Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Divino Femenino. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Divino Femenino. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, marzo 10, 2025

Judith Kusel - I am guided to address all those souls - Mar 10, 2025

I am guided to address all those souls, who like me, are living on their own and especially women. 

There is a much higher hidden reason, why so many women are on their own, and most often also choosing to be so, like me, who were born with a very high calling and purpose, especially with the full knowledge of the New Earth rising, to not only to heal the thousands of years of imbalance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine within themselves, but also within humanity.

domingo, febrero 02, 2025

Celia Fenn - 2/2 Aquarius Gate and the Grail Achieved - Feb 2, 2025

Today is the celebration of a planetary “point of light”, the 2/2 Aquarius Gate. We are being showered with high frequency Angelic energy and Codes coming through this portal, and also the Heart Song of the Angels, the light from the Divine Heart to our Heart. We are also celebrating the achievement of the Golden Grail, the marriage or Sacred Union of the New Masculine with the Divine Feminine to create the basis for 5D life in the New Earth.

domingo, noviembre 10, 2024

Celia Fenn - 10th November : Coming up to the 11/11 Portal - Nov 10, 2024

10th November : Coming up to the 11/11 Portal

Dear friends, this is such a difficult time for many of us as we approach the 11/11 transit and initiation. There is so much sadness and anger in the Collective Consciousness. I am not just talking about the election in the USA, although for many of you that will be an issue. But worldwide there is a sense that the flux and flow of human creation is just chaotic and out of control.

martes, octubre 22, 2024

Daniel Scranton - Quan Yin - Introducing Quan Yin: Ascended Master & The Divine Feminine - Oct 22, 2024

“It is I, Quan Yin.

I am happy to introduce you to the Divine Feminine Essence that is within each and every one of you, regardless of your gender. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional, multifaceted beings of light and love, and so of course you are more than just your physical human body. You are the essence that animates that physical human body of yours. You are there now on Earth witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine in your society. You are there to experience the power of the Divine Feminine as well as the power of the Divine Masculine. I am not here to tell you that the Divine Feminine is better than the Divine Masculine, but certainly it is equal to the Divine Masculine.

domingo, octubre 20, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are moving into a powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries - Oct 20, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a powerful healing passage triggered by the Moon in Aries, in alignment with the Healer Chiron and the Aurora transmissions that we are embracing again. A time for us to heal, and honor the Divine Feminine within us. The aspect of us that connects from within with All That Is and has ever been, reconnecting us to the love, wisdom, and power that we all carry within and that is often hidden or ignored, following outer sources.

sábado, octubre 12, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Divine Living Waters are pouring into us - Oct 12, 2024

The Divine Living Waters are pouring into us, blessing us we the regerative powers of the very life forces, washing away the old, as a deeper cleansing and purification occurs.

Deeply into the very soul of soul of all living beings on earth, within her and without.

viernes, octubre 11, 2024

Celia Fenn - 11th October : 10/10 Portal Celebration with the Aurora Australis - Oct 11, 2024

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11th October : 10/10 Portal Celebration with the Aurora Australis
Isn't this just a wonderful and beautiful sight.

The Southern Lights where I live on the night of the 10/10 portal.
An outpouring of Solar Fire Plasma as a Solar Storm in shades of Magenta and Pink for the Divine Feminine.

viernes, agosto 23, 2024

Celia Fenn - 23rd August : Lions Rest and into Virgo season - Aug 23, 2024

23rd August : Lions Rest and into Virgo season

Today the Sun moved into Virgo. And not a moment too soon!
It has been such an intense time with the Lions Gate and then the Full Moon.

It just seemed as though everything was happening at once and everything needed to happen at once!

sábado, agosto 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - We continue being immersed - Aug 10, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

We continue being immersed in the planetary reconfiguration and timelines reconnection that we have been undergoing all this year and that now reached its peak. Our metamorphosis process to becoming unified illumined sovereign beings continues, heading now into the eclipses to conclude this intense but blessed eighth universal year. 

jueves, agosto 01, 2024

Emmanuel Dagher - The Feminine Divine Rising – August 2024 - Aug 1, 2024

Dear Friend,

I am so grateful to connect with you again this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

Before we speak about the energies of August and what awaits us, it’s important to reflect on all the blessings that came into our collective reality as a result of what has taken place in recent months.

miércoles, julio 31, 2024

Natalia Alba - The dance between the female and masculine energies continues - Jul 31, 2024

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Beloved Ones,

The dance between the female and masculine energies continues, witnessing the retrieval of both within and on our planet, occurring since the start of this year. We now cultivate the Golden aspect of us during this month, as the female continues rising, allowing the masculine embrace, as it is meant to be.

miércoles, julio 10, 2024

Natalia Alba - As our planet continues undergoing the Emerald retrieval - Jul 10, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As our planet continues undergoing the Emerald retrieval that started months ago and whose peak will be on the triple 888, many of you are now contributing to assist on this Emerald anchoring. There are key locations you will be guided, as Emerald holders and anchors, to help in grounding the Emerald Ray now descending upon our planet, and supported by the White Elohim Guardians.

jueves, junio 27, 2024

Natalia Alba - At this time of our ascension journey - Jun 27, 2024

Beloved Ones,

At this time of our ascension journey, especially with Cancerian energies, and many other energies outside of our time-space supporting us, we are embracing both the divine masculine and the Creatrix, the Divine Mother, the Feminine Aspect of Creation that nurtures us and knows what is best for us, and our unique path.

jueves, junio 20, 2024

Celia Fenn - June 20th : Solstice - Jun 20, 2024

June 20th : Solstice

Have a beautiful Solstice day!

I woke to a beautiful Golden Morning celebrating the Golden Solar radiance and the incoming Christ Consciousness Codes of Light.

Everything was shimmering and pure and I could feel the energy of the Pure Heart of the Divine Feminine Christ/Mary Magdalene Sophia of the Golden Rose.

jueves, junio 06, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are moving into a time of great expansion - Jun 6, 2024

We are moving into a time of great expansion of not only our consciousness, but all of life. It is like an explosion of new life and new beginnings, not only for us, but all life and life forms.
Have you noticed how suddenly new species are showing up globally, and even species which were believed to be extinct?

Notice how the New Earth is making her presence felt, in every leaf, tree, rock, in the waters, the air, the fires, earth, and how everything is taking on higher vibrational light-filled colours and hues. It is just beautiful to become aware of all of this, and to simply bless every living being, every living cell containing life born anew!

sábado, mayo 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue embodying our female and masculine principles - May 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue embodying our female and masculine principles, opening our shoulder portals, reconnecting ourselves to our angelic essence, healing our energetic body, and helping our planet in the same process, we release eons of distortions and soul disconnection.

These processes involve physical sensations that are not easy to deal with. However, this is - the majority of the time - a physical sign that we are removing false beliefs, implants, imprints, and many other memories from our light bodies.

domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - We can only shift into the higher dimension of completely letting go of the old - May 19, 2024

We can only shift into the higher dimension of completely letting go of the old.

All the old structures, forms, establishments, are crumbling and dissolving.

Let go of all concept of who you were before and allow ego self to dissolve, so that only your highest soul self, in its utter purity, remains.

Celia Fenn - 19 de mayo: Los colores de la nueva tierra - May 19, 2024


19 de mayo: Los colores de la nueva tierra

La tormenta solar ha disminuido, por ahora, estoy tomando conciencia de los nuevos colores brillantes de la Nueva Tierra.

El ojo de mi artista está percibiendo que los nuevos códigos del árbol de la vida son brillantes y pulsantes con vida y color.

Celia Fenn - May 19th : The Colors of the New Earth - May 19, 2024


May 19th : The Colors of the New Earth

The Solar storm has subsided, for now, I am becoming aware of the new brilliant colors of the New Earth.

My artist's eye is perceiving that the New Tree of Life Codes are brilliant and pulsating with life and color.

viernes, mayo 17, 2024

Judith Kusel - Those souls who come from Venus and Andromeda - May 17. 2024

Those souls who come from Venus and Andromeda will feel the water element working with them intensely, as those from Venus originate from Andromeda.

Andromeda is so beautiful with her turquoise and aquamarine seas, reflecting the aquamarine ray of the Age of Aquarius, as is Venus. One can say Venus is a planetary colony or offspring of Andromeda and both work with the Divine Feminine, hold the Cosmic Heart and radiate forth the Power of Love and the Divine creative energy force. Thus also music, art, and the High Bardic Orders, the High Orders of the Cosmic Rose and the exquisite crystal temples of love.

Know that we are now in the greatest shift ever experienced and thus these two in particular work with the Divine Love and are holding us steady in love, through love, the cosmic heart and the waters of life.
Both are and have been immensely involved with planet earth since her creation, and are our elder soul family.

Those who are from these two, will know in their souls while reading this and it trigger your inner core soul memory banks profoundly as your key codes are activated. Remember the love you in truth are!

Of course, it expands to all souls on earth as all is ONE.

Judith Kusel