·Beloved Ones,
The dance between the female and masculine continues as we reach the eclipses and the month of May, which will be key as well to bring more restoration, and unification, into ourselves and our planetary grids. The galactic awakening and healing of polarities during this month is unprecedented.
March is preparing many of you to start embracing your unique star lineage and mission, by integrating opposites and becoming more unified, so you can descend all the knowledge required to be of assistance.
In April, as the 4/4 passage confirms, the galactic activations in many of you will continue. However, during this month we will have the opportunity to stabilize all the healing we have integrated in both ourselves and the planet, so we can continue with the process of conscious integration in the following months.
A month in which many of you are being activated, through your inner work, and through your soul's descensions, to be able to start deciphering the specific codes you all brought within your blueprint and DNA.
Among the many activations that many are undergoing during March, to help them heal the masculine pillar and retrieve their mission, there will be too important advancement for the Pleiadian descendants, who are here on a mission to restore the female pillar, by seeding harmony, and peace, for all occurs in a series of perfect balanced sequences to continue unifying both polarities.
The female is the pillar that sustains the masculine rod of Creation, even mentioned in Bible texts as the aspect of God who protects and brings balance to All. The Pleiadians and Venusian descendants are on a mission to restore the lost female essence, as the Seraphim and Gold Rays descendants are doing on the masculine.
To balance both the Pleiadian and Venusian starseeds are now experiencing many activations to restore their female pillar, if damaged, or continue expanding into their healing abilities, so they can continue acting as harmonic living pillars on different parts of the planet, depending on their specific mission.
March is preparing many of you to start embracing your unique star lineage and mission, by integrating opposites and becoming more unified, so you can descend all the knowledge required to be of assistance.
In April, as the 4/4 passage confirms, the galactic activations in many of you will continue. However, during this month we will have the opportunity to stabilize all the healing we have integrated in both ourselves and the planet, so we can continue with the process of conscious integration in the following months.
A month in which many of you are being activated, through your inner work, and through your soul's descensions, to be able to start deciphering the specific codes you all brought within your blueprint and DNA.
Among the many activations that many are undergoing during March, to help them heal the masculine pillar and retrieve their mission, there will be too important advancement for the Pleiadian descendants, who are here on a mission to restore the female pillar, by seeding harmony, and peace, for all occurs in a series of perfect balanced sequences to continue unifying both polarities.
The female is the pillar that sustains the masculine rod of Creation, even mentioned in Bible texts as the aspect of God who protects and brings balance to All. The Pleiadians and Venusian descendants are on a mission to restore the lost female essence, as the Seraphim and Gold Rays descendants are doing on the masculine.
To balance both the Pleiadian and Venusian starseeds are now experiencing many activations to restore their female pillar, if damaged, or continue expanding into their healing abilities, so they can continue acting as harmonic living pillars on different parts of the planet, depending on their specific mission.
Many of them according to what my Guides share have been instructed on Venus, to prepare for the female mission on planet Earth, for Venus has intraterrestrial life, as Mars, whose beings live underground. Both Pleiadians and many other civilizations who had to exit their home planet, reside within divine love in Venus, preparing to assist those who are willing to restore their female essence.
We are under a very important passage like never before in our human history for polarity integration. The Pleiadian activations will be extended until May, for Guides share this will be the peak of the current activations that many Pleiadians are undergoing.
Pleiadian and Venusian descendants are here on a mission to restore their matriarchal lineage, which reaches until the ninth generation, according to my Guides. They are here to extend this healing into the past and future generations, for this is how we start shifting eons of patriarchal domination.
They live within divine love, and respect, towards others and all living forms within Creation, understanding the importance of acting with integrity and respecting all choices. They never interfere or force any outcome, for they know Love dwells in freedom, and this is what they are here to help us remember - the power of unconditional love and compassionate witnessing.
While the female and masculine pillars continue being unified, the blue rays and essenes also continue their mission of unification, for we are all working together in this framework of existence to restore planet Earth.
Our mission is to work on ourselves, knowing who we are, retrieving our galactic memories, and clearing eons of manipulation and genetic damage, so we can retrieve the purity of our being and purpose, acting as integrated free sovereign beings in charge of our life experiences and personal mission.
May you continue unveiling and embracing the Divine Perfection within your precious self, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Gabriela Goedert