“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We see you in your majestic evolution, and we see ourselves. We know that the ride you are on is also our ride, and that is one of the many reasons why we seek to help you. We want you to know how much you are growing and evolving in each and every moment you are there. You are becoming more precise creators by being there on Earth, where you have stacked the deck against yourselves in so many ways. You have made it more challenging to manifest the reality that you want to experience because one of the experiences you really wanted to have there on Earth was and is faith. You wanted to see if you could believe in something that you could not see, feel, hear, taste and touch.
That is why faith is spoken about so much when it comes to your religions. You have created a God that is out there somewhere and that you have for the most part been unable to experience while in physical form, and that requires faith of you. And many people are willing to put their faith in God, but you also wanted to be able to put faith in yourselves as creators and manifestors, and that is why you have the time lag in between what you ask for, what you create, and what you get to experience. You have to then believe that it’s coming, and for some, they have decided that they will believe it is coming because they are praying to the right God. They are good in God’s eyes, and therefore they deserve to receive the answered prayers.
And that has been one way to go about experiencing faith. In other words, you are told what the rules are, you follow those rules, you get what you want on Earth, or perhaps, after you die, but either way, you’ve got it covered. But for those of you who want to live right now in joy and in abundance, with freedom and with creativity, you understand that you are there to bring Heaven to Earth. You are there to experience all that you want to experience while in the flesh and by believing in yourselves and in the laws of the universe.
If you truly believe that what you put out there, in terms of a request, will come back to you in the form of a manifestation, then you can go live your life happily ever after in faith. If you don’t trust and truly have faith that your creations are yours and that they are coming, then you will be anxious, you will be in doubt. You might even live in fear, and you will put off living a life of joy, freedom, and creativity. You will withhold your love. You will not be yourself, because you are love.
And so, in order to really demonstrate your faith, you must be unconditional in your love of life. And when you do that, you are that God that you once prayed to, and not in a way that is blasphemous. You are there to merge with everything. To become one with All-That-Is and to live your lives accordingly is part of the plan of existence. But you must believe that you are what we say you are, and the way you know it is true is because when we say it to you, you feel the resonance. You feel how good you feel to hear those words, and that’s what we want you to put your faith in as well. Put your faith in yourselves, in your feelings, and in the laws of the universe, and everything will work out for you and for all of humanity.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”