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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Cuerpo de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, marzo 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - Ascension in truth... - Mar 19, 2024

Ascension in truth means that your infinite soul has and is descending into matter and in this process through spiritual alchemy, transforming and transfiguring matter into light, through and with the Power of Love.

Your soul thus brings into this earthly existence all it is, in truth and by living its truth, rafiating its Light it transforms everything in and around it through spiritual alchemy.

domingo, marzo 17, 2024

Natalia Alba - In our journey of conscious transfiguration - Mar 17, 2024

Beloved Ones,

In our journey of conscious transfiguration, in which we are finally releasing our three-dimensional chakra membranes, and embodying our higher ones, we are now passing through a process of synthesis, which is the stage that follows chakra transfiguration. A phase in which many are now working with their solar bodies, our power center, and the one directly impacted by our solar sun flares and the liquid plasma we have been integrating incessantly.

martes, febrero 20, 2024

Aurora Ray - New Earth Awaits: Your Guide to Lightbody Activation and 5D Transition - Feb 20, 2024

New Earth Awaits: Your Guide to Lightbody Activation and 5D Transition.

Your lightbody is a powerful multidimensional energy field that surrounds your physical body. It contains the blueprint for your soul and higher consciousness. Activating and strengthening your lightbody is essential for ascension to 5D.

As you raise your vibration and shift into higher dimensional frequencies, your lightbody becomes more active. This allows you to access ascended abilities and connect with your divine spiritual essence.

sábado, febrero 17, 2024

Natalia Alba - Light Body Correction Technique - Feb 17, 2024



Beloved Ones,
As we are passing through a very important phase on our ascension journey, and many of you will need to correct and recalibrate your light bodies, Gudies shared an exercise, a universal one for All who are guided or need to work on their light bodies at this time. 
During eons our planetary Earth's grids, Merkabah, and many other important fabrics and structures have been deeply distorted and manipulated, creating many reversals that still continue to be part of our Earth plane, as well as of ourselves.

miércoles, enero 10, 2024

Aurora Ray - Ascension Mechanics: The Miraculous Evolution into Crystalline Bodies! - Jan 10, 2024

Ascension Mechanics: The Miraculous Evolution into Crystalline Bodies!

The ascension process that is currently underway is truly remarkable.

As our planet and collective consciousness shift from a 3D reality to a 5D reality, our physical bodies must also undergo a dramatic transformation.

This process involves moving from a carbon-based body to a crystalline-based body. Our current 3D bodies are suited for the density and vibration of the 3D realm. However, as Earth's frequency increases, our carbon structures can no longer withstand the higher vibrations.

miércoles, noviembre 22, 2023

Judith Kusel - All is in a state of intense dissemination and resurrection... - Nov 22, 2023


All is in a state of intense dissemination and resurrection into a totally new life and new birth, new beginnings.

In certain ancient secret teachings it was known that if you could attain a certain degree of gnosis and enlightenment, you went through a stage of transfiguration and now assumed your Rainbow body of Light. Once this was achieved, you simply shed your old physical shell of a body and ascended.

jueves, noviembre 16, 2023

Aurora Ray - Co-Creating Paradise: Living a Life of Complete Abundance in the 5D City! - Nov 16, 2023

Co-Creating Paradise: Living a Life of Complete Abundance in the 5D City!


Humanity is poised to undergo a major evolutionary shift to a higher level of consciousness and divine enlightenment known as ascension!

This transformation will lift us out of the bondage, negativity, and scarcity of the material 3D world into the freedom, light, and abundance of a new 5D reality.

The Light Body Activation: Unlocking Your Inner Potential!

viernes, noviembre 10, 2023

Judith Kusel - Breaking through the Barriers - Nov 10, 2023

Breaking through the Barriers

We are in a state of extremely high vibrational frequency changes, not only in our bodies and form but as the Divine Imprint is fully activated now, with accelerated motion moving deeper into the 5th to 7th dimensional state and will now start being able, as our own illumined consciousness states rise, to access multi-dimensionality effortlessly and the higher dimensions up to the 12th via our own soul and soul groups.

sábado, octubre 14, 2023

Aurora Ray - Awakening Your Light Body: The Key to Your Personal Transformation - Oct 14, 2023


Awakening Your Light Body: The Key to Your Personal Transformation


The process of our evolution involves developing and integrating what we call a "light body." Think of it as a part of yourself that needs nurturing, exercise, and expansion to fully awaken.

One crucial aspect of this journey is having a clear understanding of who you wish to become in your reality.

Your light body operates on the principle that your thoughts have creative power and connect you to the very fabric of creation. It opens pathways to different timelines, granting access to complex scenarios and challenges that seem both new and strangely familiar.

sábado, octubre 07, 2023

Natalia Alba - As we approach the solar annular eclipse - Oct 7, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As we approach the solar annular eclipse in Libra, many who are in the process of building their light bodies will begin to experience the profound impact of the solar emanations that we are now receiving. A Solar initiation that is not just confined to our planet, as all our planetary system is experiencing the same evolution.

These solar emanations shift and re-direct our Earth's magnetic field, which is what in part facilitates the presence on Earth of the Auroras and the plasma we need to continue the process of DNA rehabilitation, and transcendence of our lower chakras.

domingo, marzo 19, 2023

Judith Kusel - Every dimension has its own unique creational level - Mar 19, 2023

I am experiencing multi dimensionality intensely today and with it the deepening understanding that all has dissolved and is dissolving which we thought real or our perception of reality.

Every dimension has its own unique creational level. Thus when we start accessing multi dimensionality we are in a much higher consciousness state where we can access and download cosmic information we could not access before.

miércoles, febrero 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Ascended Lightbody - Feb 22, 2023

The Ascended Lightbody

Dear ones, I am pleased to join you once again in this way of speaking. I bring you a message of hope and love. I understand that many of you have been experiencing a great deal of uncertainty recently, and so I am here to help dispel the negative feelings which have been pervading our atmosphere these days.

The time has come to talk about the ascension process again. Recently so many of you have asked me to write about it because you need some guidance and advice in this process. I was checking my last message and realized it's not enough. Some of you have questions about different aspects of the ascension process and for me it is very important to help you with that because we are here to support each other with these changes, this transition, these vibrations, and finally leave the old matrix behind.

domingo, febrero 12, 2023

Natalia Alba - After the initial phases of light body rehabilitation - Feb 12, 2023

Beloved Ones,

After the initial phases of light body rehabilitation, in which we integrate plasma to be able to build our light vehicle, healing all distortions and manipulations, we finally reach the last stage of light body reconnection, which is stabilization.

This last stage is a very important one, as every time that we integrate light, a period of stabilization shall follow, so we can bring back our bodies into perfect alignment with the new energies and with the new aspects of ourselves that we have too integrated, for we are new at every moment, when we constantly do our inner work.

sábado, febrero 11, 2023

Natalia Alba - As we continue healing and building our light bodies - Feb 11, 2023

Beloved Ones,

As we continue healing and building our light bodies, and opening our wings portal, we will begin to face the physical adaptations that, as we evolve, our physical bodies experience. The more light we absorb, the more that we are able to trigger a conscious shift in our bodies, helping in the process of passing from carbon base to our silicate-crystalline original essence, and hence, the more that we will become aware of the many sensations and alterations that our bodies suffer.

domingo, febrero 05, 2023

Natalia Alba - At this time we are exposed to a massive plasma wave coming from many different sources - Feb 5, 2023

Beloved Ones,

At this time we are exposed to a massive plasma wave coming from many different sources, and planetary alignments. As you know, plasma is essential to build our light bodies. As we awake, heal, and reconnect the light body, the hierogamic process or sacred inner union begins. It is then when we begin to become One with our Divine Self, through the reconnection with our Soul and Monad.

sábado, febrero 04, 2023

Natalia Alba - Many of you are undergoing a process of light body reconnection - Feb 4, 2023

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are undergoing a process of light body reconnection, at this time of our ascension path. Since the beginning of this seventh universal Year of Wisdom, many are experiencing the awakening of their light bodies, while others continue building it, reaching further stages. As we embody more light and continue linking our human self with our Divine one, we will begin to experience certain physical sensations, as a result of building our light vehicles, for this process comprehend a total reconfiguring of all of our bodies.

domingo, enero 08, 2023



Happy New Year to us all as we move into a new, more expanded version of our reality! Of course, every one of us must set our own pace for when and where we choose to expand our consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of reality.

Just as there are different version of how we perceive reality, we are beginning to remember that WE are the creators of our reality! We are the creators of our reality by what we choose to think, what we choose to learn, what we choose to do, and how we choose to remember our dreams, our early childhood memories, our inner communications, and that which can only be perceived from within our Soul.

What is within our Soul is the component of our physical self who is actually our own Inner Galactic Being. Our Inner Galactic Being resonates to the many different frequencies of reality that flow through us, what we choose to incorporate as our "SELF," and what frequencies of Light and Love we choose to seek and hold within our physical body and our ever-changing Aura.

Our Aura flows around us all. Some are aware of this flow of energy and others are not aware of this ever-changing frequency of our innate Light Body that is always within, above and grounded below our physical expressions of SELF.

It is these invisible frequencies of our visible, third-dimensional body that work within our physical form to assist us to remember that we are much, much more than you have been told, or even remember.

These versions of reality change as our Inner Life changes and as we allow our Higher SELF to make contact with our own Physical SELF. Then, as we begin to allow our higher frequency thoughts, desires, memories, and perceptions into our third-dimensional consciousness, our physical body and the outer world around us begin to change.

However, in reality, it is not the outer world that has changed, but our own ability to perceive the higher frequencies of reality which exist in the higher frequencies of light! We often think of light as something that we turn on when we enter a dark room and then turn off as we leave that room, or wish to go to sleep!

However, only our physical self will actually "go to sleep," as our Higher Self eternally lives within the Light of the higher frequencies of reality. Of course, many people may not be ready YET to remember that they have a higher-dimensional SELF that resonates to the frequency of the higher third dimension, the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension, and beyond.

It is only our Higher SELF that is able to be fully aware of our ability to interface with the "knowing" of the higher frequencies of our physical self. In fact, the physical self resonates to a frequency of light that is much lower than the frequency of light that exists within our fourth-dimensional self, and especially different from the light in our fifth-dimensional self.

Each of the different frequencies of our physical body serves a different duty for the physical body. For example, our third-dimensional light represents all the neurological activities that keep our physical body alive in the third-dimension.

Many humans are only aware of their third-dimensional body. Therefore, many of us may not yet be aware of the higher frequencies of inner light that live within our bodies. When one is having a bad time, feels sad or victimized, our body can only "turn on" the lower frequencies of the body's Light.

On the other hand, when one has expanded one’s consciousness, our awareness of our own inner abilities, the mission which we chose to fulfill within this incarnation, comes into our awareness. Then, our body is increasingly able to perceive more of the many higher frequencies of light within our physical life and within our own physical form.

Very often this Light may be thought of as the mood we are in. For example, if one is in a very downward, even victimized mood, their inner light can become quite dim. On the other hand, if that same person is feeling love, strength, or even just searching for and/or living within a life that feels good, powerful, happy, and purposeful, that person can more easily awaken and recognize the FEEL of one’s own Higher Light.

One of the first things that this "inner Higher Light" shares with your body is that your emotions, thoughts, and aspirations become focused on assisting other beings as well as the living body of Earth which is often called Gaia.

Back when humans were “primitive,” some societies believed that there was a strong life-force in the planet and in many other forms of life. It was the "modern humans" who began to think of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water as things that they could just use at will for themselves!

On the other hand, many "primitive humans" thought of Gaia and all Her planetary elements as living beings of their daily the life and focused on assisting and protecting Gaia's living planetary SELF!

How did “modern humans” forget or ignore the that Gaia is a LIVING BEING and was a living being long before humans evolved?

Can we humans begin to remember our own ancient knowledge that is NOT attached to any pride, ownership, or other human limitations?

When will all humans evolve to remember that our lives are sustained by Gaia's planetary body?

In fact, we humans are NOT the owners; we humans just a part of life on Gaia's Earth. The only and crucial thing that Gaia needs from us is that we love Her Earth Body as much as Gaia Loves Us!

Within this New Year of 2023--AND BEYOND,

LET US ALL pledge to LOVE and take care of Gaia in the same manner that
Gaia has ALWAYS loved and protected her humans!


Suzanne Lie, PhD