Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Equinoccios. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Equinoccios. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, marzo 20, 2025

Natalia Alba - The Equinox brings a New Light - Mar 20, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The Equinox brings a New Light, a New Divine Order in the Earth's templars, and Fabrics that facilitate the migration of the 3D Earth's timelines into 5th-dimensional ones. The relocation of the earth's timelines and many manipulated structures that are being restored is an arduous planetary work that many of you as sonic stabilizers are now involved in. 

miércoles, marzo 19, 2025

Natalia Alba - We are entering into the Equinox's stabilizing passage - Mar 19, 2025

Beloved Ones,

We are entering into the Equinox's stabilizing passage. Energies that are helping us rehabilitate our DNA, as we continue embodying more Solar plasmatic transmissions, removing false programs and galactic anomalies, and embracing our sovereignty. 

Frequencies that are too assisting in the many planetary body changes that are occurring at this time in the fabrics of time and space, as we continue shifting timelines, moving into a new time-space quantic field, as the reconstruction of our earth's fabrics continues and we step more into our new harmonic fifth-dimensional space.

Natalia Alba - We are entering into the Equinox's stabilizing passage - Mar 19, 2025


Beloved Ones,

We are entering into the Equinox's stabilizing passage. Energies that are helping us rehabilitate our DNA, as we continue embodying more Solar plasmatic transmissions, removing false programs and galactic anomalies, and embracing our sovereignty. 

viernes, marzo 07, 2025

Natalia Alba - The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions - Mar 7, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The amplification of solar plasmatic transmissions is being strongly felt at this time. Many of you will be undergoing a profound solar reconfiguration during the lunar eclipse in Virgo. In this process you will feel the pull of the New Light being born within yourself, asking you to release unwanted programs, influences, and anything that is not dwelling within Divine love in yourself and your body.

domingo, septiembre 22, 2024

Celia Fenn - 22nd/23rd September 2024 : Equinox and Sun into Libra - Sep 22, 2024

22nd/23rd September 2024 : Equinox and Sun into Libra

As we move into Libra it seems as if everything has slowed after the frantic pace of the April to September period.

We have arrived where we are meant to be and it is time to be still and find the Inner Balance.

sábado, septiembre 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we consciously align and embody the Equinox Light - Sep 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we consciously align and embody the Equinox Light and the stabilizing and harmonic energies that now reign our plane, our heart starts expanding in love, plasma, and hence Divine light, which helps us build and recalibrate our light body. The Equinox's frequencies are helping us in the correction of our light body, for there are many of you who have anomalies in their ratios, and symmetry as well as in the movement of both of your female and masculine stars tetrahedron.

lunes, septiembre 16, 2024

Celia Fenn - Monday 16 September : The Power Week - Sep 16, 2024

Monday 16 September : The Power Week

And so it begins, the power week of September that includes the Full Moon and Eclipse on Wednesday and the Equinox!

It began on Saturday with a real Whoosh of power with the X.4 Class Solar Flare. Wow, was that ever a BIG one and it has raised the Solar frequencies at the same time as the Lunar frequencies are rising in preparation for the Full Moon/Eclipse and then the Equinox.

domingo, septiembre 01, 2024

Celia Fenn - 1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse - Sep 1, 2024

1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse 

At last the change of seasons is here. Where I live we welcomed sunshine and warmer weather after two months of non stop rain and cold. In the north the heat of summer will be tempered by cooler weather.

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Celia Fenn - The Grace of the Lions: 2024 Lions Gate 888 - Jul 11, 2024

Dearly Beloved Friends, I share with you at this time, an entry from the “Chronicles of the Elohim Angels”, the Founders of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

“Once, when Time began, a race of Sacred Beings called the Royal Star Lions, entered the Galaxy at what is known as the Lyran Star Gate. They are the Time Engineers of the Multiverses, and they came to create the Time Spiral Grids that would allow Beings within the Galaxy to create Upward Spirals of Joy and Evolution as they travelled through Space in their journey of Becoming and Being.

domingo, marzo 31, 2024

Jim Self - Equinoccio - Una División en Dos Direcciones - Mar 31, 2024

Equinoccio – Una División en Dos Direcciones

Es tiempo de prestar atención

Jim Self

¡Hola! Muy lindo estar aquí. En realidad es excitante estar aquí. Esto es algo que yo creo que van a encontrar informativo, iluminador, tendrán oportunidad de dar un paso atrás y hacer una pausa… “¿Qué? ¿Estás bromeando?”

Lo que estamos haciendo es jugar en este punto del tiempo – en realidad yo debería retroceder y decir que hay muchas personas nuevas aquí que no había visto antes, bienvenidas, es lindo tenerlos aquí. Muchos han estado jugando aquí en Mastering Alchemy durante largo tiempo, y una cosa que vamos a hacer aquí es dar un paso atrás. Un paso atrás y ¿cómo llegamos aquí? ¿Qué estamos haciendo aquí? ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones aquí?

martes, marzo 19, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we approach the Equinox and the Libra Eclipse - Mar 19 , 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the Equinox and the Libra Eclipse, we reach the peak of what we have been working on during this Piscean season, a total reconfiguration and purification of our DNA and entire light bodies and hence lives, for as it is within it is without.

A phase of purification that now continues with the element Fire, for both elements Water and Fire are assisting us in releasing the many energetic and etheric blockages that are impeding our natural connection to our God Self.

Spring Equinox Transmission: New Growth and Possibilities

Celia Fenn - 20th March : Equinox and Sun into Aries - Mar 19, 2024

20th March : Equinox and Sun into Aries

And so we move into the Equinox Gateway as the Sun moves into Aries.

What a powerful time!

The Equinox marks the change of the seasons, where the day and the night are of equal length before the days begin to grow longer as Spring arrives in the North, or shorter as Autumn arrives in the South.

martes, marzo 05, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - March 2024 Energy Report


There’s so much going on in March that it is hard to know where to begin. If you have been following my facebook posts I shared one of my favorite orchestral pieces, the Parade of the  Charioteers from the movie  Ben-Hur. It is a piece I have played a lot when I played in orchestras and it is one of the most majestic, inspiring musical compositions. This is how I see the month of March entering the stage. I have posted a link to the Andre Rieu orchestra playing on the blog page below.

domingo, febrero 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - March's Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation - Feb 25, 2024

March's Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation

Beloved Ones,

As we step into March, one of the most important months of the year, energetically speaking, we will feel the intensity and acceleration of time and the activations that our light body will experience if we decide to align with the energies to bring more healing, rehabilitation, and reconnection into our bodies. 

This a season to continue with the planetary emancipation that has already started, through personal and planetary liberation, assisting in all we can to participate in the current transition.

miércoles, septiembre 20, 2023

Natalia Alba - As we approach the Equinox - Sep 20, 2023



Beloved Ones,

As we approach the Equinox, our central sun is emanating more plasma waves, with the highest activity levels in the last twenty years, as scientists have corroborated too, in the last four days. This is the first time in our Galaxy that we, as well as other planets, are ready for ascension. This is why our Sun, the Unified Self of our entire Galaxy, is increasing its activity, as the more we evolve, the more Sun-plasma we need to build our light bodies.

domingo, septiembre 17, 2023

Natalia Alba - As the Sun moves into Libra - Sep 17, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As the Sun moves into Libra and we embrace the harmonic energies from the Equinox, many are immersed in stabilizing the many Earth's portals that are now being rehabilitated on the planet. As ascending souls, one of the most important aspects of our mission is to help in anchoring harmony, restoring their lost connections with other dimensions, and hence with our body portals. This is a very important passage for both bringing balance into our bodies if we are in this personal phase or devoting ourselves to planetary work if this is part of our universal mission.

sábado, septiembre 16, 2023

Celia Fenn - 16 September : A week to the Equinox Portal - Sep 16, 2023

16 September : A week to the Equinox Portal

Yes, the energy has continued to be intense and weird, and we are only one week out from the second Scared Point of Light, the Equinox Portal on 23rd September.

In our transformation process we are becoming more" liquid" and fluid and more affected by Plasma flows, especially the aquafire and water plasma flows.

sábado, septiembre 09, 2023

Celia Fenn - 9/9 Portal : 9th September 2023



9/9 Portal : 9th September 2023

Today is a strong energy day, the 9/9 portal which opens passages towards the Fall/Spring Equinox.

Today also there was a powerful and destructive earthquake in Morocco, with many people killed and left homeless. Many of us are also feeling tired after a long Summer/Winter with many challenges.