Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 5D-7D. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 5D-7D. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, septiembre 21, 2022

Celia Fenn - Whales and Dolphins - Sep 21, 2022

Wow, much excitement in Celia's life today as I saw my first whales...from my home balcony!

To my delight I was able to watch them for about 15 minutes as they swam across the Bay. Ok. I had to use binoculars to actually see them clearly, but I felt deeply blessed to be able to indulge in home based whale watching.

Archangel Michael tells me that the Whales and Dolphins are coming forward to assist us at this Equinox to inaugurate the 6th and 7th dimensions of the New Earth for habitation by Human Angels/ the Luminosa Species.

lunes, mayo 03, 2021

Judith Kusel - In the last few weeks intense energetic shifts have happened...- May 3, 2021

In the last few weeks intense energetic shifts have happened and thus the frequencies and vibrations have been raised at planetary levels and with its immense inner changes.

We are finding that we are being changed to the core – as much as the Old Earth still seems to be there, trying to pull us back in, the New Earth is indeed now making its more powerful and vibrant energy felt on all levels and it is bringing intense inner shifts.

domingo, enero 17, 2021

Judith Kusel - Very powerful energies of complete changes are pouring in - Jan 17, 2021

Very powerful energies of complete changes are pouring in.

The old systems are being shaken to the core, as all is disintegrating.

It is the time of renewal, rebirth, revamping, reinvention in the highest degrees and thus cling to nothing and no one.

It is the open heart and the power of Love which will see you through, the intuitive knowing and guidance from deep within and the Divine connectedness.

sábado, diciembre 05, 2020

Judith Kusel - Immensely powerful shifts are occurring and the energy now pouring in is unlike anything we experienced before - Dec 5, 2020


Immensely powerful shifts are occurring and the energy now pouring in is unlike anything we experienced before.

It is going to escalate, and culminate in immense events in and around Christmas.

It is time to rest and allow your body the chance to adjust.

Keep the heart center open.

viernes, octubre 16, 2020

Judith Kusel - The good news is that so much of the old density - Oct 16, 2020

The good news is that so much of the old density, that which has held humanity prisoner in the 3D, has now been lifted, as the 3D, disintegrates into the highest degrees.

I was shown this so clearly today, and more than this, the higher frequencies of the 5th to 7th dimensional state are pouring in. I cannot find words adequate to describe what I am being shown, but suffice is to say, the New Earth, is totally here now, and operating in a much higher dimensionl frequency bands.

jueves, octubre 08, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Tierra del Polo Opuesto (Extraño) Proceso de Inversión/Vuelco Polar Electromagnético Planetario + Parte de la Actualización Energética de Octubre... - Sep 28, 2020

 Me he pasado todo el día observando estas “extrañas” frecuencias y energías y cómo nada “encaja”. Esto me recuerda al 2012 cuando pasé por esto en mi propia realidad/proceso/mundo para que ocurriera la Ascensión/Unión del Alma/Yo Superior/Cuerpo Físico.

martes, septiembre 01, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are in the process of intense and immense transfiguration - Sep 1, 2020

We are in the process of intense and immense transfiguration - thus a changing of form and existence.

The old Duality and Polarity Consciousness and thus way of life and living has been left behind - and thus with it we need shed the old personas, the old acting, the old stages. All of these do not work anymore, and the more one desperately clings onto all of the Old, the more all will disintegrate. It in truth exists no more.

Maria Chambers - Moving in and out of Time - Sep 1, 202

Image credit

I don’t know about anyone else here but August was a very intense month for me. I have felt especially sensitive and insular. I had a couple of mini-meltdowns. Things just felt kind of endless and hopeless. My human self felt like it didn’t need too much more to push it over the edge into a precipice. And then there were moments when I felt the extraordinary bliss of my soul.

viernes, agosto 07, 2020

Judith Kusel - You are asked to walk every single day, every single step of the way, in the 5D - Aug 7, 2020

Remember of the story of Sara, who was told not to look back, and then did, and turned into a Pillar of Salt?

This is exactly what is happening now.

You are asked to walk every single day, every single step of the way, in the 5D, actively listening to your own Higher Guidance, the Divine Guidance, and not to deviate off that path unfolding in front you, not looking to the left, nor to right, just straight ahead!

lunes, agosto 03, 2020

Judith Kusel - Massive awakening.- Ago 3, 2020

Massive awakening.

Massive shifts.

Intense times.

Put your spacesuit on!

We are entering Universal Space and increased acceleration in dimensional speed into the 7D!

Judith Kusel

lunes, julio 27, 2020

Judith Kusel - Remember that as we now step in the new Creation, that as this transition happens - July 27, 2020

Remember that as we now step in the new Creation, that as this transition happens, a lot of the old stuff will come up.

All is in a process of disintegration.

It is an alchemical process, where the lower world and all it contained, inclusive of all your emotional baggage, and all the negative old karmic patterns and whatever was created between you and other souls, between countries and peoples etc. and by the whole of humanity through millions of earth years, is getting transmuted and transformed into a much higher frequency band.

domingo, julio 26, 2020

Judith Kusel - We have stepped into a totally new Creation and at times it will feel as if you are form-less - July 26, 2020

We have stepped into a totally new Creation and at times it will feel as if you are form-less.

The old you distegrating and the new, higher you in the forming.

Allow the unfolding.

sábado, junio 06, 2020

Judith Kusel - You will feel disorientated at times now - June 6, 2020

You will feel disorientated at times now.

You will have moments of uncertainty, as nothing in truth is the same, as even a few weeks ago.

It is ok.

Allow yourself to be led and carried thtough these times.

Keep the faith, even if you cannot see.

viernes, junio 05, 2020

Judith Kusel - It is ultimately freeing to release the past with love: all the roles you have ever played,

It is ultimately freeing to release the past with love: all the roles you have ever played, when acting on the world stage. All the misunderstandings, the misconceptions, all dramas, all that ever personified into form, in all aspects your lower self, and the ego which came with it.

viernes, mayo 22, 2020

Judith Kusel - Galactic Core Spinal Column - May 22, 2020

We are going through intense upgrades as the pineal and pituitary glands, linking to the spinal column lightning rod and tuning fork are now being activated to the 5th and 7th dimensional frequency band.

It is bringing immense cellular changes on all levels, as our lighter crystalline bodies are getting more activated, and we now are being tuned into the Galactic Frequencies. The Paradise Keys and Codes are being downloaded and are thus changing our whole bodies, and this is a tuning in to the highest degrees.

jueves, mayo 14, 2020

Judith Kusel - As the energy upgrades are streaming in at accelerated pace...- May 14, 2020

As the energy upgrades are streaming in at accelerated pace, let us not forget that our physical bodies need to adjust to the immense vibrational frequency changes.

At cellular and DNA levels we are being upgraded, as the old programming at cellular levels is busy disintegrating and being replaced with the new programming for the 5D and 7D.