Since we ended 2024 with a strong Capricorn new moon on December 30, we enter 2025 on a high note, sort of. The year began with the echoes of a new moon representing fresh starts, new actions, bold moves, and beginnings. At least we do not have Pluto in Capricorn to deal with any longer but we still have a strong energy aspects to start this new month and new year. A lot is happening this month with Mars returning to Cancer, Mercury transiting that sign, the nodes changing sign to Pisces, the end of a 19 year cycle, and a big Pisces stellium which last happened in 1989.
It is going to be a good year for putting new plans and projects in place, for finally creating the transformations you have wanted to create for so long, and for coming to terms with your truth and your light. And it starts in January so let’s sit up, pay attention, take notes, and ask the right questions.
January opens with the echo of the December 30 Capricorn new moon which featured strong oppositions – planets at 180 degrees and most importantly, a Mars/Pluto opposition from Leo to Aquarius. I call this a ‘power to the people’ moment which started in November 2024 and will last through April 2025. It is not going to go away quickly and it will have a profound effect on society and culture all over the world. Watch what happens as people rise up against the 3D energies of corruption, control, domination, power over, separation, competition, and disconnection from spirit.
This new moon in Capricorn is not a rehash of the past 16 years of that tough Pluto transit, it is a new energetic boundary reminding us of where we have come and what we do not want to repeat. I see it as a 4D bridge activation, creating a space of awareness of where we began in 3D and shining a strong light across that bridge to new levels of joy, peace, love, abundance, and prosperity.
The 5D portal is wide open now so there are options available and choices to be made and many, many people are choosing the light. The first Pluto in Capricorn transit opened the portal to self-sovereignty. The latest one opened the portal to energetic sovereignty. We are energetically sovereign, aware, and ready for action. We know this, now we have to live our lives within this understanding.
Then on January 7 Mars retrogrades back into Cancer, the sign it first entered in September 2024 to begin its ongoing opposition to Pluto as that planet finished its final Capricorn retrograde and moved into Aquarius. I’m telling you, this Mars/Pluto opposition is the cornerstone for the new empowered 5D paradigm and will help many people choose empowering transformation and move into higher frequencies.
The next day Mercury enters Capricorn to hold that transformation and decision space for us as we get more ‘gentle’ nudges from the Universe about moving through the 5D portals to create our 5D paradigms. These gentle nudges can be soft whispers of a need for something different to a full out disintegration of our reality so we can start over. For some people this will be an easy, gentle process; for others it will be a real challenge. But whatever form your transformation takes, the goal is the same – this is our moment to become aware of, align with, integrate, and embody a 5D energy paradigm.
A full moon on January 13 is in Cancer, bringing attention to the Mars/Pluto opposition and brings the Sun and Moon into its orbit of influence. We have a strong presence by the warrior planet Eris, as well as the opening stellium in Pisces (a stellium refers to 3 or more planets in the same sign) which comes to full peak around January 15. My guides have been telling me for weeks that January 15 was an important date but they did not tell me why, they usually don’t give me all of the information.
This Pisces stellium highlights the ongoing presence of both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, holding the energy for spiritual awareness and integration and grounding. With so many planets present there, we get the full effect. Remember the chariot parade from the movie Ben-Hur? And with the North Node in Pisces for the first time in 19 years, since 2006, we are on a spiritual roll here.
Do you remember me saying that we would be getting spiritual support for this part of our ascension path and that Neptune in Pisces has been holding that energy for us since 2011? Well now it’s time to take our victory lap, to enter the winner’s circle, and congratulate ourselves for a job well done. I am not saying this ascension path is over, just that we have arrived at another significant milestone and we can take a minute to celebrate.
And that’s just half of the month. Ready for the rest? We have a new moon on January 29 which is also the Chinese New Year and this year is the year of the snake, an interesting testament to the transformation of this year because snakes shed their skin when it is time to replace it because they have outgrown the old one. In this 9 numerology year, symbolizing endings which create space for beginnings, what a beautiful synergy.
So we will have to ask ourselves:
What ‘skins’ are we ready to shed now?
What is attached to them that is going to also leave our reality?
Are we ready to let it all go?
There is always a choice in every situation and what we choose is what we are ready to align with in this moment. With so many energy cycles ending and renewing now, avoid judging what you were not ready to see, do, understand, acknowledge, or release before today. Because ultimately, it is what you do in this moment that matters.
The energy theme for January is truth and this is a very big topic because it does include what we believe is true but it is also inclusive of our truth, what we believe about ourselves, our reality, and our power, light, and spirit.
This month we have an opportunity to create a new truth, one that is not determined by how we want others to acknowledge and accept us, the truth that we mirror to gain the love we so desperately want from those who do not, will not, or cannot love us, the truth others will connect with so we can be part of their group, or the truth that will help us do the healing work that will resolve our healing missions.
This is the truth that is aligned with our energetic sovereignty, the truth that is aligned with our 5D life path instead of what we have experienced in our 3D realities. We have to acknowledge this truth about ourselves first before we can present it to others. It won’t be easy to change lifetimes of mirroring the truth we want others to believe about us, to rise up out of our fear of persecution karma repeating itself, to break the cycles and patterns of our fear of betrayal and rejection and set forth a new truth that creates a different reality.
It may not be easy to affirm a truth that requires us to release all of our attachments and connections, to let go of years, decades, and lifetimes of effort to acknowledge that what we have tried so hard to create will not happen as we want it to, hoped it would, or tried so hard to manipulate into being. But this is the threshold of our 5D portal that is waiting for us to shed our energetic baggage so we can enter it.
Many years ago (around 2009), while I was hosting my radio show on Blog Talk Radio, which was on the air from 2008 to 2016, I said that the portal to our new energetic realities was very narrow, similar to the biblical tale of the camel going through the eye of the needle. And if you imagine your energetic baggage like a big backpack on your back, like a camel’s hump, there is only room for you to get through that portal. There is no room for you and your energetic baggage, it just won’t fit. You have to decide whether you are ready to shed your baggage to enter the portal now, or not. It is a yes or no choice, and there is no judgment about it. Like crossing the 4D bridge, your choice opens new energetic portals and it is final – there is no turning back. You know this on a soul level, which is why the choice can be so hard.
And it’s also why January’s full moon on the 13th is such a powerful motivator for truth, being, alignment, and transformation, preparing us for the new moon on January 29 in a process that was started with the December 30, 2024 new moon.
With Pluto now firmly in Aquarius, another ‘no turning back’ milestone on this ascension path, we have our new 5D soul mission before us. Do we have the courage to embrace it? Are we moving forward with confidence or turning back with regret because we (still) have hope for different outcomes? Ponder this question as you experience the transformative aspects of January and the ‘skin’ you know you have outgrown.
It’s a powerful month, the start of a powerful year. And In this 9 year, January is a 1 month which means from the outset we start the year primed for new beginnings, fresh starts, elevated paradigms, and the opportunity to explore our energetic sovereignty free from the baggage of the past and the bondage of our energetic prisons.
If you have the courage to shine big and brightly, you will find this a month that is both challenging and freeing and by month-end your life may look very different than it did when the month began.
Have a wonderful month.
Copyright (c) 2023 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com