Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maestro Hilarion. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maestro Hilarion. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, enero 01, 2025

Marlene Swetlishoff - Master Hilarion - January 2025

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The transformations of the Earth and all of her inhabitants is continuing at an unrelenting pace. That which is presented to the world at large, shows some of the signs that the old structures are failing and are no longer being supported, as previously given. This only shows a very limited perspective to the people of this world that changes and transformations are happening on a more wondrous level within each human inhabitant. There are great changes that are occurring within every cell and the DNA of every person upon this ascending planet.

Many people are now connecting with the worlds that used to be invisible to their physical eyes. It is now being captured within the cameras and within one’s inner sight perspectives. Is this not wondrous, Beloved Ones? As the old structures in every facet of human life upon your planet crumbles and falls away, new ways of being are coming forth simultaneously. One only has to seek them out, one only has to open their awareness to this occurrence and one will see that this is, indeed so!
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lunes, julio 15, 2024

Marlene Swetlishoff - New Message from The Rainbow Scribe July 2024

It is so important that you realize the powerful part you play in these times of great change and challenge. Together we form a powerful pattern of higher frequency Light that benefits all creation. You are that Light, the key, and that inspiration that is going to be helping people to move forward to their next level of soul evolvement. Below is a video that calls upon your intuitive abilities. There are no words, either written or spoken but it conveys through animated images and music a very powerful and impactful message for these times for all who are awakening to their greater potential. 

Marlene Swetlishoff

Copyright © 2024 The Rainbow Scribe, All rights reserved.

martes, abril 14, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION-APRIL 2020 #3

The Wisdom of Hilarion

The above image of Ascended Master Hilarion was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff 
through JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

The winds of change are upon the inhabitants of the Earth. The sweeping reforms to the existing structures of the old paradigm, begins in earnest. The crumbling and decay are evidenced everywhere and people are feeling the effects of the failure of the old paradigm systems that were in place. It is a time of intense self examination within each human heart. People are asking the important questions as they go within. They want to know what the purpose of their life is all about, why they are here on Earth and what do they need to know in order to find a secure foundation and foothold. It is a difficult time for these awakening ones and extreme kindness and patience is needed by those who are awake and aware.

jueves, abril 09, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - Wisdom of Hilarion-2020

The Wisdom of Hilarion

The above image of Ascended Master Hilarion was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff
through JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.


Beloved Ones,

As you sit at the crossroads wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not helpless ones – you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the collective memory which affects other members of the species in

viernes, marzo 13, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION 2 - MARCH 2020

The above image of Master Hilarion was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff 
through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

As you endeavor to stay in equilibrium and balance during these days with all that is occurring within your sphere of resonance, you are finding that the intensified energies are having their effect, not only within your own system but in all those who are in your sphere of influence. The duality energies are rampant and it is important to remember your purpose for holding the Light during these times. It is very easy for you who are sensitive to the energies around you to understand that the feelings that you have been experiencing are mainly those that are being experienced at the collective consciousness level. There is much fear and doubt that is rampant at these times – remember this – and recenter and refocus on that which you are and that which you stand for.

domingo, marzo 01, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - The Hilarion Connection©Update - March 2020 - Mar 1, 2020

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The intensity of the energies coming in from the Cosmos have been sweeping to the surface of collective awareness the need for change in the people of Earth. Many people are taking up the cries for a better way to live by voicing and reiterating the horrors that still exist in many parts of the world. Those who have been advocating for change for many decades are making themselves heard again. They are taking a stand against the horrors of war and the destruction it brings, especially to women and children. This focus has been their life’s work and so the intensity of the energies is triggering the unresolved issues with no solutions given, within each of them. More of this activity will continue to occur in the days ahead.

martes, febrero 25, 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION3-FEB.2020

The above image of Ascended Master Hilarion was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff
 through ©PsychicArtbyJanine. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

We come on the wings of love as your world continues in its inexorable changes and transformations that are now occurring on a moment by moment basis. All that was once held dear as real and true is now being shown to be an illusion of sorts. As this process continues, the people of the world will feel as though they are walking on quicksand, that everything that they believed to be solid and real and true is not that which they had assumed. Everything that they were conditioned to believe is not the way it really is. This brings forward feelings of anxiety and a strident need to discover the truth of the world around them.

domingo, febrero 16, 2020


Please note: There is no video available for this message.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! All around you, the unseen realms and kingdoms work ceaselessly to create Divine Order as the old structures fall away. Everything upon this planet is being renewed and recreated into a more functional cohesive wholeness. The new Earth reality requires new ways and new perspectives that will take into account the connection between every person and everything in their environment and in the greater world around them, and indeed, in the entire cosmos!

martes, septiembre 10, 2019

James McConnell - Hilarion, KaRa and OWS - August 18, 2019

HILARION (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am your Dear Brother Hilarion. I am the one that has been called forth long ago to assist in the healing of this planet, and the planet of all of those that reside on this planet, whether human, animal, plant, or mineral.

Whenever you have ailments, whenever you have a need for healing energy, call upon me. Call out my name, “Hilarion!” “Hilarion!” “Hilarion!”