Become conscious and aware of what and whom you choose to focus your attention and energy on.
For everything manifests instantly now.
The energy you project or radiate out, is what you manifest and draw into your life.
I AM choosing life, love and joy and life more abundantly!
There is so much living to do.
So much loving to do and to open yourself up to.
So much to experience, cosmically explore and manifest into form and being, with pure intention, love and joy!
To be the love, loving the new Golden Age into form and being with every breath you take, every thought you think, every word you speak or write and all you do, and are!
I AM choosing Love and Joy and walking in company of angels, archangels, Ascended Masters and the whole hosts of heaven who inspire me, and lovingly guide me.
To be on this earth, but not of it!
There is so much living to do now as we are called to the highest loving service we have ever rendered before. There is no place for ego nor ",look-at-poor-me" syndrome.
The call now is to lovingly be the Beacon of Light, Love and Truth with integrity and to blaze the new form of higher consciousness life in the New Earth into form and being, from your heart and soul and all that you are.
Yes, it takes discipline and focus.
Yes, it takes relentlessly choosing to focus your whole energy and attention on fulfilling your highest soul calling and purpose with love and joy, and not to allow yourself to get sidetracked by what is seemingly happening in the old world. It is not what others are seemingly doing, or not. It is what you are doing, living, being, which matters, for you are everyone and everyone is you. All is ONE.
You are here first and foremost to blaze new and higher trails and be the pioneer who is anchoring in the New Golden Age of love, unity and harmony and you can only do this by BEING it there within you. What is within manifests outside.
There is so much living, loving, lifting up, inspiringly to do and be.
And to embrace all sentient beings in showers and showers of love and blessings and love, because you can do, and be, no other than the love you in truth are!
This is the inward revolution, the purification in the highest degrees on all levels, and the purer you become, the more seethrough you become, for you do not have anything to hide nor to cling to, anymore.
You live the truth of your soul and love every breathing, living, eternal moment of lovingly, joyfully serving with wisdom, eternally One with All That IS!
Judith Kusel