martes, enero 30, 2024
lunes, diciembre 25, 2023
Alcyon Pleiades Special 51: Jesus’ childhood-youth, Harassment, War, Christianity, Cancel Christmas
A commonly shared feeling amongst people rooted in the Christian tradition is that stories of the Christ Child’s birth and the celebration of Christmas constitutes a holiday for the heart. We let ourselves be transported back to the world of childhood, back to the innocence and simplicity of this magical time of year. However, vested interests, wars and concern over our survival strive to drown out this yearning, and prevent the expression of the eternal child each one of us carries inside our heart.
Even before the birth of the Child of Bethlehem, forces opposing the light did all they could to prevent Christ from coming into this world so that He could fulfil His mission. Although Herod the Great committed a ruthless massacre of innocent children, the Child Jesus was saved, thanks to His divine protection. It should be noted, however, that many innocent children are also being sacrificed, right now, through wars and the vaccines. Kids are also being indoctrinated, so that they will lose their innocence.
In fact, today, those same dark forces want to destroy the beautiful tradition of celebrating Christmas. On some level, this is an attack on Christianity and an attempt to destroy people’s spirituality. For this reason, several countries are cancelling their traditional Christmas markets and other festivities typical of this season of joy and good cheer. Let us fight to feel the warmth of Christmas in our hearts, without any fear or shame. They will not take that away from us. Let’s wish our fellow human beings a Happy Christmas!
Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades Extra 51: Niño Jesús Infancia, Juventud, Acecho-Guerra Cristianismo, Cancela Navidad
En el común sentir de las personas de tradición cristiana, los relatos del nacimiento del Niño Cristo y la celebración de la Navidad constituyen una fiesta para el corazón.
Nos dejamos llevar al mundo de la infancia, de la inocencia y de la sencillez en esta mágica época del año, pero los intereses, las guerras y la preocupación por la supervivencia pretenden ahogar este anhelo, impidiendo que se exprese ese eterno niño que cada uno de nosotros lleva en el corazón.
Desde antes del mismo nacimiento del Niño de Belén, las fuerzas opositoras a la luz hicieron todo lo posible para impedir que llegara a este mundo y que pudiera cumplir su gran misión, aunque Herodes el Grande hizo una despiadada matanza de inocentes niños, de la que gracias a la protección divina el Niño Jesús pudo salvarse, sin embargo actualmente también están siendo sacrificados muchos niños inocentes a través de guerras y vacunas y adoctrinándoles para que pierdan la inocencia.
Incluso hoy día las mismas fuerzas oscuras quieren acabar con la bonita tradición de celebrar la Navidad, que es una forma de atacar al cristianismo y destruir la espiritualidad de las personas, y por eso en varios países están anulando los tradicionales mercadillos navideños y otros festejos que son típicos de estas fechas de alegría y paz.
Luchemos por volver a sentir el calor de la Navidad en nuestros corazones, sin ningún miedo ni vergüenza. No nos la quitarán.
Digamos a nuestros semejantes ¡Feliz Navidad!
Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2023
Aurora Ray - Dark Forces Defeated! Long-Awaited and Thrilling Gaia's Ascension Begins! - Nov 15, 2023
Dark Forces Defeated! Long-Awaited and Thrilling Gaia's Ascension Begins!
According to esoteric and spiritual teachings, our planet, known as Gaia or Mother Earth, is currently undergoing an ascension process into a higher dimensional state.
This involves a vibrational shift from being primarily a 3D or third-dimensional planet into a 5D or fifth-dimensional realm!

martes, agosto 15, 2023
Judith Kusel - The Higher Heart and the Throat Chakras - Aug 15, 2023

The Higher Heart and the Throat Chakras
I am being prompted to address the Higher Heart and the Throat chakras with you, as with the advent into the 5th dimensional state, and the activation in a much higher degrees of our new Lightbody form, as well as extra strands of DNA and higher frequency energy upgrades, the higher heart has been activated.

domingo, julio 23, 2023
The Arcturian Healing Chamber Transmission: Clearing ‘Negative’ Alien Interference/Manipulation.

jueves, junio 15, 2023
Chellea - The Andromedans - ** Important Disclosure Happening Now ** Light Brings Truth - June 15, 2023

Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator,
Humanity is about to undergo an extensive amount of Disclosure, that will bring the changes that all of us of the Light forces have been anticipating. There are Those of you who have been waiting for many life times for this massive event.
Many of our Wanderers have been here for thousands of your Earth Years to help bring forth this Timeline within your Space Time Reality.

martes, mayo 30, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Dark Forces Have Been Defeated -

Greetings and a good day to you, my beloved friends. I surely care about you because, despite what you may believe, we are all connected.
There is a legitimate explanation for some of the unfavorable events that occur on our planet. Can you accept that current happenings in the world are the result of the collective mind of the (most) people on the planet's negative thoughts? But it is true.

miércoles, mayo 17, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Final Battle - May 17, 2023

The time has come for the final battle between good and evil. Those who are truly united with the heart of God will be victorious. Be alert! The battle is upon you, and it will require all your strength.
Previously, many of you were not prepared to stand up for your most precious gift—your individuality—nor to give up your most cherished illusion—separateness. This illusion of separation is at the core of all fear.

lunes, mayo 15, 2023
martes, marzo 28, 2023
sábado, marzo 18, 2023
martes, febrero 28, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation Is Removing The Dark Forces - Feb 28, 2023

Greetings beloved beings of Gaia,
We've got a fresh message for the entire planet!
The light is getting stronger and stronger and more of us are coming to help you. We will not stop until the veil is completely lifted. Darkness has already lost its grip on this planet!
The darkness is nearly gone, only the shadows remain on the corpses of their failed attempts. Their time is ending.
On earth, the people who are still living in illusions have no idea about their rights and they work hard for the dark forces. They have unconsciously become the agents of the matrix.

lunes, enero 02, 2023
Aurora Ray - How To Defeat Dark Forces & Ascend Into The 5th Dimension - Jan 2, 2023

Ascension is about lifting up and carrying the positive energy of the light into our own lives.
It's about living a happier and more peaceful life by helping others.
Through ethical living and helping other people, we can lift ourselves out of the disharmony and suffering caused by the dark forces and their related dramas.

domingo, septiembre 18, 2022
Lisa Renee - Confrontation in Malta - September 2022

September 2022
Confrontation in Malta
Lisa ReneeDear Ascending Family,
During the Dog Days of Summer, as Sirius rises alongside the Sun marking the hottest days of the year, the explosive fiery confrontations of Megiddo level battles continue to rage on between the Cosmic Emerald Order Christos Elohei Founders and the black hole entities that form the bulk of the Black Sun intruding races since the Luciferian Rebellion. Given this year is the major planetary initiation of the Eukatharista activation, many multidimensional doorways have been opened into the corridor worlds, inner and in-between spaces and places bringing refreshing new frequencies, living beings and the exciting sense of exploring co-existence with these newly discovered realities. Simultaneously, as these new doorways open, other doorways that lead to the past or previous timelines of miasmatic pain and trauma have been slammed shut, applying great pressure that forces us to evolve, to figure out problems and grow through change. As the doorways slam shut from the past timelines with memories that we enjoy or still remember, there are watery waves of grief and sorrow that are being deeply emotionally processed, as the previous ways of living on the planet are over. Each individual is now being reshaped, remade, reconfigured in some way, and those heart awakened are being delivered into the organic timelines of new beginnings in order to deeply discover the more authentic spiritualized version of themselves. From within the center of tragedy and chaotic whirlwinds that form into the current global events, upon the ashes of old, something new is being born or even resurrected from within.

martes, junio 28, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Final Battle - June 28, 2022

The time has come for the final battle between good and evil. Those who are truly united with the heart of God will be victorious. Be alert! The battle is upon you, and it will require all your strength.
Previously, many of you were not prepared to stand up for your most precious gift—your individuality—nor to give up your most cherished illusion—separateness. This illusion of separation is at the core of all fear.

miércoles, junio 08, 2022
Lisa Renee - Dark Arts Training
Since late 2012, the human body is much more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal of invasion by outer dark forces. We have witnessed a gradual progression of those undergoing forms of spiritual Possession as the individual becomes Consubstantial to the collective unconsciousness forces that make up the predator mind. These are dark force gestalts of the predatorial mind which use the 1D red wave's low energy quality that is represented by the Satanic entities or related dark forces such as AI hybrids, that also exist in the Galactic timeline layers and have been feeding upon those same hierarchies for eons. (See Houses of Ego and NAA). Additionally, the phenomenon of dark portalling is being exacerbated from alterations being made in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, which results in the further dissolution of the layers that make up the dimensional membranes.

lunes, marzo 28, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Final Phase Of The Shift - Mar 28, 2022

The Final Phase Of The Shift
The dark forces have tried everything they could to prevent this event from happening, even though they knew it was inevitable since day one of their plans.
Now that their plan has failed, they need a way out – and they are trying their best to hold onto power and drag as many souls with them into the lower dimensions.

miércoles, febrero 09, 2022
Lisa Renee - Failsafe Mission Upgrade - Feb 9, 2022

Failsafe Mission Upgrade
Attention Gridworkers, Intuitive Empaths and Christos Starseeds; We have entered a new cycle during the shift from Capricorn into the alchemical law of Aquarius, which has begun aggressive dismantling of assorted alien machinery in the planetary body. This is specific to the genetic cataloguing and genetic harvesting of angelic human body parts that are utilized in galactic human trafficking and gender reversal technologies used by non-human invaders. This stage of spiritual warfare will be especially heightened between now and the anchoring of new Eukachristic instruction sets from Harmonic Universe 6 being set into the planetary dark matter templates, which appears to anchor in the Albion Lightbody on February 22, 2022.

viernes, febrero 04, 2022
Aurora Ray - The Dark Forces Have Been Defeated - Feb 4, 2022

Greetings and a good day to you, my beloved friends. I surely care about you because, despite what you may believe, we are all connected.
There is a legitimate explanation for some of the unfavorable events that occur on our planet. Can you accept that current happenings in the world are the result of the collective mind of the (most) people on the planet's negative thoughts? But it is true.