Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta UFO. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta UFO. Mostrar todas las entradas
sábado, julio 29, 2023
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Gilliland,
lunes, enero 16, 2023
James Gilliland - What if Jesus joined the UFO community? - Jan 16, 2023
What if Jesus joined the UFO community?
I have often pondered the question what would happen if Jesus wanted to join the UFO community. First of all, the Christians would denounce him for speaking about other civilizations, his fathers many houses. Even if the Pleiadians, Sons of Arcturus, and UFOs were mentioned in the bible. Then the Luciferians heavily entrenched in the UFO community and almost all other institutions would censor him and try to character assassinate him. After all he did warn them about harming children, child and sex trafficking is a definite no no. They would engage the mainstream media to shame and destroy his character, probably accuse him of Russian collusion and knowing all their classified secrets. Then the scientists would have a go at him telling him he is a woo woo nut job. They would say metaphysics and spirituality is not science even though they acknowledge at least 11 other dimensions and 100 billion, Trillion planets observed that can sustain life in this 3rd dimension alone. They would bring experts most of which are shills, “government agents” and planned opposition to make their case most of which have never seen or witnessed a UFO and know nothing of the occupants. These detractors are the well-known ufologist in all the ufo documentaries most of which are morally and integrity challenged. They just care about the fame and money and will gladly continue in the controlled narrative never giving answers just asking the same questions. Questions like are we alone, do ufos exist and the classic 75 year old question was Roswell real. Then there are the possers who are threatened by the authentic. They will do everything to take Jesus down. Why? Because he knows the truth and their true motives, their masks come down in his presence.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Gilliland,
Reporte de Energías,
sábado, enero 22, 2022
James Gilliland - Divisions In The UFO Community - January 22, 2022
Divisions In The UFO Community
Speaking at several major UFO conferences in the early 90”s I was told people either loved or hated me, there was no in between. After speaking to standing room only crowds and having the highest rush for the dvds after the talk according to the onsite sales I thought everything went great. Although the demand was there, I was not invited back? Being Naïve at the time I took it personally. I did not understand why anyone would hate me for telling the truth about my experiences. Bringing a spiritual message into the UFO community, a multidimensional message that tied all the levels together was well received with standing ovations. Especially considering the fact I had all the evidence, photos, videos, eyewitnesses from every walk of life to back up the fact contact is happening. I gave redundantly the time and location the ships would appear, they appeared yet this was not enough. I was on the Art Bell show and Art asked me why does the UFO community eat their young. I really didn’t have an answer at the time yet experience gave me the answer. I stepped out of the controlled narrative.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Gilliland,
jueves, marzo 04, 2021
Alcyon Pléyades 106: Ovnis actuales-antiguos, lucha luz-tinieblas, Núremberg, Peste Avistamiento EEI
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alcyon Pléyades,
Fuerzas Oscuras,
lunes, febrero 01, 2021
James Gilliland - C-5 Contact, Safeguards, Protocols and Dangers - Feb 1, 2021
Over the years C-5 contact has become very popular. It would be the height of ignorance and malfeasance to not address the shadow side of contact. Before we do this, I will explain who I am how I came to this understanding. I have had two NDEs, near death experiences. This started a 42 years in counting journey into exploring other dimensions and studying with masters of every culture. I have been initiated into several disciplines, been given several names one of which is Rigzin Norbu, “Jewel of Pure Awareness”. I have written four bestselling books and speak internationally on the subject. We have demonstrated contact redundantly on many TV specials and with as many as 200 witnesses giving the exact time and location the ships would appear. At one of the largest Contact in the Desert gatherings Mufon acknowledged 85 UFOs after our meditation. We were the first to do a Coast to Coast global intention experiment with Art Bell which was a resounding success. Much of the knowledge in the field has been borrowed from my work which is very flattering and for which I am grateful as long as it is not used to further
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Gilliland,
domingo, diciembre 27, 2020
domingo, diciembre 13, 2020
James Gilliland - THE LATEST FROM ECETI - UFO World Current Events - Dec 12, 2020
I was walking back from dinner with Linda a good friend when we both looked up and saw a beautiful light ship swoop down and power up. It was inspiring and gave us hope for the days to come. Always good to know the Pleiadians are with you. Can always pray your beamed up if things get to crazy. We asked if we knew any folks on the ship, they said there were 70+ occupants and gave us a few names we knew from previous connections. I saw another ship two days previously yet it did not pull off the undeniable sweeping powerup. We asked several questions one is the knowledge of the off-worlder presence globally for the masses coming soon? She said just around the corner. It is in motion above and below.
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Ángeles de Crystal

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James Gilliland,
Reporte de Energías,
domingo, agosto 09, 2020
miércoles, mayo 13, 2020
ALCYON PLEIADES NEWS REPORT 88 - 2020: Electromagnetic field-5G, Covid, Economic collapse, UFO
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alcyon Pleiades,
Economía Mundial,
martes, marzo 17, 2020
domingo, marzo 08, 2020
James Gilliland - What everyone seeking enlightenment and contact need to hear - Mar 8, 2020
What you need to hear! UFOs, Space News
What everyone seeking enlightenment and contact need to hear.
Congratulations you made it through the last major shifts of energy. The good news is another shift is coming in on the 18th through the 21st. Although these shifts of energy are intense and at times extremely challenging they are a necessary component of the awakening and healing process. We have been extremely busy with plumbing repairs, winter cleanup, painting and remodeling along with the births of 13 new lambs. One today is walking backwards?
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Ángeles de Crystal

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sábado, febrero 01, 2020
viernes, octubre 11, 2019
Secrets Fall from the Sky
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Ángeles de Crystal

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miércoles, octubre 02, 2019
martes, agosto 06, 2019
sábado, agosto 03, 2019
83º ALCYON PLÉYADES-NOTICIAS 2019: Tierras raras, armas blancas UK, colapso económico global, Ovni
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Alcyon Pléyades,
Economía Mundial,
sábado, julio 06, 2019
domingo, junio 09, 2019
“UFO Update” June 8, 2019
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Ángeles de Crystal

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Gina Maria Colvin Hill,
jueves, junio 06, 2019
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