Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Metatrón. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Metatrón. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, diciembre 09, 2024

Ailia Mira - Archangel Metatron - 12:12 Activating Your Patterning for the New Age - Dec 9, 2024

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It is I, Archangel Metatron and I am here now, to share with you a bit about the current potential in play for you on Earth and some perspectives that can be useful to you as you create your life, anew.

sábado, agosto 17, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - August 2024


▲From your Hostess of Light

▲Thunder & Lightning; the Inner Teachings of Blue Galactic Storm Year

▲The energy behind thunderstorms and lightning

From your Hostess of Light

As we move our awareness up a few notches we come to many pathways with new understandings that display there truths like breadcrumbs on a lost path. The very consciousness of weather has shifted as have we, and it is time for new templates of hidden truths to be observed. We all know that weather has a temperament and all weather comes forth from many parts of the world and wraps itself around those who do not understand nor want the planetary teachings.

miércoles, abril 10, 2024

Ailia Mira - In the wake of the Eclipse Cycle... (an Ascension Update) - Apr 10, 2024

Hi, Beautiful Friends~!

In the wake of the eclipse cycle, many of us are still feeling the energies + working with what these transits brought up.

How are you doing?!

This was the strongest energy that I have ever felt in an eclipse cycle. It also seemed very pointed in the way it affected me. Eclipse always bring things up that are ripe for change, but this Eclipse Cycle felt more keenly associated with the evolution of our consciousness. What the energies are activating, triggering, illuminating… in someway bringing to the surface, are the parts of our life that really need our love, acceptance, and our willingness to take action on our own behalf, with the belief that we’re supported. These are very powerful themes if you’re in touch with the part of yourself that truly wants freedom. Liberation even.

viernes, octubre 07, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - How to Embrace Freedom and Expansion

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings beloved ones, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to step into the stillness within your being, to rest in this moment of stillness, a moment that is almost like a pause. However, it may be noisy, chaotic and there might be upheaval. Whether those energies are within your being or outside of you, you can always step into the stillness, a pause within your being. Where you remind yourself of your truth, as if you are gazing at your divine essence, reminding yourself of who you are, your mission, and your purpose.

martes, agosto 23, 2022

Jim Self - You Have Set a Template in Place - Aug 22, 2022

Great Beings of Light, it is I, Metatron. I have come to let you know that you have set a template and put it in place very firmly. You have changed the direction of what is occurring at this time. You have gathered, and you have agreed, and you have created. This template solidly anchors into all physical realms the possibility of a new Earth. It anchors the possibility of a new physical realm that is in the fifth dimension in a very real way. You have facilitated the possibility of the sixth and seventh to follow very swiftly upon the heels of the anchoring of the fifth dimension. It is you who have created the energetic template for this to occur.

viernes, agosto 05, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Wisdom of the Ages - Aug 5, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 


Greetings and love, I am Archangel Metatron. May the joy of the Creator engulf you and surround you, may it bubble from within you. I wish to share the joy of the Creator with you so that you may experience joy in your current reality. Let your physical reality be a joyful experience, let your spiritual reality be a joyful experience. I know for many that it may not be a joyful time. It is important to realise that joy is born from within your being and therefore it radiates and reflects into your reality. You create a joyful reality for yourself from your own inner experience of joy. This is something that I encourage you to contemplate and bring into your awareness and embodiment. As you experience joy in your reality, so your energy vibration quickens therefore you speed along your ascension process.

viernes, junio 24, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - What is Your Infinite Blessing? - June 24, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 
Greetings beacons of light, I am Archangel Metatron. I come forth with Angelic frequencies to support and assist you in this time of your Ascension. Today I wish to speak of your infinite blessing, the infinite blessing that you can bestow upon yourself and upon the world. Many of you wish to be of service and many of you do not understand or cannot recognise how to be of service in your reality and for Ascension. Recognising your infinite blessing allows you to be of service, not only to yourself and your own Ascension, but to the Ascension of all, because your infinite blessing becomes an energy and tool that you can share with the entire world, energetically or physically, distantly or face-to-face, it becomes your tool, your skill and ability. When you share your infinite blessing with yourself and the world, you are sharing the infinity energy of the Creator, the freedom, and liberation energies of the Creator. In truth all that is the Creator and all that is at the source or the core of the Creator.

viernes, junio 17, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Forgiving the World to Heal Yourself - June 17, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 


Greetings, beloved beacons of light upon the Earth, I am Archangel Metatron. What a joy it is to be in your presence and to participate in the Ascension journey unfolding in every moment of your reality. It is in this communication with you that I, Archangel Metatron wish to speak with you about healing yourself by forgiving the world around you. In order to achieve this, we first must realise that you are the Creator of everything around you. You are also the Creator of everything within you, your thoughts, your emotions, and so forth. The reality that you experience from day-to-day is born from your inner energies. This includes the way you perceive yourself and others, the thoughts that you energise, the wounds that are not yet healed, the emotions that you activate, your soul’s purpose and destiny in your Ascension journey, your inner energy is unique and sacred. Even what you might perceive as negative aspects within your being, these are also sacred.

viernes, mayo 13, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Discover Your Internal Reset - May 13, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I extend my blessings and love to all beings upon the Earth now, we are walking tremendous, and magnificent transformations with you. Upon the inner planes we are supporting major shifts that are occurring within your being, for all of humanity and the Earth. Our role in this moment is to support you in remaining grounded, balanced, stable and connected with the Creator. Such vast transformations are taking place within your being. This has been occurring for some time now, however, it is climaxing. We are noticing many souls and beings upon the Earth are now making shifts internally that they have been preparing for in the last months. This shift may come about because of a cleanse of the body, a new perspective born in the mind, an upset that brings forth clarity, or a new sense of gratitude and appreciation for all that is.

viernes, abril 29, 2022

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Meet Your Vibration - Apr 29, 2022

Meet Your Vibration by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron, I come forth with the Angelic Vibrations of love to greet you. It is my purpose to support you in activating inner remembrance and truth that will lead you forth upon a journey that your soul desires and requests to bring fulfilment into every cell of your being. A fulfilment that opens your entire being to your oneness and completeness with the Creator. Every step you take upon the Earth supports you in this quest. Every energy vibration that comes forth from the Creator through the Universe of the Creator to you, supports your remembrance and activation. You are awakening all that you are, bringing it into experience and expression upon the Earth, so all may view the Creator and qualities of the Creator. This is such a beautiful process, one that you have contracted and agreed to be a part of because you have the strength, the courage, and the wisdom to do so.

martes, abril 26, 2022

Jim Self - Accessing Your Lightbody - Apr 25, 2022

The Triad of Uriel, Metatron, Zadkiel. As you begin to work with the various layers of your Lightbody, you will begin to understand at a whole different level of your being. And it will become unimportant whether your mind has a conceptual understanding. Even though it must be given through language, and brought through the physical vehicle, the main understanding and usability of the material takes place in the Lightbody. Our dialogues will continue in basically the same form; however, there is a whole other realm that has been activated, and will be in use.

viernes, marzo 18, 2022

Jim Self - Allow the Process - March 17, 2022


Metatron: As you bring this energy and information into your classes and more beings are able to enter these alternate states of fourth and fifth dimension, the energetics change to where it is easier to remain in the higher states for longer periods of time. Right now, where you are, you can operate in that awareness but there is a point, where you have to return to a more earthly or more third-dimensional space because it is too energetically trying on your body.

Jim: The multiple becomes mathematical and exponential and it is difficult to handle, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two different circular possibilities.

sábado, marzo 12, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - MARZO 2022


MARZO 2022


*** De su Anfitriona de Luz
*** Plutón en conjunción con los Estados Unidos 22.2.2022
*** La vibración de Metatrón
*** Aprender a volar sin tener alas
*** Los códigos de reducción (contracción financiera $$$)


A medida que el precio de vivir se lanza a lo más alto de la montaña rusa, volvemos a tener esa sensación de hundimiento en nuestra barriga mientras el miedo brota en nosotros como un burrito de gasolinera. Como la sensación de hormigueo en la nuca del Hombre Araña alertándolo del peligro, podemos percibir lo que acecha en la noche tratando de anclar nuestras almas a un muelle oscuro en pensamiento y acción. Parece que no estamos conduciendo esta montaña rusa y al parecer nuestro destino está en las sucias manitos de otro. Vemos cómo se desmorona nuestro mundo en cada canal, ya que el miedo, la ira y el odio se transmiten a través de todos los medios de comunicación virtuales. Nuestros corazones y sentidos son bombardeados con oscuridad sin siquiera ver todas las malas noticias. Lo único que podemos hacer es orar por la paz, cualquier clase de paz.

viernes, marzo 11, 2022

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - March 2022 - Mar 11, 2022

In this Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light

***Pluto went conjunct with the United States 2-22-2022

***The vibration of Metatron

***Learning to fly without having wings

***THE LESS THAN CODES (contracting financially $$$)

From Your Hostess of Light: As the price of living zooms to the top of the roller coaster we get that sinking feeling in our tummy again as fear wells up in us like a gas station burrito. Our spidey senses can feel what lurks in the night trying to anchor our souls to dark pier in thought and action. It looks as if we are not driving this roller coaster and it seems our fate is in another’s dirty little hands. We watch our world come apart at the seams on every channel, as fear and anger and hate is broadcast over all virtual media. Our hearts and senses are bombarded with darkness without even watching all the bad news. All we can do is pray for peace, any flavor of peace.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Metatron - Into the Light - Mar 11, 2022

Into the Light by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 


Greetings beloved Beings of Light, I am Archangel Metatron. I invite you to contemplate my words as I refer to you as Beings of Light. You may recognise yourself as having a physical body. Do you recognise yourself as having a light body? That every part of your physical body and energetic systems or field is filled with and created by light? Every part of your being holds a light frequency and vibration and yet it is something that you may not recognise in your daily reality. It is easy to recognise your physical body, and it can be easy to recognise your emotional and mental bodies as you are aware of how you feel and your thoughts.

jueves, marzo 03, 2022

Jim Self - Thought Jumping - March 2, 2022

Jim: I’m noticing that as I hold my attention on something, all of a sudden I find myself in another, completely unrelated thought. And I don’t find the tangent point that caused me to jump to that second thought. I can’t quite trace the thought backward. So, I am curious if you can give me some information about that.

Metatron: Yes, and it is a very good observation. You are experiencing movement between the third, fourth and fifth-dimensional spaces. This is what is causing some disruption in your thought patterns and your thoughts are easily short-circuited. You are still having to deal with a third-dimensional body, with a rational, very static, stable set of energies. Energies that have both the positive and negative involved. The fifth-dimensional reality is embodied in the more positive thoughts and emotions. The negative emotions and feelings are very much tied to physical existence.