I am Kara.
KaRa(Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, after just being in various council sessions.
One of those sessions was with the Earth, the Earth Council, as I am a Pleiadian ambassador or emissary. And what has been discussed and worked through is coming now into a culmination, a process that has been long developing, coming now closer and closer to an ending, or a new beginning, however you wish to look at it.
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa. I am here with you at this time, in these grand times that you are approaching. And though it does not appear so to the physical eyes, and in some cases the ears as well, it is so. The changes that are coming are going to be fraculant [21.06/53.41].
What I am about to tell you now, I as KaRa, how I as a Pleiadian Emissary to the planet Earth, is not for your ego to hear. It is for your Higher Guidance within you, for you to feel that higher guidance within you. As I relay this now to you, this message that you, this group, those of you within this group, as you have been acclimating to these energies for some time, we have been preparing you, preparing this group for a grand mission moving forward from the time on when the vibration reaches the crescendo that it needs to, this group is about to be the one, ones of many across the planet, that we will be appearing to. We will be showing ourselves. We are preparing you for this. As a group, and as individuals within this group, to those of you that are ready for this, and that want this.
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time; but more than this time, this vibration.
This vibration of consciousness increase, which is occurring now throughout the planet. Many of you cannot see this, or are not fully aware of this, for you are still ensconced within the third-dimensional illusion at times. But at other times you have lifted yourselves out of that illusion and have moved into more fully the fourth dimension, and at times, such as you’ve just had now (during our guided meditation), into the fifth dimension! Yes! All of you, in one way or another, experienced this even for just a moment the second you felt or experienced the bliss of the fifth dimension, and what awaits you at the door to that fifth dimension.
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa.
I am here as a Pleiadian emissary to this planet, not the only once certainly, but one. One that is very attuned to this group especially, and through this one that I speak through now.
For the times are coming very fast now where the image that I gave you, even for just a moment now, that image that is now ingrained in your mind and in your heart, is going to become more and more into fruition. Because you are the creators of this, you and all of the other groups and individuals throughout the planet that are visualizing a better life for themselves and for their families and their friends. All that are participating and visualizing ahead, visualizing what they want in their lives, what they want their lives to be. All of this is affecting the great collective consciousness of this planet, and the universal mind of this planet, and this collective consciousness here.
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa. As always, it is a pleasure to be the emissary, to be the one that comes from the Pleiadian civilization, the Pleiadian councils, to be able to be here with you.
But know that as I am here with you now, you yourselves, many of you, have done the same experience with other planets, other civilizations, other galaxies even. You have been the emissaries, many of you. Even have been the Pleiadian emissaries to other worlds, just as I am to your world now. This is the connectedness of all of us, the consciousness, the one consciousness that we all share together. For we have all been that, done that, and we will do it again, and again, and again.
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa. I, as many of you know, I am an emissary, a Pleiadian emissary to the council here on the Earth.
Yes, there is a Great Earth Council here. And many of you, in your multi-dimensional forms, are already a part of, a part of the Earth Council, or a part of the Pleiadian councils, or the Sirian councils, or the Arcturian councils, many of the different councils you, as your multi-dimensional selves, are already a part of. Some of you already command ships as your multi-dimensional aspects!