martes, septiembre 24, 2024

Ailia Mira - Mid-Way through the Eclipse Cycle (An Ascension Update) - Sep 24, 2024


Hi, Beautiful Friends ~

As Archangel Michael recently shared, "This Eclipse Cycle is not for the feint of heart. It is huge clarifying energy that will transform you at very deep levels. As you allow it, it is reformatting your relationship with who you truly are, and with your expanded connections to many layers within All That Is. There is a fundamental reorganizing happening.” And as I write this today he adds, “And it’s a reorganization that is going to unlock things within you and for you.”

I’m re-reading this often, using EFT/Tapping, journaling, meditation and more channeling, in order to feel clear and centered and just keep moving forward with trust…doing what I can to believe in a positive vision for what will come from all this.

If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s. - C.G. Jung

Eclipses get us back on track. They bring up the things we’ve been avoiding, or clinging to and help us change our relationship to them, so we are freer, and can flow.

This sequence of recent astrological events has created a huge wave of energy that just keeps on building.

Meanwhile, Pluto the planet of death and rebirth continues it’s retrograde clean-up through Capricorn, for the last time, before it moves firmly into Aquarius on November 17, 2024.

Anything in our lives that we’ve viewed as a problem but not allowed (or known how) to change, can be ripe for digesting now.

What isn’t work can come into coherence and divine order, during this series of transits and you can trust that whatever is surfacing right now is happening for you.

Life loves us. We are supported by All That Is. But we and only we get to choose what we make real. What we treat as important. What feels true. What we amplify. What we use as the point of focus, the theme of thoughts that we use to create and tune our vibration/frequency.

Where have you doubted your ability to have what you want? That is the area that may very well be getting stirred up in painful and deep ways now, or even showing up literally, or symbolicaly in your dreams.

This is not happening to torture you, or punish you or in any way make you suffer, but if you’ve avoided it, there is some belief that it’s not safe to move beyond this into something better. What’s surfacing is inviting you to see it head on, dare to believe you can have what you want, and then allow any issue or problem area in your experience to evolve, thereby allowing you to evolve.

Messy, icky, hidden, neglected and ignored things are being surfaced collectively and personally.

The energies along with your Divine Self are helping you create the inner evolutionary shift that is just right for you right now.

You can do this.

Even if it feels like it might be impossible, and if it does feel that way, know that you are so ready for this and dare to ask for a ease, for support, or even for a miracle. Ask for whatever you need that helps you to lighten the load so you can work with it, but don’t wish or hope, or ask to keep putting it off, or to continue avoiding it.

Working with whatever is arising is less about you trying to figure this out and more about letting it happen.

You may have clear actions to take, and yet, this is an inner transformation onto your highest timeline which you have to let happen to you, by showing up and seeing what arises and meeting it all with a sense of possibility and willingness to imagine it might be serving you by unlocking things within you that have held you back.

And for some of us? What’s been holding us back has been holding us back for a long, long time.

Big changes in relationship configurations are happening during this cycle. Relationships to aspects of our life, and also to people, places, ideas, dreams.

Know that people may move in and out of your life — from more surface connections to people close to you, and that some are choosing to transition now. Trust that all changes that occur serve everyone involved.

Divine Order organizes everything. Who comes and goes in your experience does so based on vibrational resonance and on each being, being led by their own soul, to their own next evolutionary experience.

Life is supporting us, lifting us, surfacing what’s ready to be transmuted, healed, unleashed or exalted.

Where have you been playing small? Where have you allowed other people’s ideas or treatment of you, to make you feel invalidated? Have you allowed yourself to doubt your gifts, talents, the beauty of who you are, or that you can have what you want because someone near and dear was limited, wounded and neglected you, or worse?

It’s time to take back your power.
It’s time to believe in YOURSELF.

Everything about 2024 is rooting for you and lighting up your personal path of empowerment.

If you get off this path, what’s on it will surface again and again until you finally step towards it, move through it and allow yourself to have more of what you want… And until you’re willing to feel worthy of love, joy, inner peace, abundance, well-being and all that calls to you. All that you want.

Desires are your compass, giving you a sense of how you might fulfill your life and live with great joy and fuel your unique and beautiful authentic expression.

Everything that is calling to you, IS YOURS, already. The inner call towards it is a glimpse of ALL your Divine Self has already become. When you let go of worry, doubt, fear, or disbelief, even temporarily, and are entrained by a moment of stillness, a beautiful scene, petting your cat, or simply luxuriating in a warm delicious shower, the inspiration can come and does. And with it? There is a feeling of the rising energies, the ascending energy; there is a feeling of buoyancy, a lift! An indication that this is your higher path: it’s available to you.

Believe in what you want. It’s your inner guidance speaking to you.

This Eclipse Passageway is bringing very liberating energies to our evolutionary experience. Use this time! Make the most of these profound and beautiful opportunities to ride these big waves of collective transformation and expansion, to usher in your new, next more beautiful life experience.

You deserve it.
I do too.

We’re in this together and I’m so thankful for your beauty and light.

Blessings and love,

Copyright © Ailia Mira Media 2010-2024 | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.