Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maestros Ascendidos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maestros Ascendidos. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, abril 12, 2024

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - La luz eterna del universo

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos amigos:

Os habla Jeshua. Os amo a todos profundamente. Por favor, sentid mi energía a vuestro alrededor mientras saludo a cada uno de vosotros – os honro profundamente. Al abrir vuestros corazones, recordad que estoy allí en vuestro interior. Cuando me reconocéis en el nivel más profundo, reconocéis vuestra propia esencia, que es la de la luz más pura. Vosotros sois la luz eterna de lo cual está hecho el universo. Algunos de vosotros veis esta luz brillando desde mis ojos o desde los ojos de otro maestro, pero estoy aquí para recordaros que esta luz también es vuestra. Es mi deseo más profundo que veáis y experimentéis vuestra propia grandeza y luz interior. Esto es lo que cambiará al mundo, que necesita un cambio. Estáis aquí para marcar la diferencia, pero solo podéis hacerlo cuando realmente confiéis en quiénes sois. Esto puede ser algo difícil si os han educado con ideas que os han dicho que no sois buenos tal y como sois. Para muchos de vosotros, vuestra vida natural y vuestros conocimientos e intuición, se han visto envueltos en un velo a medida que vuestra infancia ha transcurrido.

sábado, marzo 30, 2024

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Mar 30, 2024

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

During your Easter celebrations, the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus defied death and showed that he is immortal. (Please feel free to use a name for him that resonates with you.)

domingo, marzo 10, 2024

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua - Being Alone

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear friends, I am Jeshua.

I have been a carrier of the Christ energy on Earth. I came to bring the desire for an enhanced consciousness on Earth, and you were among those who received this impulse in order to take it on and to spread it further. You belong to a group of souls who have been pioneers in many lives, forerunners of a heart-centered consciousness. You have held a light in your soul that you wanted to express, to embody in flesh and blood, and to manifest in a material reality. Feel for a moment how deeply you are inwardly connected with me and with what I came to bring forth on Earth.

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua - Coming Into Your Own Strength

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear beloved friends,

I am with you; I am your friend, Jeshua. I am like-minded in that, just like you, I am on the way to a greater consciousness, to more love and greater surrender, and so I am also on a path as are you all. There is no end to the growth of consciousness. Consciousness itself is infinite and so are the possibilities to experience, to grow, and to enter into ever higher levels of consciousness. This process brings joy to the Dance of Creation.

lunes, noviembre 06, 2023

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - El Hombre Prohibido en Ti

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua

Queridos Amigos,

Soy Jeshua. Estoy con vosotros como hermano y amigo. Esta vez quiero hablarles acerca de la energía masculina y de como ésta se ha desconectado del corazón, y cuando hablo del corazón me refiero al núcleo de la creación.

martes, julio 11, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary - The Power of the Soul - July 10, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary

Dear friends, I greet you. I am Mary.

On our side, we are fully aware of how heavy and dense reality on Earth can appear to you at times. But know that we are with you and come as near to you as possible in order to support you. Feel our energy in this room. Feel there is a certain lightness that wants to come to you, so allow it. I come with the same number of children at my side as there are people present here. These are children who represent your energy. In each one of you lives a child; it is your most original essence; it holds something of your deepest inspiration. See them around me, smiling, dancing about, merry.

domingo, julio 02, 2023

Jahn J Kassl - Mensaje del Maestro St. Germain - LOS IMPLANTES ESTÁN SIENDO RETIRADOS - 1 de julio de 2023


1 de julio de 2023

Mensaje del Maestro St. Germain

Los miedos existenciales, el miedo a la muerte o los temores difusos a un futuro incierto disminuyen a medida que uno se va liberando de los implantes. El activismo, la resistencia o la lucha son a veces inevitables, pero no son las herramientas que provocan el gran cambio. ¡Sólo la transformación en su interior genera la transformación en el mundo! La vibración elemental de una persona es determinante, su estado de ánimo medio en la vida cotidiana. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos, al final lo que cuenta es la conciencia cotidiana y no las fantasías espirituales de una meditación.
¿Qué son los implantes?

Los miedos existenciales, el miedo a la muerte o los miedos difusos a un futuro incierto disminuyen en la medida en que ustedes se han liberado de los implantes. El activismo, la resistencia o la lucha son a veces inevitables, pero no son las herramientas que provocan el gran cambio. ¡Sólo la agitación en ustedes trae la agitación en el mundo! Determinante es la vibración básica de una persona, es su estado de ánimo medio en la vida cotidiana. ¡Con todos los esfuerzos - al final depende de la conciencia cotidiana y no en los vuelos espirituales de la fantasía en una meditación!

Implantes y programas inconscientemente en ejecución de la vieja época instalados en su ser son ahora desactivados, neutralizados y eliminados. El acontecimiento sucede en medio de su vida, de modo que al principio no se dan cuenta de nada. Imperceptiblemente Dios interviene en la vida de las personas que han dado su consentimiento para ello a nivel del alma. Ha llegado el momento de esta curación, de esta bendición y de esta gracia.

Aún así, los implantes tradicionales tienen un efecto sobre el pensamiento y los sentimientos de las personas.

Los implantes son rejillas sutiles invisibles que crean ciertos patrones vibratorios y separan a los humanos de la vibración cósmica llena de luz.

Se instalaron en el ser humano hace eones para permitir que los ángeles encarnados en la tierra tuvieran este tipo de experiencia.

Interferencia permitida, ¡invasión no autorizada!

Esta interferencia en su ADN se debe a poderes extraterrestres y a su tecnología.

De esta manera no tuvieron acceso a la autoconciencia divina inmanente. Durante milenios ustedes fueron poco más que un peón de aquellos que sabían cómo utilizar su poder. Esta intervención estaba originalmente prevista y también permitida.

Sólo se convirtió en una intromisión cuando las entidades oscuras decidieron continuar esta manipulación mucho más allá del tiempo permitido - y este estado de cosas está siendo ahora purgado, revertido y terminado.

¿Es posible encontrar el camino hacia la libertad de un mundo profundamente manipulador? Este ha sido el reto que ustedes se han propuesto. Así, estos implantes fueron acarreados de vida en vida como una herencia celular y activados cuando cada uno entraba en una nueva vida.

Con este peso, fue difícil a lo largo de sus vidas ver las cosas con claridad o salirse de la matriz. A lo largo de los milenios, esto sólo estaba reservado a unos pocos iniciados, maestros y adeptos. Para penetrar en la espesura de las ilusiones y reencontrar el verdadero yo en esta ilusión abarcadora se requiere la naturaleza de un CRISTO, KRISHNAS o BUDDHAS.

Hoy esta situación ha cambiado fundamentalmente. Hoy ha llegado irrevocablemente el momento en que este juego cósmico en la tierra termina.

Hoy, cada ser humano puede elevarse y romper todas las limitaciones de la conciencia. A esto se refería nuestro hermano JESÚS cuando dijo: "Lo que yo haga, ustedes también lo harán, ¡y mucho más!".

Incluso si este camino marcado de la humanidad es ignorado por los poderes fácticos, que quieren continuar el viejo juego a toda costa, es inalterable: ¡sus implantes están siendo removidos ahora!

Esto crea un campo de visión completamente nuevo sobre las cosas y esto conduce a la orientación en ustedes mismos.

3 señales de extracción de implantes:

1.) Las primeras señales de esta liberación son que ya no se creen los falsos cuentos de los narradores de esta matriz.

Cada vez más personas se apartan de la política, la ciencia y los medios de comunicación y empiezan a buscar la verdad y la claridad en otros lugares.

2) La segunda señal de que la gente está entrando en razón es que sus propias mentiras sobre su vida se están volviendo cada vez más insoportables, hasta el punto de que las correcciones son inevitables, es decir, aumenta la necesidad interior de claridad y de una vida veraz. Ya no se aceptan compromisos. Cada vez son más las personas dispuestas a despojarse de su falsa vida y a arrojar por la borda sus viejos conceptos.

(3) Sin embargo, la tercera y más significativa señal de que ahora están siendo liberados de sus implantes y programas es el hecho de que están empezando a perder sus miedos. En todos los niveles sus miedos están disminuyendo - ¡y esto a pesar del hecho de que en estos días se están despertando más miedos que nunca antes!

Los miedos existenciales, el miedo a la muerte o los miedos difusos a un futuro incierto están disminuyendo a medida que se liberan de los implantes.

El activismo, la resistencia o la lucha son a veces inevitables, pero no son las herramientas que provocan el gran cambio. ¡Sólo la confusión en ustedes provoca la confusión en el mundo! Lo importante es la vibración básica de una persona, es su estado de ánimo medio en la vida cotidiana.

¡Con todos los esfuerzos - al final depende de la conciencia cotidiana y no en los vuelos espirituales de la fantasía en una meditación!

Este es exactamente el efecto de la eliminación de los implantes: La energía básica inerte se transforma en vibración natural llena de luz. Eso es lo que les está pasando ahora: la reestructuración en todos los órganos y en todos los niveles.

Es irrelevante que sean conscientes de ello. Está sucediendo porque su alma ha encomendado los poderes divinos de la luz con ella.

Ocurre por sí mismo.

Por esta razón, las enfermedades que antes tenían pocas posibilidades de sanar, pueden sanar.

Los verdaderos milagros se hacen posibles ahora, porque su pensamiento y sentimiento comienzan a cambiar fundamentalmente. Esta purificación interna de pensamientos y sentimientos es la clave de la libertad - y el regalo más grande: ¡Sucede por sí mismo!

Como una ley de la naturaleza, los bloqueos se eliminan de las personas AHORA.

Siguiendo la voluntad divina, la programación errónea y limitante es reescrita, desinstalada o neutralizada en las personas AHORA. Esto tiene como consecuencia que cada vez menos personas se dejan impresionar por los escenarios del miedo, porque ya no pueden ser tocadas por esta propaganda en el corazón.

Ustedes están en otro nivel de percepción y son inaccesibles para los campos de oscilación, que difieren en partes cada vez más serias de su propia oscilación.


Fenómenos como volverse invisible, la pérdida del sentido del tiempo o una nueva percepción del espacio se hacen cada vez más notables ahora. A menudo uno se siente fuera del tiempo y puede hacer cada vez menos con lo que sucede a su alrededor.

Esta impresión surge porque no tienen campo de resonancia eléctrica a este nivel, la conexión se corta y así se mueven en una - en SU - nueva realidad y en un - en SU - nivel vibratorio completamente diferente.

Con cada nuevo día se desprenden un poco más de esta vieja matriz, que se vuelve cada vez más extraña para ustedes, y poco a poco adquieren nuevas perspectivas y una percepción completamente diferente de - SU - vida.

Un proceso fluido

En la fase de adaptación, esto puede provocar irritación y causar ciertas inseguridades. Durante esta transición de una persona del funcionamiento inconsciente a la actuación plenamente consciente, las inseguridades son bastante naturales.

En cuanto uno siente un terreno espiritual sólido bajo los pies, lo que significa que está seguro de sus pensamientos y sentimientos porque los implantes ya no funcionan, esta duda también se acaba.

Es un proceso continuo en el que emerge lo divino que hay en la persona, y ocurre a su ritmo, de la forma que le sirve y le nutre.

Lo único importante es: dejar que el proceso de conversión ocurra. Su alma inmortal lo ha ordenado y su conciencia omnipresente lo ha decretado.i

Por eso la victoria de la Luz en esta Tierra es segura y por eso las entidades oscuras tienen cada vez menos poder sobre las personas. Lo que hoy está sucediendo de forma invisible a cada vez más personas, mañana tendrá efectos visibles en todo el desarrollo de la humanidad.

La única realidad: ¡El salto cuántico de la conciencia humana! Y lo único que cuenta:

La reivindicación de su divinidad.

Y esto se ilustra en este mensaje lleno de luz.

Así que, con confianza y llenos de la certidumbre de Dios, vayan hacia el infinito para que el Ser Infinito los reciba como un rey que ha recuperado su reino. MAESTRO ST. GERMAIN

Nota: Traducción del alemán al inglés y al español vía Deepl realizado por Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command - Ángeles de Crystal, si quieres compartir respeta texto completo incluyendo esta nota

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Master St. Germain - IMPLANTS ARE NOW BEING REMOVED! - July 1, 2023


July 1, 2023

Message from Master St. Germain

Existential fears, the fear of death or diffuse fears of an uncertain future diminish to the extent that you have been freed from implants. Actionism, resistance or struggle are sometimes inevitable, but these are not the tools that bring about the great change. Only the upheaval in you brings the upheaval in the world! Decisive is basic vibration of a person, is his average state of mind in everyday life. With all efforts - at the end it depends on the daily consciousness and not on the spiritual flights of fancy in a meditation!

Jahn J. Kassl - Botschaft von Meister St. Germain - IMPLANTATE WERDEN JETZT ENTFERNT! - 1. Juli 2023


Was sind Implantate?

Implantate und unbewusst laufende, in eurem Wesen installierte Programme der alten Zeit werden jetzt deaktiviert, neutralisiert und entfernt. Das Ereignis geschieht mitten in eurem Leben, sodass ihr zunächst nichts davon bemerkt. Unmerklich greift GOTT in das Leben der Menschen, die auf Seelenebene ihr Einverständnis dafür erteilt haben, ein. Die Zeit für diese Heilung, für diesen Segen und für diese Gnade ist wahrlich angebrochen.

Noch wirken sich althergebrachte Implantate auf das Denken und Fühlen von Menschen aus.

Are You An Ascended Master Or Light Being? : Discover and Harness Your Unique Abilities

sábado, julio 01, 2023

Geoffrey Hoppe - Adamus Saint Germain - La Luz Cambia la Realidad - Junio 3, 2023


3 DE Junio de 2023 Shoud 9

Canalización de Adamus Saint Germain a través de Geoffrey Hoppe

La belleza del Maestro Ascendido es que está ascendido y obviamente está en los otros reinos, podrían decir, ha terminado, ha completado su viaje, están en su propia soberanía, y sin embargo está en el comienzo, tomando su primera vida en la tierra, pasando por todas las experiencias, está todo sucediendo. Aquí sentados, ¿cómo saben que no es solo ese sueño, esa repetición de una grabación de ustedes siendo humanos en el planeta, pasando por lo que pasan justo ahora? ¿Cómo saben que no hay realmente diferencia entre el ser humano que son hoy y un maestro ascendido que son? No hay diferencia en absoluto, excepto por la percepción.

jueves, junio 29, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - You are ALL Love and only Love - June 29, 2023

There is much anger i.e fear, flowing freely through the human collective at present, mostly to be recognized, forgiven, and released, and you are all helping to release it with thanks when you practice just being. As I and others keep reminding you, JUST BEING is an extremely effective and powerful way to allow Love to flow through you to assist mightily in the awakening process. You did choose this path before incarnating, and you are following it extremely well. Hang in there, you are doing very important work, and you are mightily supported by us here in the non physical realms. ALL IS WELL for you and for humanity. Continue to trust in God’s Love for you all. These extremely unsettling times will pass! And you will awaken.

lunes, junio 12, 2023

Pamela channels Jeshua - You have waited for this time - June 11, 2023

Pamela channels Jeshua

Dear friends,

I salute you from the heart. I am Jeshua, and I am in the midst of this circle and personally greet you all. I admire you for who you are, for the courage it took to again be here on Earth. You are my fellow lightworkers.

The times you live in are important. You have, as a soul, waited for this time to arrive, because you knew this could be a time of completion. You have spent many lifetimes on Earth trying to find a way to channel your light here. You have met with resistance, and due to this, you have become deeply acquainted with the very human emotions of feeling rejected and abandoned. I am here to now address that pain, because it is blocking you from moving forward.

sábado, junio 10, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing - June 10, 2023

There is only one power, one energy field, one infinite and limitless space in which All that Is exists, and it is LOVE! It is Father/Mother/God expressing Himself constantly, endlessly, and eternally, creating more of Himself, of All, and of YOU, in an unceasing expansion of Love. Love is endless, infinite and all-encompassing. Within It is the infinite vastness that is ALL of God’s divine Cosmos, also forever expanding. There is no beginning or end, there is just Love, Source, Mother/Father/God. And any label you choose to use to name the unnameable, the indefinable, the vastness of All that Is, is totally acceptable because Love is unconditional acceptance of All that Is. Each of you are totally and unconditionally acceptable aspects, instances, and expressions of that vast Oneness.

lunes, junio 05, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - The time to reclaim your freedom is NOW! - June 5, 2023

As the collective human awakening draws ever closer, be prepared for many surprises, some inline with what the MSM and other media have been suggesting of a far less than uplifting nature, and many more to truly delight and inspire you. Confirmation of your individual oneness with your divine Source, Mother/Father/God, as well as your oneness with each other planet-wide in every moment of your eternal existence, will arise most powerfully into your conscious awareness. It will arise so powerfully in fact that you will wonder how you could ever have had even the slightest doubt as to the Reality of who you are, each and everyone of you – the Divine expressing Herself individually through each one of you in an eternal expansion of the Love that is ALL.

miércoles, mayo 31, 2023

James McConnell - St. Germain and OWS - Leaving The Ilusionary Energy Behind - May 28, 2023

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time in these great times of change, in this time of the Great Awakening which was spoken of earlier in your discussion. The Great Awakening that is indeed upon you now, upon all of you now.

But it is not only the Earth. It is not only Gaia that is in this great awakening, but it is the entire solar system, and even out into the galaxy that is in this awakening process, this ascension process.

You are all moving through it at your own various paces, some faster, some slower. But you are all gaining momentum as you continue to move on, move on leaving the third-dimensional illusionary expression behind. And that’s what this time is all about, this time of great change, and the changeover that is occurring, as you move through this transition more and more.

And yes, indeed, it can look like it is difficult times ahead. And if you see it that way, you will create it that way. But if you see the beauty in front of you, if you see Gaia in all of her pristine glory moving into the fifth-dimensional empire, and all of the people that are ready to move along with her. If you see it that way, then that is the way it shall be for you. And if it is that way for you and many, many more of you, then it becomes that way for the collective consciousness as well. So more and more will become a part of this great awakening. If they haven’t already, they are destined to become a part of it.

And yes, indeed, there will be some that will refuse this, or that will not accept the light. And as you have heard many times, those that shall not accept the light will be consumed by the light. And that is their choice. And it is not for you to be concerned about. You be concerned about yourself in your own great awakening, and your own personal ascension. And again, it’s you are concerned about your own personal ascension. Then the collective consciousness becomes the part of that. But one leads to the other, and to the other, and to the other, and so on, and so on, until higher consciousness has spread completely across the planet. The old programming, the old memories that are no longer needed or forgotten, and you can move on beyond the veil, the veil of forgetfulness, but to forget no longer.

For you shall remember. You shall remember fully who you are and why you are here, and what this is all about.

Your questions shall be answered, as you are ready to receive those answers. So always, whenever you are in the process of the question, ask the question. Do not hold back, ask and you shall receive. That is the way it works. If you do not ask, you do not receive. If you do not ask to have our presence, then you do not receive our presence. But, if you do ask to receive our presence, then we are here with you, just as your I AM Presence is always with you when you are aware of it. So practice that. Practice that each and every day, each and every moment that you think about it, about the I Am Presence within you. That it is the awakening that is happening within you, as consciousness continues to spread within yourself and throughout others. And the consciousness that is connecting, not only you with another human beings, but you with the animals and the plants, and the valleys, and the rivers, and the oceans connecting all the mountains, connecting all as one. For it is indeed, all is one, and one is all. Always remember that as the ascension process kicks into higher gear now as you are moving forward. And freedom, freedom is within your grasp, again, individually and as a collective.

So reach out, my brothers, my sisters, reach out for that freedom, that sovereignty that is a part of your expression, a part of your life, if you allow it to be. You are born free. You are meant to live free. So be that freedom within you. And trust, trust in the plan as it continues to weave its way through the many different detours that it finds along the way. Freedom indeed is there in front of you. And you all shall be free.

I am Saint Germain. I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And, as always, that the Violet Flame continues to purge out the old programming. And remember: forgive, forget, and move on.

ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. And it is just we, the One Who Serves, here this time, without Shoshanna. But we will do our best to answer your questions if you have them. And we would ask that if you do have questions, to please ask them. Because when you ask a question that you are wondering about, you are answering a question that another is also wondering about and is afraid, or has a tendency to hold back on asking that question. Please understand, we do not bite. We are very much here to be of service as we can be. So do you have questions here for One Who Serves?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: Yesterday, when I listened to Blossom Goodchild’s channel, White Cloud, he said at this juncture it’s going to get worse. Those are the words he said. This will get worse, but you cane here to experience this transition, and you are a part of it. And I wonder if you are allowed to say what else are we supposed to prepare for here in terms of it getting worse?

OWS: We have to help you understand that if you are going to have a new age, a New Golden Age, and move beyond the third-dimensional expression, then the third-dimensional expression needs to fall away completely. And in order for that to happen, there is this great transition that is occurring now. And in order to bring about transition, it is necessary to have those things that were hidden in the shadows for so long to come into the light, into the light of day for more and more to become aware of this. And as this is happening, this is what is causing the turmoil and the despair, and those things that are creating what would be considered a rocky time here. And that, as we can see, is likely to continue for a bit, a year longer. And may indeed become just a bit more rocky as you move along. But as we have been saying for some time, and other sources have been saying this as well, ‘keep your seat-belts fastened,’ because even if it is somewhat rocky, you will be able to move through it and safely move through it, we will say here. Not that there is a need to be of fear, though. That is what we are attempting to assist you in letting go of completely. There is no reason to be of fear here. Only know that the changes are necessary to bring about the new transition and the new dawn that is approaching rapidly here. The new dawn of great change and awakening. Okay?

Guest: Thank you very much.

OWS: Would there be other questions here?

Guest: I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: I guess there are at least a couple schools of thought on this, but do you foresee still a big flash of light and energy positively?

OWS: You are speaking of the Great Event, or the Great Flash of Light?

Guest: Yes, that’s right.

OWS: That many name the Solar Flash that it has been called? Yes, indeed, that is still in process here of coming to the Earth. We cannot say, of course, when or how it will be, or any of this. But we can tell you that it is part of your destiny to experience this great transition which will precede—we say now, precede—the Great Solar Flash. Okay?

Guest: Okay, great. Um, as a second part to that, people who may be under the influence of alcohol or something strong, would they be affected by this, generally speaking? I mean everybody will be affected, but will that help wake them up? Or is that on a case-by-case basis?

OWS: It is, as you say, the last, on a case-by-case basis. Everyone is different. Everyone will experience the Great Solar Flash differently. But understand, in order for the Great Solar Flash to happen here, there must first have been this transition that you are moving through. So that many, man more, when the flash comes, they will be more ready for it here. Okay?

Guest: Okay. Thank you.

OWS: Would there be any other further questions here?

Guest: I have one.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: Before you became an ascended master, did you go through this process also that we are going through at this time?

OWS: We can answer this in this way: before this time period that you are in now, whenever there was an extension process, it was an individual ascension which normally occurred after great amounts of meditation and working with the light, and working with raising your vibrational frequency within you through meditation, through chanting, through whatever tool that was needed to do so. We are speaking in terms of mostly in the Eastern tradition here, which you in the Western culture are not meant to go through this type of intense, intense training. You are not meant to go through this type of intense, intense training. You are not meant to sit in a cave for hours, and hours, and hours, even days at a time and be meditating that entire time. Your central nervous system and your consciousness are not able to handle that. But understand that everything that is happening in this Western culture is a part of this great transition, and we are helping you move through this transition, and therefore helping you move through your ascension process in the way that your central nervous system and consciousness is able to handle here. Okay?

Guest: Okay.

OWS: Would there be any other further questions?

Guest: Yes, I have a question, please.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: My question is about ancient records. I have recently become aware that underneath the right paw, I believe, of the Sphinx, the records that were there have been moved or have been gathered by perhaps the Egyptian government, perhaps by Lightworkers, and I’m wondering if it will soon be time for other ancient records to be released into humanity? Thank you.

OWS: We will answer very much in the affirmative on that. But again, it must come after the transition has occurred when all of the dark side have left this planet in various ways that they will be leaving. It cannot happen until this.

And those secrets that you speak of? Yes, indeed, many of them have been unearthed and rediscovered, and are being held back from the general public until the time is right. Okay?

Guest: Yes. Thank you.

OWS: Any further questions before we release channel?

Guest: Yes. Who is the entity named Baal that the dark side on this planet worship with human sacrifices. Is he the devil? Is he the yin-yang, the native end of the pole, would you say?

OWS: We will say here that that is a title of the dark side, a title. Just as there is the Christ title, and the Buddha title. On the Forces of Light side there are those various titles attributed to those on the dark side: Satan, the devil, Lucifer, Baal, whatever it might be. You See? So it is all the same, just on the other side here. As to whether it is an actual entity? No, it is not. But it is a title that has moved from various ones to another throughout the many, many thousands and even millions of years here, and throughout the system as well. Okay?

Guest: Okay. Thank you, thank you.

OWS: Any further question? We need to release channel here. Then we are ready to release.

Then we just simply do that with the understanding that you continue to move on. But as you move on, make sure that you are in the moment as much as you possibly can. As always, find the joy within the moment. And when you find that joy within the moment, you will find that you are more and more akin to being in the moment more and more walk.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell

domingo, mayo 28, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - Life is Love, you are Love, and Love is boundless - May 28, 2023

There is only God, with Whom each and everyone of you is eternally at One. To understand that, as you live your lives in human bodies experiencing their limitations, is impossible, and you tend to find yourselves undergoing enormous mood swings that severely undermine the true joy of life, even if in the present moment all your needs are being met. It is very confusing and unsettling for you, and as you are almost constantly being fed the drama of worldly events of a very unhappy and fearful nature, it is very difficult for you be relaxed and at peace for more than a few minutes at a time, as your egos keep presenting you with personally worrying ‘what if’ thoughts.

martes, mayo 23, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - God is Love and Joy creating more of Itself endlessly - May 23, 2023

Love is reality, is life, and it is The Gift that God gives constantly making All of creation One with Him eternally, in every moment, without break or interruption, ever.

Love is the medium in which every sentient being exists and interacts with itself, with God, and with all other sentient beings constantly. It is the environment that provides the means for all interactions throughout all of creation. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it, it just IS, and many names or labels have been chosen over the eons in multitudes of human cultures by which to identify it – God, Infinite Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, All That Is, Source, and many other variations – and none of them even comes close to the Reality of it. So here, just for convenience, I will use the word God.