lunes, octubre 31, 2022

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, October 31, 2022


Dear Ones, if you want to find your truest matches, you must allow your truest self to shine through and lead the way. Otherwise, how on earth will they ever find you? There is nothing more awe-inspiring to behold than seeing a human being finally allowing their authenticity to light their path forward and watching how the entire universe responds in kind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Introduced Time Travel - October, 31, 2022

Dear Ones,

Many of you want to know what will happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. Some feel you have a sense of what will be as you channel or question your tarot cards or crystal ball. Avenues that will not create the knowingness you pine for.

Those aforementioned methods of obtaining a future vision no longer apply. You and your world are changing minute by minute, so what once would have been an accurate vision of the next month or year is only applicable if you halt your current minute-by-minute transition.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The November 2022 Energies - Oct 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to be here with all of you and to tell you about the energies of your upcoming month of November. These energies are coming in from all points across the galaxy, as your galactic family wants so much to bring humanity into the fold, and in order to do that you need this series of upgrades that is coming along with the November energies. These upgrades to your seven main chakras will be granting you access to more of your light body. These upgrades will be readying you for full extra-terrestrial contact with physical e.t.s that you will have in the waking state. They will also be catalysts for all of you to take initiative, to take actions that you need to take to start living your lives the way you want to live them.

domingo, octubre 30, 2022

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit and any question can be answered - October 30, 2022

When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world you inhabit and any question can be answered. 

Dear One,

You have within you an enlightened state of mind where Truth prevails and Divine Love empowers you, filling all the dark places. Give yourself the gift of finding this place, and become so familiar with it that you are able to connect there with a breath and a thought.

This enlightened state within you is beyond normal waking-consciousness and can even be called a super consciousness. It is an expanded place of Light, Peace and all Wisdom. It is possible through prayer and meditation to connect deeply with this beautiful, enlightened state within your mind.







Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered in inner stillness.

You are living in a time of a great influx of higher dimensional energy. It is inviting you to elevate your own vibrational frequency and to be of service for highest good.

One approach to this process is through inner stillness.

As the higher vibrational incoming energy interacts with the present energy, a reconfiguration occurs. Because your Earth is a free-will planet, you can decide how you want to reconfigure this energy for your own vibration.

Turning inward can greatly assist in this process.

Turning inward begins with setting your intention for this process. It is attuning to a frequency, just as you would select the channel of a television station. It is letting go of the outer world and allowing yourself to relax and flow into inner stillness.

You are honoring yourself as a Divine Being by taking this time to turn inward. It is meant to be a gentle, peaceful time to focus on yourself and your Divine connection.

When you pause and close your eyes, you are becoming centered.

As you focus on your breath flowing in and out, you may find yourself feeling more relaxed. You are turning inward.

When you connect with your inner stillness, you are closing off the outer noise and influences that are competing for your attention. You are able to pause and relax. You can just be. You are centered within your own Being. You are in tune with your own vibration. You experience a feeling of peacefulness as you sit in your inner stillness.

The more you rest in your center of inner stillness, the more relaxed you may become.

You may feel as if time is standing still and that you have entered an altered state.

You are aware that you are a Soul inhabiting a body.

You feel at one with All That Is. You are aware that you are a Divine Being and that you are part of the great Oneness of All of Creation.

As you relax even further into this realization, you can connect with the higher dimensions.

You can reflect on what is most important to you at this time on your path.

Because you are centered in inner stillness, you may have more clarity about what you want your next step to be. You are viewing your path from a point of higher consciousness.

You are able to set your focus based on this awareness. It can be a partnership between you and the Higher Beings as you move forward for highest good. Your clarity is likely to become even stronger and more focused as you continue to turn inward.

To enhance this focus, you may wish to dedicate some special time each day to turn inward and relax in your center of inner stillness. This can be further enhanced by pausing at other times during the day and centering in your inner stillness for a few moments.

As you continue with this process, you will begin to create a pattern of calmness and peacefulness within your Being. It will radiate out from you to those around you as well as out into the multidimensions. Your calmness and Light will be a blessing to many.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are being centered in inner stillness for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2022 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email:

Fungus, Monoliths, Pillars and Rainbow ships Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Oct 30, 2022

OCTOBER 30, 2022

Welcome dear ones. Once again we wish you to know that all is proceeding according to plan. We repeat this often because in the face of so many global and personal issues surfacing, many doubt this. Pockets of old but active energy continue to surface on all levels to be seen and cleared.

Many things you thought would remain as they have always been are changing form or even dissolving. This is because consciousness, from which form manifests, is changing as the result of spiritual evolution. Earth was never meant to sink into its present dense and hypnotized state. Souls chose to experience separation but became lost in its seeming reality allowing it to became their state of consciousness opening them to manipulation. The experiment of separation was never meant to evolve into the dense hardened three dimensional belief system it became.

Always remember that you are not physical bodies with a consciousness, rather you are consciousness with a material body that you yourself chose for this particular lifetime. Those born with or who at some point acquired a less than perfect physical body were aware of and chose the experiences of having that body before incarnation either for their own learning or that of parents or others.

For those living fully in separation consciousness, life experiences are usually random expressions of duality and separation. However very little is random or accidental once a person begins living from a state of consciousness increasingly more in alignment with their Higher Self. The Higher Self then begins to provide those experiences necessary for spiritual growth and clearing. Learn to look deeper at all your life experiences in the realization that with the help of your Guides you yourself chose your parents, gender, needed experiences, and family dynamic before incarnating.

A soul often chooses to incarnate into a family that will provide them with the opportunity to experience and reactivate some old energy they have been carrying and suffering from through many previous lifetimes but are now prepared to permanently clear. This is often true in family dynamics of abuse, rigid religious belief or traditions, and alcohol or drug addiction. Know that in every situation something more is taking place than what appearances testify to.

Physical aches and pains always indicate dense energy that remains active. It could be as ordinary as the energy of belief in old age and deterioration or simply the physical cells remembrance and and expression of an injury or disease from a previous life. In your quiet time state your intention to gently and easily clear all old energy associated with the particular issue you may be experiencing in order that the already present reality can manifest.

The surfacing of old energies often brings a person to seek relief through three dimensional solutions. Know that these will always be temporary because they only trim branches from the illusion tree, leaving the root intact. Until the root (the underlying belief) is removed the issue will continue to manifest in some form. You are ready and prepared to remove roots.

Go deeper, ask for guidance, and state your intention to fully clear all remaining oaths, promises, vows, and any remaining energy from past personal actions (karma) . Large pockets of old energy (Example--Having lived many lifetimes in the same belief system especially those of a particular religion) often clear in increments and take longer so do not be discouraged or think you have failed if you find certain issues reappearing after you thought you had moved beyond them.

Do not get discouraged or depressed about clearing experiences for they indicate spiritual evolution and graduation into a new state of consciousness. Learn to laugh at the absurd situations that clearings often bring to what may have always been been a comfortable and familiar lifestyle. See them as being positive rather than negative even when they are uncomfortable physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually.

Always remember that you volunteered to be on earth for these times with awareness of what it would most likely entail. Trust that you are right where you need to be experiencing what you need to experience in spite of how things may seem to a three dimensional world. Earth is a spiritual universe peopled only with sons and daughters of God and the belief that it is anything other than that constitutes the illusion of material sense.

You came to be the Light, love, and energy necessary to transform and lift a collective consciousness stuck in illusions of duality, separation, and two powers but which consciously and unconsciously is desperately seeking a way out. All souls on all levels of awareness seek to know and experience the reality of their being even though as of yet most do not know this.

Forgiveness of self is a powerful facet of love and must be integrated as part of the clearing process. When actions of the past are seen with new and enlightened eyes it can and often does bring guilt and self loathing. Understand that every person is only capable of living and acting through their attained state of consciousness. Forgive and love yourself in the realization that the words you may have spoken or actions taken in your previous state of consciousness were the best you could do at that time.

Make reparations if guided, but do not spend time in regret and guilt for these are negative emotions that reflect separation from your true Self. The belief in separation underlies every negative action in the world. If the person or persons you believe you have hurt in some way are on the other side you can still speak to them, sending them love and light. If they are still in physical, you can ask forgiveness or talk to them about what occurred but if they are not receptive, simply move on and do the work silently and secretly. Spending an inordinate amount of time on some old event that was probably meant to teach both, simply adds energy to the illusion.

​ Love is the key to all things because Love, the realization of ONE Divine Consciousness, God, expressing ITself as the many, is the only reality--period. Love is not an action, it is a state of consciousness that manifests as action but must include one's self for how could a self exist outside of ONE?

Cease judging yourselves by three dimensional concepts of acceptability, worth, and value. You must begin to include yourselves in the ONE or you remain in the old energy of separation beliefs. Every single person has made mistakes and done things that have hurt others, but this is how the evolutionary journey works and you have moved on from the illusion based state of consciousness you once had.

Learning to see self as SELF is a priority because if you refuse to accept your place in the ONE you will be unable to do it for any of Gods expressions.

Know, accept, and be love incarnate for nothing else exists.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/30/22

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Cannot Escape This Destiny - Oct 30, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always in the present moment with our awareness. We have no reason to be anywhere but the present moment. We have looked within ourselves so much that we can identify each and every aspect of who we are, and we have experienced love and compassion the likes of which you have yet to experience there on Earth. We tell you these things because we want you to know what you are moving towards as individuals and as a collective.

We are what you essentially evolve into. You are in a sense receiving from your future what will most benefit you in your now. It follows then that, if we are in fact your future, why would you be hoping to achieve anything but being present, getting to know yourselves intimately, and feeling love and compassion? These are the ultimate goals because they are the inevitable consequences of living. You cannot escape the destiny of becoming more like Source, more of your true selves.

So then why would you desire anything but these feelings and these states of being that we are describing here and now? Well, the answer is quite simple. You can only get to where we are now in the ninth dimension by fully living all of the experiences that you can and do in the lower dimensional planes. You have to sample from all of the various experiences that you have in front of you before you can consciously choose love and compassion, choose the present moment, and choose to go within so that you can better know yourselves.

No matter what you do, and no matter what you desire, all paths will lead here to a similar version of who and what we are right now. But we have a secret for you, and it is a big secret, and it is a well-kept secret. You will be even better as ninth-dimensional collectives of beings than we are right now. The ninth dimension will be an even more beautiful and expansive place/experience because of what you are living right now, and also because of what we are living.

We realize that there is more for us to become, even as we are quite satisfied with who we are right now. See if you can find that feeling of satisfaction within yourselves right now, while also holding the knowing that you are nowhere near where you are going or what you are becoming, and you have so much more to experience, while still carrying around a physical body.

In many ways, your experiences are just beginning; you are just waking up and seeing the tip of the iceberg. And we want you to know that your lives are going to get better and better because you stuck it out, you hung in there, and you found some sort of reason for living there on the fourth-dimensional Earth, all while simultaneously knowing that there was so much more for you that was just out of reach. You must be able to find your inner peace right now there on Earth, in spite of everything, because all of your fellow humans who will not and could not receive this transmission need you. They need you to hold that light and that knowing now more than ever.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

sábado, octubre 29, 2022

Jahn J Kassl - The Archangels - TIME WORKS IN FAVOR OF THE LIGHT! - Oct 29, 2022

photo credit: Andrea Percht

The Archangels

In the upcoming months a huge dynamic will unfold. A game that seemed lost will be enriched with spiritual human energy, and the tables will turn.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Time works in favor of the light!
The world is upside down!

Love is the key, light is the doorway, and truth is the path.

Beloved human,

The world is upside down! Nothing is as it was before. The future, which still isn’t written, is determined in this very moment. Everything that is now manifesting is influenced by you. Please become aware of your present responsibility and power. This is the time when all individuals share the responsibility for the changes that are about to come:

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Oct 29, 2022


"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Humanity and planet Earth are being prepared for the next shift on your path of Ascension.

Each individual has a different set of aspects that in need to be healed, released and transformed into a higher version.

For some, these are aspects in regards to Health, Abundance, Love, Purpose, Spiritual Connection and so forth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You Need to Know This & Apply it to Everything - Oct 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are awakening within you certain experiences that you have had in other parts of the galaxy, because of the vibration that we are operating at and because of the energies we are sending to all of you. You also get your DNA activated by these transmissions, and you become closer to your higher selves. We don’t want to take too much credit for all of these things, but we do want you to recognize that what you expose yourself to, in terms of energy, vibration and information, matters.

viernes, octubre 28, 2022

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 28, 2022

As might be expected the changes occurring in the Solar System have come to the attention of NASA scientists who are at a loss to explain the reason for them, referring to them as a “weird happening”. The impact you have had is confined to each cycle so that all can commence again as new. Even you have recognised evidence of a previous cycle, although it is hard to come by after all of this time with the many earth changes that have taken place.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - October 26, 2022

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council October 26, 2022 through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council speaking with you today from the Earth Council. Our eyes are on you as everything is being churned up on your planet. You have made excellent progress with removing the dark forces since we last spoke. Some of them are sitting on pins and needles knowing they have very little time left to be on the earth. Everything is being stripped away from them. They have completely lost control over you and the earth. They only have a few more tricks up their sleeves before before it will be complete.

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - October 28, 2022

Dear Ground Crew:

As I'm starting to write this message, the Master St. Germain came to me passionately and wants to tell you some things.

“Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am the Master of the Violet Flame. I brought you the Violet Flame for transmutation and you need it now! You need to use the tools that have been given to you. Please bring them all up and add your gifts and abilities with the use of these tools and even more.

“We are extremely busy in the Light Realms watching over you and caring about your every need. This is the time for magic and miracles. I am an alchemist and I have taught many of you how to use these gifts to change matter. You will see how matter and form are changing now right before your eyes. Everything is changing. This is about your transformation and the transfiguration of the earth.

“You might as well start accepting that nothing is going to be the way that it was. I understand this is difficult to accept. Holding onto the past will not serve you. You can grieve the loss of what you had but what is necessary is for you to recreate your lives. You will be at a much higher frequency. The old ways of doing things will not support your higher frequencies.

“It is incumbent upon you to make use of the light from within, from your heart, and from your connection with the Creator. When you are about God’s business, you will feel great! Your hearts will be singing and your path will open up even more. Surely, this is how you will want to go about your lives.

“The energies from the eclipses, the Solar Eclipse from October 25 and the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, will exacerbate your need to go within. It will require you to go deeply within to find your truth because you are in uncharted territory. Right now, I could tell the whole world everything that I know, and what to do, and some of you would believe me and take me up on my truth and wisdom. Others are not ready for their freedom to be who they truly are. Freedom is what I stand for and it is what everyone needs. You need to let go of your old identity of who you thought you were and what you had to do. This inner development takes strength and will require you to use your reserves, and every bit of inner strength that you have. You'll be calling forth a new day, and a New Earth.

“We are here to help you do it but you must dig deeply from within. This is where your guidance from Source resides. You are destined to be your sovereign true selves. Whatever anyone else has told you about who you really are, such as parents, family teachers, friends and others, is only a small part of your I AM presence and who you are. The question is how can they tell you who you are if they don't even really know who they are? Very few people do.

“You are going through right now the greatest show on the earth that anyone has ever seen. It is remarkable. It is filled with transparency, new colors, sparkles, and things appearing that you have never seen before. The frequencies have been waiting for you to use for eons. So let's get ready. Activate your DNA codes and connect with Source within to elevate the earth and all of life. I am serious about this, ground crew. This is your purpose and your destiny unfolding. You are connecting to your true source/power and you are going to get the job done!

"This truly is your great awakening! I am here to tell you to plug Source into your hearts and go as deeply as you can. You can do it all. We are interconnected and each of us has a role to play. I have my role and you have yours. Some people know I like to be called “Mr. Wonderful!” I like this because I like to mirror back to you how wonderful you are and what wonderful times you have in store for you for your New Earth and your heaven on earth.

“So dear ones, let the good times roll, and the old times go flat. What is most important is the now moment, and your full presence, as you go about your new ways of living. Please be mindful of setting good examples for others who are also awakening but might not be at your level. It doesn't matter. It doesn't serve to compare yourself to others. Simply be the best you that you can be! That's what the Creator requires of us, to be the best co- creations with God that we can possibly be.

“It was time for a little pep talk from me. I know you take my words well and will share this message with others. It's time to turn the lights on in the earth’s auditorium and let them shine! I AM St. Germain. Please use my Violet Flame! It will help make the world a better place.”


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Will of Source - Oct 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are surrendering our will, surrendering ourselves and our desires in favor of the universal shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing together. In other words, we have given ourselves over to the will of Source, and because we are where we are, we have found that the will of Source feels even better to us than if we were to have our own agendas that we were seeking to fulfill and actualize.

jueves, octubre 27, 2022

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Attributes of Reincarnation - Part 4 - Dec 22, 2021

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

If you have been following the channellings of this month (December), it’s about family. That’s very fitting for the holiday season. But this is about family as a different word – reincarnation.

We’ve given many attributes of reincarnation in the last three channellings. Some of these attributes you know from my past channellings, and some are new. But they are about a process, a system, if you wish to call it that, where one Soul continues to come to this planet over and over in different expressions. An expression is the word we use for the Human form that you take, representing the Soul that you are.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 27, 2022

When you bless another it doesn’t take anything away from you. In fact, it adds to them but also adds to you because it allows you to experience your highest expression of self. It is an act of love and service through which you align with the truth of who you are.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Progress Report: Update on Your Affect on the Universe - Oct 27. 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very happy to have every opportunity that we can get to connect with one of you there on Earth because you are the ones who are doing the most challenging work in our galaxy at this time, and we are fascinated by you. We are fascinated by your resilience, we are fascinated by your creativity, and we are fascinated by your ability to find joy in a situation that is inherently not joyful. You are doing exceptionally well there on Earth, in spite of what your critical minds might think. Remember how much you took on before incarnating there for the very first time and how much you took on in this lifetime, and give yourselves a break.

miércoles, octubre 26, 2022

THE EVENT. White Cloud ( excerpt from 2018)

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Alguna Vez el Espíritu Interfiere con el Libre Albedrío? - Miércoles de Sanación – 21 de septiembre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación – 21 de septiembre de 2022

¿Alguna Vez el Espíritu Interfiere con el Libre Albedrío?


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Día Internacional de la Paz. Queridos, probablemente hay más gen en este momento en el planeta, en este mes, en este año, haciendo oraciones por la paz, que en todos los años pasados en que yo estuve canalizando, tal vez. Está en las mentes de muchas personas.

Ailia Mira - Ascension Update: Eclipse Season - Oct 26, 2022

Are you feeling the Eclipses? I woke up right before the peak of the first one early Tuesday morning. I was awake for about two hours, and was really enjoying how much clarity came through. I meditated, and just laid in bed, feeling energized, enjoying a flow of light and information coming in.

An eclipse cycle to me always feels like a journey or a portal. It’s like we enter into a sustained period of time, in which benevolent, intelligent waves of energy flood our world and support us in becoming more clear, true and aware. Eclipses are powerful and can be a real boost to our spiritual and personal growth. We can find ourselves in a very different state of presence and self-awareness after one and the energies themselves often do a lot of the heavy lifting that is needed to create change.

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Many of you distrust ease because you still think you need to earn something or prove yourself in some way. Your beingness is more than enough! There is not one thing you need to prove because you are part of the divine whole.

Do you see? When you surrender into your universal guidance system you enter a supported flow that is completely safe to trust and has the ability to serve and surprise you in the most delightful ways.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Energies to Finalize the Shift Are Coming - Oct 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that you have all done a tremendous job of handling the energies of October. You have positioned yourselves nicely for the remainder of the time that you have in the fourth dimension by continuing to acclimate to all of the changes that are occurring. You are constantly receiving upgrades, downloads and activations to ready you for what is to come, and as many of you know, you do have a lot more contact coming with physical extra-terrestrials. That physical contact requires you to have everything in order, physically, emotionally, mentally, and vibrationally. It is a very serious next step in your evolution to have full open contact with physical e.t.s.

martes, octubre 25, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Recibir Mensajes del Espíritu - Miércoles de Sanación – 14 de septiembre de 2022


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 

Miércoles de Sanación – 14 de septiembre de 2022

Recibir Mensajes del Espíritu

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este Servicio Magnético de que hablamos, ciertamente tiene que ver con lo que es la consciencia en relación con el cambio del campo magnético que está en curso, que inicia lo que llamaríamos tener una sabiduría más profunda en la consciencia. Una consciencia más elegante, está ocurriendo un despertar.

KRYON - Planting the Seeds of Mastery

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Dear Ones, if you can accept that challenges often happen for your highest good, you can also accept that periods of ease can also happen for your highest good. There is a general distrust of ease amongst human beings that we would like to address today.

Ease is a natural part of the flow. Ease is a state of non-resistance. It is willing to accept the supports and guidance that are available for you. It is harnessing the gifts that come from surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Are You an Above Average Lightworker? - Oct 25, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always interested in how the energies are affecting you in any given moment. And as you know, there are more energies than ever that are affecting you as an individual, that are affecting the human collective and that affect Mother Earth. You are swimming in a sea of energies all the time, and sometimes certain energies get amplified because they have greater significance to that particular moment for humanity, and when you go through something as a collective that affects you, there are more energies sent to support you.

lunes, octubre 24, 2022


Brenda Hoffman - Whirling, Swirling, Morphing October 24, 2022

Dear Ones,

We of the Universes start our message today by discussing your need to know why and how your world is evolving. Even as we channel this message, your personal and global worlds are shifting in ways you cannot foresee.

Perhaps it appears that the world is becoming colder, more dangerous, and more uninhabitable. Appearances can be deceiving, as you have heard throughout your earthly sojourns. So it is now.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Get Past All that is Negative on Earth - Oct 24, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always looking at the positives when it comes to humanity and your spiritual evolution, and that allows us to be a positive force in your lives. If we were to shine a spotlight on what is negative and happening there on Earth, we would only drag you down vibrationally and energetically. We would cause you to focus on the negative in your own lives, and you would begin to see things as negative that were not. In other words, people who are awake spiritually have very open minds, and when your minds are open, you can let a lot in. Some of what you let in will be very good, very empowering, very life-affirming, and some of what you let in will lead you down a path that you don’t want to go down.

domingo, octubre 23, 2022

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - October 22, 2022

Hello, my friends. Where to from here?

May we take this Divine opportunity once again, to welcome Each One to this conversation. For it is not just with you, Blossom.



Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - A full relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you give yourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of your Being - October 23, 2022

A full relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you give yourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of your Being.

Dear One,

One of the most powerful and important relationships you have in this life is with your Higher Self. This is the part of you which is in full communion with God because it is the voice of your Soul. Guidance and intuitive insight come from this place. There are a number of ways you can develop and strengthen this relationship between your personality awareness and your Higher Self, and all of them require patience, persistence and practice.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Oct 21, 2022

Cuanto más tiempo parece que se prolongan los asuntos sin ningún signo de normalidad, es comprensible que os preguntéis si habrá una conclusión en un futuro muy cercano. Sin embargo, lo que es evidente es que lo que estaba oculto está saliendo a la superficie para que decidáis qué acción debéis tomar. Podéis reconocer la necesidad de un cambio, porque las formas existentes están resultando totalmente inadecuadas para lo que conocéis como la Nueva Era. La tendencia subyacente ha sacado a la luz la forma en la que habéis sido utilizados y cómo se os ha impedido hacer verdaderos avances, y por así decirlo, habéis sido "mantenidos en la oscuridad".

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Access All of Your Power - Oct 23, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring many possible timelines for humanity there on Earth, and we have seen some beautiful futures for all of you, but the future is especially bright for those of you who have owned that you have issues, that you have trauma, that you have negative emotions that you don’t always allow yourselves to feel. You are the ones who understand that in order to evolve and become more of who you really are, there’s a certain amount of self-awareness, self-reflection, and work on the self that must occur.

sábado, octubre 22, 2022

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Oct 2, 2022

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear One, it takes a certain determination and strength to shift your experience into a higher light and love filled reality.

As you are moving through your life, you have always the choice what you are allowing to persist in your experience.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What We’re Working On & What’s Next for Humanity - Oct 22, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of selecting the right timing to deliver to humanity energies that will help you to remember who you have been in the higher realms, especially the nonphysical ones. We know that you have an existence prior to incarnating there on Earth in the flesh, and most of you know this as well, and you may have some ideas about who and what you have been in the nonphysical dimensions of this universe. But the energies we are preparing for you right now will help you to have experiences where you are remembering what it was like to be those versions of yourselves that were nonphysical.

viernes, octubre 21, 2022

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 21, 2022

The longer matters seem to go on without any signs of normality understandably you are wondering whether there will be a conclusion in the very near future. What is apparent however is that what was hidden is being brought to the surface for you to decide what action you need to take. You can recognise the need for change as existing ways are proving totally inadequate for what you know as the New Age. The underlying trend has brought to light the way that you have been used and how you have been held back from making real advancements, you have so to say “been kept in the dark”

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - OCTUBRE 2022


*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** El tiempo interdimensional se rebobina

*** Una cascada de gran sanación

*** Limpiar la declaración de energía negativa

*** El poder de dar de una copa llena

*** El viaje de la culpa

*** Limpieza del Karma en profundidad (por zoom)


Perdonen la tardanza. Estoy algo fuera de sintonía luego de regresar de la Exposición de Cristales.

A medida que Mercurio retrógrado continúa balanceándose alrededor de la pista de baile, nos encontramos con aspectos y parejas dentro de nosotros mismos con los que no estamos acostumbrados a bailar. Los pensamientos, las imágenes y los recuerdos bailan en nuestro cuerpo, mente y espíritu creando puertas de sanación dentro del corazón y el alma. Cada persona que está frente a nosotros, real o virtualmente, no es más que un espejo que refleja todo lo que vive en nuestro interior y que no hemos aceptado plenamente. Ya sea la ira, la alegría, el amor, la riqueza o la verdad, todo refleja rasgos nuestros que todavía necesitan que los abordemos.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Empaths: You Reach the Souls of All Humans - Oct 21, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in this for the long haul with all of you; we are very patient as we walk alongside you on this very significant journey you are on there on planet Earth. We consider it to be an honor to be invited to your little party, and we are so excited to be on the path with you for all of the wonderful twists and turns that you have coming up in order to bring you into a higher frequency state.

jueves, octubre 20, 2022

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 20, 2022

Dear Ones, the ebbs and flows of the universe are designed to support and nourish you, always, in all ways. It may feel like you are being unnecessarily challenged but that is only because you do not have the vantage point to see how beautifully orchestrated your dance of life as a human being truly is. The signs and synchronicities you so often see are reassurances of that wonderful choreography. If you can embrace whatever is being supported with the full confidence you are being divinely guided and served, you will develop the ability to see even more of the intricacy, purpose, and perfection that is woven into every phase of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - October 2022

In This Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light

***Coming around the blind corner…

*** Love added to anything will change the molecular content of the experience

From Your Hostess of Light

As we move thru these very mammoth invisible energies we stand at the bend in the tunnel of love, not seeing a way out and not seeing a way in, we are frozen. We have so drained our body mind and spirit looking for a cure to what ails us, not finding anything but ice cream. Every day we are like a 1000 piece puzzle as we try to put out selves and lives back together again. Like a self-made virtual/ yet authentic avatar, we seek to find out what will make us braver and smarter and stronger. Like the movie groundhog day, we are going around and around in a time travel loop. We are however getting better at putting the pieces together, yet we still seek the cover picture to complete and compare our works. Like a determined chemist we look for the invisible lining between the seen and the unseen; searching the cosmos for the exact equation that will create a Cosmic Elixir for all to sip from.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You’re Part of Our Galactic Team - Oct 20, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in what you all have to say to us. Please do not ever feel that you are bothering us or wasting our time when you reach out to us and tell us what you need, what you’re feeling, and what your take is on what’s going on there on planet Earth. We want to hear from you. Now, because we are a nonphysical collective, we are essentially consciousness, and therefore, we have no limitations placed upon us in regards to how much information we can take in at one time. No matter how many times a day you reach out to us, we will be able to hear what you have to say.

miércoles, octubre 19, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities & What They Mean - Oct 19, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with your progress there on Earth, as we continue to monitor to overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we see you all getting what you need from your guides, your helpers, your galactic teams, all the soul family members that you have around you in nonphysical form. You truly are operating as a collective already while in physical form. You really are not separate from any of the beings who are helping you, and what we see happening there on Earth is more and more people are opening up to the help that is always available to them.

martes, octubre 18, 2022

Steve Rother - The Group - Feminine Rise - October 2022

~ Feminine Rise ~

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you with such pride this day for you have moved more than you could possibly imagine. With all the challenges humanity is facing right now, please do not lose sight of the fact that humans are evolving rapidly. If you look at your headlines, you can see that in many different ways the world is going crazy. We tell you, there are a lot of things taking place behind the scenes that most people are simply not aware of. These are very basic things and many are happening online, as the war for influence reaches new levels. At this moment, there are major pressures being put on your systems in an effort to break them. We tell you, dear ones, there are events unfolding that can change your world. Online security has increased drastically in recent months, and much of this has to do with the energies that are now pervading the planet. One day humans will understand the influences and how they are being used. Ah, it’s fascinating to watch.

KRYON - Planting the Seeds of The Higher-Self

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Octubre 14, 2022

Me parece sorprendente que una predicción dada en el libro "Hidden Hand (La Mano Oculta)“, de Wes Penre, se lea como si hubiera sido escrita especialmente para este periodo de tiempo, y parece que se remonta al 2008.

Se hace referencia a una "Escisión de Almas en Tres Vías". Que una Nueva Tierra será creada, y las almas predominantemente de Amor y de Luz ascenderán a una nueva y hermosa Tierra de 4ª densidad - a una hermosa Edad Dorada. Realizaréis obras y maravillas como las que el llamado Jesús prometió que haríais, e incluso cosas mayores que éstas. La mayoría de los humanos en la Tierra, que podrían ser considerados como “indiferentes", experimentarán un período de tiempo de punto cero, donde se sientan totalmente Uno con El Creador, dándoles un recordatorio alentador y un vistazo de quiénes son realmente antes de que el velo del olvido descienda una vez más sobre ellos. Serán transportados a otro planeta de tercera densidad (una especie de réplica de la Tierra) para continuar trabajando sobre ellos mismos y aprender que la vida aquí se trata de tomar decisiones.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The New Consciousness : Dolphins, Whales and Angels - Oct 18, 2022

The New Consciousness : Dolphins, Whales and Angels

Channel from Archangel Michael

Beloveds, this is a time of deep expansion on your Earth. As a result of your transits and transitions of the last 6 months, you are now ready to align more fully with Higher Consciousness and Multi-Dimensional experience.

You are now moving into the state of consciousness where you can experience the sixth dimensional frequency level which is associated with magical creation and manifestation. This powerful frequency is activating changes and transformations in the human brain physiology. The frequency shifts the brain into what is known as the Alpha brain wave cycle, which is activated in humans generally in states of meditation and deep creativity. This will become a more normal state of being that can be accessed at will in the New Earth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Rest of October, November & December - Oct 18, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with humanity’s progress throughout the month of October, and we know that you will continue on this upward spiral that you are on. We also know that there are many more people awakening every day and that those of you who are awake are helping them in so many ways. It is our knowing that more people will be looking within themselves with the prompting of their guides and the people who are closest to them, because it is so necessary for people to stop looking outside of themselves for what is wrong with their lives and to start looking within.

lunes, octubre 17, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Path Of Enlightenment To The Fifth-Dimension: Being The Creator Of Your Own Reality - Oct 17, 2022

The Path Of Enlightenment To The Fifth-Dimension: Being The Creator Of Your Own Reality

The process of shifting from being mastered by your own limitations to being a Master of releasing limitations is what life on Earth is all about.

To become the Master of your own physical experience. The Creator of your own reality.

And when you release all those limitations, break out of your 3D cell, and you only focus on being in alignment with your true essence, there is only one reality: love.

You often ask yourself: “What is my purpose in life?”, “What is my mission?”, “What is this all about?”, “Is there such a thing as fulfilling my destiny?”, or “What is my divine timing?”

James McConnell - Sananda and One Who Serves - Continue to embrace the changes - Oct 9, 2022

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in this time of great changeover that is in process of happening and will continue to happen.

Sometimes the momentum will be great, and everything will be speeding by, as if the changes are happening every moment. At other times they will simply slow down, or seemingly slow down and not be quite so powerful.

Ronna Vezane - Arcángel Miguel - La Diosa: El Aspecto Femenino Del Creador - Octubre 2022

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
TODO KRYON por TELEGRAM "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon":
Por MeWe:

La Diosa: El Aspecto Femenino Del Creador

Amados maestros, las cualidades Femeninas del Creador o la Energía de la Diosa es la Fuerza más predominante en la Tierra durante este tiempo del Gran Cambio de las Eras. La Diosa está aquí para iniciar el retorno a la armonía; equilibrio y balance en el interior de todas las cosas, comenzando con las energías equilibradas, los atributos, las cualidades y las virtudes de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios.

El sendero del medio dentro de la forma pensamiento holográfica y la estructura de polaridad y dualidad se está tornando cada vez más evidente. Muchas facetas diversas de la Creación se están adentrando más profundamente en el proceso de reunificación. Es evidente en todos los niveles en todo el universo y especialmente en el planeta Tierra. Una de las facetas más importantes dentro del œCambio de las Eras es el regreso de la Diosa Divina y la reunificación de las cualidades y atributos masculinos y femeninos de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios.


Brenda Hoffman - Finally, Claiming Your Needs - October 17, 2022

Dear Ones,

Even though your recent shifts are pushing you into self-love, achieving self-love may seem arduous.

Such is so because your caretaking skills are so deeply ingrained it is almost impossible at times to realize you are negating yourself for others.

Now that you recognize caretaking, you probably note parts of your life in which you not only caretake but encourage others to invalidate you. “I don’t want to be any trouble.” “I’m probably asking for too much.” “Even though I’m in physical or emotional pain, I don’t want to ask for something that might irritate or be inconvenient for you,” – as the person from whom you are hoping for help continues to watch television or complete some other nonessential activity.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Are You Able to Do This? Then You Can Ascend - Oct 17, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very enthusiastic about humanity’s ascension because we know that it is guaranteed. We have no doubt, no worry, and only certainty that you are ascending and that you will complete the ascension. There is a lot that you still have yet to experience as fourth-dimensional beings, which is why you are still there. As you embrace every experience as it comes your way, you make it easier for yourselves to ascend. And anything that you resist you will need to continue to experience until you make peace with it.