miércoles, septiembre 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are under a crucial passage to heal our relationships - Sep 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are under a crucial passage to heal our relationships, as Libra essence is a great ally in our journey to become whole and empowered sovereign beings. When we talk about sovereignty, we often think it is about personal power. However, it is about retrieving our energy first, which the majority of the time remains attached to other non-benevolent sources, or people, dimming our light and vital force.

It is now a propitious time for us to retrieve our energy, reconnect to authentic Sources, and heal our soul and energetic connections, as the more we are connected to false sources, the less empowered and the less connected to our soul we are. 

Many of you are now moving into the manifestation of more balanced divine reunions. Others, for we all have our time to heal, are clearing old attachments that keep you connected to astral influences, ex-partners, or other people who have already fulfilled a purpose in your life.

Detecting, accepting, and taking responsibility for what we truly feel is one of the most difficult things in our relationships, as many will know their purpose together has ended, but rather than embracing it and continue expanding, keep being attached to each other, creating excuses to foment old connections, just to remain in the familiar space and feel more secure. 

Fear to be alone, to experience new horizons on our own, and to let go, hides disempowerment and behind it soul disconnection, for when we are fully connected, we understand that is Law to learn and move forward, not to remain always in the same place with the same people, unless we both grow in the same direction. 

Deep within you know when is the time to be grateful, surrender to the Truth, and move forward. 

Clearing the collective mind and wounds is also one of the most important things to work within our relationships, as the collective beliefs that are created and often inserted upon us, are one of the main causes of energetic attachments, being connected to mind control, and many other false premises about how we have to live our relationships.

We all were inserted into this plane with many beliefs and programs on how to love, but often these rules make us love from the ego, not from the soul. When we start ascending and moving forward from the old paradigm, we understand the most important connection is the one we maintain with our Divine Self, to be able to receive direct guidance, and to know, love, accept, and embrace ourselves completely, before we can accept others.

During this time clearing ancestral beliefs, and epigenetic programs about relationships is pivotal to disengaging from old roles, as many times we step into our relationships expecting the other to fulfill certain roles, simply because we have been taught that way.

Fear of being alone is another initiator of many toxic relationships, when in truth aloneness is about finding oneself, communing with our feelings, being soul-filled and soul-full and thence whole, so we can give ourselves to others.

Clearing our shadows, embracing all of who we are, and bringing unity into our fragmented soul is essential to have balanced and equal relationships, for many of you are now moving into a totally different timeline, where harmonic relationships are key for conscious co-creation.

No matter where you are in your ascension journey, you are always whole, for aloneness only means " All-oneness", for All is in you and you are in All, as we are never alone or hopeless.

May you allow yourself to experience the love that you are and deserve, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
Art: Kesara art