Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ailia Mira. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ailia Mira. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, enero 06, 2025

Ailia Mira - Stabilizing Unity through Cosmic Oneness - Jan 6, 2025

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love.

It is I, Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, with the Angelic Ones through Ailia. We are so very happy to have this opportunity to connect with you.

Take a moment now and call upon your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, activating that within you through acknowledgement, and then call upon me, Melchizedek the Universal Logos, and ask for an infusion of energy and light from me, to you.

lunes, diciembre 09, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Metatron - 12:12 Activating Your Patterning for the New Age - Dec 9, 2024

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It is I, Archangel Metatron and I am here now, to share with you a bit about the current potential in play for you on Earth and some perspectives that can be useful to you as you create your life, anew.

miércoles, diciembre 04, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & Friends - New Light, New Age: Becoming a WorldBridger - Dec 4, 2024


Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are thankful for this opportunity to connect with you and share perspectives with you that will assist you in aligning with the flow of energy and light that is your own leading edge.

sábado, noviembre 30, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Magical Times Begin - Nov 30, 2024


Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are JOYFUL (in the way we know that) for this opportunity to connect with you and share at this auspicious and important time, in the evolution of your world and of your species.

The Golden Dawn has arrived. And what we mean by this is: the time to create, to compose, to imagine, to step into, to give rise to the formation of a new world and for each of you to give form to a new version of BEING YOU is NOW.

viernes, octubre 04, 2024



Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are so happy to have this opportunity to share and communicate with you. As many of you have sensed, there has been an enormous evolutionary shift in your world and in the inner experience for many of you during the last two weeks…in the midst of the Eclipse Cycle.

miércoles, octubre 02, 2024

Ailia Mira - Working with the Annular Solar Eclipse - Oct 2, 2024

Hello, Beautiful,

Eclipse Energy in the House!

And it’s big.

Are you triggered now, yesterday, this past week? More than once? Take a moment and step back and reflect on what has been coming up for you.

martes, septiembre 24, 2024

Ailia Mira - Mid-Way through the Eclipse Cycle (An Ascension Update) - Sep 24, 2024


Hi, Beautiful Friends ~

As Archangel Michael recently shared, "This Eclipse Cycle is not for the feint of heart. It is huge clarifying energy that will transform you at very deep levels. As you allow it, it is reformatting your relationship with who you truly are, and with your expanded connections to many layers within All That Is. There is a fundamental reorganizing happening.” And as I write this today he adds, “And it’s a reorganization that is going to unlock things within you and for you.”

miércoles, septiembre 18, 2024

Ailia Mira - What Wants to Flow Through You? - Sep 18, 2024

Flowing within the Eclipse Cycle...

Today's Personal Notes: Deep fatigued. And simultaneously a strong sense of having switched paths.

It's likely that some of what I'm pivoting away from is simply no longer energized, but also I'm BEING DIFFERENT on the inside.

I reached my limit with some things and it’s showing. I'm no longer willing to energize or amplify "not enough."

martes, agosto 06, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Pathway Empowering the Shift of the Ages - Aug 6, 2024

Divine Ones,

The newest creation within your world that we would like to point out to you, is the expanding stream of energy in which human beings are feeling that being who they truly are, MATTERS.

This is a powerful shift within your species and one that reflects the increase in frequency that many are allowing and creating.

viernes, julio 05, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Sirian Stargate Transmissions, 2024

Divine Ones,

The great evolution of consciousness in your species, in your world, continues and there is so much wonderful progress to report.

There are expanded higher dimensional frequencies now active within you, and emanating from your planetary field. These frequencies are attuning you to higher levels within your wholeness, as you allow this resonance. The upleveling is ongoing.

jueves, junio 13, 2024

Ailia Mira - Ascension Update: Keys to Evolving with Ease and Joy - Jun 13, 2024

As the Earth continues to expand into higher frequencies, it can draw us upward with it, if we let it.

This is done with the greatest ease, if we cultivate states of joy and positive expectation.

As way-showers and frequency holders, our role, is to embody this higher light. To let it transmute and transform our entire human energy system -- spiritual, mental, emotional and even physical. The physical changes are deeply underway now and they require so much self-love and inner listening in order to be accomplished.

miércoles, mayo 15, 2024

Ailia Mira - The Arcturians - You’re different. It’s a new beginning - May 15, 2024

  New Message Channeled by Ailia Mira
15 May 2024

WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS and we know you. We have connected with you in other ways when you open your field to higher light and we are happy and honored for this opportunity to connect now.

sábado, mayo 04, 2024

Ailia Mira - Melchizedek - Conscious Evolution - May 4, 2024

FROM Melchizedek, the Universal Logos

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Divine Ones,

I greet you with love. I am Lord Melchizedek. I am the Universal Logos and I hold you all within this universal field that I am, with tremendous awareness of who you are and with so much love.

Today I wish to reconnect with you consciously. To open up within you the great remembering of your Universal Self; the expansiveness of you that exists beyond this planetary level, beyond even the galactic level of your being. To reacquaint you with the Universal Oneness that We are, and in doing so, lift you up and assist you in reorienting to your embodiment, with great joy, clearer understanding and a deep sense of connection.

miércoles, abril 17, 2024

Ailia Mira - Life in the New, Higher Frequencies - April 16, 2024

An ascension update about the ongoing astrological transits and INCOMING ENERGIES; the challenges being presented; and how to work with them to uplevel everything, now.

Heyyyy, Amazing Ones — It’s day 482 of these intense Aries and Eclipse Energies. Just kidding. But not. Just. Wow.

Staying present with ourselves, while pacing according to our needs for rest, movement, regular life demands and doing energy and light work to as needed (to connect with our Divine Self and expand our grounding; clear what’s dissolving; call in more light to empower our clarity and the best possible mood as well as embody more of All That We Are)… it’s A LOT. And still? Amazing breakthroughs are happening.

miércoles, abril 10, 2024

Ailia Mira - In the wake of the Eclipse Cycle... (an Ascension Update) - Apr 10, 2024

Hi, Beautiful Friends~!

In the wake of the eclipse cycle, many of us are still feeling the energies + working with what these transits brought up.

How are you doing?!

This was the strongest energy that I have ever felt in an eclipse cycle. It also seemed very pointed in the way it affected me. Eclipse always bring things up that are ripe for change, but this Eclipse Cycle felt more keenly associated with the evolution of our consciousness. What the energies are activating, triggering, illuminating… in someway bringing to the surface, are the parts of our life that really need our love, acceptance, and our willingness to take action on our own behalf, with the belief that we’re supported. These are very powerful themes if you’re in touch with the part of yourself that truly wants freedom. Liberation even.

sábado, marzo 23, 2024

Ailia Mira - Ascension Update: Eclipse Cycle Opens - Mar 23, 2024

Hi, Beautiful Friends~!

Welcome to the first Eclipse Cycle of 2024. We’re already feeling the energies and this afternoon (Friday, March 22) there were 2, M-Class Solar Flares, which kicks everything off in a big way. 🔥✨

Eclipse cycles are always about transformation.Eclipses are part of the fuel of our ascension. They always provide an opportunity and the energetic support to release things, to complete things, and to shift into things that are more aligned with your higher potential and your higher path for expression.

miércoles, febrero 28, 2024

Ailia Mira - The Galactic Dragons - Notice the Expanded Sense of Who You Are - Feb 28, 2024

Divine Ones,

The light within you continues to expand. And as it expands within you, it illuminates areas of your experience that might help you reconnect with who you truly are. It draws you to them. It propels your attention towards that which will awaken within you a greater appreciation of, and an understanding of the essence of your being.

This is done with incredible gentleness, and so much love. There is this profound knowing within All That You Are that if it can reveal to you insights, awareness, realizations... If it can assist you in making connections between experiences and your sense of Self, that there will be a way into a clearer, truer expression of who you really are here, with confidence, know how, and tremendous joy.

sábado, febrero 24, 2024

Ailia Mira - The Andromedan High Council - A New Criteria for Feeling Good - Feb 23, 2024

Divine Ones,

We are happy to be with you now and to speak with you from our perspective about what you are experiencing presently and how you are participating in this time of increasing energy and the expansion of your embodied presence.

First of all we wish to celebrate you and all that you are allowing. Often when the incoming energy is so strong -- as it has been this week -- you lose sight a bit of the bigger picture and of how far you have come. We remind you now of this, and tell you that we see incredible light and clarity in your fields, and the fuller expression of your harmonic wholeness is more and more readily present and emanating from your embodied form. You are so much more lit up than you often realize.

viernes, febrero 09, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - The Remembrance of Your True Power - Feb 9, 2024

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are here now to share with you a bit about the potential of these times, the promise of empowerments offered in our new conscious evolution program, Divine Creation, and the opportunities you have now to step further into the TRUTH of your BEING, and your INNATE POWER.

Each of you have tremendous power. Tremendous power to create and within you, you have access to vast fields of wisdom, love, light and the truth of your own Divine Self. There is so much that serves you and could benefit you that lies within you.

lunes, enero 15, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Discovering a New Normal - Jan 15, 2024

Divine One,

We greet you, in love. We are here now to share with you new ideas about how you relate to your ascending experience so that you might feel more empowered, more connected and more free in creating the life that you are living.

The frequencies available to you now are significantly different, higher and more expansive than any you have yet encountered in your life up until now. These energies are flowing through you! And as you acknowledge them, you can open more full to them, letting them seep into every cell within your body. Lighting you up and illuminating your true potential here on earth.