miércoles, julio 03, 2024
Goddess Danu and the Faerie Ring of Power Transmission

viernes, mayo 10, 2024
miércoles, febrero 28, 2024
Ailia Mira - The Galactic Dragons - Notice the Expanded Sense of Who You Are - Feb 28, 2024

The light within you continues to expand. And as it expands within you, it illuminates areas of your experience that might help you reconnect with who you truly are. It draws you to them. It propels your attention towards that which will awaken within you a greater appreciation of, and an understanding of the essence of your being.
This is done with incredible gentleness, and so much love. There is this profound knowing within All That You Are that if it can reveal to you insights, awareness, realizations... If it can assist you in making connections between experiences and your sense of Self, that there will be a way into a clearer, truer expression of who you really are here, with confidence, know how, and tremendous joy.

viernes, febrero 02, 2024
Natalia Alba - Today we are immersed in the energies of the 2/2 portal - Feb 2, 2024

Today we are immersed in the energies of the 2/2 portal. A gateway whose energies are helping us work on hierogamic union, bringing more healing, clearing, and balance into our human and divine self, through the conscious process of mental liberation that all of us are working with. As we work on bringing more inner balance and synthesis within ourselves, we too create the same harmony and equality in our relationships, for this is too an important message from this portal.

sábado, noviembre 11, 2023
Celia Fenn - 11/11 Portal and Scorpio Gate : Angels and Swans - Nov 11, 2023
11/11 Portal and Scorpio Gate : Angels and Swans
Today is the power portal of the 11/11 and Scorpio Gate.
Powerful Energies of Light and Water Codes pouring in.
It feels so delicious to me : so gentle and yet so powerful.
I am conscious of many many Angels from Archangel Michael and the Elohim celebrating the unfolding of a new phase of Evolution and Transformation on the Earth.

miércoles, septiembre 13, 2023
Judith Kusel - The new, Golden Age is being born in expansive ways and forms - Sep 13, 2023
The new, Golden Age is being born in expansive ways and forms.
All and everything and everyone is going through an immense shift which transcends the limitations of the human mind.
In my dealings with the whales, elephants, lions, nature, and the cosmic hierarchy, I am being made aware that as our conscious rises and our higher transmitter channels open more and more, we can access the cosmic fields of infinity.

jueves, julio 06, 2023
Jamye Price - Animal Connections 777 - July 6, 2023

It’s a natural cycle of growth.
Triad Connection
I had a wonderful animal experience as I stood quietly after finishing the Light Language transmission for July.

lunes, marzo 06, 2023
Diana Cooper - Lady Gaia Meditation - Mar 6, 2023
1. Climb onto your magnificent unicorn and let it carry you down a shaft of pure white light into Hollow Earth, the vast seventh-dimensional chakra in the centre of Earth where every being, every civilization or culture that has ever incarnated is represented in etheric form.
2. Your unicorn glides with you through this wonderland and you can see magnificent dragons, people from ancient cultures, animals and many beings of light.

viernes, febrero 10, 2023
Nature Spirits Meditation: The Unseen Friends in Nature.

viernes, septiembre 16, 2022
Natalie Glasson - The Nature Kingdom - Being a Source of Awakening - Sep 16, 2022
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Sacred bliss and love, we extend to your being now. We are a collective consciousness, the collective energy of the Nature Kingdom. We are the spirits, the souls that oversee the Nature Kingdom while also inhabiting it. We wish to come forth to share a message with you to inspire you to be of service. It is often in your own spiritual evolution and your reality that you focus independently upon your own ascension, your own awakening process. While this is perfect and appropriate, there is also a balance that can be achieved when you are a source of awakening for another energy, soul, or being. This automatically awakens the same within your own being.

viernes, septiembre 09, 2022
Natalie Glasson - The Nature Kingdom - Being a Source of Awakening - Sep 9, 2022

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Sacred bliss and love, we extend to your being now. We are a collective consciousness, the collective energy of the Nature Kingdom. We are the spirits, the souls that oversee the Nature Kingdom while also inhabiting it. We wish to come forth to share a message with you to inspire you to be of service. It is often in your own spiritual evolution and your reality that you focus independently upon your own ascension, your own awakening process. While this is perfect and appropriate, there is also a balance that can be achieved when you are a source of awakening for another energy, soul, or being. This automatically awakens the same within your own being.

viernes, agosto 26, 2022
Natalie Glasson - The Nature Spirits - Balanced Creation - Aug 26, 2022
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, Namaste, we are a collective energy of the Nature Spirits. We come forth with our love, our respect, and our gratitude for those of you who are extending your light far and wide upon the Earth. We thank you dearly for the light you have shared with the Nature Kingdom, and we share our light with you too. We collect your light, we enhance it, we magnify it, and we send it to you, to all of humanity, all beings and Mother Earth. It is our purpose to magnify light and to enhance the vibration of light existing within Mother Earth.

domingo, mayo 15, 2022
Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque Fase III - Fusión con los Elementales - La Octava - Mar 20, 2022

Mastering Alchemy -20 de marzo de 2022
La Octava
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos! Como siempre, muy lindo estar aquí. ¿Cómo están ustedes disfrutando de este día? Este es un día interesante, en el que estamos. Tomen nota, ¿dónde están, están relajados, están sentados en el banco del parque? ¿Están disfrutando? Interesantes conceptos. Sí, relajados, sentados en el banco del parque y disfrutando. Tomen una respiración y relájense y estén allí en un espacio de quietud, si les parece.

domingo, mayo 08, 2022
Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque Fase III-Fusionándonos con los Elementales - Mar 13, 2022
Proyecto Banco del Parque Fase 3 – Jim Self -Mastering Alchemy
El Fuego es Amor – 13 de Marzo 2022
Bienvenidos, estamos muy excitados de jugar aquí, Este es un espacio muy interesante, en que están eligiendo jugar. Decidimos hacer una pausa, en la última sesión, hasta ahora; la decisión basada en la presencia del equinoccio. Mucho de lo que hemos estado haciendo es fluir con estas oleadas de luz, y estos aspectos de luz crecientes que hacen disponible que se haga lo que ustedes están haciendo. Y esta octava, a la que hemos traído su atención durante los últimos 9 meses, particularmente, ahora se está anclando. Y en este anclaje hay mucho que va a suceder; esta división entre la realidad tridimensional y esta realidad de 5ª dimensión ahora está sucediendo mucho. Y con el anclaje de esta octava, la capacidad de acceder a lo que la octava brinda, va a empezar a ser muy excitante tanto para experimentar como para ver. Hablaremos un poquito sobre eso, en este segmento, al hablar sobre una fusión de su consciencia con la consciencia de los elementales. No es una hazaña pequeña. Y les diremos que, de la manera en que lo están haciendo, esto nunca realmente se hizo antes. Pero se ha hecho, ya sea habiendo fusiones en Atlántida, y otros aspectos, aún antes de Atlántida y en las otras dimensiones, al empezar a densificarse y venir a este nivel y dimensión en que jugamos aquí. Pero esta fusión, esta oportunidad, esta experiencia, es tanto para los elementales como para aquellos de ustedes que juegan en la forma, creando forma, forma física.

lunes, marzo 28, 2022
Celia Fenn - The energies continue to be intense and powerful - Mar 28, 2022
The energies continue to be intense and powerful as we move towards the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction on 12th April. Today we have already had 7 Solar Flares, and a CME incoming!
As we assimilate the powerful Light Code flows, we are feeling the activations in our DNA as physical symptoms such as dizziness and nausea and anxiety.

miércoles, noviembre 17, 2021
Diana Cooper - Preparing for Change - Nov 17, 2021

Preparing for Change
The fire‑and‑water dragons approach you when you are ready to make changes or a shift is being forced upon you. Call them to help you if you feel it is time for a new pathway or to deal with one of your challenges differently.
The fire aspect will help you in a number of ways. It will burn up the old that has been holding you back. It will fire you with enthusiasm for something or someone new and it will encourage you to make inspired decisions.

sábado, noviembre 13, 2021
Diana Cooper - The Elemental Dragons - Nov 13, 2021
The Elemental Dragons
Dragons are fourth-dimensional elementals. They act as companions and friends and are always ready to help and protect us. They can also operate on different dimensions; in other words, they move between the wavelengths, altering their frequency as they do so. This means that they can transmute very low-frequency third-dimensional stuck energy and they are therefore incredibly important in the clearance process preparing us for ascension.

viernes, noviembre 12, 2021
Diana Cooper - Unicorn healing and release of karmic wounds - Nov 12, 2021
Unicorn healing and release of karmic wounds
If you are blocked because of a soul wound from this life or any other, you may like to do this exercise with the unicorns from the book Tim Whild and I co-wrote, The Archangel Guide to Ascension
Connect with your unicorn.
Ask it to give you the healing you need. ‘Beloved Unicorn, I ask you to pour your light into me, healing me physically, emotionally, mentally and at a deep soul level.

lunes, noviembre 08, 2021
Diana Cooper - Unicorns and the Moon - Nov 8, 2021
Unicorns and the Moon
If you had an incarnation in the Golden Era of Atlantis, and almost everyone reading these words will have done so, you will also have linked into the unicorns on your long soul journey. Until 2015, the unicorns stepped into this Universe through Lakumay, the ascended aspect of Sirius. Many of you have also entered Earth through this planet and will therefore have already connected at a soul level with these pure beings. The third way you may be linked with the unicorns, without even realizing it, is through the Moon. The energy of the Moon has become more powerful in recent years and is flooding our planet with divine feminine light. The unicorns are now entering Earth through this beautiful portal as well as through Sirius. So, if you love the Moon, you will find it easy to meet them.