lunes, abril 15, 2024
Natalia Alba - Atlantian Timeliness Personal & Planetary Healing - Apr 15, 2024

miércoles, agosto 16, 2023
Goddess Isis/Horus Transmission: Clearing Ancient Atlantean/Egyptian Dark Alchemy and Magic.

martes, agosto 15, 2023
Judith Kusel - The Higher Heart and the Throat Chakras - Aug 15, 2023

The Higher Heart and the Throat Chakras
I am being prompted to address the Higher Heart and the Throat chakras with you, as with the advent into the 5th dimensional state, and the activation in a much higher degrees of our new Lightbody form, as well as extra strands of DNA and higher frequency energy upgrades, the higher heart has been activated.

jueves, julio 13, 2023
Aurora Ray - Atlantis Rising: An Extraterrestrial Awakening! - July 13, 2023

A new era for humanity has dawned. We have reached a point in our evolution where we can finally take control of our lives and destiny!
The Galactic Federation has long been waiting for the day when Atlantis would reappear on our planet's surface!
As per their request, I had to contact you and let you know about this event.

sábado, julio 08, 2023
Aurora Ray - The Amazing Life of Atlanteans and Their Incredible Technologies! - July 8, 2023

The Atlanteans were highly technologically advanced beings and civilizations who inhabited an area stretching from Gibraltar to Iceland and were on par with early twentieth-century America.
The Atlanteans, being a civilization that existed thousands of years ago, have left behind some wonderful records.
According to Plato's account, Atlantis civilization existed approximately 9,000 years before his time (which would place it around 11,000 years ago, according to our current calendar).

domingo, mayo 21, 2023
Lisa Renee - Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida - May 2023
May 2023
Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
For many years, Guardian Christos teams have been preparing the necessary architectural support for the impending Cosmic Elohei Emerald Founder showdown during the final conflict events in which they regain complete control over the Albion Lightbody and its 11D Stargate Network located in the United Kingdom. For now, it appears that the final conflict which completes this monumental task coincides with the global awakening event that catalyzes the organic ascension time wave that opens into the planetary disclosure events. Finally revealing to the asleep human population that anti-human forces that worship Luciferian and Satanic blood cult ideologies had invaded our planet, infiltrated our global governmental systems, genetically modified and cloned original human DNA, and have been stealing resources, mind controlling and enslaving humans all while rewriting history over the last 5,500 years.

viernes, enero 15, 2021
Special harmonics to switch on your Atlantan blueprint

sábado, noviembre 09, 2019
James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Time & Ascension - Nov 9, 2019
Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love. Take a moment to feel our energy, close your eyes, and sense a cocoon of warm nurturing envelope you.... an entourage gathers. We speak this moment on many topics, focusing on time, time travel, the nature of duality and teleportation. We recognize the divinity in each of you. As entities of Divine Intelligence, & Beings of Light... we ask that you discern what we share.
domingo, mayo 06, 2018
James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - La Ley del Uno en Francia - Mayo 5, 2018
Derechos de Autor debidamente reservados 2018
El conflicto energético atlante, el "duelo de la dualidad" entre el grupo benévolo de la "Ley del Uno" y los "Hijos de Belial", basados en la codicia, perduró por muchos milenios antes de la destrucción final de Atlántida. En un aspecto de visión general, esto es de hecho la polaridad, el aspecto de la dualidad "oscuridad versus luz"... y se derrama - por la naturaleza de las "lecciones" de los reinos de polaridad, de dualidad - hacia todos los tiempos... así es como ustedes aprenden...
Saludos, Maestros, yo soy Metatrón de la Luz Angélica, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los saludamos como siempre en un vector de amor incondicional.

sábado, mayo 05, 2018
James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Law of One in France - Part One of a Two-Part Channel - May 5, 2018
Part One of a Two-Part Channel
Archangel Metatron via J Tyberonn
Copyrights Duly Reserved 2018
The Atlantean energetic conflict, the 'duel of duality' between the benevolent 'Law of One' group & the greed-based, 'Sons of Belial', engaged for many millennia before the final destruction of Atlantis. In one aspect of over-view, this is in fact, the polarity of the 'dark vs light' aspect of duality....and it overflows, by the 'lessoning' nature of polarity realms , of duality into all is how you learn...
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron of Angelic Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet you as always, in a vector of unconditional love.
There have been many points in your linear history in which extraordinary 'crossroad' events have occurred, which provided the path of Ascension for Humanity.