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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Poderes Sensoriales. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, junio 15, 2024

Kryon - Sobre la Intuición

No podemos ignorar el murmullo silencioso del alma.


Bienvenido al mundo de la intuición, donde los “presentimientos” que todos tenemos nos guían en un profundo viaje de auto descubrimiento y conexión.

En esta bulliciosa era moderna, en que estamos constantemente bombardeados con información y distracciones, contactar con nuestra intuición se vuelve no solo una habilidad, sino un salvavidas para navegar las complejidades de la vida. Únete a nosotros para explorar las profundidades de la intuición, explorando su significado, su poder, y sus aplicaciones prácticas en nuestras vidas cotidianas.

martes, mayo 14, 2024

Aurora Ray - The Secrets of Your Hidden Supernatural Powers and Their Connection to Your Starseed Origin! - May 14, 2024

The Secrets of Your Hidden Supernatural Powers and Their Connection to Your Starseed Origin!

As Starseeds explore their cosmic connections, some intriguing patterns emerge, such as the potential link between one's extrasensory abilities and their Starseed origin. Delving into this fascinating realm might unveil more about your celestial roots and provide insights into the cosmic journey you're on.

viernes, abril 19, 2024

Aurora Ray - Awakening the Warrior of Light: Harnessing Intuition and Consciousness - Apr 19, 2024

Awakening the Warrior of Light: Harnessing Intuition and Consciousness

In the vast cosmos of existence, beyond the confines of earthly limitations, lies the essence of the Warrior of Light—a being of immense wisdom and boundless love, journeying through the realms of time and space to fulfill a divine purpose. Such is the essence of the cosmic traveler, the starseed, whose soul traverses the galaxies in search of higher truths and profound experiences.

martes, enero 02, 2024

Judith Kusel - We will experience more and more synchronicity now - Jan 2, 2024

We will experience more and more synchronicity now, as like-minded souls are drawn together in almost miraculous ways.

I experienced such an encounter today, as I was guided to just go for a long drive and then stopped for something to drink, while wanting to continue my journey.

martes, enero 17, 2023

Aurora Ray - Get In Tune With Your Intuition, And Life Will Seem Like A Fairytale - Jan 17, 2023

Get In Tune With Your Intuition, And Life Will Seem Like A Fairytale

We have all heard about the intelligence of dolphins and how they use sound to communicate with each other.

This is no different than what you can do with intuition. I wish there were more books available on these topics so people would realize that intuition can help you make huge gains in your life.

Learning how to really listen and use your intuition will allow you to live the life you want and make your dreams a reality.

sábado, diciembre 03, 2022

Jim Self - Seminario Online Descubriendo tu Clarividencia, Clarisentencia y más - Parte 2 - 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy – 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022,

Parte 2 – 10 de Noviembre

¡Hola! ¡Qué lindo estar aquí! ¡Bienvenidos de vuelta! Entonces, ¿qué hicimos ayer? En su mayor parte, el propósito de esto es crear una percepción conciente. De modo que esta serie en dos partes no está realmente enseñándoles, no les enseña cómo ser clarividente, leer las mentes, elegir el número de lotería, todo es posible pero no es realmente a donde vamos con esto.

viernes, diciembre 02, 2022

Jim Self - Seminario Online Descubriendo tu Clarividencia, Clarisentencia y más - 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy - 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022

Parte 1 – 9 de noviembre

¡Hola! Bienvenidos, muy lindo estar aquí, como siempre. Esto es excitante, mucha gente quiere saber sobre la clarividencia, la clarisentencia, la clariaudiencia. Lo realmente gracioso es que ustedes saben todo al respecto. Vinieron con el cuerpo, podían usarlas toda su vida. Tal vez no tenían una definición de cómo usarlas. De modo que jugaremos aquí, en este contexto, hoy. Déjenme decir hola a unos cuantos de ustedes que son nuevos, no he visto sus nombres antes, muy lindo tenerlos aquí.

sábado, marzo 05, 2022

L’Aura Pleiadian - ACCESSING YOUR SUPERPOWERS - Mar 5. 2022

We are present with you on Planet Earth, we are The Divine Council of Overseers. We are blessing your awareness for your personal greater Union with all that you are, already.

The Divine Glory that exists eternally now, is accessible for all through their heart.

This Divine Marriage and Mystical Union, which has been sought after throughout the millennia, ironically, already exists for you. The attempt to grasp something that one is not aware of, that seems out of reach, becomes counter intuitive.

lunes, mayo 03, 2021

Diana Cooper - Cats have a feminine energy...- May 3, 2021

Puede ser un primer plano de gato

Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful, graceful and loving. Like all domestic animals they may choose to reincarnate into the same families and people often feel they have a deep connection with them. Cats look after their owners so, while most people think they are taking care of their felines, in fact the cat is protecting them and their home from entities and bad energies. Many of them are healers and offer you healing without you being aware of it. They are very psychic, much more so than most people realise.

viernes, octubre 25, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Divine Council of Overseers - Bilocation ~ Telekinesis and FORM - Oct 25, 2019

It all comes down to consciousness as light, as matter.

All of this is light vibrating at varying frequencies ADJUSTING itself to your level of consciousness. Therefore becoming your reality.

Like a huge video game, in which your thoughts and beliefs and emotions dictate YOUR next move. Then the results follow.