martes, marzo 18, 2025

Natalia Alba - In our conscious transformation to crystalline beings - Mar 18, 2025

Beloved Ones,

In our conscious transformation to crystalline beings, we are now experiencing many physical changes. We are growing our "wings", rehabilitating our DNA, and retrieving our original 12th-dimensional template. These changes are the result of the energetic release and integration of the new earth's energies that we are allowing as we continue choosing to shift timelines.

During this stabilizing passage in between eclipses, before entering into a more fiery phase with Aries, we will be shown the parts of our body, or aspects of ourselves and lives where we need to create more harmony and restoration. My Guides emphasize at this time the importance of working with our atlas bone, which is, as you know, the topmost vertebra that connects our skull and the spine.

As we are physically ascending, knowing our bodies and being attuned to them is vital for this process. Our Atlas's spiritual function is a stabilizing one, which is also part of its physical purpose. If there are lower energies in our bodies, it will especially affect and destabilize our thalamus heart, and brain complex, and it will be stressed and will lose part of its equilibrium, for it is one of the most sensitive ones when we are under lower influences.

As I have recently seen in some of you, when you have this bone imbalanced, there are issues receiving clear guidance, as it does not properly fulfill its function as an energetic stabilizer and conductor. When this occurs, you may have tension in this bone or area, pain, dizziness, and similar symptoms, like a cracking sound, etc. 

This is also one of the main causes of soul disconnection, as it does not allow the full descension of your blue orb and subsequent diamond cord activation, due to its blockage, impeding the full soul and monadic reconnection.

After being sure there is no medical condition, asking your Unified Self and personal Guides team for assistance is essential to receive help in the non-physical dimensions we cannot reach. After this initial basic step, calling upon the seventh ray of creation to remove any implants or anomalies is vital as well before working with the Diamond crystalline white ray, which will heal, recalibrate,e and stabilize our atlas.

Doing other exercises from a more physical perspective is key to supporting this healing, as we need to be the ones supporting our bodies in our 3D world, as our main responsibility as energetic beings. We can do our spiritual healing methods, apart from using other tools we are guided, such as acupuncture, energetic release techniques, and EFT which can also help you release implants and anomalies from this bone, allowing the connection between our brain and heart to be restored.

This is an important passage for us to scan our bodies, and ask our Unified Self and Guides to show us any anomalies and bring more balance into them, as this first eclipse in Virgo was oriented to help us purify ourselves and restore our bodies, while the coming Aries eclipse, will be a great source of re-alignment, helping us to start a process of creation from within, for many of you are at present building your new realities, others shifting timelines and moving into a totally new life experience, whether choosing to remain on earth or exit it.

Creating long-term goals, manifesting them, and bringing our visions into form takes energy, devotion, courage, and above all, balance in all of our bodies to be able to align with our soul's creative process and the Universe, for we cannot create without its consent and support.

Our main task resides in maintaining ourselves and our bodies in complete alignment with who we are, and desire to serve All Creation, for when we are focused on our main mission with a pure heart, everything helps us achieve our purpose.

May you find grace and balance in your healing process, beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba