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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Naves de Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, enero 11, 2025

Judith Kusel - If you wish to go travel in a spaceship - Jan 11, 2025

If you wish to go travel in a spaceship and travel intergalactically, you need to be equipped to do so, not only physically, but on all levels.

I am being guided to share with you, yes you beautiful soul, because you are being prepared on all levels now, to exit the old earth and step onboard the new spaceship, the New Earth, which holds the Golden Age of miracles.

sábado, febrero 24, 2024




The Pleiadians, an advanced extraterrestrial race, originate from the Pleiades star cluster, which is located over 400 light years away from Earth.

They have been visiting and quietly observing the Earth for thousands of years, sharing ancient wisdom and assisting humanity's evolution. The Pleiadians are spiritually and technologically advanced beyond our current understanding. Their goal is to guide humanity into a new age of peace, cooperation, spiritual growth, and expanded consciousness.

lunes, enero 23, 2023

Aurora Ray - Earth Is Being Transformed By Massive Mother Ships! - Jan 23, 2023

Earth Is Being Transformed By Massive Mother Ships!

There are many miracles in the universe. Even as I write this, miracles continue to take place.

Not everyone has the capacity to see everything. Those who only tune into the universe's frequency will be able to see its wonders. Because of this, a lot of people are unable to see what is going on behind the screen.

Massive Mother ships from the Galactic Federation are currently orbiting our planet, the Earth, and transmitting streams of light and information beams that are intended to be received by all systems on Earth.

sábado, octubre 01, 2022

Aurora Ray - The New Ships Arriving On Earth And How They Can Help Us - Oct 1, 2022


The New Ships Arriving On Earth And How They Can Help Us


The time is now. The moment has come. Great change is upon us, and the benevolent beings from the stars are here to help usher in a New Earth.

Many benevolent beings are arriving on Earth at this time. They are coming in great numbers, and they want nothing more than to help us through these difficult times.

These beings are known as starseeds because they come from the stars, and they can see beyond the limited perspective of reality.

The starseeds are coming to Earth.

We lightworkers have a lot of work to do on this planet, and we are also welcoming a lot of love from the universe as well.

The angels and ET's are not so different as most people think. And they are all with us every step of the way. We can feel their presence. They are here to guide us, protect us, and help us find our way back home. If you open your heart and mind, you will be able to feel their presence as well.

It's important for us as humans to come together as one family, one tribe, so that we can heal ourselves and our planet. We need to learn how to love ourselves first before we can truly love anyone else in this world.

Starseeds are a diverse group of people, but many of them share a similar past.

Starseeds are not human, and they come from many different planets and star systems. They have been sent here to help humanity through this time of transition.

Many starseeds come from other dimensions or even from parallel universes in our own galaxy! Some were born on Earth and left at an early age, while others have reincarnated here in order to learn about the planet's history and culture before coming back with new skills that can be used for the benefit of all beings on Earth (and beyond).

The starseeds often feel like they do not belong here on Earth.

One of the most common feelings that starseeds have is a sense that they do not belong here on Earth. They may have a strange feeling that they are from another place and time, or perhaps even another planet.

Many starseeds are drawn to science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal topics because these are things that interest them but which other people don't seem to understand very well or even believe in.

This is often because they remember their past lives on other planets, and our home planet's history has been erased from all records except those kept by secret societies such as Freemasons and Illuminati families, who kept records of ancient knowledge passed down through generations over thousands of years prior to being hidden away until now!

The starseeds were sent to Earth by the Galactic Federation.

They are volunteers who have chosen to come to Earth and help us with our spiritual growth and ascension process. They are born and placed strategically onto all parts of the world so a light grid can be created through the high frequency only starseeds can hold in a human body. This grid raises, holds, and helps stabilize the collective frequency on earth.

These starseeds were sent to Earth by the Galactic Federation, and they have a mission to assist humanity during global ascension.

The starseeds are here to help humanity find a new way of living that is sustainable and in harmony with nature. They will teach how to live in peace, love, and harmony with each other, animals, and nature.

The starseeds will be the guides as everyone learns how to live on this beautiful planet in balance with each other and all other living things.

They are here to help humanity understand that we are all connected and that our thoughts and actions have consequences. They will help the human race understand the importance of working together for a better world.

YOU are a starseed.

We are able to upgrade our dormant strands of DNA. And we will transform into a new life form that can inhabit other worlds.

This is the Age that has been whispered and rumored about since ancient civilizations recorded their knowledge.

It's old news but its time has come.

We are the Galactic Federation.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

sábado, mayo 28, 2022

Aurora Ray - The new Ships arriving on Earth and how they can help us - May 28, 2022

The new Ships arriving on Earth and how they can help us

The time is now. The moment has come. Great change is upon us, and the benevolent beings from the stars are here to help usher in a New Earth.

Many benevolent beings are arriving on Earth at this time. They are coming in great numbers, and they want nothing more than to help us through these difficult times.

These beings are known as starseeds because they come from the stars, and they can see beyond the limited perspective of reality.

The starseeds are coming to Earth.

viernes, enero 21, 2022

L’Aura Pleiadian - LIGHTSHIP PRESENCE ACTIVATING YOU NOW 💗💗💗💗💗 - Jan 21, 2022

For the last several nights, new BEINGS from Light Ships have appeared to me to speak to me and to let me know they are also present. New as in, first communication during this current Earth reality.

Many UFO’s ( I call them Light Ships) have been around me the last few months many more than usual and they always let me know they are present. I have taken photos and short videos of them. To me this is the fun part also connected to my constant communication beyond this world. They also have fun revealing themselves.

sábado, octubre 02, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Have you checked out all the sightings of Star Ships? -October 2, 2021

Have you checked out all the sightings of Star Ships?

You Might want to check out the Internet to see all the shows that are about Starships that are seen by people. Are we ready to actually see a Starship? That is of course something that each person will need to find out for themselves.

Whether people are aware of it or not, the Starships are being talked about, and even seen and put on cameras by more and more people.

You might want to check out the information that is coming into our lives about Higher Dimensional beings visiting Earth.

sábado, septiembre 25, 2021

Suzanne Lie - What is Under the Bridge - Sep 25, 2021

What is under the bridge

And, or, what is ready to reveal itself?

There are so many new things that are showing themselves in

the midst of all the changes that are happing through

Gaia's Earth within this NOW!

There are more and more shows on the Internet and Television about a possible reality in which the third dimensional humans are beginning to have dreams, memories, and or conversations about "seeing Star Ships" There are also those who have had "dreams" or maybe even real experiences, of visiting another world."

jueves, julio 22, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Worried or Excited? - July 22, 2021

                                         Worried or Excited?


There are many challenges within these difficult times. How do we find the way to "hang in there" while so many new and/or very different things are happening in our daily lives.

One of the things that is new, but has also, always been happening but for a very long time, but no one wanted to talk about it. However, this "new" event has been steadily happening more and more in the movies, in the internet, as well as in daily the sighting of the Galactic Star Ships.

martes, agosto 25, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Something new is coming in! - August 25, 2020

SOMETHING NEW                                                                               

Something new is coming in, 
That's free of guilt and free of sin

The guilt that once did rule your life 
filled you all with fear and strife

But..what if you knew 
what would come true

jueves, julio 09, 2020

L’Aura Pleiadian - INSIDE Our LIGHT/SPACE SHIP - Jul 9

As the ROOM Dissolved around me and before me appeared the entrance way to the Mother SHIP ~ I WAS greeted by other multidimensional Beings that welcomed me once again, onto this beautiful LIGHT ship. Guardians of this Galaxy were present as well as those Ascended Beings I have travelled with before.