Beloved Ones,
Dear Friend,
I am so grateful to connect with you again this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!
Before we speak about the energies of August and what awaits us, it’s important to reflect on all the blessings that came into our collective reality as a result of what has taken place in recent months.
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24th July 2024 : The Heliacal Rising of Sirius and the Land of the Two Suns
We are in a very powerful time, in which the Earth is being affected by both the Sun and the Blue Star Sirius in the lead up to the Lions Gate on 8th August.
At this time in the northern lands, Sirius rises with Sun on the Eastern horizon, blending its brilliant blue white light with the golden and white light of our Sun. The ancient Egyptians recognised this powerful moment as it coincided with the annual rising of the Nile and the outpouring of blessings on the land. It also led into the annual Lions Gate portal under the sign of Leo in which the Earth entered a new cycle or Time Spiral under the guardianship of the Royal Star Lions, the architects of Galactic Time.
Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation
Beloved Ones,
The Light quotients of our souls are now being amplified as with the immense sun flares and amping up of the cosmic energies and the sound frequencies and vibrations, our souls are being activated on all levels, as our DNA is totally created anew.
Therefore the past is being eradicated.
Switching Out Our Reality Blueprint.
Cosmic Light Codes are flooding into Earth's living libraries.* These light codes inspire the next level of the divine blueprint. This new divine blueprint will be transduced into new laws of nature for our natural world to operate from. Simply put, a new reality is beginning to take shape in the ethers and beginning to merge with humanity. The future is calling us home.
An inpouring of such beautiful powerful and loving energy such as never has been before.
We are surrounded by the Divine company heavens lifting us through this all, holding us, surrounding us, as we are being prepared for the next surge of cosmic events.
The Emerald Star Garden of Aldebaran : The March Equinox and bringing Heaven to Earth
In the unfolding spiral of the Sacred and Galactic year, the two Equinoxes form part of the 8 Points of Light, together with the two Solstices and the 4 Time Portals.
Sun into Aquarius and New Moon in Aquarius
Yesterday the Sun made its transit into Aquarius and today is the New Moon in Aquarius.
The Energy is different.
We are entering a new stage in our Ascension process, with the upcoming Pluto Aquarius transit that will be in play for 20 years.
This will focus our evolution on the energy and idea of Community. Whereas in the past we have worked intensively on ourselves and our inner work, now we will begin to evolve into a new idea of Community and what it means to be part of a supportive and loving community.