Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo de la Luz Radiante. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo de la Luz Radiante. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, agosto 06, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Pathway Empowering the Shift of the Ages - Aug 6, 2024

Divine Ones,

The newest creation within your world that we would like to point out to you, is the expanding stream of energy in which human beings are feeling that being who they truly are, MATTERS.

This is a powerful shift within your species and one that reflects the increase in frequency that many are allowing and creating.

miércoles, febrero 28, 2024

Ailia Mira - The Galactic Dragons - Notice the Expanded Sense of Who You Are - Feb 28, 2024

Divine Ones,

The light within you continues to expand. And as it expands within you, it illuminates areas of your experience that might help you reconnect with who you truly are. It draws you to them. It propels your attention towards that which will awaken within you a greater appreciation of, and an understanding of the essence of your being.

This is done with incredible gentleness, and so much love. There is this profound knowing within All That You Are that if it can reveal to you insights, awareness, realizations... If it can assist you in making connections between experiences and your sense of Self, that there will be a way into a clearer, truer expression of who you really are here, with confidence, know how, and tremendous joy.

viernes, febrero 09, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Remembrance of Your True Power - Feb 9, 2024

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are here now to share with you a bit about the potential of these times, the promise of empowerments offered in our new conscious evolution program, Divine Creation, and the opportunities you have now to step further into the TRUTH of your BEING, and your INNATE POWER.

Each of you have tremendous power. Tremendous power to create and within you, you have access to vast fields of wisdom, love, light and the truth of your own Divine Self. There is so much that serves you and could benefit you that lies within you.

lunes, enero 15, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Discovering a New Normal - Jan 15, 2024

Divine One,

We greet you, in love. We are here now to share with you new ideas about how you relate to your ascending experience so that you might feel more empowered, more connected and more free in creating the life that you are living.

The frequencies available to you now are significantly different, higher and more expansive than any you have yet encountered in your life up until now. These energies are flowing through you! And as you acknowledge them, you can open more full to them, letting them seep into every cell within your body. Lighting you up and illuminating your true potential here on earth.

domingo, noviembre 05, 2023

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Promise of Truth - Nov 5 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you now, in this very elevated moment of your experience, when super high-frequency light is emanating from the planetary core, transforming all Life, on a fundamental level and empowering the shift into the new, next octave of Light!

It IS an amazing and beautiful time, for humanity and the world. If you go inward and focus upon your heart chakra, opening inward and activating that energy; the multidimensional vortex that IS your heart chakra can bring you into resonance with this tremendous expansion happening now.

domingo, octubre 22, 2023

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Ascension Update: What We Notice About You - Oct 22, 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. It is beautiful to connect with you now, in this way as you are in this state.

The light within you is not only continuing to increase in frequency and also in information, but it is acclimating you to living in higher awareness. Notice the sense of peace and well-being that you are able to access nowadays, so much more readily, than in the past.

lunes, octubre 09, 2023

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Ascension Update: the Transformation Deepens - October 8, 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are here to talk a bit about what is starting to unfold in your experience this month, as you have many powerful alignments and choice points with which to create, align, release, clear and in all of this open to more of who you truly are.

The energies this month will feel even more intimate in the way that they touch and open aspects of your history, your cosmic expressions and your ancestral patterns.

jueves, agosto 10, 2023

Ailia Mira - ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Conscious Evolution - Aug 10, 2023


Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are so happy to connect with you now, in these times of ongoing expansion and inner liberation.

There are many different lenses through which people are participating in and experiencing this shift in consciousness, that you think of as ascension. We remind you: ALL choices are valid.

jueves, julio 20, 2023

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - New Octave. Star Children + the Invincibility of the Shift - July 20, 2023

Divine Ones,

The light within you grows and grows and as it does so, you are lifting into a new plane of expression and experience. Your inner light is resonant with higher planes of existence than in the past and this is transforming what it means to be human.

As you allow for this and allow your perceptions to open to new levels of existence you will feel and know Life in new ways. As you see Life with new eyes, recognizing the Divine in All, you make everything new.

miércoles, julio 05, 2023

Ailia Mira - Message from ARCHANGEL MICHAEL & THE COUNCIL OF RADIANT LIGHT - The 7-7-7 Stargate, Your Evolution - July 4, 2023

Divine Ones,

The great evolution of consciousness in your species, in your world, continues and there is so much wonderful progress to report.

There are expanded higher dimensional frequencies now active within you — emanating from your planetary field. These frequencies are attuning you to higher levels within your wholeness, as you allow this resonance. Vibrations never before experienced by you in this domain of expression are available now, and with your growing ability to translate these energies, glimpses of New Earth living are coming in.

miércoles, junio 21, 2023

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Solstice Celebration Bask in the Rising Light ~ June 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are happy to connect with you now, in this way and we offer to you, today, an invitation to join us for a Solstice Celebration -- a live global event, in which we will share transmissions and activating energies with you, that support you, so that you might, with ease and joy and grace BASK IN THE RISING LIGHT!

jueves, junio 15, 2023

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - The Evolution of Form - June 15, 2023


Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are here now, to open up within you a new awareness of what is available to you, on your planet, Earth at this time.

The Earth has expanded and lifted; it is present in a higher dimensional expression and is in a new beginning of expanding into higher light expression. There is tremendous joy and enthusiasm in the experience of this shift! These frequencies are available to you! Feel into them, and use them as a doorway. Claim them, align with them — for doing so serves you, and can lift you, too, into resonance with this higher expression of Earth. And as you allow yourself to be lifted into this expansive field and rest there, feeling into the newness and joy, the exhilaration and expansion, you infuse yourself with these new frequencies, these delicious energies of higher light, love, Oneness, and infinite expansion. Magnificent!

miércoles, marzo 15, 2023

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael, with the Council of Radiant Light - Ascension must be claimed, by you. - Mar 15, 2023


Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love.

We are approaching the Equinox with you, with a sense of anticipation, as we see many of you are, too.

You are right to look forward to this alignment, for the potency and possibilities of it, are great. And as you give your attention to this alignment, you join others who amplify the energy and openness of Life on Earth to these vaster frequencies emanating from the Universe, into your world/planetary sphere for the purpose of activating and supporting the Earth’s ascension and your healing and conscious evolution.

sábado, marzo 04, 2023

Ailia Mira - AA Michael and The Council of Radiant Light - Stillness is the way home - Feb 26, 2023

New Message Channeled by Ailia Mira
Tuesday | 26 February 2023

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are thankful for this time together with you. We appreciate your willingness to spend time cultivating and celebrating your multidimensionality, the truth of your being. When you open to a transmission such as this, that is what you are doing: opening to us via your own vast eternalness. Which also opens you to an inner, multidimensional wellspring of joy, of abundance, of ecstasy and expansion!

Today we wish to speak of stillness and the value of it in your daily lives. It’s such a simple thing — to be still, with your body, and to let yourself settle into stillness, on the inside.

sábado, diciembre 31, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Be as you truly are... Infinite! Eternal Light! - Dec 31, 2022

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love.

This is a beautiful way to begin our transmissions to you; to acknowledge this field of love that is the foundation of our connection with you, and with your planetary field.

So we say this again, and invite you to feel into the expansiveness of this field: WE GREET YOU, IN LOVE.

Feel LOVE Itself as a vast radiant field of light. One in which you feel infused with love and love is everywhere. All around you. Within you. Comprising everything you are and everything you know of and can perceive.

domingo, septiembre 18, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Sep 18, 2022

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

We begin now, with an energy infusion. We invite you to receive. If you welcome this support, please say, “Yes.”

We encircle you now, in light, infusing this field of co-creation and connection, collaboration and evolutionary activation with golden angelic light, and the activation codes and templates of the ascended planetary field.

martes, agosto 02, 2022

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Open To Your Multidimensional Lineage and Function As An Embodied Wholeness - August 2, 2022

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

We open up to this accelerating field that is your experience, for your world and your energy and expanding and accelerating.

The Lion’s Gate alignment, on 8/8 and this month of August together empower vast new potentials for humanity. You can feel this, we know. For the energy is already streaming into your world and affecting you, your bodies, and awareness, and with this, your emotions and your physical body are experiencing (and you feel through these modalities), the integration of this energy.

lunes, julio 04, 2022

Ailia Mira - Remaking a world is no small thing - July 2, 2022

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

It is an amazing and expansive time for you, in your world. Light is infusing everyone and everything with new potentials. The planetary field itself is ascending into higher expression and taking all life that wishes to go forward, with. Offering energetic frequencies and support to embody higher light.

In the non-physical you have many allies, and so many are paying attention to your world and infusing the sphere with grace and love, so that this might be a sweet and beautiful time of change as much as possible, that there might be gentleness and trust.

jueves, junio 16, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Solstice Energies & The Ongoing Expansion - June 16, 2022

Divine Ones,

Living now, on Earth is an expanding experience. New frequencies of light, new templates of what can be received as perception, idea and experience, are flowing into your planetary field and accessible to you, through resonance.

The inner fields of light, are also expanding. Bringing you into greater resonance with your vaster wholeness a field of infinite light. Your own field opens up as you are in a more open relationship to your embodied experience.

miércoles, mayo 04, 2022

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Rest. Let the inner spark of Life move you. - May 4, 2022

Dear Friends,

As we shared recently, your soul’s highest destiny is being activated by the energy streaming in your world from the Eclipse Cycle. This, like all Eclipse Cycles and the energy they bring, is in support of you, collectively as a species, evolving to your next highest level of expression, and personally, in terms of supporting your evolution of consciousness.

All Life is always moving into higher expression, to the degree it can. Each of you has within you, many different ways you express when you emanate into different realms of expression or participate throughout creation in different ways. As your life unfolds, you are continually opening to new possibilities for participation, expression, and you pick up on these new potentials within. You may perceive this as inner tension, a feeling of a new or stronger desire or idea, it may feel like discord, or a lifting feeling, a sense of how your life could be better, happier, more fulfilling. The discord and tension occurs when what you’re being shown or called toward challenges your self-belief, your sense of freedom, or your sense of your capacity. None of which means that what you want or see, is not for you. Only that there will need to be upgrades to your self-belief, or that you may need to give yourself permission in order to bright forth new ways of being.