Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Animales. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Animales. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, septiembre 17, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Cosmic Messenger: How Your Beloved Kitty Connects You to Higher Realms! - Sep 17, 2023


The Cosmic Messenger: How Your Beloved Kitty Connects You to Higher Realms!


Our world is a vast library filled with incredible knowledge and wisdom. This library is not made of books or scrolls but exists within the living beings and nature all around us.

In different corners of our planet, there are small groups of people who understand the secret to keeping this living library alive and thriving. They do this by filling themselves and the Earth with love. When they do, something magical happens. The Earth, in return, showers them with love, making life beautiful and sustainable.

lunes, mayo 03, 2021

Diana Cooper - Cats have a feminine energy...- May 3, 2021

Puede ser un primer plano de gato

Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful, graceful and loving. Like all domestic animals they may choose to reincarnate into the same families and people often feel they have a deep connection with them. Cats look after their owners so, while most people think they are taking care of their felines, in fact the cat is protecting them and their home from entities and bad energies. Many of them are healers and offer you healing without you being aware of it. They are very psychic, much more so than most people realise.

viernes, marzo 26, 2021

Diana Cooper - The Guardian Angels of Animals

The Guardian Angels of Animals

Every animal has two guardian angels who look after them and guide them. These angels stand back and witness their behaviour and choices. As long as the animal is safe, they do not interfere. If the creature is unhappy or in danger, its guardian angel will do all that it can to assist. It will try to change the situation. If this is not possible it will whisper to the animal to try to alter its attitude.

lunes, marzo 08, 2021

Diana Cooper - Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful - March 8, 2021

Cats have a feminine energy so they are relaxed but watchful, graceful and loving. Like all domestic animals they may choose to reincarnate into the same families and people often feel they have a deep connection with them. Cats look after their owners so, while most people think they are taking care of their felines, in fact the cat is protecting them and their home from entities and bad energies. Many of them are healers and offer you healing without you being aware of it. They are very psychic, much more so than most people realise.