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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Códigos de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, marzo 07, 2024

Natalia Alba - The Arcturians - Mar 7, 2024

Beloved Ones,

The Arcturians, seventh-dimensional highly evolved beings, with their polarities balanced, are now helping many whose main mission is to be or become healers, whether at a more personal level, or planetary one.

As you know the Arcturians are master healers, who have soul agreements with many ascending souls whose main mission is to assist in the anchoring of the Arcturian Light codes that are helping our planet embody the fifth-dimensional band frequency.

sábado, febrero 10, 2024

Celia Fenn - 10th February : The Mother of all Sunspots and an X Class Solar Flare - Fed 10, 2024

10th February : The Mother of all Sunspots and an X Class Solar Flare

The Sun is really active at the moment. I am sure you have felt it.
Firstly we have an enormous sunspot called AR3576 which is earth facing and considered to be the likely source of the big flare. This is the same sunspot that was photographed from Mars. It is huge (see photo from

jueves, enero 25, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Light quotients of our souls are now being amplified - Jan 25, 2024

The Light quotients of our souls are now being amplified as with the immense sun flares and amping up of the cosmic energies and the sound frequencies and vibrations, our souls are being activated on all levels, as our DNA is totally created anew.

Therefore the past is being eradicated.

miércoles, diciembre 20, 2023

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Switching Out Our Reality Blueprint - Dec 20, 2023

Switching Out Our Reality Blueprint. 

Cosmic Light Codes are flooding into Earth's living libraries.* These light codes inspire the next level of the divine blueprint. This new divine blueprint will be transduced into new laws of nature for our natural world to operate from. Simply put, a new reality is beginning to take shape in the ethers and beginning to merge with humanity. The future is calling us home.

domingo, julio 02, 2023

Judith Kusel - An inpouring of such beautiful powerful and loving energy - July 2, 2023

An inpouring of such beautiful powerful and loving energy such as never has been before.

We are surrounded by the Divine company heavens lifting us through this all, holding us, surrounding us, as we are being prepared for the next surge of cosmic events.

sábado, marzo 18, 2023

Celia Fenn - The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth - Mar 18, 2023

The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth

In the unfolding spiral of the Sacred and Galactic year, the two Equinoxes form part of the 8 Points of Light, together with the two Solstices and the 4 Time Portals.

lunes, febrero 13, 2023

Celia Fenn - Tsunami de luz líquida y llamarada solar clase X - Feb 12, 2023

Tsunami de luz líquida y llamarada solar clase X

Ahora mismo estamos en el nexo de una poderosa combinación de fuerzas creativas: un tsunami de luz líquida/plasma y una poderosa llamarada solar de clase X.

sábado, enero 21, 2023

Celia Fenn - Sun into Aquarius and New Moon in Aquarius - Jan 21, 2023

Sun into Aquarius and New Moon in Aquarius

Yesterday the Sun made its transit into Aquarius and today is the New Moon in Aquarius.

The Energy is different.

We are entering a new stage in our Ascension process, with the upcoming Pluto Aquarius transit that will be in play for 20 years.

This will focus our evolution on the energy and idea of Community. Whereas in the past we have worked intensively on ourselves and our inner work, now we will begin to evolve into a new idea of Community and what it means to be part of a supportive and loving community.

jueves, abril 21, 2022


El Sol ha entrado en Tauro y las energías están más arraigadas. Y Mágico. Hay tanta Magia de la Tierra para disfrutar y compartir. Después de todo, es primavera y otoño en el sur.

Pero el Sol también está dispuesto para todo tipo de cosas en preparación para la temporada del Eclipse de Phoenix que comienza el 30 de abril. Así que ya estamos experimentando múltiples erupciones solares menores todos los días, y dos Grandes Erupciones Solares de clase X, que afortunadamente no estaban dirigidas a la Tierra. Aunque hay una buena posibilidad de que la Tierra se enfrente a llamaradas en la próxima semana.

miércoles, abril 20, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Sun has entered Taurus and the energies are more grounded - Apr 20, 2022

The Sun has entered Taurus and the energies are more grounded. And Magical. There is just so much Earth Magic around to be enjoyed and shared. It is Spring after all, and Fall in the South.

But the Sun is also up to all sorts of things in preparation for the Phoenix Eclipse season starting 30th April. So already we are experiencing multiple minor Solar Flares every day, and two BIG X class Solar Flares, which fortunately were not Earth directed. Although there is a good chance of Earth facing flares in the next week.

viernes, marzo 18, 2022

Celia Fenn - We are coming up on an energetically powerful week-end! - Mar 18, 2022


We are coming up on an energetically powerful week-end!

Starting today with the Full Moon in Virgo.

Virgo is an Earth sign and so this Full Moon urges us to be grounded and to connect with Nature as the seasons change.

I woke up this morning to see the most beautiful Golden Moon outside my window.

domingo, marzo 13, 2022

Celia Fenn - El Sol se ha vuelto muy activo recientemente - Mar 12, 2022


El Sol se ha vuelto muy activo recientemente. Una Llamarada Solar de clase M2 provocó un apagón de radio sobre el Pacífico, y una CME (Eyección de Masa Coronal) se dirige directamente a la Tierra, llegando el domingo 13.

La mayoría de las personas sienten esta intensidad como síntomas como estrés y ansiedad del sistema nervioso, insomnio, trastornos del sistema digestivo y depresión. Esto se debe a que los poderosos Códigos de Luz entrantes están estimulando los sistemas físicos a medida que el ADN responde a las activaciones en los Códigos.

martes, marzo 08, 2022

Celia Fenn - In the next two weeks we will be heading towards the Equinox - Mar 8, 2022

In the next two weeks we will be heading towards the Equinox and that means rising energies. Especially for those of you in the North, Spring Equinox is always a powerful time when the rising energies of the new push up, and out, all that is old and that needs to depart. It is not an easy time with swirling energies and an insistent need to birth something new.

I think many of you may feel like I do, just really tired and wanting to sleep and sleep!

sábado, febrero 19, 2022

Celia Fenn - 19 febrero 2022/ 20/02/2022 y 22/02/2022 - Feb 19, 2022

19 febrero 2022/ 20/02/2022 y 22/02/2022

El Sol se ha movido hacia el acuoso Piscis, y ciertamente puedo sentir el cambio después del ligero y aireado Acuario. Las cosas parecen un poco más pesadas, casi como estar bajo el agua por un rato. Por supuesto, la ventaja de Piscis es la energía neptuniana del idealismo espiritual, ¡así que este también es un buen momento para alinearse con frecuencias más altas e ignorar todo el "ruido" que hay!

Celia Fenn - 19th February 2022/ 20/02/2022 and 22/02/2022 - Feb 19, 2022

19th February 2022/ 20/02/2022 and 22/02/2022

The Sun has moved into watery Pisces, and I can certainly feel the change after light and airy Aquarius. Things seem a little heavier, almost like being under water for a while. Of course, the upside of Pisces is the Neptunian energy of spiritual idealism, so this is also a good time to align with higher frequencies and ignore all the "noise" out there!