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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Ley del Tiempo. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 26, 2024

Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies – Foundations - Jul 26, 2024


Blessed Being, you are an ever-changing and ever-expanding aspect of Life. Your change is eased by your willingness to allow the pace (Time) and format (Space) of change to flow with less resistance. Yet, as you deal with the duality of contraction and expansion, your biomechanism reacts and responds with first protection, then choice. It is that protective mechanism that allows you to observe so that your choice then creates an expansion of the Self.

Life merges and emerges anew through you.

As you relax, soften and allow, you are soothing the protective mechanism into a safety of expansion. This is the result of a deep knowing of the loving nurturance of Life. It is a blending of your infinite nature and finite impatience. This is the urgency of the now moment relaxed into all is well. That wellness is the wellspring of Love emerging forth (fourth).

Your present moment is eternally influencing and your future is endless potential.

The courage to release unhealthy control opens you to possibilities beyond current conditions. It is a courageous choice because the biomechanism seeks to sustain life, and therefore maintain conditions, until safety is secured. This allowance creates a freedom that nurtures safety into the Self, creating the flow of least resistance to change.

To soothe the self, soften into a flexibility of the mind and heart. You can boost the flow of the heart and the mind will follow. You can soothe the resistance of the mind and the heart will energize. From either perspective, you are creating connection and coherence within, further empowering your focus.

To soften the mind, soothe the self into perceiving change as safe. Step by step, a small improvement or progress. To trick the mind, overpower the mind or control the mind sustains the information of fear hidden within the intent of improvement. Honor your brilliance and clarity as you determine the next logical progression the mind feels safe to soften.

To boost the flow of the heart, feel into the excitement of anticipation. Anticipation is a recognition of the external aspect of Life awaiting connection with the sacredness of you. The fulfillment of new form, life merging and emerging through you. The mind then follows that excitement.

As we sit to Blast Flexibility, we are preparing the self for easier flow through the continuous changes of Life. We are open to receiving beyond our current imaginings, as the vastness of Life supports life. We are cultivating the courage of change to become the grace of Life weaving our threads of Love into this world. We are open, receiving and giving Love the platform to teach the Truth of human potential. Blast on!

Copyright: © 2005-2024 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

miércoles, septiembre 13, 2023

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - September 2023


From Your Hostess of Light

You are literally running from the inside out

Vortex of timelessness

‘Open the gate’ to everything that you are destined to be, minus all the earth drama!

From Your Hostess of Light

First off folks, the lesson of this autumn is to remember you cannot fix anybody unless they want to be (or not to be) fixed! The definition of ‘crazy’ is doing the same thing over and over again with the same results. How many times have you given your ‘all’ to another just to watch them repeat the same destructive habit over and over again? When another wants to be truly fixed of what ails them, they will make it so. Once a mind is made up it always completes its actions. For every cell of your body believes what you say and think. The silent witness within knows all sees all, you cannot ‘bull sh-t’ yourself.

martes, enero 10, 2023

Pamela Kribbe channels Mother Mary - Let go of time - January 10, 2023

Dear friends,

I am Mary. I am here to bring the energy of joy and lightness that belongs to the very heart of you. Remember what it was like to be a child. Your brain had not yet evolved that much, so it was more natural for you to be in the center of your feelings, and flow with them. Your energy was much less focused in your head, and much more in your body and your limbs. A child literally needs to move and play because it has so much energy in its body.

jueves, abril 28, 2022

Jim Self - El Tiempo no es lo que piensas -Preguntas y Respuestas - 14 de abril de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

El Tiempo No Es lo que Tú Piensas - 14 de abril de 2022

Preguntas y Respuestas 

Roxane: ¡Hola a todos! Si tienes una pregunta, la escribes en tu panel de control, y aparece en mi pantalla y yo puedo hacer la pregunta por ti, haznos saber si eres un oyente nuevo, y/o si estás en Nivel 1, 2, 3 y más, y eso ayudará a Jim a responder tus preguntas más cerca de las herramientas que dispones en tu caja de herramientas.

Veamos; esta es de una persona que está en el Nivel 2. ¿Cómo está estructurado el tiempo en el espacio de sueño? ¿Y cómo podemos aplicarlo con nuestra intención, en el espacio de sueño?

miércoles, abril 27, 2022

Jim Self – El Tiempo No Es lo que Tú Piensas - Meditación - 14 de abril de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

El Tiempo No Es lo que Tú Piensas

14 de abril de 2022


Tomen una respiración, recuéstense en su asiento con los ojos abiertos, Tomen otra respiración, ojos abiertos, y estén presentes intencionalmente. Elijan estar presentes, sea lo que sea que eso signifique para ustedes. Estoy quieto, estoy presente, sentado en mi asiento, mis ojos abiertos, estoy mirando por mis ojos a la pared allá, al cuadro, a la ventana, a la puerta, lo que sea, y yo estoy aquí mismo. Estás aquí mismo, y mira a algo por allá. Estoy en el centro de mi cabeza, mirando por mis ojos, los ojos están bien abiertos, y veo esa puerta, o cuadro, o lo que sea, allá.

Jim Self - El Tiempo No Es lo que Tú Piensas - 14 de abril de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

El Tiempo No Es lo que Tú Piensas

14 de abril de 2022

Muy bueno estar aquí, como siempre. Confío en que estén bien, y felices, muy bien y felices.

Hemos tenido esta conversación sobre el Tiempo cierto número de veces, y siempre cambia, aunque hay un núcleo en ello. Hay muchos de ustedes que son nuevos – nuevos en Mastering Alchemy – que nunca tuvieron acceso a esta conversación, de modo que queríamos hacerlo otra vez, desde el punto de vista de lo que está sucediendo. Porque hay algo realmente interesante en lo que respecta a lo que sucede con el Tiempo y qué es. Si vas a la calle y preguntas a cien personas: “Dime qué es el tiempo”, te dirán que es el pasado, el presente, el futuro, y luego te mueres. Puede que haya dos o tres que tengan alguna variación sobre esto, pero esa es la respuesta general en la vida tridimensional donde jugamos.

domingo, octubre 24, 2021

Jim Self - El Tiempo - Alterar el Futuro Ahora - Preguntas y Respuestas - Oct 14, 2021

Seminario online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy
14 de octubre de 2021

Haremos una media hora, creo, de preguntas y respuestas. Tengo curiosidad sobre qué has notado, qué estás notando. Cualquier pregunta que tengas, relacionada con esto, u otras, estaré feliz de contestarlas. Y déjenme agregar – no, lo haremos más tarde. No, mejor lo hacemos ahora. Muchos de ustedes juegan en el Nivel 1, en la próxima semana, o en dos semanas, tendremos dos clases especiales para ustedes, se les notificará. Expandiremos el tema de dónde funciona esto, y la energía de esto estará disponible para ustedes. Entonces si estás en Nivel 1 serás muy bienvenido al venir a jugar allí.

miércoles, octubre 13, 2021

Suzanne Lie - In between where you are and where we are going? - October 13, 2021

In between where you

And where you are going

Have we been feeling in between where we are 
Where we are going?  

If this is so, then we are not alone. In fact, it is likely that many others are feeling  the same way because some of these  actions are creating changes that are occurring too fast for us to keep track of. 

On the other hand, some of these changes are NOT occurring as fast as we need them to be, or even feel they should be, whereas other changes are NOT very good and maybe need to be avoided.

domingo, septiembre 19, 2021

Jim Self - Seminario: Cómo Usar el Tiempo - 9 de septiembre de 2021

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy :

Cómo Usar el Tiempo - 9 de septiembre de 2021

Hola, ¡Bienvenidos! Veo muchos nombres en la lista de asistentes, que nunca he visto antes, esta es la primera vez que están aquí, ¡bienvenidos! Por favor, disfrútenlo. Hay muchos nombres que sí he notado antes, bienvenidos, lindo tenerlos aquí.

Esta conversación, esta discusión, - siempre es una discusión, aun cuando ustedes no piensen que están hablando, son parte de la evolución de cómo se desarrolla todo esto, mientras miran cómo prosigue en los próximos minutos.

lunes, septiembre 06, 2021

L’Aura Pleiadian - LIVING IN THE NEW EARTH ~ NOT IN TIME - Sep 6, 2021

No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

Victim consciousness plays no role in the uplifting and alignment of the heart and soul to the conscious original Divine Light and pure natural state of consciousness that exists already.

Let me be clear to all those that can hear. Your State of consciousness is your reality.

YOU are creating it.

To give your power to external events acting upon you is the epitome and the lie of victim consciousness itself.

Victim consciousness is the excuse and blame and the choosing to not enter the pure soul alignment that you already are.

When will you let go of your victimhood?

domingo, agosto 15, 2021

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening August 2021

August 2021


***From Your Hostess of Light: Self-fulfilling Prophecies
***8:8 after-events as of writing this newsletter
***Moving Thru Time

From Your Hostess of Light: As I prepared for this past 33rd year and celebration of the 8:8 Lionsgate the universe pushed and pulled at my brain trying to stretch me into new insights like salt water taffy at the jersey shore. I was going thru a lot of personal emotional deluge as most of us, which seems to clog up the proverbial psychic pipeline. Being an empath and overly sensitive I feel events before they happen. I was shown truths and future events that would be felt around the world. Like a wood pecker on an old tree, (knock on wood) my psychic ducts finally quacked and unclogged. Like a billboard the words ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ floated to the surface of my personal duck pond.

jueves, abril 29, 2021

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - April-May 2021 - April 29, 2021



*** From Your Hostess of Light

*** WESAK 2021 May 26, full moon

*** White Buffalo Calf Woman Speaks

*** If I could put time in a bottle….

From Your Hostess of Light: Sorry for the delay in this month’s newsletter, time was like slow motion and no matter how hard I tried I could not get the newsletter to form it was always just out of reach. My emotions and energies are at the top of the cosmic cup of coffee overflowing into deep canyons and emotional abysses. Empathically amplified like a speaker at a Kiss concert. Feeling ones way around is not an easy feat, as one unrest is laid to bed and another comes to call before a deep breathe is taken. Everything comes to circumnavigate our soul and life, like debris from an angry tornado. This part of the journey is actually the hardest as we learn to walk thru the emotional lava fields and not get burned again.

viernes, febrero 26, 2021

Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies – Patient Heart - Feb 26, 2021

February Embracing

February had some interesting shifts as the deepening of the sacred space within was offered a strengthening and clarifying courage to Embrace Your Uniqueness. Now, as one plus two weaves into the month of three, your Patient Heart is magnifying change.

Like a slo-mo flow, detail dives deep and expands the silence. It magnifies the moment and the imprint of the invisible becomes obvious, except to the oblivious. Don’t resent the unaware, for much happens beneath the objectified that disrupts the surface flow. 

martes, septiembre 01, 2020

Maria Chambers - Moving in and out of Time - Sep 1, 202

Image credit

I don’t know about anyone else here but August was a very intense month for me. I have felt especially sensitive and insular. I had a couple of mini-meltdowns. Things just felt kind of endless and hopeless. My human self felt like it didn’t need too much more to push it over the edge into a precipice. And then there were moments when I felt the extraordinary bliss of my soul.

martes, agosto 25, 2020

Diane Canfield - The Great Awakening Timeline Split – The Separation Of Realities Is Here - August 24, 2020

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Everyone,
I have been asked recently why it seems as the collective are in two different realities. It seems this way because this is exactly what has taken place.

In 2012 the Earth and all of it’s inhabitants realized the beginning of the Great Awakening. We were then given a choice of which road to pursue. Truth or continue on the road of deception and lies. It is this road that is now causing the split to occur.

In 2020 this split has become even more obvious. 2012 was the turning point and the choice was made then to seek light or continue in deception and darkness.

The Collective has split into two groups, the awakened and the unawakened. Right now the time is closing for the unawakened to make the jump into the awakened state of consciousness.

The Awakened and Truth tellers know what is happening but may now know why. This is why I am called to write this article.

The Dark players have ramped up their game since 2012, knowing the awakening/ascension was on its way.

The lower level entities do not want to the awakening to occur because this will mean they too will have to make a choice they don’t want to make. They are happy in their lower level state.

The protestors, rioters, looters are all part of the ones who believe they are of the light. They believe they are heralding in a new way of being but in the reality of LIGHT, they are self destructing and destroying their own surroundings and way of being. They are defunding law and order which is essential to human rights and the LIGHT.

Prediction: there will be repercussions to the many who are being used by the dark players in ways they did not think possible. You can not cause chaos and destruction and not have karmic debts to pay. Ascension is about removing Karma, not creating more of it.
What is happening is on an energetic level as well as a now physical level. The energetics have taken on a more concrete level.
The division of non compatibility is taking place between dark and light. These are becoming two extreme energetic states. The ties are being severed between those that are not like minded.

These can be your friends and family. They can be long time friends. There is no solution to this except for the ones not in the TRUE light to NOW step in. The time is fading quickly for this to take place.

The Division becomes more and more apparent as we see that they truly believe what they are doing is for the LIGHT. This takes place in all of social media and our day to day interactions with the two polarities now at play.

As much as many of us wanted to help those awaken that were still asleep , this time is quickly coming to a close.

I now advise to spend more time anchoring the light into your being and securing its position with in you for the future complete split that will take place. Working on your own light and strengthening it can also be a way to help those still caught in darkness.

The more of us in the light, the more chance others can join us although this gap is closing.

For those in the light and awakened you will see your psychic gifts increase as well as synchronicities.When you are able to hold more light, your gifts will automatically raise in frequency.

I am amazed at my own gifts and the higher timelines they are reaching. My prediction skills are completely off the charts as I am predicting on a day to day basis with complete accuracy. I have precognitive skills where I know what will occur daily before it happens.

Your own skills will increase, the more LIGHT you embrace and step into. The higher you raise your vibration and merge with the Creator of all things. The more you discard darkness within yourself and focus on igniting your light.

This will include not surrounding yourself with low vibration people. It will take a lot now to remain in a separate reality from them and clashing of realities will occur more often.

Having psychic experiences is one of the FIRST indications you are on the right timeline. When you raise your vibration higher and merge with the Creator, these things are automatic.

You must be able to tell the difference though between those who say they have psychic gifts but don’t and those that really do. Yes there are dark players in the area of psychics also.

If they are able to give accurate psychic readings, this is the first indication they are indeed psychic and of the light. If they have knowledge beyond this dimension this is another indicator.

My Prediction 

This is the BEGINNING of a New Consciousness field unlike the Earth has ever seen before. The Great Awakening is happening on so many levels of awareness now it has exploded into the energy fields of all of those that are able to accept it. We will see more signs of this reality split as 2020 progresses. This is what the Ascension process is all about – moving completely into 5D.



Stay tuned for more to come….

Copyright © This article must be shared in whole and intact with the authors name and website. Copyright 2020 Diane Canfield All Rights reserved


Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant who also receives messages from those who have passed over. She is a Prophectic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Life Coaching Catalyst for change, not only in peoples lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She assists and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown.

jueves, agosto 20, 2020

Celia Fenn - Getting off the Express Train to Nowhere - Aug 20, 2020

Getting off the Express Train to Nowhere.

In these post Lions Gate days, I have felt the increased need for Peace and Stillness. Daily life seems like this rickety express train hurtling along and never reaching its destination.

martes, febrero 04, 2020

James McConnell - Ashtar and OWS - Time is irrelevant - January 26th, 2020

ASHTAR (Channeled by James McConnell)

This is Ashtar. I come at this time to be with you in these moments, and to help you understand more and more through this ascension process that you are in now.

That it is a moment-to-moment basis. It is something that you have been preparing for, planning for, for eons of time, understanding your sense of time now in this three-dimensional space.

domingo, enero 19, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are now entering the no-time, area - Jan 19, 2020

We are now entering the no-time, area.

Our whole society is structured around time and its uses and thus are run by timezones, time thinking, acting and being.

Time in truth does not exist.

What is all - but one single cosmic dreaming, where realities and non-realities mingle and co-exist with multiple dimensional tiers of existence, in multi-dimensional space.