miércoles, septiembre 25, 2024

Judith Kusel - A huge merging of Timelines and quantum space energy - Sep 25, 2024

A huge merging of Timelines and quantum space energy, for want of suitable words or phrases to describe what I am being shown, is now fully activating on a cosmic scale, the quantum unified energy fields.
It is basically now activating the full emergence of totally new life with the new root race of man. 

Divine Will now supercedes our will - It becomes one and the same, as the Greater Cosmic Masterplan supercedes our own.

All the different personas, acting roles, soul experiences and lessons in mastery and free will and choices, are now merging as ONE. Free will is superceded by Divine Will for the greater whole and good.
We merge with Divine Will and become the Divine Masterplan fulfilling itself, in every single form and way.

Just like every star, constellation, galaxy is in its perfect universal place and fulfills its universal roles, uniquely yet AS ONE, within the greater cosmic whole, one single quantum energy field, which is conscious and holds Divine consciousness. 

I am clearly told that our souls agreed to this, trillions of earth years ago when we were granted free will and choice, that this merger would happen exactly at this present moment.

With it comes the emergence now of the new Root Race of Hu-man in the New Earth and New Golden Age, which is already anchoring in. 

As much as we had free will - it was always understood at soul and monadic levels, that we would eventually merge with DIvine Will and Divine Heart again, and reassume our true angelic nature, the truth of who and what we are, in truth, and always have been. 

It is a merging with the heart, soul and consciousness of the Divine Source, the Prime Creator, with the heart flame of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within the Source. All souls, monads included, are heart-flames of the Divine. 

We now return as ONE into merging with the Divine Heart-Flame! Unity! One!

The full emergence of the new Hu-man Root Race is now fully operational as we have been reunited with the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, the Suns beyond the Suns, and this is amplified by the full return of the Cosmic White Flame of Purity from Andromeda, and the reconnection with the Cosmic Heart from Andromeda, as well.

I will shortly have a workshop and courses expanding on the same, as transmitted.

Watch this space.

Judith Kusel

Photo: All credit to the artist.