February 2025
♦From Your Hostess of Light
♦2025 Year of the ‘wood-Snake’
♦Your Words are celestial seeds in the winds of change
♦We are Guardians of the last Hope
From Your Hostess of Light
As we come to a viewing platform of a multitude quantified truths we are shown new entrances of perceiving and seeing what is and what is not. Subatomic particles are more than you think, they are a universal minuscule reflection of a creation, the in and out breaths of life, expanding and contracting at both ends and the beginning. Within the entrance and the exit of all life, a great mindfulness presides. In 2025 we are all issued what one would call new ‘Spirit Escorts’ that come from the center of the universe in its most vast measurement, to teach what mankind needs to know in upcoming times. They house and magnify themselves like a pair of self-adjusting night vision glasses that are listening to your every word; you’re every thought, your every attempted encryption and inscription.