Those souls who come from Venus and Andromeda will feel the water element working with them intensely, as those from Venus originate from Andromeda.
Andromeda is so beautiful with her turquoise and aquamarine seas, reflecting the aquamarine ray of the Age of Aquarius, as is Venus. One can say Venus is a planetary colony or offspring of Andromeda and both work with the Divine Feminine, hold the Cosmic Heart and radiate forth the Power of Love and the Divine creative energy force. Thus also music, art, and the High Bardic Orders, the High Orders of the Cosmic Rose and the exquisite crystal temples of love.
Know that we are now in the greatest shift ever experienced and thus these two in particular work with the Divine Love and are holding us steady in love, through love, the cosmic heart and the waters of life.
Both are and have been immensely involved with planet earth since her creation, and are our elder soul family.
Those who are from these two, will know in their souls while reading this and it trigger your inner core soul memory banks profoundly as your key codes are activated. Remember the love you in truth are!
Of course, it expands to all souls on earth as all is ONE.
Judith Kusel