Beloved Ones,
I come on the wings of love! The transformations of the Earth and all of her inhabitants is continuing at an unrelenting pace. That which is presented to the world at large, shows some of the signs that the old structures are failing and are no longer being supported, as previously given. This only shows a very limited perspective to the people of this world that changes and transformations are happening on a more wondrous level within each human inhabitant. There are great changes that are occurring within every cell and the DNA of every person upon this ascending planet.
Many people are now connecting with the worlds that used to be invisible to their physical eyes. It is now being captured within the cameras and within one’s inner sight perspectives. Is this not wondrous, Beloved Ones? As the old structures in every facet of human life upon your planet crumbles and falls away, new ways of being are coming forth simultaneously. One only has to seek them out, one only has to open their awareness to this occurrence and one will see that this is, indeed so!
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