Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta James McConnell. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta James McConnell. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, abril 16, 2024

James McConnell - Saint Germain and One Who Serves - You are now in a new time line of your creation - Apr 7, 2024

SAINT GERMAIN(Channeled by James McConnell)

And I am Saint Germain.

I’ve come to be with you at this time, in this auspicious time, in this momentous time that you are approaching now. Not so much just for the eclipse that is about to happen, solar eclipse, but because of the shift, the change that is coming over all of you, all of you that are ready, all of you that have been preparing and working moving ahead in this time frame, in this timeline that you have created. And yes indeed, you have all created as a collective consciousness here on the planet, you have created a new timeline, a new timeline that is diverging from the old, the old biblical timeline, the old prophecy timeline of Armageddon and destruction.

That is not to be, as you have heard many times now, as we have been telling you this, guiding you, guiding you along the path, along this new transition into this new timeline.

Know that you have been chosen for this and chose yourself to be a part of this, a part of this new higher light expression. And know that after the solar eclipse tomorrow, you will feel this new higher light expression. You will feel the light. You will feel the intenseness, the vibration in the air itself.

Those of you that are tuned mostly to nature will feel it in nature itself as if nature has awakened further.

You will feel it in the breeze through the trees. You will feel it in the birds that are flying overhead. You will feel it in the touch of the grasses on your feet and the flowers that are blooming everywhere. This is the beginning of spring, spring in this area of the country.

Feel it in the air. Feel it on your skin.

Know this as you experience this, as this becomes more and more attuned to you and you attuned to it, attuned to the higher expression coming through this solar sun of this solar system.

A gateway opening up and allowing these new higher energies to come through. Again, bathing the earth, bathing all of life here, and a precursor to the great solar flash that is as of yet still approaching this world.

As always, my friends, trust in the process. Trust in the process within yourselves as you are moving further and further along through this transition. This transition that is taking you, each and every one of you, further and further within yourself and further and further away from the old illusion of the third dimension.

Know more and more and more as those things develop around you in the external world, within the illusion, know that it is actually just that, an illusion. The more and more you become aware of that, the more and more you become awake to that, that it is simply an illusion. And you find yourself more and more not being attuned to that illusion, not being trapped in that illusion any longer in the old program.

Trust that the old programming is fading away more and more. And the more that you trust that, the more it shall be so. Not only for you as individuals, but for you as a collective as well. All of those that are ready to awaken to who they are, are a part of this transition now. And you’ll indeed move through this ascension.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to move forward, always moving forward, always stepping forward, not backwards any longer. And if you find yourself slipping every once in a while, just remember, that you have the violet flame, that you have the light within you and around you, and it is always protecting you, as well as all of those of your guides, and the angels, and the archangels, and the galactics that are all there, working through, and for, this ascension process for you.

Trust. Continue to trust in yourself.

ONE WHO SERVES(Channeled by James McConnell)

Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum, Om, We are here and we are ready to entertain your questions if you have them.

(Guest question)
You said that you’re the ascended masters and you ascended to your current position because you were once, like us, trying to ascend. And I’m just wondering if you had to go through the same kind of tests as we are right now.

(OWS Answer)

Well certainly, just as all of you have attachments at various points in your lives and in past lives previous to this, we also had those attachments. But that is what Mastership is all about, is mastering the attachments, mastering the letting go of the old programming. And this is what we have been working with all of you to do here, is to work through the old programming to let it go more and more and more and to learn to go with the flow. And as you do that, the programming and the attachments just begin more and more to fade away and you become aware of just how simple life can be if you are free of the attachments that have held you down to this third dimensional illusion for so long.

Time now for all of you to move beyond that third dimensional illusion, beyond the Matrix, to become, as we have said many times, to become the Neos in The Matrix movie, very much a symbology of what is occurring through this transition that you are in. So yes indeed, we were there, we did that, done that and as we have said many times we would not go back and do it again though. But we are not you. You are ones that have indeed done this before, been there, done this before and will likely turn around at some point, maybe not right away, but at some point turn around and go back and do it all over again. And we know that you say no, not ever again. Shpshanna, do you add here?

SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
(Shoshanna adds here)
We only have a few words to add if we may add their brother.(Of course. Anytime).

One Who Serves has given you a complete answer. We will just add that there is no free lunch. Namaste.

(OWS comment)

Very good.
We will remember that. It is so perfect. That’s wonderful. Would there be any other questions? OK. Any other questions?

(Guest Question)

Yes, I have a question. Thank you. Looking forward to this wonderful eclipse tomorrow and my birthday and everything. They’re telling us, of course, put your glasses on. Don’t look first at the sun for any amount of time whatsoever.I don’t know if that’s true now. I’m wondering how much we should or should not. I’m gonna be there. I’m gonna be out there in the woods. There’s gonna be a 93% eclipse in my area. So how much should we or should we not actually look directly at that eclipse as it’s going by?

(OWS Answer)

We will tell you that it is a scientific fact that it would not be good for the physical eyes to look directly at this as it is occurring, if it is a full eclipse from where you are. But also understand that you can view this through your third eye, which has become opened in all of you in many respects. So that is how you can view this. But more importantly than viewing it, feel it, as we have been prompting you to do here in these last two calls here, the last two weeks here, we have been prompting you to feel it, to experience it deep within yourself. That is how you, those of you, the light workers, more so the light warriors, will be able to experience this at a higher level here than the general population.

Okay, Shoshanna, do you have something you add here?

(Shoshanna adds here )

We just add one thing. May we add dear sister? (Yes, please.) Happy birthday !

(Guest comment)

Thank you, thank you. I’m going to guess then that we could almost just lay out there and close our eyes and let it just take us over. Do you think that’s a good idea?

(Shoshanna comment and guest answer in parentheses)

That is good, yes. (Thank you. Okay, thank you, Shoshanna.)

(OWS comment)
Would there be other questions here?

(Guest Question)

Yeah, yes, I have a question. Um, it’s regarding sound vibrations. They say that 432 Hertz is the frequency that we should be at, we should be listening to keep our vibrations at a good level, I guess. And that the sounds were changed by the dark forces to get off of that good frequency. They put it up to four or 340 hertz. And that they also provided us with 5G phones, which also interrupts that hertz, the calm sound vibration that we listen to. Do you have anything to talk about that? Is that true? This is what I was reading about. So is that true? Do you know about that?

(OWS Answer)
We will speak about the 5G and then ask Shoshanna to speak about the hertz as you are saying. She is the musical one here. But we speak about the 5G in terms of technology.

It is about the light or the dark, you see. So it is not the 5G itself, it is what is behind that. Just as the vibration that is brought about by those of the dark forces is a negative vibration to those who would feel it, whether it is sound or whatever type of vibration it brings, you see, and it can be very harmful to those that are not ready for it. Now, we would say here that the 5G, as you are experiencing, or that is being pushed to be brought out more and more, can be harmful to those who are not ready for it, who have not raised their own vibration. You see, because the lower vibration of this 5G even though it is higher somewhat than the 4G before it and the 3G before that and so on and so on, it is harmful to, again, those who are not ready to receive that type of vibration. Now, if your vibration is high within yourself, it matters not what the dark forces tend to bring about. If they are trying to bring about sickness and disease and all of these things, there is nothing that can harm you if your vibration is high enough. So focus not on what they are doing, but what you can do within yourself to raise your vibration and keep it high. See? And Shoshanna?

 (Shoshanna adds here)

We can share on this. May we share, dear sister? (Yes, please.)Yes, dear sister, it is true that the musical instruments that are present in the Western culture of the United States have been downgraded, retuned so that the natural vibration, the natural sound, have been inhibited. Now we will ask you, does a lion roar in 432 Hertz or 440 Hertz? Does a bird chirp in 432 or 440? How does nature do it? So we will just answer that. That all of the natural sounds, including your voice, have a natural vibration, a natural Hertz to the vibration.

So if it is modified, your own vibration is modified, because it is listening to something foreign, you see. This goes all the way to digitizing music. Many of the sounds that are beautiful, that the ear once heard, are taken out of the digitized music. And many who follow this really just prefer vinyl, prefer a record player and a record, because this has not been modified, you see. I will also tell you that great orchestras in places like the country of Russia do not, do not conform to the musical instruments in your Western culture, they are natural. So that’s the experience of a great orchestra that is tuned correctly, is far above and away, reaching the heart quicker and faster and more expansively than those instruments that have been modified. So yes, indeed, it has been modified so that you cannot hear it any longer. So we suggest that if you are searching for music, you search for the measurement that is the natural one. Namaste.

(OWS Comment)

And we would add here, just think about the difference you feel within yourself when you are listening to the classical music, the melodic classical music that resonated within you. And then the difference between that and what you would call the hard rock music. There is also the term acid rock and these types of things, or you’ve got rap music, those various types that tended to lower vibration as much as they could, you see. Just know how you feel the difference there.

(Okay, thank you.)

(OWS Comment)

Yes, would there be other questions here?

(Guest Question)

Yeah, I have a question, is that okay? Forgive me if this has been answered at one point, but I got calls this week from friends that just kind of disturbed me that they’re putting preparations for candles, that they’re saying electricity’s not gonna be available, the computer will be gone, it might be three days of darkness.

And basically instilled in me a sense that I may not be prepared the way I’m supposed to be. A shortage of food and the money market being affected. Can you sort of review it a bit in case I’m kind of not sure what to expect now that I’ve got these phone calls from my loving friends? They just instilled some anxiety in me. I wonder if you could throw some light on how seriously
different things will be after tomorrow or subsequently.

(OWS Answer)

It’s going to be different every tomorrow. Do you remember in your Y2K when they did everything they could to spread fear, saying that if the clocks were going all be wrong, the computers were going to need to be reset, and everything was going to fall apart? And what happened? Nothing.

Now, we’re not going to say that they will not attempt to create some chaos, because their belief is creating chaos as much as they can. So they create chaos, they being the dark forces, create chaos, and then are the ones to turn around and bring order from that chaos making everybody think that they are so wonderful because they brought everything back, you see. So they attempt to do so.

We’re not going to say one way or the other whether they are going to, because it is as of yet not written in stone here, because there are competing forces that are working here. There are those of the dark forces, the dark hats, as you call them, and there are those of the forces of light or the White Hat Alliance that are countering everything that the dark forces are attempting to do and have been attempting to do. So we cannot say one way or the other how it is going to be or what it is going to be, but we can tell you that if you keep your vibrations high, it matters not what they attempt to do, you see.

So those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear will feel as we have been encouraging you to do, to feel the higher vibration of light coming through, feel it moving through your body, feel it, experience it as a wonderful spiritual event here, and that is how you will experience it. But there will be those that will experience it differently because they have been inundated with fear here over this process, that they will feel it in that way as well. You see? (Mm-hmm.) So, Shoshanna, do you have something you want to add here?

(Shoshanna adds here)

We will add, may we add our perspective dear sister. (Yeah, please.)

Dear sister. There are many on this call who remember when they did not have computers. They remember when they did not have a cell phone. See, there has been a great amount of programming going on so that the human being that exists today in modern culture is addicted to those things. So much so that without them, great fear sets in. You must remember driving in a car and not having a phone. You must remember going to a library to research something because there was no computer access. There was none of that, you see. And you must remember that when it got dark outside, people went to bed. They just rested. And they rose with the sun.

There are so many things that have been artificially thrust upon your population. That thinking about doing without them is terrifying. But it is not. It is the way it was. People existed far before any of these things even came into being, you see. So just remember that.

As far as being prepared, we will just say it does not hurt to have some extra food. As a matter of fact, we believe that most people have so much food in their homes that they could exist for a month without ever going to the grocery store. They may not have their favorites available to them, but they have food. And it does not hurt to have some water, and it does not hurt to have a flashlight. But do not be concerned that without a computer, without a cell phone, you will cease to exist, you see. That is just programming. Namaste.

(Thank you. Thank you)

(OWS Comment)
Very good. Any further questions? No further questions? Then Shoshanna do you have anything you would close us out with here?

(Shoshanna Comments)

Well we will just remind, we will remind everyone that you are, you are existing in a false reality. That all of the things that are foisted upon you are not really the natural way of Gaia, the natural way of Earth. It is meant to control you. And the greatest control that exists on your planet is the emotion of fear. So if you can be awakened to or instilled with fear, you will panic. You will not really understand that a false reality has been foisted upon you.

So be of good cheer. Open your heart to love, compassion and understanding and do not buy into the idea of fear. Namaste.

(OWS Comments)

Very good. And we simply say to again experience the light expression, experience the breakthrough as Saint Germain gave a really good message. The breakthrough that occurs after a breakdown, the breakthrough of the light, the breakthrough of the higher energy, higher vibrational frequency. Feel it, experience it, and you will have a much more special experience through this eclipse.

Peace be with you, Be the One.

Channeled by James McConnell

martes, abril 09, 2024

James McConnell - AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - In Divine Timing - Mar 24, 2024

The light is overcoming the shadows of darkness

AA Michael and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna´s Higher Self channeled by JoAnna McConnell

(James McConnell beginning of meditation:)

Now remaining in your tube of protective white light, focus a moment on your breathing as you take several deep breaths.

Finding the center within yourself, going deeper within yourself with each breath. Just focus now on relaxing and letting go. As you take a deep breath now, breathing in the light and exhale out any tension, stress, negativity of any kind. Just let that go out gently with the exhalation of your breath.

miércoles, abril 03, 2024

James McConnell - Jeshua and One Who Serves - The Chosen Ones - Mar 31, 2024

Jeshua and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna McConnell ’s Higher Self

James McConnell (Beginning of meditation)

Focus a moment on your breathing as you take several deep cleansing breaths. Just focus now on relaxing and letting go, becoming more and more centered within yourself. As you let the outside world just drift away and fall deeper into total relaxation, into your breathing as you take a deep breath now breathing in the light through your nose and hold it and hold it and exhale out any tension, stress, negativity of any kind. Let that go out gently with the exhalation of your breath. Take another deep breath now breathing in the light and exhale out any darkness.

martes, marzo 05, 2024

James McConnell - Saint Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - The Old Programming Is Coming To An End - Mar 3, 2024


SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing moments of great change that is occurring across the planet.

Even though you may not be aware, or those of what you call the ‘general public’ may not be aware, of these changes, they are happening. And people are waking up everywhere. A Grand Awakening is in process. That is what this is all about. This transition that you are moving through at this point is all about the awakening of mankind. The awakening of the collective consciousness of man. That is what you came here for. That is why this is all happening as it is happening. And know that it is not about what is coming, it is about what is already here now.

lunes, marzo 04, 2024

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Watch Your Thoughts - Feb 25, 2024

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time as we continue to move together through these times, together as one.

I, as Sananda, am very much one with all of you, all of you that are in this group, all of you that resonate to these words. I am one with you, and have always been one with you.

domingo, marzo 03, 2024

James McConnell - Archangel Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - A Time In No Time - Feb 18, 2024

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in this time of no time.

For you are experiencing that, more and more, time is irrelevant in your life. Or it is seemingly heating up. And indeed it is doing so. It is not an illusion when you say time is speeding by. Where has the time gone. Time is flying by. All these things that you have are because it is, indeed, happening in just that way. So know that, as you continue to move through your daily lives, that time itself is becoming more and more irrelevant in your lives: in your individual lives, as well as you collective lives.

martes, febrero 27, 2024

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - A Message Just For You - Feb 11, 2024


SANANDA(Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in, as always these continuing changing times. How everything is moving along at a faster and faster pace. Even your daily lives are moving much, much quicker.

Many of you are saying time is flying by and is doing so purposefully because everything is in flux at this point. You are experiencing a time shift at this point. More and more, time is shifting. You can even say that the time-space continuum is beginning to shift more and more. That will come, and understanding to that will come at a later point.

domingo, febrero 18, 2024

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - A Message Just For You - Feb 16, 2024

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in, as always these continuing changing times. How everything is moving along at a faster and faster pace. Even your daily lives are moving much, much quicker.

Many of you are saying time is flying by and is doing so purposefully because everything is in flux at this point. You are experiencing a time shift at this point. More and more, time is shifting. You can even say that the time-space continuum is beginning to shift more and more. That will come, and understanding to that will come at a later point.

martes, febrero 13, 2024

James McConnell - Ashtar, OWS, Shoshanna - We Have Not Forgotten You - Feb 4, 2024

ASHTAR (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time to bring a sense of hope. That is what I come for in these moments, to bring hope.

For you all to know that you have not been forgotten. You, as an individual, you as a collective, we are all so much aware of you, and so much in love with all of you. You are messengers, ones that have come here to bring the light, to bring the message of light, of love, of connectedness, of higher consciousness.

lunes, febrero 05, 2024

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Preparing For Change - Jan 28, 2024

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, at this continuing time of great change that is upon you. You are right in the midst of now, each and every one of you, as an individual, as a group, and as a collective consciousness of the entire planet.

Change is upon you. And as that change is upon you, there are different things that you can do to be preparing for that change. But the most important thing to prepare for the changes is to be in the moment now. Not to be in the past, not to be holding on to the past, to the old past programming of the third-dimensional illusion, not holding on to that at all; letting all of that go. And not only focusing on the future and what is coming. For whatever it is that’s coming is going to be here. And you being in the present moment prepares you for whatever it is that comes. That is how you need to look at this.

domingo, enero 28, 2024

James McConnell - St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - New Programming - Jan 21, 2024

SAINT GERMAIN(Channeled by James McConnell)

I am St. Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing changing times that you are in.

And how everything is moving in the direction that it was originally meant to be, both as a collective, as a world, as a human race, and as each individual country throughout the planet, each individual race throughout the planet. And how the plan was to bring unity consciousness to the world. It is in that process, and how several hundred years ago the plan was put in place for a new Republic. A new vision of how things could be, and should be, and shall be. When your Declaration of Independence was declared, and the ensuing Constitution and Bill of Rights was put forth by those of the Founding Fathers of this nation, America, of the United States For America. United together as one we stand.

martes, enero 23, 2024

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - The End Times - Jan 14, 2024

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in this time that you call, and many have been calling, the end times.

These are those times. But not the biblical times of old. Not the prophesies of old. Even I as Yeshua spoke of these things. But many of the things I said were changed. Were moved into a different direction for purposes that were not mine. So even though I said some of these words, they were manipulated and changed. The end times that I spoke of that were then paraphrased after that, where no one could have remembered or have gotten those direct words. But those of my disciples, those ones that heard the word that I did speak at that time, they reiterated those words as best as they could. But again, in times coming after, and the timeline that that biblical time spoke of, is not to be the timeline that you are in. Yes, indeed, some will live that timeline. Some are in the process of living, and even creating that timeline. But you, those of you, are creating a new timeline, a new higher level of existence, higher level of consciousness, complete with a higher vibrational frequency that then raises the consciousness more. And as your consciousness raises more, you indeed then raise your vibrational frequency more and more, which raises your consciousness. And that is continuing on, and on by many across the planet, as many, many more are in the awakening process. Some have already awakened, such as yourself, and are in an awakening process, even yourselves are at this point.

miércoles, enero 17, 2024

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - New Years Eve Message - Dec 31, 2023

SANANDA(Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda.

Where there is light, where there is love, there can be no pain and suffering. Where fear has left completely, and I speak now of fear. Fear is what is keeping the illusion going. The illusion of the third-dimensional is kept going by fear, rampant fear. And those of the forces of darkness continue to do everything they can to raise fear everywhere.

sábado, diciembre 30, 2023

James McConnell - Yeshua, OWS, Shoshanna - Christmas Message - Dec 23, 2023

YESHUA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Yeshua. I come to be with your at this time, this time of great joy, even though you look out upon the world and you do not see the joy upon everybody’s faces.

But at this point, at the point of the year, your time of Christmas, the joy is more and more rampant. The joy spreads more and more. For it is the season. It is the season of love. It is the season of peace. It is the season of joy and of oneness. Even those that do not understand the term ‘oneness,’ they tend to feel that at this time. Certainly there are those that do not feel that. But overall, across the planet, those that celebrate this time of the year, this season of joy, they feel it. They feel it, even for a few moments, which then raises the vibration within their bodies, their physical bodies, their astral and etheric bodies. And they feel this joy that many of you are feeling at this time. Because the programming that you have had over the many, not only this lifetime, but over many lifetimes, has brought you to this point where you see this time as a great time of joy, peace, and love, and togetherness, and family coming together, relationship.

lunes, diciembre 25, 2023

James McConnell - AA Michael, OWS, Shoshanna - Dec 17, 2023

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments of continuing change.

But more than change, truth coming forward everywhere. All of you know that to be the case, as truth is freely flowing out of the many shadows where truth was held back, and lies and deceit were rampant.

domingo, diciembre 24, 2023

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - When You Begin To Ask The Questions - Dec 4, 2023

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in this time of great awakening.

All of you are aware of this now, more and more of the awakening that is happening. And as your discussion was about awakening, and what it means to be awakened. Are you awakened? Are you fully awakened? Are you only partially awakened?

domingo, diciembre 10, 2023

James McConnell - St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna - The Republic - Nov 26, 2023

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these conditions; I will say, new beginnings.

Yes, you are coming to the end. You are coming to the end of the movie, the end of the show, the end of the old third-dimensional illusion. But wherever there is an ending, there is also a beginning.

martes, noviembre 28, 2023

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Focus More In The “Now” Moment - Nov 20, 2023

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times now where so much is happening all around you.

But where you are being guided more, and more, and more to find yourself in the moment, And not to focus on the past or to look only to the future, but to be in the moment. And allow everything that is going on in the third-dimensional expression in the illusion to be exactly that: just an illusion.

martes, noviembre 21, 2023

James McConnell - Sananda, OWS, Shoshanna - Focus More In The “Now” Moment - Nov 20, 2023

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these times now where so much is happening all around you.

But where you are being guided more, and more, and more to find yourself in the moment, And not to focus on the past or to look only to the future, but to be in the moment. And allow everything that is going on in the third-dimensional expression in the illusion to be exactly that: just an illusion.

lunes, noviembre 20, 2023

James McConnell - AA Michael, OWS - Choosing a Timeline - Nov 12, 2023

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, indeed, in these times of great change that is upon you.

And indeed you are moving through this timeline shift that is happening. For the timelines are diverging now. Just as you had in this experience, just as you were able to see in this experience, you can see the diverging timelines and many different offshoots of those timelines as you moved through the expression.

And just as you continue to move through the expression of your life, you are indeed able to be aware of these two timelines. Just think of it in terms of those that are of the old ways, the old status quo that do not want to change, they are diverging now. They are moving into that timeline that will keep them in the lower vibrational frequency.

And as you know, if you stay within the lower vibrational frequency, and not be in the higher vibrational frequency, you stay within the third-dimensional illusion. You cannot ascend into the higher fourth- and fifth-dimensional frequencies. It is not possible.

So you are witnessing that now as you look across at the world, and you see the world events that are happening. And all of this, all of these events are designed to attempt to hold you to this third-dimensional expression, to the illusion, to the old timeline, the old biblical timeline. But that is no longer for you because. as I said earlier, you have already made the choice. You made it long, long ago. You made the choice to move into the higher vibrational frequencies, to move through this ascension process, to be the Way-showers and the System Busters that you all are. You came here to bust this system wide open and you, as a collective, are doing exactly that.

Yes, indeed, there are many who are seemingly doing more than you are, but you, just with your thoughts, every moment your thoughts are creating this new timeline and the many different offshoots of that timeline. And know that because everything is multi-dimensional, that there are so many different aspects of these timelines as well.

We do not expect you to quite understand this yet at the third-dimensional level, but as you continue to rise in vibrational frequency and consciousness, you will begin to understand this more.

For if you think about it, only a few years ago, maybe five to ten years ago, the idea of timeline did not even come into your potential thinking. It was not even a thought that came in. But now it is in many peoples’ thoughts. Many peoples’ words are bringing this forward, the idea of timelines and shifting, and moving from one vibrational frequency to the other. You did not even know many years ago about vibrational frequency and how important it was to the raising of consciousness. It is all a part of the whole, a part of the one here. And you are all a part of this, bringing this forward. And you must come to understand that. Just your thoughts.

So when you have a negative thought, that negative thought resounds through the quantum field and the universal mind, and many then pick up that negative thought as well. But when you have a positive thought, the same thing occurs. And more people are picking up those positive thoughts that more and more people are having. And the more and more positive thoughts you have, the more thoughts you have of a positive timeline, of higher vibrational frequency, higher consciousness, you are love rather than fear, and so on and so on, the more that you have those types of thoughts, the more that you are creating this new positive timeline and moving into your ascension process more and more fully.

And yes, indeed, you are the verge now of a great shift along this timeline. Even the timeline that you are on now is going to have a great shift as well. You may not have thought of that, but it is. There is going to be a great shift within the positive timeline also. And those that are on the negative timeline are going to experience a shift in their timeline as well, and move them further away from you and all that you are attempting to experience and create in this new Golden Age that is upon you.

So yes, indeed, look at this as the end of the movie, as we have been saying for some time, telling you that this is a movie that you are watching. And simply watch it. Do not become a part of it. Do not become attached to it. Allow it to play itself out. And wherever you have the opportunity, though, you can play your part in this movie. You can play your part in helping others move into this positive timeline, or higher in this positive timeline.

It is up to you, you and the collective you, to bring this forward even more rapidly. And there are those that are positioned now at this point, cannot give name, but there are those that are positioned now at this point that are going to create this great shift that is upon you. I cannot say more about that at this time.

I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to move along this timeline that you have created, and continue to create this as you move forward with positive thoughts, positive expressions, love; not hate, not fear, just simply love.

ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here.

We do not have Shoshanna at this point, so we will, what you call, muddle along here, and do what we can to be of service in this way, as we have done for a lot of years here now, as we find it. So we are ready here for your questions if you have them. We will keep this somewhat short, as James has low energy at this point. But we will attempt to hold his energy up as high as we can, as long as we can. Would there be questions here for One Who Serves?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: This is a follow-up on the question I had about the image of the moon I saw and took a photo of, and it came out with a black area around it, and the moon was glowing with colors. And I had said yes, it resonated, and I said it reminded me of how I saw myself. Well, the first thing I saw was like an eye, like it was a reverse eye, as it was dark on the outside and the pupil area was light, and I was just wondering if you have anything you might like to add to that.

OWS: We will just say for you, this was personal for you, as you had this type of vision and understanding here, that so many across the planet would never have. So think of this as a point of, we will just use this term here, graduation for you, in a sense. That you are moving into a new phase of your life here. Not your life so much, but your understanding here, okay? Was this sufficient for you?

Guest: Yes, awesome. Thank you.

OWS: Yes. Very good. Would there be other questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: I’m feeling a huge amount of wave of change emotionally, dreams. Just a huge wave of something. Is something going on? I know that we went through the 11-11 portal, but there is just a huge influx of change. Is that something other people are doing, or have you heard if we are getting upgrades, or something like that?

OWS: This is what Archangel Michael was alluding to here, in that there is a great shift upon your timeline that is coming here. So you are going to have many different incidences of various things that are changing in your lives. We cannot say too much more at this point. We apologize for that, but we cannot, what is you call it, ‘let the rabbit out of the bag,’ is that how it goes? We cannot do that for you.

Guest: Okay, thank you.

OWS: No, that is not it: we cannot show you how that works. We cannot give that to you. We can just pull the rabbit out of the bag, but we cannot tell you how we do it, you see?

Guest: Yes, thank you.

OWS: would there be other questions here?

Guest: Yes, please.

OWS: Yes.

Guest: What I was sharing about the depression, I am certainly open to receive loving support and tips for aftercare, because I have no idea how long this depression has been in place, but it’s been quite a long while. So I’m ready to move forward. So can you provide some tips? I know Shoshanna usually does this, but I’m willing to hear what you have to say.

OWS: We will say that you are already receiving those tips. You are already moving through this depression, as you are saying here. You have to understand that it is not only you that are going through various changes in your life, but there are many, many, many across the planet that are going through huge changes, much more so than even you are, at this point. So know that what you are going through personally is for you personally, it is not so much that one can give you an answer here for this or for that, it is something you just have to move through, and you are moving through it. You have followed the guidance that you were given in terms of moving from one area to another, and follow what you are guided to do here. So we applaud you for doing so at this point.

Know that the depression as you are feeling it, is simply about vibration. So find ways to raise your vibration. Wherever you are, go out in nature and see the beauty in the world, and that will raise your vibration. Do a meditation such as we do with these chakra centers: that will raise your vibration, you see? The only reason you stay within a depressed state is because you need to for a term to stay within that stage. That is all. It is nothing more. You can get out of it any time you want to. It is a matter of will power. Okay?

Guest: Thank you. And there is an abundance of beauty here, and I love being out laying on the ground. I wanted to lay out and sleep outside for a few nights, but it rained (laughs). But I’m in tune. Thank you for that support. Thank you, thank you.

OWS: Very good. Are there any other further questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: In talking about timelines, I think this question is appropriate. Is there a final point of determination. We have talked about the movie. But I guess I’m asking is there an end to the movie? Is there a point, I call it the ‘curtain call,’ where all the truth is disclosed, and it is just put in front of every human on the planet. And my question is, is there a final point of determination when all that truth is disclosed for those people who haven’t really picked a timeline or picked going the light way or the dark way. Is there a final point of determination where people will have that sort of final choice within their soul to choose which timeline they are going on? I was always under the impression that not too long after that, the timelines would actually split.

OWS: We will say that many are going through this point right now, as far as making the choice. So many have made the choice long ago, such as all of you, and others have made the choice to go in the opposite direction and stay within the status quo and the old ways, and all of this. But there are those, and again Archangel Michael alluded to this as well, there are those that are what you call the middle here, and they are not quite sure that they even need to make a choice yet at this point. But there will come a time where they will need to make that choice. It will be either one way or the other. And that time is approaching, for sure. And when it is all said and done, there will be a final ending point where there will be that before the Changeover, and after the Changeover, as James said earlier. Was this sufficient for you?

Guest: Great. Thank you. Yes.

OWS: Yes. We take one more question if there is one.

Guest: I don’t have a question, I just have a comment. This is for the person speaking earlier. You are not along, My Sister. Even I, who have never been depressed, has been feeling that depression, that shift, that frequency shift lately. And many people I’m speaking to are feeling the same. So it seems to be a collective system change that’s going on. So we’re kind of all in it together.

Guest: Thank you.

OWS: Very good. Then we are ready to release channel.

We say here to all of you, to be free. Be free within yourself to move along this timeline in any way that works for you. Whatever works, that is okay, as long as it is not hurting anyone else in the process. So move freely along this timeline, as you continue to move, and find that as the shifts continue to happen, and they are going to happen, and more and more frequently, then just ride with it. Go with the flow here, as was said today.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.