Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love. Take a moment to feel our energy, close your eyes, and sense a cocoon of warm nurturing envelope you.... an entourage gathers. We speak this moment on many topics, focusing on time, time travel, the nature of duality and teleportation. We recognize the divinity in each of you. As entities of Divine Intelligence, & Beings of Light... we ask that you discern what we share.
Time and space remain an enigma to man, even within the present. Humanity queries time travel and space travel in the present from the aspect of physical laws. You will never reach areas of remote 'space' or hyper-space in fueled rockets. Nor will you travel in time in constructed locomotive apparatus. We tell you it is a frequencial concept, and not one contrived from the physical brain.
Time travel and teleportation are indeed very real concepts of both physics and metaphysics. You are well aware of advanced Yogi's & Shamanic Masters who have mastered the process, but such Mastery, does not occur before the individual is ready. This is important to understand. More advanced societies of your Earth, and indeed those termed the benevolent extra terrestrials have been capable of manipulated teleportation through the process of frequencial 'dematerialization' of particulate matter to antimatter.
Such teleportation was utilized by the Atlanteans with the technology of the Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian groups. Specialized Phi Crystals were used to shift the coherent frequencies of matter from its seeming physical vibrational rate to its antimatter vibratory quantum-wave state. The Transport was then processed through a laser beam conduit by targeting the precise energetic signature of the destination vector.
Your own studies of fullerenes or allotrope Carbon-60 Spherical fullerenes termed 'Bucky-Balls reveals that the molecular truncated icosahedrons of fullerenes revert from nano-matter particulate to quantum wave in certain conditions. Your scientists have noted for decades that electrons appear and disappear in atomic orbits.
Humanity began re-experimenting with teleportation and time travel over eight decades ago, albeit for the wrong reasons. This was reignited by the works of HG Wells in the era of Tesla and Edison. The infamous event termed the Philadelphia experiment did in fact occur in an effort of warfare technology. Its array of results, while covert, disastrous and misapplied, did reveal stunning revelations regarding magnetic fields, gravity fields, and teleportation and time-space effects. These continued covertly in what you term the Montauk project.
It is not our intent to enter into areas termed 'Black-Ops' or conspiracies, but we will say what was sought in the 'cold-war' timing at Montauk was not allowed into fruition. We will add that benevolent factions of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have always maintained teleportation stations beneath the earth's surface and that it is a technology that will only be used for benevolent purpose.
Earth is a protected free-will planet and a growth station for humanity. There are in the Cosmos other planets and life-forms that are in duality, many more technologically advanced. The benevolent Ashtar Group actively provide a shield for your Earth and its Ascension....and many of you, in multi-dimensional aspect are part of this protection. You are the Sirians, the Pleiadeans and Arcturians.
We will also add that some of your governments and scientists are well aware of Sirian-Pleiadean bases below the Earth, including the now infamous area of Nevada. And while this may be surprising to you, the installations there involving the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance & Humanity are quite benevolent, and no technology will be shared that could be used for warfare.
Far more effort than you can imagine has been placed in the graduation of the Earth leading to the Ascension. The Ascension of the Earth has taken place in terms of dimensional expansion. However, the Ascension of the critical mass of humanity will not occur for another 3 centuries , another 15 generations. We tell you there have been envoys from the future that have come back in various time epoch holograms to insure this. Some of these would be shocking to you.
But we tell you the defeat of the Spanish Armada (carrying the Inquisition) , and indeed the defeat of Nazi Germany were two such events that were influenced to their outcome by 'back from the future' envoys. (Both negative groups were of the core energy of the Aryan Sons of Belial of Atlantis). Had the two referenced outcomes not been influenced, the planet could have taken a vastly different path.
Indeed some of you are among these envoys now. Many are among the metaphysical groups. Indeed some of these are scientists, including Nikola Tesla & Albert Einstein , others are artists & writers including Arthur C. Clark, H.G. Wells and Isaac Asimov. They , like you, take on the filters of duality, and were not frontally aware of this truth.
Your science fiction writers in movies and television, specifically 'Contact' and 'Star-Trek' were on the right track in terms of teleportation. But keep in mind that select time-travel and teleportation are not the same thing. If you consider that in the Earthplane you are seemingly fixed in linear time and able to move about in space, then the opposite would occur at a specific Torus effect flip into parallel , where you would be somewhat 'fixed' in space and able to move about in time.
Multidimensional Aspect
In 2012, precisely on the 12-12-12 your Earthplane ascended, expanded into 12 dimensions. It is the Crystalline coherency transformation. Creativity is being amplified, and for many of you, the arc swing of duality will be lessened exponentially. This means multidimensional access is enhanced. But it does not mean 3d duality will disappear. Indeed 2038 will represent a 'polished' duality aspect, not experienced on the earth[plane since the Golden Age of Poseida, MU & Atlantis
The 'human' Earthplane experience in duality is a credentialed and honored learning process though which many varied Beings of Divine intelligence travel. Before you are 'allowed' by your higher-self into multi-dimensional and parallel systems of reality that are far more complex, vastly more extensive and open, you must first learn to optimally and responsibly master thought-creation energy. You are in the University of Earth for that see firsthand, through physical materialization, the concrete result of your thoughts and emotions.
That is precisely why Time & Space are purposed illusions, and this vivid 'mirage' is so potently programmed by the Divine-Self that you, by necessity, must focus your outer senses on the University of Duality, that termed physical reality. Such 'linear' focus then is engineered, the perception filters that seem to block multi-dimensionality are beneficial in allowing humanity to face and grow through Earthplane experience. When the growth achieves a certain advanced level of 'light-quotient' then, and only then, do you choose to open & bridge into more expansive multi-dimensional perception. That is what 2012 is about!
But keep in mind that you humans travel in space and time almost every time you sleep. And there is a great balancing effect in the waking and sleeping experiences. While most of you do not realize this, we tell you that every day, in very deep sleep-dream state, you process daily experience.
And in this 'sleeping' state your 'higher-self' examines very carefully those experiences you will manifest into your life. You make the selection from an infinite menu of possibility, and create the experience of those that will allow your greatest growth. Your experiences & limited perceptions of the physical 3d-nature of space and time are to a large degree determined by your neurological structure, and this 'designed' structure serves you well.
The singular linear time-line of your 'chosen' physical experience is the surface path along which your life seems to flow. In a broader truth there are infinite paths both above and below your actualized progress that are part of one inconceivably miraculous network....and you in higher aspect experience all of them in a manner of speaking.
So while so many of you are caught in the somewhat misunderstood and erroneous concept of the downward spiral of humanity, and are anxious to 'get-out'... keep in mind that all around you is a created illusion, and you are the co-creators of this 'dream'. Your life on Earth, despite what many of you think, is by grand design, and carries grand purpose. We realize it is not easy. Even lifetimes that you consider to be flawed carry tremendous lesson potential.
Now, in terms of the subject of is important that you consider & discern what we tell you, even though your academics have yet to accept what we say. Matter occurs in spectrums , just as does light. Physical matter is on one end, and antimatter on the other. The two are not in opposition, rather vibrating at different frequencial resonances. All of you, each and every one of you, without exception have the innate ability to both teleport and time travel. Your true source is in fact in the realm of non-matter or antimatter. You exist in many realities at once.
Once you reach a certain level of advancement, disciplined will and appropriate application of intent & concentration can absolutely be employed as springboards taking you from ego-personality 3d focus, into other time schemes. Time holograms are somewhat analogous to color. In 3d humanity is primarily focusing, by design, upon one color.
We assure you that your present life, your present civilization, in your present 'Now' co-exists alongside every so called past and future lifetime and civilization on the Omni-Earth. So both your now and their now exists simultaneously... 'NOW'.
In the precise locality of where you walk when visiting the acclaimed ruins of 'ancient' Egypt, Greece and Rome, the people of those civilization are alive, and walking amongst the glorified structures, the Temples, Pyramids and such fully intact and vibrant. Because of time frequency vibratory rates, you cannot see them, nor they you. This is simply and logically because the physics of time & space dimensionally separate you.
The civilization in its peak and the 'ancient' ruins, coexist. You pass right through them, and they you, like ghosts! All of this will be understood in the centuries to come. And indeed it is verifiable in geo-mathematical terms and equations that are still unfathomed, still unsolved by your contemporary academics. And yet this is interestingly envisioned by your science fiction writers.
In 2020 many of you are able to travel globally, visiting other countries and cultures existing simultaneously now on your planet. There are vast differences in racial demographics, religion, language, art and music. It requires effort, energy and linear time to travel through 3d-space to visit them. In the same way all past and future eras, epochs & times exist at once. Each occurring in its own succinct energetic-vibratory signature and within its unique time-hologram; but absolutely within the same Omni-Earth space that you live in.
The Axialtonal Framework
The Crystalline Vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil are axialtonally connecting, the Sun -Discs will form a geo-framework, establishing a network in which all crystalline power-nodes will connect to the 144-Crystalline Grid. Each of the 12 major facets on the double-penta-dodecahedron of the Crystalline 144-Grid will connect to the 12 dimensions of the expanded Earth, and the 12 strands of your DNA will be fully connected to the Grid. In this time you will begin to acquire, over time, the greater abilities still innate within you. It will indeed then, after the Planetary Ascension begin to slowly occur to you that you can get to times, as you can get to places, especially in the coming generations. Space and time interface and flow through each other.
The Nature of Time
Time and space are aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking is congealed time held in a matrixial kinetic format within duality that allows for the separation and program of the purposed programmed illusion of sequential time metrics. Accordingly time is the inverse of space, in dynamic free flow. Both occur though the harmonic flash of consciousness units, through the mechanisms of the inward and outward pulse of matter to antimatter via black holes and white holes. The inward -outward Harmonic Flash is not only the point in which space and time merge into a homogenous foam , it is also the rate of consciousness unit perception that strobes attention of awareness into each simultaneous lifetime. This occurs at a magical rate called the Planck Number.
At this point time and space merge and become nonlinear and the Torus aspect comes into play. Space is inversed, turned back upon itself, and time units float in a nonlinear discontinuous quantized pool of what you term past, present and future.
The Omni-Earth
The separation of your 'lifetimes', are anchored to the Omni Earth in hologramic inserts in 'Time-Separation' programs. The advanced human can enter into these through Mer-Ka-Na to the over-soul hub where each time sequenced 'lifetime' is connected like fiber-optic spokes to a wheel. From this center point, you indeed are at the control panel to explore and change any aspect of any and all lifetimes in the nonlinear NOW. While group-time-programs (of Civilizations & Epochs) are anchored to the Omni-Earth at specific points (which often display time over-bleed anomalies) one does not need to visit such earthen (telluric) time-nodes to enter. Rather they are individually entered via focused Quantum Consciousness. This process is taught in the Metatronic Keys.
Question to Metatron: Are there areas within the Earth that naturally create time distortions?
Metatron: There are indeed. And we have spoken about this is previous essays. Time can be compared in certain ways to a computer program. Often your 'Windows' programs on your laptop and desktops can go into distortions of their programming and the desired separation of sub programs can intermingle creating mixes that twist and deform the conceived order. In this analogy we can say that both time and space as you perceive it are linear sub-programs of the earth grid reality projection. Time and Space can be said to be hologramic program insertions that allow the Quantum Omni-Earth to be tidily separated from simultaneous NOW reality into your focal, seemingly independent 'lifetime sojourns'.
So we tell you that just as your Windows can produce occasional anomalies in its desired separations of programs, so does the program of the Hologramic Earth Matrix of linear time have a flux that creates intermingling and distortion. That distortion occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flux that can rhythmically occur in the specific area, or come in as a surge or rogue wave. When this occurs the very gravity distortion also affects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.
Points of Time Continuum Anomaly
All versions of the Omni-Earth coexist above the linear programming. But this axiom of Truth is initially very difficult for you humans to perceive or truly completely comprehend from the stance of the third dimension.
That is because the 3-d density aspect of the human physical structure in duality manifestation operates within and as a result of the linear time 'program' that enables the Earthplane experience. You are therefore pre-indoctrinated to linear perception in Earthplane existence.
This linear perception program determines to a great extent the 'normal' resonance patterns for the kinds of experiential probabilities that mankind selects, projects and perceives while 'growing' into greater consciousness from the base point of dense physicality. But we tell you that the source reality of which all lifetimes emerge is not 'written in stone', thus your experience is truly never predestined. You chose from an assortment of potentials the experiences you want to have. Both the Cosmos and all life contained within and without are always being created in the NOW moment.
And although your 3d preconditioning is linear, you not only have the ability to reach beyond physical programming, you also have the ultimate goal of doing so. While inhabited by human consciousness, the living physical body operates as an intense focus point for Earthplane experience. The aggregation of consciousness within the physical body on all levels focuses its own myriad network of sensory perception and communication, both on levels of the ordinary, and the extraordinary. In terms of the latter, you are therefore constantly perceiving in ways that you do not recognize with the 'ordinary' physical senses.
There are vast arrays of colors, sounds, electromagnetic codes, and sensory feelings that you see & apperceive both on a cellular and crystalline level of chakric networks sourced in Quantum Consciousness that are geometrically and frequencially influencing you.
This network is connected in harmonic oscillation to all others like it. But humanity is at this time vastly unaware of these extraordinary levels of interaction that take place between all spectra of bodies, crysto-electromagnetically and materially within biology. This interface occurs in Crysto Mer-Ka-Na light body and is more far reaching than humanity in masse realize. Yet the physical cells in biology can and do respond to each other, and their activity triggers even higher centers of crystalline light body consciousness that ties into and above linear time. Rather into multidimensionality.
Multi-Dimensional Time Holograms
So in this channel we are speaking of Time and its nature in more than one context. We will speak of human perception of time as it relates to your lifetime-sojourn experiences and your ability to script and re-script both future and past. We will also touch lightly upon separation mechanics of hologramic time program inserts onto the earth, and their anchoring to certain points on the Omni-Earth.
Now, many points upon the earth contain magnetic and gravitational oscillations that create a time anomaly. Some are recognized, others are not. None are understood, much less accepted as possible by your main stream academics as yet. Time is a sub program of light physics, and is in essence a created illusion. It can and is effected somewhat at anchor points by gravity, earth spin ratio, electromagnetics and celestial alignments. All of which are mechanisms of this phenomena.
Now, time as you perceive it, is simply that, a perception. We assure you that time truly does not exist in the linear manner that you believe, beyond duality. And even within the filtered lens of duality, there are certain areas of dimensional overlay that occur on your planet in which striking time anomalies can and do occur. You see there are many Earths that concentrically occur within the space that mankind perceives physical earth to occupy. There are frequencial mechanisms that connect these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other timeframe subprograms and realities that coexist differently and more tangibly within these unique areas. But understand Dear Human, these are not experienced in the brain, in human biology. Rather in higher multi-dimension, via the higher mind in which you exist just as vividly, just as tangibly as you do in the physical.
Simultaneous Time
To explain it in your present day computer analogy, Space and Time are sub-programs of digital-dimensional light. Space-Time then is a hologramic server that can simultaneously store many different files and sub files within its storage capacity. Just as there are locations within the stages of computer access that allow you to see all of the programs and files and navigate from one to the other, so there are location vectors on the Earth program that anchor the hologramic dimensional gateways that allow access into other metric/matrix files of reality and time formats.
So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live all your existences at once. Time 'programs' are hologramic and these programs are manifolded and coded in certain areas, especially the polar regions. Gateways or multi program access occurs in them.
The area of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas contains many overlays of myriad space-time energy dynamics. It is indeed a Crystalline Portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed (and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed the hologramic Omni-Earth program. It may be termed a time-gate vector. It is one of many coordinate points on your planet that contain within it time code scripting. Such coordinate points are anchors that peg each reality to the physical worlds, the Omni-Earth. And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs; other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily. The ancient adepts knew this, and certainly experienced to varying degrees by many of what you term as the indigenous.
Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities. Indeed this can be done myriad ways, including the crystalline energies of the phi resonance, in deep meditative states. But what is different in the Time- Gate Vector coordinate-points is that the Omni-Earth Time program itself is anchored, to use a simplified explanation, to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequencial matrixes.
These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Easter Island, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates. In the former one accesses other realms, other epochs, other programs of terrestrial time, whereas in the latter one travels to other dimensions in Space. Do you see the difference?
Question to Metatron : Are you saying that Arkansas and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhance the ability to travel in time?
Metatron: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic times programs coexist more clearly, more tangibly within such points. That does not mean that when one walks into the Crystalline Vortex of Arkansas that you will disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally and occasionally by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations, both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various purposes. Indeed this can has and does occur.
Time Travel
Time travel, as we have mentioned, has occurred in both your future and past. Although there are instances in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.
Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not yet at a truly manageable level, and the stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerable, stress-aging the human body approximately 7 to 10 years on each journey. At present they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bio-plasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap.
Optimal time navigation occurs in Mer-Ka-Na through a consciousness refined Bio Plasmic field, and while certainly aided in terms of time vector by crystalline apparatus, it is primarily operated by the light-consciousness quotient of the traveler. Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the key to how it will be optimally done when you learn to be more lucid in expansive conscious states. There are indeed Laws of Physics that apply to how time and space are navigated intra-dimensionally.
In the not so distant future Humanity will rediscover these laws. And when this takes place, the seeming boundaries between past, present and future will be better understood. As we have already explained duality experience in the third dimension contains programmed parameters that limit mankind's greater dimensionality perception.
It is indeed these 3d single lens filters that create the linear illusion of sequential unfolding of time. This then is precisely the reason mankind believes that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also evaporates into the great elusive mist of the past. We tell you that everything in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multiverse exists at once, simultaneously. The past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. And the programs that separate time-epoch files on the Omni-Earth can be navigated.
Dear Ones, release your fears, and create in the energy of the new paradigm, 2020 and beyond into 2038. All of you will graduate, all of you will Ascend. ... one heart at a time. You did not co-create this plane of duality to fail. No one gets left behind. This dream has a happy ending. Create it!
I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths."
And so it is...And It Is So !