SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in these; indeed changing times of higher and higher energies that are coming in, that are no longer being filtered as much as they were previously, but are being allowed to flow freely into the planet, into the population, into the central nervous systems of more and more people.
And that more and more people are able now to begin to anchor these energies, to hold these energies. And not to be in a sense destroyed by these energies, they can handle them more and more now. You see that happening now, more and more across the planet.
And know that it is happening more and more. More and more people are able to again hold and anchor these energies, and then spread the energies. And as they are doing that, it is creating a; what you would call a division, a division between those of more of the darkness and those of the light. And of course there are those in the middle realm, those that are not of dark, and not fully of the light yet, but are moving in that way, moving in that expression, the same expression, the same awakening that each of you have had, and are continuing to have.
You are all awakening, more and more to who you are, and yes indeed these energies can create quite a shift and change within you, a shift in consciousness within you, one minute you can hold these energies and feel them and be high up in the heavens in a sense, in a blissful feeling, and the next you can be fall back into a, what might be considered a cloud-mire. Being held back, held down, but then to rise again once more, and that is what you are all going through at this point, one minute up, the next down, the next up, the next down.
But more and more you’re going to find, and more of you are finding now, that you can hold these vibrations longer and longer, these higher vibrations longer and longer to hold and anchor the light more and more and more, and not fall back so much, and even if you do fall back, you quickly realize it, you quickly know that you have indeed fallen back and can now rise above it. Rise up once again to the higher levels of consciousness of who you are, and I say who you are, not who you are becoming, who you already are, you have never not been that higher level of consciousness, it is just your mind and your programming that have held you back from realizing and remembering fully who you are.
So allow the energies, know that they are coming in, know that there are many reasons for these energies coming in, in terms of planetary alignments, in terms of lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, whatever it is, it is all coming together as one, to bring about these; what have been called, timeline shifts. And indeed these times are changing and are shifting.
And as the timeline shift as you continue to move up into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher consciousness, then you begin to have those experiences where you may be seeing into other dimensional frequencies, where you may be feeling higher levels of consciousness at various times.
So allow it to be, allow it to happen, and even if the energies tend to, as you might say, kick your butts, that is okay, let it happen, let it be, and then rise again, always rise again to meet the next day, to meet the next moment, however that might turn out for you.
Just continue to move forward, continue to rise to the occasion; you might say, rise to the energies, and allow them to transform you.
I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue indeed to rise and continue to move forward in the moment, moment to moment, always, always moving forward, moment to moment.
ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)
Questions & Answers
Onmani-padmeuma onmani-padmeuma – onmani-padmeuma – uma – om
Master OWS
Greetings to you One Who Serves here, and we are ready to answer your questions if you have them.
Would there be questions?
Is anyone out there?
Yes, we’re here, we are here.
Master OWS
Very good, are there questions? If not, then we will end this call …
Can I make a statement?
Master OWS
I just wanted to say that, most of all the questions I want to ask, you can’t answer, or you’re not willing to answer. So that’s why I’m not asking you a bunch of questions.
Master OWS
It is not that we are not willing to answer, it is that we are in many ways forbidden to answer certain questions, of course. Some that can be answered, but there are those that are better answered by yourself, you see. And it is always that when questions are asked of us, we can give the answer that is best suited to you and to the collective whole that is listening to these answers as well.
So again, it is not that we do not want to. There are times we would love to answer your questions and be more direct with you, but that would not be in your best interest. And as always, we always have your best interest in mind.
So with that said, are there any questions? Otherwise, then we…
Okay, well, I’ll ask that question then. I can ask a question, maybe you can or cannot answer.
We have been witnessing, we have been witnessing very traumatic bad die efforts such as paradise fire, Pacific Palisades fire, Maui fire, and the hurricanes, and floods and North Carolina, etc.
Hmm are we… are the good guys seriously getting a bit of a hold on this and preventing these guys from using their directed energy weapons, or is this stuff going to continue or start phasing out? Are we getting a handle on it, please?
Master OWS
We would say that, we as a whole here are getting as you call it a handle on it, in terms of these things are being mitigated more and more, and as consciousness increases as the vibrational frequency increases; and it is most definitely going to be curtailed even more and more, because those that are precipitating these various events cannot hold, continue to create the energy for this because they are in a … for themselves, a too high a vibration that they are not able to withstand here.
So their efforts will be, and are being largely curtailed here. So that those of the White Hats Alliance here are very much in control more and more as we move forward here. And you will find at a certain point there will be that zero point you might say, where there are no more activities, to need to be curtailed here.
Do you understand this?
Yes I do that’s really good news and it’s starting to become apparent some of who some of these people are that are precipitating, this and I think people are becoming more awake to them like a governor Newsom or the mayor of Maui and all this stuff, so people are starting to talk about some of these people, who are helping, and becoming awake to them, so I think that’s probably true. Thank you so much.
Master OWS
Yes, remember there are so many still that need, that cannot be told what is happening, but need to be shown for they are still of the believing is or “seeing is believing” rather than “believing is seeing” okay?
I know, most of them are my friends back at …
Master OWS
Thank you very much.
Master OWS
Would there be any other questions here?
Yes please. Hello One Who Serves.
Master OWS
Yes, we hear two questions there. Yes one of you please speak.
Yes. Yes. . Ken, I will speak after you.
Hello, Okay. Okay. Hi. This is ***** One Who Serves, Hi.
I wonder. Is there any particular reason why there are so many aviation accidents. It seems to me like lately we see so many encounters one against each other, or malfunctioning and, but see more we see more and more fatal accidents in the, with the airplanes. Is there any particular reason for that?
Master OWS
We will tell you that it is all part of the expression that is occurring at this point, where the energies are in a sense colliding in terms of those that are of the light, those that are of the darkness, and again those that are somewhat in between you might say. And there will be a continuance of various ways that people will need to be shown here what is occurring.
Those things that have been happening behind the scenes for quite some time are going to be more and more brought out into the forefront, we will say here. So that is a potential or a possibility of what is occurring at this point.
You will notice more and more; not so much of what you are speaking in terms of playing crashes and things of this nature, but other things as well that will bring about a need for people to see that things have to change here in various ways.
So it is all a process of the great plan that is in the works here. Okay?
Okay thank you.
Hello may I speak?
Master OWS
We take two more questions, yes.
Okay, thank you for being here, I have missed conversing with you in quite a long while. My big question; because of my situation, living in a shelter. What is the reading behind all the homelessness and the people that are being affected and the women here that I am noticing.
They get plugged-in to the news, they’re getting lethargic, and it is like all I can do is watch and I guess that is part of my job, as being one of the watchers.
So I’d like some confirmation, so how to support myself in this, and how I can take care of myself and see and still be a watcher and offer business support for the women that are in this shelter. Thank you.
Master OWS
So your question is how can you be of support to those ones that are there with you? Is that your question?
I really like to know what is going on behind the scenes with all this stuff.
Because I’ve been shifted around a lot in the last two years, and it is very depleting in my energy and I wonder what the heck is going on. And then I surrender and that is because my situation is uncomfortable, and not moving forward, and there are many other weak folks that are experiencing that too.
Master OWS
We cannot speak in terms of your own situation here, but we can speak in terms of the active situation. And again it is all part.
Yes please let us speak here. It is all part of the changes that are going on here in terms of more and more people being able to both; anchor the energies coming in, and not be able to handle the energies coming in.
And if anyone is finding that they are unable to handle these energies then it is because they are in a sense not ready for it, or not are not prepared for it as well. So if it is one that is having the difficulty with the energies then it is important to be able to hold those energies.
Take those energies within themselves and to hold on to them and not become disparaged by these energies.
That is what we will say here in terms of a collective. It is a changing time. It is very much changing times, changing with the energies coming in, the changing timelines and everything that is occurring.
So it is a sense of going back and forth, back and forth, across one timeline, back into an old timeline and back again into a new timeline. So when you think about the idea of either creating your own reality, or the reality creating, you you see, there is a big difference there.
The more and more that you can look at, and anyone can look at the idea that, they are creating their reality, that their beliefs are creating their reality ”believing is seeing” you see.
And if you are not feeling that way, if you are not believing that way, then you will experience what others have been experiencing for some time, in terms of not being able to hold, and be able to deal with, we will say here, with those energies, ok!
We are ready for next question here.
Master OWS
Yes. There was one more question, it is ***** we believe here.
Yes, ok great segue way into my question. My question is – we are popping in and out of timelines a lot, especially recently at least I have. I am sure a lot of other people are talking to Starseeds, but I had a Starseed friend ask – like how do you know you are in a different timeline? and I had a hard time explaining how you can just tell something is off, but you can’t put your finger on it. You just, something is different within the reality itself and the fabric of the experience.
Hmm, and I guess, just my confirmation, is my experience at least is when I am in really high frequencies, everything just becomes very, and I have had a lot of friends report this, seems very fake, like it’s really fake. You really see the illusion and then I’ve even got into a state where everything appeared to be, like all of the solidity went away. It just didn’t appear like anything was solid. I could see everything just really moving very fast as far, as energy that nothing was solid. I felt like I could just put my arm right through the wall.
I couldn’t, but I felt like I could, if I kept you know on that plain. So how do we know, the question is like how do we know when we are in this higher reality, because I kind of want to know so I can grab on to it and stay in that frequency higher; but you know, stay in the higher frequency for a longer period of time, as we talked about before falling back down, if I fall back down.
So is there something we can kind of like, I guess my question is like how do we know we’re in those higher timelines, besides some of the things I just mentioned?
Master OWS
Well we’ll tell you that you know it when you know it. When you feel it; just as you have already experienced and shared here, you are knowing at that point that everything that you have experienced previous to this, is the illusion. When you are seeing things in terms of a three-dimensional experience that is the illusion.
Now that does not mean it can be, it is a bad illusion or a negative illusion, it can be quite wonderful at times to be in that three-dimensional experience and to be in that point where you are both in the three-dimensional experience but also in a higher frequency as well, in terms of higher dimensional frequency. Can be both at one time, and you yourself as you are speaking here, and others of course have been experiencing this more and more, and you will see as you continue to move into the higher timeline of your own creation that you are going to experience more and more of this sense of being beyond the third-dimensional illusion, and knowing at that point that you are indeed beyond it, you see. You’ll feel it. It is not so much of a thinking process, it is not a thinking process, it is a feeling process and then once you feel it then you begin to think it, you see. And when you think it and feel it ,it comes a belief more and more, and then of course into a knowing.
And that is where many of you are beginning, if not already finding yourselves to be more and more as you allow for the experience to happen, Ok?
Perfect thank you so much, I appreciate it.
Master OWS
Very good then we are done for the time here, we need to release channel, and we just simply say here, to which is your saying … “keep on keeping on”, keep on allowing for these energies to come in to anchor them, to share them when you can, and to feel and experience them as they are meant to be for you.
Shanti, peace be with you be the one!