In a world filled with chaos and noise, finding moments of stillness can feel like a rare treasure. Yet, within the depths of our souls lies an untapped reservoir of power waiting to be discovered. In one of my recent Kundalini Activation Technique (KAT) video class, aptly titled "The Warrior of Light," attendees embarked on a transformative journey guided by the wisdom of ancient practices and the promise of inner strength.
viernes, abril 12, 2024
Aurora Ray - The Power of Stillness: A Journey within the Warrior of Light - Apr 12, 2024
In a world filled with chaos and noise, finding moments of stillness can feel like a rare treasure. Yet, within the depths of our souls lies an untapped reservoir of power waiting to be discovered. In one of my recent Kundalini Activation Technique (KAT) video class, aptly titled "The Warrior of Light," attendees embarked on a transformative journey guided by the wisdom of ancient practices and the promise of inner strength.

sábado, marzo 02, 2024
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius!
We have officially entered the Age of Aquarius, and the Dragons return this year to assist in our process of awakening our inherent powers.
This is the year of the spiritual warrior activation. Your ascension begins now!
I tell you one secret: The only way out is in.

lunes, enero 08, 2024
Aurora Ray - Unlocking the Secrets: Tracing the Roots of Kundalini's Wake-Up Call - Jan 8, 2024
Unlocking the Secrets: Tracing the Roots of Kundalini's Wake-Up Call
There are various potential triggers that can activate the rise of kundalini energy from the base of the spine up through the body. Some of the most common causes include:
Meditation, Yoga, and Chanting:
Practices like meditation, yoga, and chanting are designed to still the fluctuations of the mind and body, allowing for the free flow of energy. As kundalini energy becomes unlocked through these practices, it begins to rise upwards through the chakras. A dedicated practitioner who devotes themselves to spiritual discipline is likely to experience kundalini awakenings over time.

miércoles, enero 03, 2024
Aurora Ray - The Kundalini Adventure: Benefits, Challenges, and Easy Ways to Stay on Track in Your Journey - Jan 3, 2024
The Kundalini Adventure: Benefits, Challenges, and Easy Ways to Stay on Track in Your Journey
Kundalini awakening can lead to profound transformations in consciousness and well-being. Some of the key benefits reported by those who have undergone a Kundalini awakening include:
Expanded Consciousness:
Many describe a dramatic expansion of awareness and perception following a Kundalini awakening. Some note heightened senses and increased sensitivity. The world will seem brighter, more real, and alive. One's sense of self expands, and rigid ego boundaries dissolve. This brings the ability to perceive reality in its wholeness beyond limited concepts and mental models.

lunes, diciembre 25, 2023
Aurora Ray - Elevate Your Existence: The Powerhouse of Kundalini Energy - Dec 25, 2023
Elevate Your Existence: The Powerhouse of Kundalini Energy
What is Kundalini?
Kundalini refers to a form of primal energy located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the divine feminine energy known as Shakti in Hindu philosophy.
Kundalini is often represented symbolically as a coiled serpent sleeping at the bottom of the spine. The word "kundalini" comes from the Sanskrit word kundal, meaning "circular" and refers to this coiled shape.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2023
Aurora Ray - Awakening Kundalini: Your Inner Source of Power and Transformation - Nov 3, 2023
Awakening Kundalini: Your Inner Source of Power and Transformation
Androgyny is when the qualities of both male and female unite, blending together like a harmonious fusion of both aspects.
Inside every person, there's a powerful energy called kundalini. It's a part of how everything was created. But many people don't even know it's there.

lunes, octubre 23, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Kundalini Code: Your Gateway to Self-Discovery and Transformation - Oct 24, 2023
The Kundalini Code: Your Gateway to Self-Discovery and Transformation
Deep within every person's body, there is a remarkable force known as Kundalini. Imagine it like a coiled-up, snake-like energy residing at the base of your spine. When we recognize and awaken this force, it has a profound impact on our inner light, grounding us and providing stability, especially during times of major energy shifts.
Traditionally, Kundalini awakens around the age of forty, as this is considered the point at which we become mature enough to handle its power. However, for many, this energy remains dormant, and they start to feel older and less vibrant instead of being rejuvenated by it.

martes, junio 27, 2023
domingo, junio 25, 2023
Kundalini Energy For 5D Ascension

lunes, junio 19, 2023
viernes, mayo 19, 2023
martes, mayo 16, 2023
jueves, febrero 09, 2023
lunes, marzo 01, 2021
Ronna - Archangel Michael. - A COSMIC MOMENT OF OPPORTUNITY - MARCH 2021
Beloved masters, humanity is in the midst of a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Seventh Ray of Divine Light, the Violet Flame of transformation and purification, through the radiance of beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist in these unprecedented times of evolution and Ascension. The purifying vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more and more advanced Souls learn how to harness and project its magical, transformative properties.

martes, diciembre 29, 2020
viernes, mayo 22, 2020
Judith Kusel - Galactic Core Spinal Column - May 22, 2020
We are going through intense upgrades as the pineal and pituitary glands, linking to the spinal column lightning rod and tuning fork are now being activated to the 5th and 7th dimensional frequency band.
It is bringing immense cellular changes on all levels, as our lighter crystalline bodies are getting more activated, and we now are being tuned into the Galactic Frequencies. The Paradise Keys and Codes are being downloaded and are thus changing our whole bodies, and this is a tuning in to the highest degrees.

martes, noviembre 26, 2019
Jim Self - Relationship and Wellbeing - November 18, 2019
Jim: It strikes me that the direction we really want the spiraling energy to go is not downward. That would be clearing or fixing something that’s broken. We want to expand it upward in a manner that would realign and self-regulate it back into the natural state without having to focus on the clearing or fixing of something that’s broken.

jueves, noviembre 01, 2018
Ronna - Archangel Michael November 2018 Message - Nov 1, 2018
Beloved masters, an understanding of the Elements of FIRE, AIR, WATER, and EARTH, which are unique components, Facets or Elements of the nature of our Father/Mother God within this Sub-Universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and strive to claim Self-Mastery. These are the four major Elements, which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self-realization and Self-mastery on the material plane of existence. These Elements are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels’ RAY-diation of the twelve Rays of God Consciousness from the Heart Core Essence of our Father/Mother God.

viernes, septiembre 21, 2018
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Pronóstico/Informe Energético Multidimensional de Septiembre - Sep 2, 2018

Muchos están empezando a darse cuenta de que hay múltiples dimensiones de realidades funcionando ahora. Diferentes colectivos, basados en distintos sistemas de creencias, así como distintas densidades del cuerpo físico, distintas fases del Cuerpo de Luz, todo bajo una “gran matriz” de la Vieja Tierra o la NUEVA. Algunos tienen un pie en cada una... algunos se tambalean de un lado al otro. Sin embargo, llegar a entender completamente la Existencia Multi-Dimensional, no es una comprensión lineal, es una vibratoria.

lunes, abril 09, 2018
Lisa Transcendence Brown - March & April Quantum Cosmic Multi-Dimensional Energy Update, Overview and Vision - 4/9/2018