There is a lot happening in March, including an eclipse, Mercury shadow retro, the spring equinox, and easter. I will start with the numbers not because they are more important than anything else but because when we have a month or year with an 11 value a lot of things are going on. March is the 3rd month in an 8 value year, and that’s an 11. Now we will have another 11 month in December 2024, so bear in mind what you learn about this month because we get a repeat of this energy in December. I know that seems far off but it is only 8 months from now. Look at how quickly the year has gone by already (well, at least parts of it).
11 is a master number and the number of the spiritual initiate. This is the beginning of our initiation into spiritual integrity – not learning about spirituality but actually becoming the synergy of human and divine, spiritual and material, the integrated 3D/5D paradigm that is the soul mission of this lifetime.
When we work with the 11 energy we have to learn to integrate a spiritual perspective into everything and start thinking of ourselves as aligned with spirit. Sidebar here – we do not need to master spirit, go back 1000 lifetimes and try to figure out where it all began, get rid of the ego (this is very bad advice), find another thing to heal, go on silent retreats (I would never even consider that), spend hours in meditation, or fast for a month (also not a good idea).
Those activities are fine if we want to satisfy our curiosity about how much torture we can take, but they do not have any long term value when it comes to the step on our ascension path that we are being presented with and that is full integration – the merging of spiritual and material which creates a new paradigm of evolution.
We do not need to replace the material with spiritual, we need to bring them together and when we do we create something new and different in the same way that if we mix together flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and leavening and bake it for 15 minutes we get cookies (biscuits for my UK audience).
This is our initiation into spirit – which I wrote about in my very first newsletter in February 2004. It was my first article, it was a series I did for Planet Lightworker, and it is a big chapter in my book, Ascending into Miracles – the Path of Spiritual Mastery. The path of spiritual initiation is our ongoing path of spiritual integration (not domination or replacement) as we integrate our 3D and 5D paths into one big evolved, high vibe paradigm. Think of it as an upgrade, not a replacement, although it can feel that way.
March is the only month whose name is an action word. March fourth is my favorite date of the year – no it’s not my birthday – but it is an imperative to take action. We will be starting a new annual cycle on March 20 and the first 3 weeks of March are a good time to do a physical and energetic house cleaning to get ready for our astro new year.
Who remembers the old saying ‘March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb’? That refers to March being the end of winter and the beginning of spring, with the Equinox on the 21st of this month. Historically the year began around March 20 with the Spring equinox which makes sense since the Spring Equinox is also the zero point on the zodiac, when the Sun returns to the first sign, Aries.
March is about endings and beginnings since we open the month in Pisces
and move into Aries, there is a balanced, organized, and deliberate
flow to the action and movement. In fact, all of the outer planets,
except Uranus, are in the final 3 signs for part of March and we still
have a strong spiritual theme happening all month. All year, in fact,
with Saturn in Pisces. I’m sticking to my position that this is not a
bad thing but Saturn in Pisces is going to bring about some much needed
spiritually aligned energy cleansing and balancing and that energy is
with us until February 2026.
It is not a mad dash out of the starting gate, but more a considered move from one place to another. If you’re feeling the need to clean, declutter, clear out, and even move right now, you’re tapping into the vibes of March. But before you decide to make this cleanout the master cleanse and get rid of everything, make sure you look ahead to how you will replace what you are clearing out because you do not want a lot of energy gaps in your life right now.
March’s energy theme is “Discern, Decide, Do” and this is a restrained approach that may make all of you March Aries a little nervous. Aries are known and famous for jumping into things (and I am an Aries, I know) but this time we need to show some cautious restraint for very good reasons. Mainly because we want to use the full scope of March energy to make the best, most powerful and empowering choices. Think elevation and expansion, here, using our spirit to guide us into decisions that really ‘raise the vibe’ and create new portals and paradigms of potential and possibility.
Each of the aspects in March’s energy theme expresses the energy of Pisces and Aries that are the yin and yang, polar opposites, and represent the battle between 3D and 5D, ego and spirit, that we often engage in. I call these Alpha Omega Portals because they incorporate the ‘first and the last’ which in this case means Aries and Pisces. And this effect lasts for several years, well into 2026. That makes March such a powerful month and especially this March which marks the first full year of Saturn in Pisces – it entered Pisces on March 7, 2023.
Now I do not believe that Saturn in Pisces is a bad thing or portends dire things. Rather, looking back at its previous turn through Pisces in 1991, many of the geopolitical events which began at that time are coming full circle. Be careful, the karma boomerang is primed and ready for action. This does not apply to those who are shining their light and doing their ascension work. It does apply to those who are pushing dark agendas, engaging in nefarious activities, and creating chaos and havoc around the world.
Discern means to see, to separate, to avoid the temptation of looking at the whole and instead, looking at the different parts. One of the things I often tell clients and you have heard me say this in the readings I do on the weekly Enlightening Life LIVE broadcast is to consider the different aspects of a choice or decision instead of lumping the entire thing into one big matter.
For example, if you’re trying to sell your house and move, that can be overwhelming. Using discernment you can see that this is actually two decisions, not one. The first decision is the sale of the house and the second decision is the move. When you use discernment you make better choices because you are not trying to use a ‘one choice to fix everything’ approach. You also consider your choices based on the time, energy, and effort they involve and how that impacts you and your path.
Decide is the process of choosing one path to follow. Did you know that the Latin root of the word decide means ‘to cut off’? When we decide we ‘cut off’ all other possibilities until we are left with one path, one option, and one solution.
And then there is Do, the final step in the March process of change and transformation. This is our action step, where we make a commitment to what we have decided based on our discernment that led to the best possible option. This is where we get stuck, we trade debating for doing and we turn in circles as we try to minimize our consequences and maximize general acceptance of our choices so we can decide in a way that creates the least confusion, chaos, and criticism.
In March, with its special emphasis on polarity vs duality, 3D vs 5D,
our focus turns from what is the ‘best’ choice to what is the
‘highest’ or most elevating choice, and for that we need to engage
spirit. While our spirit, or higher self, doesn’t tell us what to do, it
does provide us with that next level of insight and discernment that
can empower us to see beyond our own veils and illusions, our
expectations and assumptions, our hopes and wishes, and choose what is
in our highest energetic good that can empower us to decide more
clearly, to balance our spiritual and material needs, and to engage
spirit in our life.
That is the purpose of ascension after all.
We begin March with the February 24 full moon still highly active. This one included a rare collective aspect to Saturn that included Mercury. This is a very karmic pattern as we are going to be seeing this month. If you have been wondering when the ‘bad people’ get their just rewards, it starts now. The balance of energies is heightened in March by our need to move forward in a way that does not include carrying around a lot of extra baggage. More simply, if it isn’t making you glow with confidence, clarity, and joy then it needs to go.
We have a new moon on March 10 at 20 Pisces that is close to the point of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces of April 2022. I remember that one well because it was exact on my birthday that year. This is a highly spiritual aspect that occurs about every 151 years and it always opens the portal to a spiritual awakening. That awakening has been happening although maybe not with the fanfare and attention we think it should or could. Spiritual awakening opens us to clarity, confidence, and a desire for more whole, fulfilled, congruent living. I know that we are seeing that and remember, with Pluto now in Aquarius we are in a more 5D oriented place and are seeking community, connection, collaboration, cooperation, and creativity.
Do you know that some of the biggest social media accounts are those that provide information on cooking, crafts, gardening, and a return to creative living and self sufficiency?
In the face of everything that is going on in the world right now we have two choices, to curse the darkness or to shine a light. I think we’re going to need a lot of lights, there is a lot of darkness out there but it’s only being revealed because so much light is shining. Everything has a consequence, even shining our lights.
The full moon of March 25 is an eclipse, not the big one we will see in April but in Libra it’s going to underscore the March energy of alignment, balance, and congruence, a cycle which started with the Libra eclipse in October 2023.
Mercury goes into shadow retrograde on March 19, preparing for its retro in April. And until the end of March we have Mars and Venus still traveling together in the same signs as they have since January. Mercury retrogrades are always time to re-think, reconsider, and re-evaluate as well as being touchpoints for considered action. This entire month is about taking action, so let’s get started.
One more thing about March energy is a push towards maximizing our energy expression and what that may involve, in terms of decisions and choices, is an economic principle called the ‘law of diminishing returns’. This economic principle states that eventually the value we achieve in any situation decreases over time until it becomes worthless to us (all other elements being equal). This is especially true when we are talking about our energetic connections to people and our karma with them and with ourselves. Eventually we get tired of sharing our time, energy, effort, love, and support when we get nothing in return. T
he expectation of a return or positive result that would validate our efforts is no longer enough to keep us aligned with that mission, especially if that never arrives. If you’re reading this and resonating with it, it may be confirming what you already know – it’s time to re-direct your energy to your own path and to start supporting your own dreams, goals, plans, hopes, wishes, and desires.
There is a lot of talk about the April 8 eclipse whose trajectory is a mirror of the august 21 2017 eclipse as it crosses the continental US. And it is the opposite of the October 13 2023 eclipse at 21 libra. Whatever began at the Eclise an be ec-dne now.. There probably isn’t any available hotel space on the eclipse path and it is a much heralded event that millions around the world will be watching. I don’t believe this is going to involve any major events on that date, eclipses do have a very long window of activity so that energy will be reverberating with us for a while.
guess what! It’s in the sign of Aries and Mars, Aries’ ruler, is going
to be in Pisces. We will not escape the spiritual initiation path this
month and while it may challenge some people, I think for the majority
of us it is going to be a welcome change because we are finally going to
be feeling like we are at home.
This is a month for aligned action, congruent choosing, deliberate doing, and enjoying the process. Have a great month.
Copyright (c) 2024 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited including using this article as part of a paid subscription or service which consolidates articles from various authors.