on Earth. In fact, it is a very challenging time, as you get closer and closer with each passing moment to your ascension. You are getting there, but you have to shed all of the heaviness that you have accumulated along the way. Now, part of how you do that is through replaying old scenarios, circumstances that have shaped you, that have created the traumas that you carry within you.
Right now, on your world, as you witness people going to extremes, feeling very polarized against another side, you are replaying Atlantis, and you are replaying the Orion Wars. You had there on your planet a very polarized society in spite of the fact that the Atlanteans were so advanced spiritually and technologically. You have there on Earth right now a lot of advanced technology and a lot of highly-evolved humans, and you have a little of everything in between. And what we mean by that is you have all sorts of different experiences. You are much more diverse as a global community than you were in Atlantis.

martes, septiembre 01, 2020

Diana Cooper - We are currently undergoing some of the most challenging months there have been on Earth - Sep 1, 2020

We are currently undergoing some of the most challenging months there have been on Earth.

Mother Earth is starting to release the pent-up anger that has been stored within her. The energy of our emotions has been passing through our feet into the ground and has been building up for ten thousand years since the fall of Atlantis. From time to time some of it has been released through earthquakes, volcanoes, explosions and so on but now Lady Gaia herself is accelerating the cleansing in preparation for the new Golden Age.

lunes, agosto 24, 2020

Lisa Renee - Atlantian Mystery Schools

During the timeline of Atlantian Mystery Schools, each of the 12 Tribes held one of the twelve holographic discs containing specific spiritual knowledge about their tribe’s affiliation and its related ascendancy information, that connected into the complete records of the earth as a genetic living library for the Cosmos.

martes, agosto 11, 2020

Judith Kusel - Next phase for planet earth and star seeds: purification - August 11, 2020


Next phase for planet earth and star seeds: purification

There is a wave of massive energy changes now truly coming in and it is in the form of changes of the inner earth as well changes within us.

In ancient times all was communicated through an intricate language of geometrical forms, shapes and sound. Indeed, their patterns in itself hold energy, for it is in the combination of all of this that cosmic energy from Source manifests in outward and inner forms.

jueves, mayo 07, 2020

Judith Kusel - The Lock-Down has opened the collective soul memory banks of Atlantis - May 7, 2020

I was made aware again this morning during my meditation, of how, with the planetary ascension into in the 5D, the old Timelines are coming to the fore, which now need to be dealt with and closed.

The Lock-Down has opened the collective soul memory banks of Atlantis, and all which was before Atlantis, and what happened after Atlantis, as humanity sunk further into the quagmire.