Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Federación Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Federación Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, marzo 21, 2025

Aurora Ray - Visitors From Another Planet: ETs Are Here To Meet Us - Mar 21, 2025

Visitors From Another Planet: ETs Are Here To Meet Us

We are moving away from the old paradigm of the third dimension and into the fifth dimension, which is why we see so much chaos in our world today. It's all part of the transition process.

The fifth dimension is like an energetic upgrade from the third dimension that allows us to experience higher frequencies than we could in our past lives. It's like upgrading from a computer with an old processor to one with an even faster one. In many ways, this upgrade will make us more powerful than ever before in our history as human beings on Earth!

miércoles, marzo 19, 2025

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation Is Here With Us - Mar 19, 2025

The Galactic Federation Is Here With Us

The Galactic Federation is a group of benevolent extraterrestrials who are working with Earth and the Divine Creator to bring about a new Golden Age on Earth. They are members of the Galactic Federation, which includes over 200 member planets. These advanced civilizations have formed this intergalactic federation to help raise consciousness on planet Earth.

Mother Earth Needs You: Walking the Green Path!

viernes, marzo 14, 2025

Aurora Ray - Organ Regenerator -The Bio-Organic Machine - Mar 14, 2025

Organ Regenerator -The Bio-Organic Machine

Dear sisters and brothers of planet earth, we have some fantastic news for you!

We are ready with our spaceships. We are excited about landing on your planet! We cannot predict a date but we want you to know that we are positioned and ready for it.

The Earth Will Be A Galactic Federation Planet Again!

martes, marzo 11, 2025

Aurora Ray - You Are unique; You Are A Starseed - Mar 11, 2025

You Are unique; You Are A Starseed

Dear ones,

In the beginning, we all lived together as a collective whole. There were no nations and no boundaries; there was only one planet, and we all lived together in peace and harmony.

However, our way of life is rapidly changing—the Earth is becoming more and more crowded, and our resources are being depleted. Our beautiful planet has been polluted, eroded, and exploited by humans over many generations.

viernes, marzo 07, 2025

Aurora Ray - Create Your Reality Now - Mar 7, 2025

Create Your Reality Now

You are a human, and your body is a physical tool, but you are much more than just that. You are also a spiritual being with the inherent power to create your own reality.

The law of attraction is a spiritual idea that states that you will attract into your life whatever you think about. It holds that by simply thinking about something, you can bring it into your life. The law of attraction suggests that the thoughts of a person draw similar thoughts to them. Several scientists believe this happens because we are all connected by one single energy field. But the LOA is much more than generalizations; thinking about red Lamborghinis will always bring you red Lamborghinis.

miércoles, marzo 05, 2025

Aurora Ray - You Are An Earth Soldier - Mar 5, 2025

You Are An Earth Soldier

Dear ones,

I wake up each day and ask myself, "What can I do to make the world a better place?" You see, I am a warrior of light. I "fight" for what is right and oppose those who would harm others. As a warrior of light, I'm sure you're going through the same thought process as me.

A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation: The Revelation

sábado, marzo 01, 2025

Aurora Ray - The Transformation Of 3D To 5D Earth Is Under Progress - Mar 1, 2025

The Transformation Of 3D To 5D Earth Is Under Progress

The evolution of our planet is happening now.

This transition has been predicted by many ancient cultures and religions that have existed on this planet eons ago.

The ancient prophecies state that a time will come when humans will have to learn how to coexist with each other and other galactic societies.

miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Aurora Ray - The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts - Feb 26, 2025

The Great Solar Flash: A Few Facts

The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet!

For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a "phantom" event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778.

The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky.

Ascension Update By The Galactic Federation

viernes, febrero 21, 2025

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift - Feb 21, 2025

Cosmic Countdown To The Birth Of 5D Earth: Humanity Is About To Go Through A Quantum Shift

We are living in an exciting time. Long before we knew it, humanity started to evolve, and now we are moving towards a new level of consciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, this shift is already happening at a cosmic level.

The cosmic countdown to the birth of 5D Earth has begun. The shift from third dimension to fifth dimension is a very important part of human evolution.