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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Cuerpo de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, noviembre 30, 2024

Judith Kusel - We have entered the moment of the great scattering - Nov 30, 2024

We have entered the moment of the great scattering, where everything seems to fragment, dissolve and all we ever knew as real, dissipates, dissolves between our fingers, even the old self.

miércoles, noviembre 06, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue transfiguring into crystalline-based light beings - Nov 6, 2024

Beloved Ones,
As we continue transfiguring into crystalline-based light beings, self-care is vital to provide our bodies with the support required to heal and evolve. We are undergoing a very intense phase this year of SOL-AR integration, for we not only are being assisted by our Central Sun but also by our Aurora family to transform our bodies completely. It is now more than ever when nourishment, hydration, loving thoughts, and compassionate witnessing for our unique process and that of All must prevail if we are willing to continue moving forward. 

viernes, noviembre 01, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Ascended Lightbody - Nov 1, 2024

The Ascended Lightbody

Dear ones, I am pleased to join you once again in this way of speaking. I bring you a message of hope and love. I understand that many of you have been experiencing a great deal of uncertainty recently, and so I am here to help dispel the negative feelings which have been pervading our atmosphere these days.

martes, octubre 22, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Transitionary Period - Oct 22, 2024

"The Transitionary Period

We are in the midst of a huge transitionary period as we transfigure into the New Lightbodies and into the New Earth.

So much of the old stuff is surfacing, the old patterns, old stuff. A lot of the old family stuff, and humanities’ deepest shadows are going to emerge for it needs to!

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2024

Diana Cooper - 7D Crystalline light body and brain - Sep 4, 2024

Currently, we are preparing for the next spurt of human evolution, which will be the sixth root race of humanity. We are gradually transforming from a carbon-based form into a crystalline-based one. The metamorphosis will take place at a cellular level. Many light workers are now preparing for their seventh dimensional light bodies. This happens as the body holds a higher wattage of light, containing love, knowledge and wisdom. This is the journey to higher ascension.

jueves, julio 18, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Fires of Transmutation and Transfiguration - Jul 18, 2024

The Fires of Transmutation and Transfiguration

The purification of our planet is now escalating, and indeed as the cosmic spotlights have been turned on, and so much now is surfacing, which needs to surface, so that it can finally be brought to light, to surface, so that it can be transmuted into the highest light.
This is happening in all the countries of world, in families, and in each one of us.

lunes, junio 24, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue navigating this harmonic month - Jun 24, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue navigating this harmonic month, we feel the intensity of the recent transmissions and activations in our light body. Many of you are now healing your emotional female bodies of war memories, especially related to Cathar/essence timeliness, as well as galactic, as you retrieve your connection to your Monad and Unified Self, and therefore to your soul tribe.

domingo, mayo 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - We can only shift into the higher dimension of completely letting go of the old - May 19, 2024

We can only shift into the higher dimension of completely letting go of the old.

All the old structures, forms, establishments, are crumbling and dissolving.

Let go of all concept of who you were before and allow ego self to dissolve, so that only your highest soul self, in its utter purity, remains.

jueves, mayo 16, 2024

Judith Kusel - Multi-dimensionality is here - May 16, 2024

Multi-dimensionality is here and with as we expand more and more into the truth of who and what we are, at Soul Level, all the latent abilities and powers, and knowledge of our souls returns.
Our higher communication and transmitters channels are now opening wider than ever before.

With it past, present and future blend into ONE, for indeed the future is already in the here and now. Time as we know it, exists no more.

miércoles, mayo 15, 2024

Judith Kusel - The next vast upgrades have begun - May 15, 2024

The next vast upgrades have begun, with the release of more maximum potent solar flares, as spinning Metatron's Cubes are activated in all all 33 vertebra of our spine and all 15 chakras, our entire energy systems, all 12 bodies and new 12 strands of DNA in our new Solar Lightbodies.

domingo, abril 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - The keys and codes are now being activated - Apr 28, 2024

The keys and codes are now being activated for the next stage of the ascension process.

Huge activations ard occurring and this will continue until all 50 to 300 chakras are fully opened in the New Golden Age for the new human race.

It is opening new faculties in our brain as the heart-mind becomes more balanced, in harmony with thd soul itself.

martes, marzo 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Ascension in truth... - Mar 19, 2024

Ascension in truth means that your infinite soul has and is descending into matter and in this process through spiritual alchemy, transforming and transfiguring matter into light, through and with the Power of Love.

Your soul thus brings into this earthly existence all it is, in truth and by living its truth, rafiating its Light it transforms everything in and around it through spiritual alchemy.

domingo, marzo 17, 2024

Natalia Alba - In our journey of conscious transfiguration - Mar 17, 2024

Beloved Ones,

In our journey of conscious transfiguration, in which we are finally releasing our three-dimensional chakra membranes, and embodying our higher ones, we are now passing through a process of synthesis, which is the stage that follows chakra transfiguration. A phase in which many are now working with their solar bodies, our power center, and the one directly impacted by our solar sun flares and the liquid plasma we have been integrating incessantly.

martes, febrero 20, 2024

Aurora Ray - New Earth Awaits: Your Guide to Lightbody Activation and 5D Transition - Feb 20, 2024

New Earth Awaits: Your Guide to Lightbody Activation and 5D Transition.

Your lightbody is a powerful multidimensional energy field that surrounds your physical body. It contains the blueprint for your soul and higher consciousness. Activating and strengthening your lightbody is essential for ascension to 5D.

As you raise your vibration and shift into higher dimensional frequencies, your lightbody becomes more active. This allows you to access ascended abilities and connect with your divine spiritual essence.

sábado, febrero 17, 2024

Natalia Alba - Light Body Correction Technique - Feb 17, 2024



Beloved Ones,
As we are passing through a very important phase on our ascension journey, and many of you will need to correct and recalibrate your light bodies, Gudies shared an exercise, a universal one for All who are guided or need to work on their light bodies at this time. 
During eons our planetary Earth's grids, Merkabah, and many other important fabrics and structures have been deeply distorted and manipulated, creating many reversals that still continue to be part of our Earth plane, as well as of ourselves.

miércoles, enero 10, 2024

Aurora Ray - Ascension Mechanics: The Miraculous Evolution into Crystalline Bodies! - Jan 10, 2024

Ascension Mechanics: The Miraculous Evolution into Crystalline Bodies!

The ascension process that is currently underway is truly remarkable.

As our planet and collective consciousness shift from a 3D reality to a 5D reality, our physical bodies must also undergo a dramatic transformation.

This process involves moving from a carbon-based body to a crystalline-based body. Our current 3D bodies are suited for the density and vibration of the 3D realm. However, as Earth's frequency increases, our carbon structures can no longer withstand the higher vibrations.

miércoles, noviembre 22, 2023

Judith Kusel - All is in a state of intense dissemination and resurrection... - Nov 22, 2023


All is in a state of intense dissemination and resurrection into a totally new life and new birth, new beginnings.

In certain ancient secret teachings it was known that if you could attain a certain degree of gnosis and enlightenment, you went through a stage of transfiguration and now assumed your Rainbow body of Light. Once this was achieved, you simply shed your old physical shell of a body and ascended.

jueves, noviembre 16, 2023

Aurora Ray - Co-Creating Paradise: Living a Life of Complete Abundance in the 5D City! - Nov 16, 2023

Co-Creating Paradise: Living a Life of Complete Abundance in the 5D City!


Humanity is poised to undergo a major evolutionary shift to a higher level of consciousness and divine enlightenment known as ascension!

This transformation will lift us out of the bondage, negativity, and scarcity of the material 3D world into the freedom, light, and abundance of a new 5D reality.