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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nueva Tierra. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, enero 11, 2025

Judith Kusel - If you wish to go travel in a spaceship - Jan 11, 2025

If you wish to go travel in a spaceship and travel intergalactically, you need to be equipped to do so, not only physically, but on all levels.

I am being guided to share with you, yes you beautiful soul, because you are being prepared on all levels now, to exit the old earth and step onboard the new spaceship, the New Earth, which holds the Golden Age of miracles.

jueves, enero 09, 2025

Judith Kusel -No matter what is seemingly happening on and in the Old Earth - Jan 9, 2025

Within me there is great peace, and the inner knowing that all is ok, and all will be ok. 

No matter what is seemingly happening on and in the Old Earth, all is on track. 

We have fully stepped into multi-dimensionality, and this means our souls are now operating on expanded levels, whether we are aware of this or not.

martes, enero 07, 2025

Judith Kusel - Lord Melchizedek - Jan 7, 2025

I shared the first of two Transmissions by Lord Melchizedek a few weeks ago, and here is the Second. They were transmitted during "The Cosmic Transmissions Webinars" in December through me and I am sharing the second now, with permission from Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of Melchizedek.

" I greet you. I Am Lord Melchizedek and feel the presence of myself and the whole high Order of Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of the White Flame in and around you. You are entering a moment in the next few days and weeks and the years before you, where every single soul will find that they are called into higher service more than ever before. You all agreed to this before you were born although a lot of you have forgotten that. Yes, it is easy to get caught up in the dramas of life in the dramas of others, in the dramas of governments and all those who seemingly have power when in truth they do not. The Divine master plan is already fulfilled ,the New Earth and the new Golden Age is already there. 

Yes, I am speaking into your soul tonight and I am speaking into the core truth of who and what you are in truth, knowing that you have been prepared for this not only on Earth in the many lifetimes you've had here in all existences, but at the Universal and Omniversal levels. There are aspects of your soul that you have not even used in this lifetime, which I am now triggering. These are talents and abilities that you have had since time immortal when you were first birthed by the divine. You are a soul that is exactly where you need to be in this moment in time and you are meant to now claim that and to be open for miracles to unfold in your life, but how can you be ready for miracles if you refuse to let go of what you were before?

Yes, it takes those leaps of faith, yes, it can be very uncomfortable, that is why surrendering is so very important. Surrendering does not mean that you lose control, it means that you allow Divine will and your will to become one and the same. As a human you have very little vision and often no understanding of a greater master plan which is unfolding and where you slot into that. Yet you do not just need to slot in, but every single other soul and millions of others, things and moments and creations have to fall into place so that all is one Symphony where every musical instrument plays its own unique role, but they all sing together as one every instrument is unique every instrument is important.

You are important, that is why you are loved and cherished, yeah, you are cherished, you are loved. We have Council meetings and often with the Intergalactic Councils and the Universal Councils for the Earth is not an entity on her own, she fits in exactly where she needs in the whole Cosmic globe and with her as Ascension now this is the totally new and higher role she is adopting. We sit in silence with our heart centers open, holding that vision of a Divine master plan fulfilled on this planet and we hold the perfected vision of you, yes you, your soul and your life's mission and purpose that you have come to fulfill on Earth in the New Earth and the new Golden Age. 

That is how important you are, that is how loved ,and how cherished you are and so is each one of you. There are many Universal masters from other universes who have come to join us. It's unprecedented, it has never happened before. The intergalactic races are here in unparalleled numbers to all help you through this process. The intergalactic Galactic Fleet and High Commander Ashtar are doing an immense job, they are immensely dedicated. They are serving with so much love and so are the heavenly hosts and your own Mother Earth the New Earth, she is really bringing herself into that higher dimensional State and is willing to expand into the beauty and perfection of her born, new born existence. This planet has always been part of a universal fray and the universal Family of Light and the Galactic ones.

In these transmissions, we are activating the deepest remembrance of your soul, but also that which you need to grow into as you are ascending fully into your new solar light body with regenerative and rejuvenating energies pouring in from Andromeda and from Helius, the Great Central Suns and the seventh Central Sun of Illumination that is illuminating you from within and without. As the Sun flares now released are truly working with you and the dormant faculties in your mind, but also in your whole existence and the new DNA is fully activating in ways you cannot even comprehend now, this is the new Master race of the New Human. 

Tonight, you will be activated with a sacred geometry the sacred sounds, the sacred numbers, the sacred mathematics, the sacred physics and metaphysics, alchemy and the codes of magic that you've always had ,but which lay dormant for so long. With that comes the greater opening of a higher heart and your ability to raise your Consciousness even higher, for as you raise your Consciousness, you can access what you could not before, for everything works with energy and energy fields with frequencies and vibrations and the higher your Consciousness, the more you can tune in. 

This will often mean that you will have visions that you will now be able to access, but you could not access before. Downloads will come, you will suddenly they have Crystal Clear knowing and you will , be able to , cocreate highly advanced art, music, technologies but more than this, you will be able to communicate with all life and life forms and be able to build communities where everything is organic and pure, the water, the air and everything, where you work with the plant kingdoms, where you work with the tree kingdom, you will work with the animals and the birds and the insects and the minerals and the mineral kingdoms and all the elements in a profound way, because everything is conscious. You will be able to use sound in ways you've never ever been able to do so.

Yes, even light craft, spacecraft teleportation. You think of it, it is already here for you to step into those powers, if you so choose, but remember each one of you will be given to the degree that you can handle it We are monitoring you day and night. If high frequency gifts are given to you and you are not of the right frequency vibration and Consciousness, your physical body is in danger of disintegrating.

 You will never be given more than you can handle and you will only be given what you need to know and access and will be given it when you are ready, not one moment before and not one moment too late. Do not compare yourself with your brothers and sisters of light, everyone is unique. Be yourself. You don't need to compare yourself with others, be simply yourself and stand fully in your own light and be what you in truth are.

You don't need to emulate anybody or to put them on a pedestal or in a pit, what you see in them is there within you, let's love them the way they are. When your Consciousness rises and your heart is full of love, you won't be able to hate anymore or to sow seeds of division, or to go into fear and even war with each other. War is futile, it doesn't work. It just brings more pain and suffering, but if you are at war inside, how can you create peace, it's impossible. That is why the inner work is so important, the constant clearing and cleansing, because you are still walking on Earth and you will interact with those who are not always on the same dimensional frequency as you, but the spirit is widening, to be on this Earth but not of her.

To look at her from above with love and compassion, without judgment, even while you are creating the new Golden Age with love. Yes, there are times when you will go and slip again, and be pulled in. It's up to you to immediately make work of it and remember that help is always present, we are here to assist you. Yes it takes strength, it take courage, it takes fortitude, it takes discipline and all the ascended masters have had to be that. The higher the calibre of your soul, the more you will be tested. The purest of diamonds are created under immense pressure and the tallest of oak trees had to withstand the severest of weather.

I thank you, beautiful Souls. The High Council and myself Lord Melchizedek are already fully activating the sacred sites in the New Earth and the sacred Temples will rise again, the Pyramid Temples in their profundity and already are. Behold everything is new. Behold you are new. Receive now from the Divine Prime Creator the packets of Love, light and power and there will be silence while this is streaming into you. (Light language)

I hold you and I bless you. I anoint you with the sacred oils of the most sacred one.

I Am Lord Melchizedek"

(Transmitted: Judith Kusel)

Judith Kusel
Photos: All credit to the artists

lunes, enero 06, 2025

Judith Kusel - We have stepped in the last few days... - Jan 6, 2025

We have stepped in the last few days through the portals of no return as the New Earth life has begun in earnest.

Note everything has changed into the higher dimensional state and this is a totally new life beginning on levels not known, yet known. For the known and the unknown are one and the same.

domingo, enero 05, 2025

´Judith Kusel - We have stepped in the last few days - Jan 5, 2025

We have stepped in the last few days through the portals of no return as the New Earth life has begun in earnest.

Note everything has changed into the higher dimensional state and this is a totally new life beginning on levels not known, yet known. For the known and the unknown are one and the same.

miércoles, enero 01, 2025

Natalia Alba - As we navigate this nine-transitional year - Jan 1, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As we navigate this nine-transitional year, welcoming the beginning of this harmonic Cycle, many of you will start feeling the profound impact of the new cosmic initiation that has just begun for all of us. An initiation that is reinforced by the 1/1 portal, reaching its peak on the 11th of the month.

martes, diciembre 31, 2024

Judith Kusel - I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age - Dec 31, 2024

I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age, last night, even as the sun flares are releasing immense powerful sun disc which work with the crystal pyramids and the new white golden crystalline energy grids of the New Earth.

jueves, diciembre 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Ascension Portal - Dec 19, 2024

Ascension Portal 

We are now moving into a huge ascension portal as from the 21rst and this will escalate in 2025 and even more so, in five and ten years.
It is imperative that you keep your thoughts, your focus, your attention, your words, and your actions aligned and concentrate on what you truly wish to create from the heart and soul, in the highest and best ways possible, for the highest good of all. This is your own responsibility.

jueves, diciembre 05, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are in the completion of cosmic cycles - Dec 5, 2024

We are in the completion of cosmic cycles of the spirals of creation as the SOLAR flares now being released hold very powerful sacred patterns, or sacred geometrical forms, which are activating the Illumined Portals within our spiritual bodies for transcendence.

lunes, diciembre 02, 2024

Judith Kusel - A deep reminder that we are here - Dec 2, 2024

A deep reminder that we are here, as souls to now fully step into our highest soul purpose and mission, with love and joy, as we agreed to do before we were born, and have been prepared for, for thousands, and for some, millions of earth years ago.

domingo, diciembre 01, 2024

Judith Kusel - As we step into a whole new creation - Dec 1, 2024

As we step into a whole new creation, on the New Earth, more higher aspects of Creation are being reactivated on multiple levels now.

jueves, noviembre 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we move into Sagittarius - Nov 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we move into Sagittarius, the amplification of the tenth-dimensional waves will reach its peak, as Sagittarius is the sign that helps us in alchemization, becoming illumined beings, and building our tenth-dimensional body, becoming, finally, to continue becoming illumined beings. It is with Sagittarius that we start the process of moving from carbon to crystalline beings, for this Fire sign facilitates the transfiguration and consecutive resurrection process that many of us are now undergoing.

miércoles, noviembre 20, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we step into a New harmonic Era - Nov 20, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we step into a New harmonic Era, marked by Pluto finally moving into Aquarius, many of you will feel the big shift in your bodies and how they now perceive and adjust to the new earth's energies. Many of us have been working for many years so we can align now to these new frequencies, and above all, to the new earth's fifth-dimensional crystalline portals available, for all who are choosing to exit the 3D old timelines.

miércoles, noviembre 13, 2024

Patricia Cota-Robles - VIOLET FLAME INVOCATIONS FOR THE 40-DAY PURGE - November 13, 2024


Patricia Cota-Robles

November 13, 2024

Our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness have confirmed that the Divine Matrix for the most powerful 40-Day purging process Mother Earth, the Elemental Kingdom and Humanity have ever been able to withstand at a vibrational level was successfully Cocreated during the opening of the 11:11 Gateway on November 11, 2024.

martes, noviembre 12, 2024

Judith Kusel - The purification process is intensifying - Nov 12, 2024

The purification process is intensifying, and with it then also the dissolving, dissolution of the old ways. This is done so quietly that most people are not even aware of what is truly happening.

lunes, noviembre 11, 2024

Celia Fenn - 11th November : 11/11 Portal and the Full Activation of the High Heart and the Angelic Fire

11th November : 11/11 Portal and the Full Activation of the High Heart and the Angelic Fire

On this powerful day we transit the 11/11 Portal.

Natalia Alba - Today, 11/11 will signify a wake-up call for many stepping into this path - Nov 11, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Today, 11/11 will signify a wake-up call for many stepping into this path. For others, it will mean the transcendence of this physical plane, for they are ready to exit the illusory veils of this plane. However, there will be others who will be called for further service, for as we step into galactic ascension in the coming years, many will be called to help dismantle the 3D and 4th-dimensional artificial realities, which have many dormant souls, trapped, unable to differentiate between the real 3D plane, astral one and 5th-dimensional timeline, which is where the majority on the ascension path desire to go next.

domingo, noviembre 10, 2024

Judith Kusel - In the next few years leading up and into 2032 - Nov 10, 2024

In the next few years leading up and into 2032, we are going to go through intense and immense changes on all levels. As our own Light shines brighter, we radiate forth such a blinding high potency light, that everything still hidden in the dark is being illuminated as if by powerful spotlights in areas of total darkness. All those people who hide in this darkness and operate undercover, are going to be exposed and they will try their best to regain control of the planet and powerbases they once held. 

With these disturbances, great Earth upheavals will arise, as this is the great cleansing and purification and the return to the Heart of Love, Unity, Balance and Harmony.

Through this seeming chaos, the New Golden Age rises in all its splendour and glory. The message I received very clearly this morning, is that we now need to truly step up and fully into our soul’s highest purpose for being here on Earth: to lead humanity through this immense transition and transfiguration with love, with joy, inspired from deep within, no matter what may seemingly be happening around us, and more than this to sow the seeds for the New Golden Age, and to lay down those building blocks for the New Humanity.

Interestingly, Mother Mary is making her Presence felt and her message is profound: She was prepared for her incarnation for thousands of Earth years, just like we all were. When incarnated, she had to face so many hardships, and indeed moments when her mother’s heart was wrenched open to the core, yet she always held the vision in her heart of the New Humanity, the New Earth even then, for indeed that is what was being anchored in at that time: the Universal Christ/Buddha/Atma/Eternal Self Consciousness, opening the way for the birth of the New Earth, the New Humanity and New Golden Age!

She is speaking directly into your own heart, reminding you that you too, as soul, have been prepared for many thousands of cosmic years for this exact incarnation. You knew what would happen, and you knew that at exactly this time, you would go through this immensely powerful transfiguration process, in the midst of a world that seemingly had gone mad.

“When I experienced those years of turmoil, of the immense chaos which ensued, I always went into my inner sanctuary, the sacred temple of my own sacred heart, and I would rest in there in the full knowing, that I had to keep the vision of the New Earth and New Humanity, the Era of Peace, Unity and Harmony, ever before my eyes, and sow the seeds for future generations to come.

I am now assigned to do this for humanity at Universal levels, and I therefore now speak directly into your heart. I hold the vision of your own immaculate conception, the perfection of your soul, as you now become a living example to the rest of humanity, and I will assist you to keep your heart open no matter what, to keep focused on fulfilling your soul mission, every single day, in whatever way you are being called to do so, and to keep on sowing those seeds of new life and new beginnings with love, with joy, loving grace.”

We all are called in different and unique ways, yet in truth we are One.

When we fully embrace the Divinity within, there is unity, harmony, peace, joy, unconditional love, power and wisdom present and overflowing. We live this truth, we exude this truth, we think it, we speak it, we live it.

By doing so, we are paving the way for other souls to follow, yet in addition, we are now asked to expand our vision to cocreate Communities of Light with great love. For as we radiate forth, we draw those of the self-same wavelength and frequency to us. We do not need to even be in the same place or country – for the soul has no boundaries and the frequencies of light, love, sound, power, can be read and picked up by any soul who is tuned in, not only on Earth, but intergalactically and universally. 

Copyright Applies: excerpt from my "The Divine Imprint" Course.

Judith Kusel

Celia Fenn - 10th November : Coming up to the 11/11 Portal - Nov 10, 2024

10th November : Coming up to the 11/11 Portal

Dear friends, this is such a difficult time for many of us as we approach the 11/11 transit and initiation. There is so much sadness and anger in the Collective Consciousness. I am not just talking about the election in the USA, although for many of you that will be an issue. But worldwide there is a sense that the flux and flow of human creation is just chaotic and out of control.