MARCH 2024
MARCH 2024
***Words From Your Hostess of Light
***Path of Totality
***The White Feather of Justice
As March twirls us around we are distributed about dimensionally and inter-dimensionally with a little of us in the past, a little bit of us in the present, and some scatterings in the future. Just like the scarecrows after a storm we too are trying to put ourselves back together, as we try to figure out who we are in this new assignment of time. Time itself ebbs and flows as we all get a little nauseous trying to keep our balance. We are learning ‘not to stick our hands outside the vehicle of time’ as we realize the speed of manifestation and creation in this time frame. As we learn the new rules of the road we learn to play within this replicated reality knowing without a doubt everything is connected thru time.
As spring pushes her pretty self into every pore of our life, we feel a sense of expectancy. We all feel a slight urgency, a push, to accomplish that which is yet to be determined. All of earth mirrors this urge to move forward, out of the long winter of waiting, into a place that aspires to be a warm sweet buttery Hope. We feel compelled to move out of our winter blues searching blindly for those rose tinted glasses. Everyday life gives us another fragment of hidden truth, an appetizer that keeps us spooning for more.
We will hold the vows and codes from the beginning of time. We recognize this has been our mission all along, to become as an impenetrable beacon through the storms of life. To stand tall in what we know within our very being.Even though we each vary in thread count, what we believe and hold to be truth weaves a tapestry of light that demands attention and sends a coded message that holds a lifeline. Like one that walks through an active minefield our steps are tested before we step fully onto the next segment of time. Walk through the Mind-fields like a well-trained soldier. Listen with the sensors of your body, mind and spirit. Everything seems to be in slow motion during this quickening as we are being redrafted from the inside out.
As we move forward dimensionally in this powerful Dragon Year of shifts and changes we come to a precipice of the self; not the self we have accrued along the incarnational way, but the original blueprint self, the one with factory settings, the one free of planetary downloads, uploads and reloads. Our Divine blueprint and original encoding floats to the surface like a long awaited 1000-petal Blue Lotus.
Like a cosmic set of dominoes, life-lines stand at attention like it has an earpiece and is listening to the voice of the Creator. Your inner likes, dislikes, and choices show the four directions of confusion. Time unwinds herself like a serpentine seductress as she instructs each of us how to shed the past thus freeing up time sequences that have been held hostage. We are shown how to elongate and shorten time arrangements in a personal landscape.
The first eclipse of 2024 is stellar of proportion and shows us an undivided path of totality. The path of totality is where the Moon Shadow dances with our Sun. It is a place of Great Light and illusion as it displays itself 360° flaunting itself thru out the entire solar system. All space eyes will be upon earth during this sequence of solar evolution. This Eclipse births the energy of entirety, the vibration of completeness and the totality of Galactic Oneness.
There is a divine completeness that lives collectively within the year 2024 it asks us to acknowledge our assemblage point and that we too are planetary conglomerates, different sizes, different colors, different flavors of life and we come together in a concrete Alliance. 2024 is a ‘Be all and End all’ kind of year it is Alpha and Omega in its raw state reminding us, ‘As it was in the beginning it will be in the end.’
In the mid-80s before cell phones were birthed the star-seed on earth knew who they were, knew their mission, and knew their Calling. Without the use of modern communication and virtual connection devices, We as a planet and people connected heart to heart, mind to mind, light to light, on every level of out being. We came together at precise times, dates and intersections of Light as groups, as singularities, as global warriors. We knowingly held the very Heart and life of Earth within our hands, our thoughts, our energies and our prayers; we heard the call of Mother Earth, and we answered it in every way we could in that time and placement of Light. Just like in past years like 1987, 1992, 1999, 2012, and also the year 2022, the Earth was sitting on the razor blade fence between here and there, staying or leaving this spectrum of the solar system.
We each felt this deep within every cell of our being and in doing so we shifted the planet through heart, through intention thru pure earthly divine will. The year of 2024 is all about the ‘path of totality’ within the Earth structure herself. Is there a completeness and a letting go for her, or is there a Lifting by her inhabitants dimensionally? Moving the planet in an ascended manner, lifting her through all the chaos discord and darkness into a place we can all see with clear eyes; finally removing The Cosmic Cataracts, moving us out of those gray blurred areas.
We will all be experiencing our own eclipse of the heart and moon shadow, as the path of that totality lives within the very graphics of our soul. This is our home, our planet, our mother; in 2024 we are asked to lift the heart and soul of mother earth to a place of safety. So many rape pillage and plunder her body and natural gifts of bounty including her animals and inhabitants. We as stewards of earth awaken to a deep remembrance of when this all played out before in a different place and time. Everything comes to distract us from the truth of all matter, waggin the tale of the cosmos right in front of our eyes, not so wide open.
The path of totality asks us to follow the yellow brick road of seeing in-between the curtains, the holograms and the deception. We the people of earth need to wake up and Lift our planet in every way and every day, to a place that she can lick her wounds and take respite from all that entangles her and her choices. This year offers us several opportunities as a collective to move out of the field of illusion, seeing in totality the possibilities. Allow the Lifting of 2024 to accentuate your inner Light and stellar abilities to survive, to make a difference, and to become One Heart, One planet, and One light!
The White Feather of Justice
We enter a segment of light that demands our exclusive attention we are asked us to let go of what still entangles us like rusty barbed-wire. We feel like the Mad Hatter allowing the thorny entanglements to keep us separate from our destiny and destination. As the powerful Spring energy begins to encircle us we are asked to amend our past thoughtless selfish actions.
As Earth rewrites herself into a simpler code of acceptance all the snares and entrapments of past thinking’s now come to a place where they cannot cross the line in the proverbial sands of time. The holy waters of earth now ask us to purify with a deep sigh of relief. Every living person on Earth holds self-evident truths that live deep in the fabric of their soul; truth that is interwoven, like twins before birth. A truth that is sharp like a sword but gentle like a butterflies touch. As we all expand the horizons of what we perceive to be fact; past realities are set free to reform.
Truth is a living being that shapeshifts itself, aligning with the evolution and progression of humanity. Truth is different for each species. Within the human DNA-144 strands of Galactic truth wind themselves around the very core of our being. As we evolve into a place of seeing truth from a higher perspective, truths scamper by us like a fleeting shadow. Truth speaks to us from the molecules within the water that we drink, the food that we eat and the air that we breathe. In 2024 Truth has become a cruel mistress as she shifts and turns like a sharp curve taking us to the edge of what we know our self to be, questioning all we believe
How do we as humans, with ancient codes of righteousness, deal with the fact that truth sheds herself on a daily basis. We have let go of the ‘white feather of Justice’, as the scales of time tip and wobble and fade from existence. When we were children our parents often lied to us to keep us from danger, to keep us in a place of believing in Magic. As we grow in future and stature we come to a place that shows us that many of our ‘feathers of Truth’ were plucked from a different dimensional bird. Many truths slip away without even being noticed. Some of the truths dance in front of us seductively, lifting veils, teasing us, asking us to close our eyes and see with our heart.
Whether this world is real or an illusion or just a Collective dream-field does not matter, as we are all players in this interdimensional field of creation. Whether this is our one and only time on this Earthly paradise or we spread our self-thin throughout the Galaxy does not matter. For we as a species are asked to give 100%, to believe 100%, to be 100% invested. Throughout all time (known and unknown) we have given a hundred percent of our heart, mind, body and soul to that which we believed. The feather of Truth has many coatings and lacey aspects that overlap one another.
Gravity, electromagnetics and other forms of energies tied to the old paradigm policy; do not follow the rules of earthly engagement. Meticulous laws are fragmented and repositioned as space, time and earth amend each other. Humanity releases the need for spatial order as it dances to a new echo of time. Electro and bio-chemical imprints have been transferred into sacred housings. A great gift awaits those that have been strong enough to stay on the path of light during its involution and evolution. Light consciousness from a freestanding source will be transferred allowing a higher intelligence to be introduced. Old ways of thinking will be dissolved. New thoughts will generate at an excelled speed giving life to all thought. Divine seeds that have been afraid to sprout now take root in this higher light.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217