Blessed Being, your Freedom grows from within.
Freedom Within
It is the nature of unconditional Love to allow all experience, and that is the nature of God. It is the unconditional Love of God/Source/The Universe that creates Freedom. Understand this on a deep level.
Unconditional Love begets Freedom.
How do unconditional Love and Freedom apply to Earth, to humanity? Human life, earthly life, is a life of conditions, or rules. Even the orbit of the Earth is bound to rules that limit its Freedom to fly through space on a path of its making.
When you live in this dimensional expression of Earth, you live with rules and conditions. Yet there is Freedom within these rules, and this Freedom helps you move beyond the rules.
For this unconditionally Loving reason, you are Free to observe the positives and negatives of life around you.
From this point of observation, you make choice. Your choice is the engine of life continuing. Not just for you, for you are bound into a collective on earth. The paradox of Freedom.